1954-07-10 214 155 John Kubricky Serv. rendered on Wincrest :Drive as per statement NGFWD 577.80 577.80 156 Garner C.Tripp,Jr.Eng.services Wincrest Dr. r UGFWD _ 75.00 75.00 157 Kinne E. p.Cb. Parts for equip.Pineview 9.60 9.60 158 Carswell T &_T Qas & kerosene-PV Gem. 9.19 9019 159 ohn Webster.' Bond. -for C.K.De y- x .Pineview .75 x.75 160 Mead'A Nursery #150 Turf builder-Pineview 11.75 11.75 161 Deihl.'s..Radio Shop-..Rental equip,.for Memorial Day -` PinevidIv 12000 12.00 162, Geo L. Selleck Labor & material for making 14 banners-Memorial Day 45.54 45.50 f 1163' Buts Florist Wreaths for Memorial Day Observance,Tom.Queensbury 15.00 15.00 164 Sidney VanDusen Postage far. Memorial Day _ Qbs ervance-notices & corres P t supp11e5 - 84k31 8.31 5963 .93 V62:6.5a- On motion the meeting adjourned. . irknceSr rhe r - Town Crerk. Public Hearing July 109 1954 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis- Lampson Councilman Richard-Davis Coun.ci lman� , The board con*ened at 2 P'X;. at the firehouse of the North Queeas- bury Volunteer Fire Co.W. Harris opened the Uaring and generally advised the people appear ing at the hearing the purposes for which it was adjourned` anal the purposes for -4hich the hearing was called. Aidge Bentley also explained the legal technicalities and require- ments for the establishment or cocreation of special improvement districts in the -TowLn, AAong those ptesent, 'the following expressed themselves as in favor of the preposaI to create a lighting di strict: J:G. Whitmeyea" Mr. Scrafford Mr. Mulberry ('Mulcahy?) Mrs._Benvare Mts. Nason " � Mrs. J.S. Whitmeyer Mrs. Gyle Wilson Lyle Wilson Nuts. Robert Btayton 'R.T.Wi,lliams Rosalind Mead Alge.r Mason B:S. Henningsen A X.. Freelove ` Among these ptesent the following expressed themselves as the creation drf the proposed lighting district: opposed to W. Woodbury Ho trd Mason Fred Tarrant Dr. Sweeney Dr. Potvin � qtr. Holmes r aba Lewis Jahn.,A. Dale �G�r$e S. Fertis - Alba Mason Harold Wright Magi H..Ferrel Alva cholso Bill Tarrant Ibs, Rachel Brehm Robt,ichei of Ann Fetvin Doris .Sweeney ' xobt.. Freihofer Mrs. Jahn Dale Mrs. J.L. Hodgkins- Fred Tarrant, Jr. Merritt,Staples Bertha Cbrlew ,. B. Tariair t (for Mrs. Stickney) Dina Warren Mrs. Jane Matthews (for Mrs.Langhorne) Bay MArtin. J'.L..._.Hadgkins Written requests were presented asking that some names be withdrawn from the petition, these people being present. They were advised that the names could not be withdrawn from the petition& 1 The petition for the establishment of the proposed lighting district was read to the beard and to the people present. There was a great deal.. of discussion as to the requirements. Jahn L. Ostrander, an attorney mhe eras ,present, stated that he appeared for Mr. Tarrant, his client, who was opposed to the lights and renewed his objections to the establish- ment of the district as stated. in the public hearing held on Feb. 6th, 11954 and in addition thereto, he stated that in fiew of the fact,that it was not in the public interest to grant in whole or in part the re- 11ief sought. He also stated that a compromise may be worked out to which his client would be agreeable to the establishment of the lighting distriet, providing that the lights would be turned off in the summer ftom June to Sept. 1st or 15th. After discussion, and no one else expressing the desire to be heard, Mr. Harris, Supervisor, declared that the hearing was closed, and the members of the Town Board took up farther matters concerning; the Town. There was discussion as to the proposed hearing upon contracts to be made with the several incorporated volunteer fire companies in the town, and in connection therewith, the following resolution was proposed, introduced and adopted:: Resolution No. 70 introduced by C-ouncilman Lampson, seconded by Justice RESOLVED that the Torn Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published on the 13th day of July, 1954, a. notice in substantially the following farm: Notice Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 184 of the Town Law that the Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on the 23rd day of July,, 1954 at 7:30 P-.M. at the Town C1erkl�s Office, Ridge Read in said-.Tern, upon fives proposed contracts to furnish fire protection in the Queensbury Fire protection district, . That such proposed contracts are to be made with the West Glens _ Fells Fire Company No. 1, Inc. , the Queensbury Central-Volunteer Fire Company, 1nc. , the South Weensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.,, -the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co.,. Inca. , and-the Bay-Ridge .Voliunteer Fire Company, Ine. and will-be all of.like nature and terms with the exception of a-specific area. That the general terms of the proposed contracts are that each of the-afereeaid companies shall provide fire protection- in a specific area of l and all of the town of Queensbury , *t& suitable and ample fire fighting equipment and that the duration, of each of the contracts shall be for a perie J five years at an annual rate of $3,000 per year payable semi- annually from the date of the contracts. Dated:. .July 1G3 1954 By order of the Town Board -.Frances L. Turner - Town Clerk Further resolved that the Tee Board will meet on the 23rd day of July, 19954 at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, to hear any and all persons desiring to be heard-on the said proposed contracts. Duly adopted by the following vote:: ,Ayes •► Mr.. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Aidns and Mr. Harris Nees - none 216 's e Resolution No.. 71. introducnd by Mr.. Bentley who moved its adoption,. sec- Onded by Mr.. av so Capital Note Resolution of July 109. 19549 9f the TQm of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. in the amount of Sl,OOO*QO to pay the cost of improvement.in the North Glens Falls Water District Extension. BR IT COLT= this-10th day of,,July, 1954, by the Town Beard of the Towa of QU,%Q Dury, Warpen County, .New York, as follows: Section l.. That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State Of New_York, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,a acting for-and i in behalf of the Forth.-Glens Falls Water District in said town, for the purpose of providing fin=ds for the cost of improvement of the extension __i to, the North Glens Falls_ Water District, shall. issue and. sell: a capital note in_the amount of $1,Q00.00_to mature on the lst day of March, 1:955 Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note sball be of the date, terms, form, contents and data of payment and at a rate- of interest not exceeding two and one-half per centaur per anm as may be determined by the Supervisor, consistent, hpwever, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and shall be executed in the name of said Town by its Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto.._ Section 5. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price not less than par value and accrued interest, if any,, and.upon the due execution and sale of the said note, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 4. The full_ faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, Varren,,C,ounty, New.York, are pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said note. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.- Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees - none Resolution No.. 72 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption, second—e- -by Mr. AlUns. - WHEREAS, the Team Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting for and in behalf q_of n the North Glens Falls Water Distriet in said team, has authorized the issuance and.sale of-_a capital note of the Town of Queens- bury in the amount of $190 00.00 to pay the cost of,an imp=rovement in the extension to said North Glens Falls Water District, RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and di- rected.-to -invest $18,000.00 of the funds in the Capital Reserve Fund of the Town of Queensbury by purchasing said capital note.._ - The foregoing resolution was duly put to a. vote whi&.h resulted as follows: Ayes - Mr. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamps-on, Mr. Akins andMr. Harris Noes - none =- 0n motion the meeting adjourned. s Torn Clerk .