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88 Regular ?greeting April 24, 19544 Present:. H. Russell Harris Supervisor MereOith Bentley Tustice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Richard-Davis Councilman. The board convened at 7:30 P.M.- Mr. Edwin Winchip 'vas presented and presented a petition to the Board requesting. .that the Montrey Road be paved from Hendricks Road to. the Lake George road . The petition was signed by 30. voters and taxpayers. The clerk read the. petition. The following people eere present i�d_th. Mr. Winchip in reference to the matter:: Jean Weeks and Don Weeks , Ruth Win.chip, Grace Seaver, LeGoan.de Slaver, Jr. , Russell Olsen, ..C . Chase , James Walsh and Henry A. Fischer,., The Superintendent of Highways who eras also present, stated that he will grade the road in order that it may be paved next year. There was also discussion in reference to Wincrest Drive and it was stated that there would be established grade levels. - Mr. Wallace, Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District was present and discussed a broken hydrant. - - Mr. Frank Van Sitterat was present and requested permission to tap for water. The matter was referred to the Superintendent of the Water District. Mr. Joseph Gersten was present and discussed with. the Board drainage assessments.. It was decided that the Board Mould meet- with the _ assessors to straighten out the assessments in the District. Mr. Ed Blinn of the Glen Lake Association was present on behalf of the Glen Lake Association and-.requested that a traffic flasher be placed at the D &,N. railway crossing over the Glen Lake Road. Resolution No. .Z,5 introduced bJT Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Ak_ n s: WHEREAS the Glen Lake Association_ has requested that traffic warning flasher be placed at the D oC H R.R. Crossing over the Glen Lake Road on account of the dpn.ge-rous condition existing at such crossing. Resolved that the Tol%7) Board petition the Public Service Com- mission to cause to be placed at such crossing the proper traffic control warning flashers and, Further resolved that the Highway Committee be and are. hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary petition to be prepared petitioning the Public Service Commission for the relief sought. Duly adopted bdT the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamp--on, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noes— none _ The clerk read the following communications: April 22, 1954 I Town Board Dear Sir: We , the West Glens Falls Cemetery Association, would like to have the old part of the, cemetery to clean this year again as we have I � have in the past two years. Sincerely, Mrs , Olive Doty, Pres . Town of Queensbury March 29,. 1954 H. .Russell Harris, Supervisor Star Route Glens Falls , New York Gentlemen:: - ! At our March 17, 1954 meeting , it was decided that Mountainside Grange would like -to maintain, free of charge, Scotch Cemetery for the coming summer, as one of our Community Service Projects. If this would be agreeable to the Tmzn Board, would you 11�:indly inform use Very truly yours, (Signed) Kathleen A. Turner Secretary. Ylountainside Grange 71328 The matter of the care and maintenance of the cemeteries in the Town were discussed with ?UUi'r. Sidney Van Dusen and Mr. Frank. Cowles. The board also discussed with Mr. Van Dusen and Mr. Coirles the Pine. View Cemetery property. _ solution No. 46 introduced .by Councilman Lam.pson, seconded by Coun- cilman Davis:: it !as resolved that the West Glens Falls Cemetery Association be and. i o hereby authorized to care for and conserve the �Te§t Glens Falls Cemetery , old part. It is further resolved that the sum of $100 be and is hereby *appropriated for the work. Further resolved that the grass, weeds and brush be removed at least three times from said Cemetery and that such work be completed by October 1st, 1954 and that the grass shall be cut and removed at least ©nee before Decoration Day. Duly adopted by the followl_ng vote : Ayes -- Mr.. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris A Noes - none - Resolution No. 47 introduced by Justice Bentley, . seconded by Council- man Davis A It was resolved that- the Harrisene Men' s Group be and are hereby authorized to care for and conserve the Seely Cemetery and the Harris- en.a Cemetery. _ It is further resolved that the sum of $175 be and is hereby appropriated for the work. ` Furtber resolved that the grass-, weeds and brush be removed at least tree times from each of said cemeteries and that such work be • completed by October lst, 1954,. and that the grass shall be cut and i removed at least once before Decoration DU.