1954-08-28 231 Noes - none. t On motion the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk Regular Meeting August 28, 1954 Present., H. Russell. Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:Z0 P.M.. Mr. William Clark, president of the Broadacres Civic Association, was present and discussed with the board the proposed restrigtion of speed at which motor vehicles may travel in that area and the establishment of a zone speed area. He stated that he believed the Traffic Commis- sion was waiting for a. map of the area in which it was proposed to restrict the speed. Resolution No. 88 introduced by Justice Akins,; seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that John Van Dusen, surveyor of the Town. of Queensbury, be and is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a map and des- cription of a proposed area in which speed at which motor vehicles may travel is to be restricted. Such area is to include Broadacres, Dixon Road, Cottage Hill area and the Aviation Road west 'of the Dixon Road junction. x Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes -► Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none i i Mr. Clark also discussed with the board the island in the streets in the Broadacres section. He stated that he thought the island Belonged to the Town and should be maintained by the Town authorities.. Mr.. Clark also discussed with the board the control of elm tree_dis- ease. He stated that he would talk with Mr. Climas to ascertain the procedure. _ The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr. Stephen Quade who dis- cussed with the board the proposed zoning of the- lake shore from the west boundary line ; of the Town of Caldwell. at Plum Bay to Dunham' s Bay. He presented a petition requesting the zoning.-After discussion, -it. was decided that the matter would be taken up with the County Attorney. I Theron Scofield was present and discussed with the board the straight- ening of the turn on the Glen Lake Road west of Sullivan' s pavillion. The board generally discussed the matter with him-and decided that it would inspect the area. He also discussed the straightening of the Tea Hill. section. • Eugene Johnson, caretaker of the Town dump,, was present and discussed with the board the necessity of obtaining dirt for covering over the dump. The privilege of the floor was extended to John Witte,, representing the Mott--Manbeck Machinery Co. Inc. , who discussed with the board the proposal of the erection of street signs and traffic signs on high- ways in the town. A survey which was made shows that it would require i i 232 100 4-way street signs at a cost of $1,531, 14 2-way street signs $164.503, and 293 traffic signs $x0221.25, a total of $4,916.75, exclusive of the erection of the signs. The matter of the signs, was referred to the highway committee. Resolution No. 89 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice __ent ey: It is resolved that the bond of Charles Denny,. member of the Cemetery Commission in the sum of $1,000 with the Glens Falls Insurance Company as surety be and the same is hereby approved as to ,formx amount, surety and manner of execution, and the members of the Town Board sign a certificate to that effect on the bond. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The members of the Town Board signed the certificate. The supervisor read a letter to Mr. Beswick from the Delaware and Hudson Railroad which stated in substance that automatic flashing signals at the Glen Lake Railroad crossing were not warranted. The supervisor retained the letter. Justice Akins brought up the matter of assigning the numbers of housing in the Dun & Stevenson development. The matter was referred to Mr. Akins and Mr. Lampson as a special com-- mittee to look. into the matter with the view of assigning numbers to each lot. introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice j Akins: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be built a manhold with grate at the end of the existing storm sewer on the property of Edward Sherman at a cost not to exceed $50,.00.1 Duly adopted by the following vote :-. Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The following letter was read to the board: R.H.White Sales Company Y, ;,,Uj,' u . Ault .4 Board Board.. of Trustees Queensbury Water Supply District j. Queensbury,, .New York i .Gentlemen: r In accordance with our conversation at a.meeting of your board. and Mr. John R. Mills of the R.F.. Chapman Company,, wp wish to outline the suggested equipment. For the existing 813 well.: a Fairbanks-Morse figure 6977 water lubricated POMONA deep well turbine type pump as follows: 238 w one 30. HP three. phase, vertical hollow shaft electric motor, 1800• RPM,; witIT-non reverse. ratchet �.: A surface type discharge head one combination_ drive iheluding right angle' gear and non reverse ratchet. - - one POMONA bowl assembly to pump 385 GPM at 222 feet TDH, with 81% efficiency., Column and shaft for 50 ft. total setting' one reduced voltage magnetic motor