Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the August 1, 2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury
Gurney Lane Recreation Park in the picnic pavilion.
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Conboy, Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Mott
Staff Present: Director Lovering, Program Specialist O'Shaughnessy, Program
Coordinator Baertschi
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Mott to approve the
minutes from the July 11, 2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present
At 7:04 p.m. a motion was made by Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Irish
to enter executive session to discuss a specific personnel matter concerning B. Orlando
and the issue of volunteer youth sports coaches. All members present approved. At
approximately 7: 17 a motion was made by Commissioner Mott, seconded by
Commissioner Irish to conclude the executive session. All members present approved.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
· E-mail from Director Lovering to Sheriff Larry Cleveland of Warren County
requesting enforcement authority at the Glen Lake Boat Launch Site.
· Letter from Judge Krogmann to Supervisor Stec regarding "kudos" for the
appearance of Hovey Pond Park. Also Supervisor Stec's response to Judge
Unfinished Business
· Director Lovering and Jim Miller toured and reviewed the Hovey Pond Project
and a site conference/punch list was developed (see file for copy). The graded
slope behind the wall is being looked at for a possible redo. Costs are being
sought. Grass seeding areas are on hold until more favorable weather conditions.
Friends of Hovey Pond are asking about driving down the path. (AGAIN!!!)
Nothing has changed the Commissions' position on this issue.
· Gurney Lane Master Plan item list passed out and given to Jim Miller.
New Business
Bay Meadows Golf Course-Garth Allen, one of the principal owners of the course was
present to discuss possible purchase by the Town. He gave a brief background of the
course existence. A discussion with the Commission members took place. The current
asking price is between 1.3 and 1.5 million. However Mr. Allen appeared to be open for
further discussion and negotiation. There appears to be a mix of opinions and feelings
about the possible purchase among Commission members. Are there higher priorities for
the limited dollars available for projects??? The topic will be placed on the September
meeting agenda.
Committee Reports
Budget Report as of year to date distributed
By-Laws-no report
School Liaison-no report
Personnel-no report
Planning-no report
Program-no report
Monthly Department Report (see file for written report)
. Registration and attendance continues to be very good in all summer programs.
Revenues are up over last year and are projected to be in the area of $170,000 for
the year. Lori and Jennifer reported on summer basketball program success.
. Strength and training program more popular than last years summer football.
. The defensive driving and pre licensing programs doing well.
. The adult exercise classes are also doing well.
. The Q-Club program has 150 to 200 participants with the setting of the fee
increase not appearing to be a problem.
. Director Lovering requested a meeting with the personnel and budget committees
to discuss additional personnel and budget requirements before the August
submission date. He will prepare documentation and distribute before meeting.
Motion made by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Etu to adjourn at 8:25
p.m. All members present approved.
~LaBombard, Chairman