�T. - D ly adopted by the .folloUri n vote.: 1 Ayes Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and i��r. L7-rris Noes - none Resolution nee. 48 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Councilman arnpson: Iffft RNAS the Mountainside Grange has requested permission to care for and conserve the ,scotch Cemetery as a community project without a charge to the Towr, it is Resolved that the Mountainside Grange be and is hereby authorized to care for and conserve. -the Scotch Cemetery in the manner prescribed by law, d- Duly adopted by the folloir�ing vote : Ayes-Yr. Davis , Jllr. Bentle r.. Lampson, Mr. Aidns _end Mr. Harris Tvaes none esolution No. 49 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by , C ounc i ms,n ,amp s o r.: It was resolved that the sum of X400 or so much thereof as may be necessary be and is hereby appropriated from the Cemetery Fund for the purpose of caring for the Seelye , Mt. Hermon and Jenkins Cemeteries. Further resolved -that the Cemetery .Commission of the Town. of Queens bury be and are hereby authorized to cause the said—cemeteries to be cared for and conserved in the maiuner prescribed by law and to repair the wall. cnd ontrance to theJenkins Cemetery. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes .. Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampscn, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none John Van Dusen was present and discussed grade levels on Catherine St. ! The Supervisor read a letter relating to the Yorth Glens Falls Water District sfhich called the attention of the Board to_ the fact that it would be necessary to get the consent from the Water Power & Control- Commission approving the soiree of water supply .for tre Town Water District. The Supervisor retained tr.e letter. Resolution No. 50 introduced by iiistice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lampson: Resolved that the Tolm Clerk be and is hereby directed to-cause to be published once in the. Glens Falls Times on the 27th day of A--nril,1954, the following notice : . Notice The Town Board will receive sealed proposals to supply the Tonm of Queens. bury. with_ 2500 lineal feet of 6" Cast Iron, 150 B & S 'Water. pipe F.O.B.. `Town of Queensbury, at the office of the undersigned, Frances L. Turner, Clerk, R.id.ge Road , in the said Toirm of '�ueensbury up to 7:30 F.M. .E.D.T. on the 8th day of May, 1954. The said Town. Board reserves the ri- ht to reject any or all of the proposals submitted. Dat6d: April 24, 1954, by order of the Town Board , Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk, Tov,.m of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y. Further resolved that the said TDWPI Board will meet at 7:30 P.M. on the .8th day of May, 1954, to consider such proposals . Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr.. Davi_s , Mr. T3en.tley,, Mr. .Lamp s on, Yr.. Xkins and Mr. Harris Noes - none - r $ Justice Bentley stated that he had been re guested from TKr. Durkee for a larger light' at the corner- of Bell Ave., and the Blvd.. �' cation r i man Yo. _51_7Lrtr-_dA1CPd by JAisti-ce 7�Qrtle:,, Tecnnded b m:inc 1 n75olved that the candle power of +h- III-- at t"- cc, -er of PPI J_ Ave. Q tl"r" 1:—I Ivd. be incre-.t-:sd to tbs -_a!rue candle-rower FIS- V)e J-1-aht on th,:� corner o:r- Fine a.nri P.1,Td. '"Lily adopted by the 'Cllcwinz vote : ,yes - r, D v i s T,Tr. B e nt I e r 71�r Lampson, Tvir Akins and Yr. 17arris none Mr. Lackey, Superintendent of Highways , advised the Tovm Board that the F6 'Ford truck. is in bad shape and. should be replaced. Fe.. submitted the followin- r;com-nendation:. April 24, 1954 Town Board, Torn! of -.ueensbury ventlemen: T hereb recommend that the Town acquire by purchase for use in connection T h highway work, one F6 Ford 2 ton cab & chassis at ma-d-- MIT. cost of $2722.75 to replace the present F6 Ford truck which. shoald, be replaced on account of its condition and the excessive cosl-of re- -pairs required to put it in good shape. Very truly yours, (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey Supt. of Highways R-Irclution No. 5a introduced by