Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the October 3, 2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury,
Supervisor's Conference Room
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.
Present: Commissioners Conboy, Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott
Staff Present: Director Lovering, Aquatic Director Carr, Program Specialist
0' Shaughnessy
Guests: Students from Mr. Kane's class: Josh Byrne, Maria Rosenberg
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Mott to approve the
minutes from the September 5,2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
. E-mail from Director Lovering to Personnel Committee regarding mechanic's
position and his recommendation of Jamie Flansburg with justification, for this
. Letter of retirement of Donald Harrington effective 9/29/06.
. Letter of thanks and appreciation from Alan and Margaret Koechlein for the
improvements done to Hovey Pond Park.
. Letter ofthanks from the Northeast Parent & Child Society for picnic and pool
Unfinished Business
. Hovey Pond Update-project is completed with the park a true community
. 2007 Budget Update-Director Lovering has met with Supervisor and Budget
Officer and is awaiting a date to meet with the Town Board. Commissioners will
be invited to participate.
New Business
. Mechanic position appointment-a motion was made by Commissioner Irish and
seconded by Commissioner Conboy to approve Director Lovering's
recommendation to appoint Jamie Flansburg to the mechanic position according
to the terms of the negotiated agreement.
. Planning Session discussion for future park projects-a lengthy discussion took
place on goals and priorities ofthe Commission with regards to future projects.
Director Lovering provided the Commission with a packet of information
concerning park projects which put into focus what has been accomplished and
what future work needs to be done. A major component of this material is the
funding component. This is a responsibility ultimately of the Town Board. For
whatever the Commission decides, without the proper funding it will not or
cannot come to fruition. After a lengthy and spirited discussion the Commission,
by consensus agreed to the following:
o Ridge/Jenkinville is a priority. The multi-purpose fields (soccer, lacrosse,
etc) need to be completed. Director Lovering will contact Jim Miller for
updated figures to accomplish this.
o West End Park-contact Jim Miller to develop a master plan to upgrade
and redevelop this park
Committee Reports
. Budget Report (see above)
. By-Laws-no report
. School Liaison-no report
. Personnel -see above
. Planning-no report
. Program-no report
Monthly Department Report (see file for written report)
. Attendance and revenue for Gurney Lane considerably higher than last summer.
. Hovey Pond final invoice received. Final work needs verification before funds
. Ridge/J enkinsville continues to get heavy use in youth soccer as nearly 400
children use facility four days a week.
. Hudson Pointe-bridge and trail work to begin mid October.
. Riverside Nature Preserve-ongoing work to clear and create informal ball fields
. Feeder Canal/Overlook Park-parking lot paved at Councilman Brewer's request.
Motion made by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine to adjourn at
9:00 p.m. All members present approved.
Joseph Fusco, Secretary
~roved by,
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p/ Jack LaBombard, Chairman
Respectfully submitted,