1954-04-12 SP 69 Irving IfT. Crumlpy Clerical for Su'Ovsr. 57.50 37.50 70 The Bullard. Press :Water bills ,,NGF 11 .25 11.25 71 The ]Dullard Press REWD 6.75 06,75 72. The 3ullard Press W Q,7n,,T D F d 10.00 10.00 3 Earl- Jones Stampe( env.4GY.,1D 9.14 9.14 74 Lillian C. Shepard $erv.rendrd-WGB1,TD 18.00 18.00 75 Lillian C . Shepard -NGFWD Fd. 22.00 22.00 76 Lillian C . Shepard '_' -RMZI�-Fd. 8100 8.00 77 David E. Baker Labor worked ,under surerv. of Town z,irveyor 14.00 14,00 73 Leon N. Steves Labor 'Nor!Led on survey work with Tur.,Darveyor 11.00 11.00 435.46 �435.46 On motion the meeting; adjourheC . Frances L. Turner _Toi-ai Clerk. Speci�,,l 74'eeting APril 7, 1254 Pre c,.-�nt Meredith Bentley Justice df the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Richard- Davis Q=cilman Absent- H.. Russell Harris! Sunervisor The bc-,r(-'t' convened at 7:-30 P.Y. Also present Lee Chase an­.'t Ed. 7.11inchip. Resolution No. 42. introduced by Justice 22,--ins, saconded by Councilman T�ampso It was moved that in the absence of the Supervisor at this meet- ing,, that Justice Bentley be and is hereby a. m-,-n to act during such absence. I L I Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes 'Nr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mir, Lai,72.pson and 1r. 4°2z,in s Noes: none Justice Bentley stated that inasmuch as the Supervisor was absent �d had the necessary I.nformation for' ,__the meetin without which the Board could. not act, he .-could entertain a motion that the Board adjourn. Resolu-tion No. 43, introduced by Councilmar D-avIF3 seconded by CuancilMan Lamps on It was moved that the meeting be adjourned subject to the call of the . chairman. Dul-- cdo-oted by the followinF_ vote: l�' Tes - 1"r. Davis , T.Ir. Bentley, Mr. liampson and Mx. A!,,--ins Noes - none 4 antes L. - r r Special Mleeting 4 April 12, 1954 Present: Supervisor H Russell Harris Supervisor Mere(aith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold A1:ins justice o-_F' thn, Peace Curtis Lampnon Counc-ilman Richard-Davis Councilman -187 The board convened at 7:30 P."'O The board discussed the proposed water supply for the several water districts in the TOIAM. T-� To. introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Resolution N 1-4. 1 D Lem.6,—so'n. RE-SOLVED that the Town acquire: an option for one year to purchase f ro,r_q -Carlton 7rieberVer approximately 48 acres of land upon which. it is 12ropoself1-to obtain water supply for the water districts in the Tol-M of -,;ueensbury. it -IL5 "urther resolved that the maximum amount to be expended for such purnese shall not exceed lOg of the agreed nirchase price which shall not be in -excess of. :3500.._ It is further resolved that Supervisor Harris , - Justice Bentley and Councilman Davis be and. are hereby appointed a coi 1ttee to interview the owners of the property in order to obtain the said option and to agree upon ti-le exact boundaries of land to be -purchased and. the amount of ", e purchase price i�fc-ilch sh,.,,.I-1 not be in excess of i L UY-1 the said V500. Duly adopted by the follo-uirk vote : X'kyas - 707r. Davis , Mir. T)e3atley, 7,r. Lampson, "Ir.--Akins and 1Kr. I'larris 3:1ces - none The following letter was read to the Board: Glens Falls, N.Y. 'Feb . 153 1954 To-vm Board of 7,ueensbury Dear Sirs : I a . engaged in the truch:inL, business in, the course of which I transport rubbish and scmietlinos garbage from the City of Glens Falls and the -To,aa E)f 7,ueensbury to the Cit-,7- dump. Therefore I aM app lyi n, for a permit to Continue this trans-portation.. Yours truly IT T-larley 'Herm-ance The clerl 7. read the fLollo-,,,J_nF letter: Adirondack I%Taste Co.. April 10, 1954 ToTv:r, of ']ueensburY ,Tarren County ToU,m 3oard y=ear Sirs :, I have received notice to baild a fence at the location of r..qy business on the Luzerne Road . ,1,9 the time limit -illoweca is thirty days, I ann. as1,arLF_- an extension of this tirae 14 1 do not -p-1-an on usin this 1,nt for storing marcliandise as I have done.. in the j:ast. 11s the price is prohibitive to -faovin�, it, I am ar axtle_nsion until such time that I can move it -_,Titlnout tal'ino, -, loss sn, great as to -,-;at me out of business . If necessary, I �%,o,,,,.ld be more than -,v,,illinr- -.-o al�pear 77oard 1,,',eetinL to ax-olain in :2lartb�,r detail_ the circumstances of this, s_Llbuation. Tout for your co-insifieration in this :natter, I :a'-L Sincerely yours , (Signed) I.n .. A.kes On motion t1 re 'inee-ti-ri.- adiourned,