Resolved that the Toi,,rn Clerk be and is hereby authorized and di. rected- to cause to be published once in the -Glens Falls Times on the 22th day of April, 1954, a notice to read as follows : Notice Notice is hereby given that the Town Superintendent has recommended "he A4 that t Tewzr, purchase one F6 Ford 2-ton cab & chassis truck at a maxi=Wcost of $2722.75. notice is hereby .given that the Town Foard will feet on the 8th day of Yays 1954 at 7:30 P.M. E.D.T. at. the Tolom- Clerk' s office on Ridge Road in said Town to consider such recommendation and, the purchase of such equipment and to hear any person desiring to be heard thereon respecting such purchase. Dated April 243 1954. By order of the Town Board , Francea L. TurnertTown-Clork- , Toifm of Quesnsbury, Warren Couhty, N.Y. Further resolved that the Tc),v.Tn Board will meet on the 8th day of �lay, 1954 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. E.D.T., to hear any and all perebr-s de- siring to be heard thereon, to consider the purchase thereof. Dul'y' adopted by the fcllci,ring vote : Ayes Davis ,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mir. Akins and 'Mr. Harri s° Noes - none Resolution No. 53 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Dav1s : Ret-olved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and di- rected to transfer. from the contingent fund P� 50 for the purpose of paying for n on land to be used as a source of water supply for the water district in the Town of Queensbury. It is further resolved that be and is hereby author- ized and directed to pay said sum of V- 50 upon the execution of the option by Martha and Carleton Freiberger. Duly adopted by the foillmring vote : Lampson, T r. Akins and Mr. Harris Ayes - i�.r. Davis , Mr*. Bentley, �'�u'•` toe - none The clerk read the following communications : 45 Glenwood Avenue Glens Falls , 'New York 12 April 1954 Mr,, H. Russell Harris , Superviscr Town of__C�ueensbury Ridge Road - Glens Falls , New York Dear Mr. Harris : Attached herewith is a signed petition relativ to heoloGlenwood- ing and serious drainage condition ex_ s g in Avenue. We , the petitioners , request that you transmit our petition to the Town. Board for action at its next meeting. Very truly yours , (Signed) Lawrence C. Newcomb. April 12,~1954 T. e Town Board Town. of Queensbury Warren County New York Gentlemen °ate , the undersigned property owners on Glenwood Avenue , Town of �ueensbury, hereby petition the Town Board of.,said town to take immed - ate action +,o remedy the serious water condition brought about by lack of proper drainage of water from lands hold by us and fr©m Glenwood Fvenue itself. This poor drainage has etisted for years and has resulted in flooding cellars, damage to both real and personal property, loss of sake and rental value , and denial of the use of land, particularly the lumber yard of the A.0.Iffarner Cc. We further petitior_ that the work be done in the some method` and on the -same basis as the drainage line now being installed to drain property from No. 1 Glenwood Avenue to No. 19 Glenwood pursue. ,,. Evelyn M., Herrington Signed 4.3 & 49-.Glenwood Avenue and Edith C. Thomson adjoining landa Clifford Thomson -owners 47` Glen,o od Avenue. • Lawrence C . Newcomb • ,slice H. Newcomb Alton C. T^Tarncr L. . arner. Co. 5 Glenwood Avenue .0 'd Glen�,Tood avenue _ Broadacres Civic Association - Glens Falls , N.Y, April 2, 195 Town. Board -Town of r,,�,ueensbury coo Mrs. __Bert Turner, Clerk 388 Ridge- Street Glens Falls , NeTi,T York Re :, 'Broadacres traffic zone _ Gentlemen:: Linder date of January 19, 1954, this associate on presented to your honorable board a petition signed by many residents of the Broadacres section requesting the posting Of stop signs and. the initiation of pro- ceedings to establish a- speed, zone in the Broadacres area. It has been our understanding, that the stop signs are on hand. and that steps have beep underway to accomplish the requested speed zone; however, to date the signs have not been installed and this association has received numerous inquiries from its members as expect sop to when they can sours-action. n ile we realize that your board has many problems and it is not our desire to interfere with our operations, we respect- f'dllY Point Out that the speeding season is again at hand and that the coming of spring has brought increased traffic and higher speeds along Our