control with three coif over- load, protection and three position selector switch one heavy duty, type A. safety switch • one automatic control to' actuate the motor control on rise and fall in the tank. ' one Chrysler industrial engine with power take off and clutch, plus standard accessories ` installation of the above equipment ready for operation and tested, less'wi ring ' Estimating costs for abovB ♦ • . • • • • • • • • • $6300.00: For proposed 12"'well.: a Fairbanks-Morse figure 6977 water lubri- cated POMONA deep well turbine type pump is follows:. • one 60 HP three phase, vertical hollow shaft electric motor, 1800 RPM,, "with non 'everse ratchet ' acne sueAce type discharge head one POMONA'bowl assembly to pump 700 GPM at 260 feet TI-H, with 849 efficiency ote reduced voltage magnetic: motor control 'with three coil overload protection and three position selector switch ` ona- heavy duty 'type A safety_switch one automatic control to actuate the motor control on rise and fall in the tank ' installation of the above equipment ready for operation and tested, less wiring ' ' Estimating cost for above $6700.00, j In view o'f the fact that you desired the figures for estimating purpdses only, Ve have intentionally kept them on the high+ side to try to allc7r�+' for any possible changes in the pump design that you might wish. We I would suggest the use of 440 volt power if possible to help out on the expense of this equipment.. On the equipment for the 12" well, please add„ even for estimating purposes $700.00 if you must use 220 volts. ' N'e would be pleased to work with you and/or your engineer to see that the proper pump is purchased for each of your Chapman wells. Of course, when the time comes, we would also be pleased to send you a more accurate cost, figure. If we may be of further help to you,, please feel free to avail your.. self of our services.' Very truly yours,, R.H. WHITE SALES COMPANY' i (signed) John' . . R. Bradshal. , Schedule of Audits For the Town of Queensbury.,for the month of August, 1954 Amt. Amt, No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 180 Paul Hammond Sign painted, dump prop. 8.00 8100. 189 G.F. Post Co. Pub.Not, Bids, 4.3Z 4.32 190 Kathryn E. O'Brien Typ.min.Twn.Bd. 7.25 7.25 191 Niagara-Rhk.P-.Corp. Street light-Traf.sig. 130.90- 130.90 192 Norman A. Harvey;M.D. Child Health Consult 95.69 95•69 234 193 Fowlers , Inc. Flags by Ingraham 28.50 28,50 1.94 Frances L. .Turner Postage 3100 3.00 195 Glencraft Printing CQ.Pnt.for H..R.Harris 25.94 25.94 196 Dennis & Co.Inc, Denco Blanks (M.Bentley) 2,23 2..23 197 Dennis & Co.Inc. I.M.V.- Docket- " -- 16.44 16,44 198 Chris.Liapes. Rent.School house for poll- ing &.voting purposes 40.00 40.00> 199 Edw.Thompson & Co. Pocket Parts 2/33,,36 & 61 8.00 8000. 200 G.F.. Post Co. Balance - 7.64 7.04 201 G.F. Post Co, Pub,Not.Post Star & Times 3130 3130 202. Mrs., Olive Doty Care of old part WGF. Cem. 100,00 100,00' 203 Olne Sleight Writing assess.Roll- 211.00 211.00' 204 Hoagl�s, Tire Serv. Supplies & labor PV Cem. 11,60 11,60 205 John-T.. Barnes Repair on Motors ,PVC .Fd, 1-6,50 16.50 206 Stewart Jullman A.Ser.-Coil points parts-- - P.V.Cem. 13.70 13.70 207 Carswell T & T Co, Supplies, PV Cem, 9,35 9.35 208 National Welding Go,Welding straps on pipe 20.25 209 Catherine O''Connor Rfd.NGFWD Ext.Fd. 23.50 23.50 21.0 John Kubricky° 'Trucking..Ioeding pipe, hauling labor NGYffD Fd.ext 496.00 496.00 -211 Garner C. Tripp, Jr.Eng.serv.NGY.gD ext. 65.00 65.00 212. John A. Killer Labor - 40.00 40.00 213 Harry.Peterson Labor-grater main " 28100 28.00 21-4 Zterling Miller Labor-laying W.main " " 28.00 28.00 215 Walter Former Labor 11 " `," r 28.00 28.00 216 R. D. Wood Co. Material-North GFWD 275,35 Z75,35 217 Mott-M.anbeck Mch.Co.Flanged Channel posts 74,76 74,76 218E Mott-Manbeclk Mch.Co,Embossed steel signs 59.09 59.09 219 City of Glens Falls Water rent lffGFWD Fd.. 455.41_ 455.41 220 City of Glens Falls Water rent-RR-Water Dist. 131.94 131,94 221 City of Glens Falls, Water rent-PTGF . 1054,16 1054,16. 222 City of Glens Palls Water rent•-NGF 622..57 622,5" 223 City of Glens Falls Misc,-NGF Water Dist., 261.98: 2.61198 224 City of Glens Falls Misc.- " " - " 40.24 40.24 225 Clarence M. Conklin Mork perf.for Twn.Survr x4.20 24,20 226. Leon M Steves W 33,00 33.00: 227 Dr. Lederer. Blood test 'F A.ColTin 5,00 2248 Frasier Paint Co. Paint,,etc. WGF Water Dist. 10.50 10.50 229: Irvin H,, Cruml'ey Clerical Supr.office - 43.75 43.75 230 R. J. Finch Rebate water rent-WGFWD 6000 6*00 231. T. R. Scofield Install: traf.light ,Oneida Corners & at Cleverdale intersection. .labor,;& material 391060 391060 4961.06 4935,81 On motion the meeting adjourned, Frances L. Turner Town Cleik Special Meeting a tem sr 13 t1f954 p ng Present:: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. Regoiution Na_ 91 introduced by Supervisor Harris, seconded by Council- man Lamps on. WHET&AS� this board has'been informed by Mr. Weeks' that his garage ,would .not be-available for a polling place, Bleetion District No. 3 this year,,