streets on the part of various vehicles andli1i:ewise has meant that our children again are playing outdoors and using the streets in going to and from school to a greater extent so that the need for these pre- ventive measures becomes increasingly important. As you may not be aware there has recently been a collision at the intersection of Ashley Place and Pershin" Road which foreshadows additional difficulti-e-s unless the traffic is somehow slowed down and controlled as to speed . It is our earnest hope that these measures will be taken care Of in the very near future- in order to avoid -further accidents so that neither your board --nor our association will have anythin.-_ to regret. Thaziking you for your patience and your very 'etind attention to this problem. Respectfully yours Broadacres Civic Association - By Henry J. Metzner C .c . State Traffic Commission 95 Wa,-hingtcn Avenue Albany, New York State Traffic Commission 95 Washington Avenue Albany, 1., N.Y. Mr. Henry J. Metzner April 8, 1954 C 0 Broadacres ,Civic Association Gleng Falls , New York y Y Dear Sir: This concerns your letter dated April 2 addressed to the Town Board , Town of Queensbury. The subject matter., is, speed control -in the BroadAcres Development. The Town Board has submitted a request to the Commission for action to restrict speed under the- provisions of Section 95-c of- the Vehicle and Traffic Law.. A study- of the situation -has beer- scheduled by the Commis- sion.` The field work has ssnot been completed as yet* We can appreciate the interest of the Association and the desire that a decision be reached as soon as possible. As soon as the field work has been completed , you may be sure that the case will be handled promptly in tb*is office. Very truly yours ,. # STATE TRAFFIC M-11ISSION , .C.Georp ,.er,. Director , John B. Van Dusen Lake George, :-N.Y. Memotl-,ndum of VAe Activities of the Tovm Surveyor fo,r the Period April 5 April 24, -1954 Niles Ddte 'Project Remarks Traveled April 5 71ater Di9trict Frieberger' s 17 5 Western Park Checking on field work TM 5 Pine View Dam 1 hr. levels 6 Western Park Checking 11 _'l_-ri.l 7 y'ater District D"I'ap 13 7 uJestern Park Checking-field 13 12 „ „ ,, 25 131 �► „ „ 14 ' 14 Water. District Freiberger's-survey 2: 15 it ti 2 s' 16 L' '_' Computation -it 1.7 ti �� it _ --- 19 '! " I' _ & Survey 26 -" 20 Bro dacres- Street grades 9 21 „ n u 20 22 t. ,, „ 73 23 x! '! ,' 45 i ',' 23 'Hater-District & miscellaneous -.-- 270 Total hours --47 Total m'i.les -- 0,70 Progress : 1. Western Pare grades completed. Some o_' the snort streets still have to have lines staked so that trees can be cleared from right-of,way. 2. Grades established for Syrace Court in Broadacres. 3. Line carried out in the s?,tanp for about 1000 ft. on Frieberger' s property. Map returned to Hr. Ti7cFai.l:lips . Board notified. 4. Stakes set for Pine View Dam. 5. Preparation made for grades on Wincnip Road s Montray Heights. _ 6. Notified_ by Attorney 'riurley to set grades for Catherl.ine St. , Pardo. sub-diviGion. Nothing done on this. Signed - John B. Van Dusen ` Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury for the mont'n of April, 1954 Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed t Allowed 79 Russell& Wait Supplies-To=rm„Clerk 190 •90 Fn Russell &. ''Tait Supplies-Tol,m Cler?� 1.80 1.80 i 81 Chas.E.Houghtaling Supplies for Mr.Bentley Akins 70.87 70.87 82 Type�iriter Exchange 3 voting._booths 72.00 72.00 r. 83 Arthu G. Martin T.Of .Observation r-cst,Ground Obsvr Corps,stamps ,etc. _ 3..30 3.30 84 Irving H. Crumley Clerical serv.Superv. 43.75 43.75 85 Niagara.-Mohawk PT,�rr. Str.ltng & traf.signa.1sl28.96 86 Meredith Q.Bentley "isc .expenses 6.71 6.71 87 George Kilmer , Sery.NGY.ND Ext.Fd. 23.63 23.63 88 K,R,McBride , Jr. Supplies.-DGF dD Fd. 16.36 16.'36 89 Williamson Law Bk..Co. Talm lavr'53 ._.supplement 2.50 2..50 90 Fred E.Ricketts-,aq$r. Miles tray.to & from , chairman' s office 23.04 23.04 91 Kathryn E. O'Brien Type .min.Twn..Bd. 2.00 2.00 92 Sidney Van Dusen l weed burner. & tank PVC 14.50 14.50 93 Arthur F. West Serv. rendered as per RQs.TvTn.Bd.RHYD 20.00 20.00 94 P,, ul E. Killion,Inc . School tax ,sheets & Gard-bd ,covers 26.21 26.21 95 Paul E. Killion,Inc . 1 Assrs .Field book 23.05 23.05 96 David ,E.. Baker Hrs .worked on Twn.Sur,- _ vey jobs 66.00 66.00 97 Leon N. Steven Hrs.worked on T�,m.Sur-- vey jobs 78.10 78.10 Total 623.68 623.68