1954-12-03 344 The Bullard Press dater Bill-!.VGF,,M 11,25 11.25 345 Qty,G.7.7,late'r Fund 74ater Rent-I QZ4D 93A 579.00 579.00 346. Qty.Q.F.;qater Fund `y�ater Rent-I;QT.ID 994.72 994.72 347 The BUIIqrd Press Water Bill-NG7,vID 12.25 12.25 34-8 6ty.G;F.jlater Fund 71, 1 s c.1 e__a k-I?an"-'-&- 68.38 68.38 -Bill' s qtY--Q-F-_'9.ater Fund Mi s c.leak,Gie­nTid'ood-N.GIAID 379.12 379.12 Extension 350 Cty.d.-F.tiater Fund IT sc.GrQenway No.NGF*:vrD 82.,94 351 Qty.G.F..,,.,*Jater Fund !UIisc. Tendrick Rd.NQF�gD 7,42 7.42 352. Louis, "Corlew r qsc.Labor-NGF71D 80.00 80,00 353 Elmer 'Qorlew Putting up an(:;, taking down election booths 105.00 105.00 354 Kathryn EXIBrien Type ntrn.Bd.Min.I%Ttngs. 7,00 7,00 355 Chas .E.Houghtaling Supplies for Just.Bentley 12.67 12.67 pery 356 frvin_H..Cr6mley Clerical SerV," Sd . 50.00 50.00 357 4I.Lawrenqe dowers Serv.-Dog.,,"larden . 15.76 15.76 358 Qarson-Duffy Ins .Ag,gomp.Payroll Audit Extra 398.79 398-.79 Totals $51419.57 5043.63 On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Public HparinC December 3, 1954 Present: H. Russell Harris !7,'uoervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.Y4 Public Hearing held upon the application for the establishment of a ­bt,ine district in the Ft. Amherst-Garrison Road area Praof of publication of the notice of the hearinS filed. Proof of ,)ost- in& of:. the notice of hearinE filed. No one appeared in opposition to the establishment of the district, Joseph Quinn and George Johnson of the Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp. were present discussed with the board the proposed installation and cost of operation. Mi?. t,�ainn also stated that they had discussed the matter with the pe- titiQners and that the agreement was in accordance with the understanding had with the petitioners . ResolutLon_No. 111 -IffiE�AS a petition for the creation of ,a Lighting District to be known as the Fort Amherst-Garrison Road Street Lighting District in the Town of Queensbury, New York,. i.,,as duly presented to this _board,.. and T%LEREAS an order was -adopted on the- 20th day of November., 1954, reciting the , filing of said Petition,. the improvement ,proposed, the boundaries of the proposed district, and the estimated annual maximum cost thereof and specifying December, 3, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. as the time and the office of the ,Toiam Clerk, 388 Ridge Road in the Town of Queens- bury,., Warren County,. New ;York-, as the time and place in said. Town where the said Board would meet to consider the petition anq to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same , and hHEREEAS such order was duly posted , published and served as re- quired by law,, and IvMEREAS , a hearing in the matter was duly held by said Board on the 3rd day of December, 1954, commencing at 7:30 P.M. at the office of 276 the ,T( m Clerk,, 388 Ridge Street, in the said Town, and considerable discussion upon the atter__havinC been had , and all persons- desiring to be 'heard having been duly heard-, now upon the evidence given upon such hearing, and upon motion of Justice Bentley and seconded by Justice. Akins , it is - RE,SOLVED AND DETERMINED that the petition herein is signed and a.ckn,).owledged, -Dr, proof as .required by law, it complies with the require- ments of Section 191 of the Town Law a�s to the sufficiency of signers, with, respect to the boundaries o-f, the proposed district as herein ap- proved , and it is otherwise sufficient that all of the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby; that. all of the property and property owners benefited are " incl_uded within thelimis of the proposed district, and that it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought , and it is further RESOLVED. AND DFTERMTNED that the• establishment of a lighting district as proposed in said -petition be approved for the installation of a street lighting system at an annual maximum cost of $2,500 per year. , and that such district be and the same is hereby designated and known as the Fort-Amherst-Garrison Road Street Lighting District, and shall be bounded and described as follows: _ "Beginning on the northerly boundary of the City of- Glens Falls at its intersection with the west- erly bounds of _Bay Street and running from thence Northerly along- the westerly bounds of Bay Street or Bay Road to the northeasterly corner of- the „Fort -Amherst Subdivision; thence north 89 degrees and 00 minutes west along the northerly bounds of the said sub-division, one thousand one hundred thirty-eight and eighty-five one hundredths (1138.85) feet to a point in the easterly bounds of the Hovey_ sub-division; thence north 07 de- grees and 23 minutes east along the easterly bounds of the said Hovey sub-division, nine hundred forty-nine and two tenths (949.2} feet to •a fence post for a cor- ner; thence north 82 degrees and 47 minutes west, crossing North Road, six hundred ninety-nine and ninety- two one hundredths (699,92) feet to a point in the west. erly bounds of a tier of lots which face the westerly side of North Road ; thence south 07 degrees and 23 min- utes west along the westerly bounds of the lots facing North Road, -seven hundred ninety (790) feet more or less to a point in the northerly bounds ofka tier of lots which face the northerly side of Garrison Road; thence north 84 degrees and 01 minute west along the said north- - erly bounds of lots on the northerly side of Garrison Road, two hundred fifty-seven and thirty-four hundredths (257.34) feet to a point; thence north 07 degrees and 23 minutes east, five (5.0) feet to a point ; thence north 84 degrees and 01 minute west, one hundred fifty (150.0) feet to a pointy thence south 07 degrees and 23 minutes,. west, five (5.0) feet to a point; still in the north- erly bounds-of a tier of lots on the northerly side of Garrison Road ; thence north 84 degrees and 01 minute west along tbp northerly bounds of said lot, two hundred forty-fte, and sixty-two one hundredths (242.62) feet to a point in the easterly bounds of Holden Road , so called;, thence southwesterly about four hundred feet (400.0) to the northeasterly corner of lot 29 of Glenwood Terrace, a subdivision made for one Pardo by Hiram Philo„ Surveyor, in 1899,, said corner being in the easterly or south- easterly bounds of Catherine Avenue, so called, at an angle point therein; thence southwesterly along the easterly or southeasterly bounds of the said Catherine Avenue,, one hundred ninety-six (196,.0) feet to the easterly bounds of New York State High 3a I f way Route Nine (9) ; thence southeasterly along the easterly bounds of the said State highway about three hundred seventy-five l(,375.0) feet to the northerly boundary of the City of-Glens Falls; thence K easterly along the said northerly boundary of the City of Glens Falls to the point or place of beginningjW and, 11HEREEAS, tote construction of the lighting district is not to be financed-by- the .issuance of bonds , notes or other evidence of indebt- edness, and the consent of the State Comptroller herein is not re- quired, it is further ORDERED, that the district prayed for in said petition as Fort Amherst-.Garrison Road street lighting district, be erected and es- tablished in said _ToUm, bounded and describedras hereinbefore set forth. The foregoing order was duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Justice Bentley , Councilman Lampson, Justice Akins , Supervisor Harris. _ Noes - none solution No__�112,introduced by Mr. Bentley, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Lampson. BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION' OF DECEMER 31 _1954, F THE TO' JN OF QUEElV'SBU-Z ; WARREN C OTaTY.., h77 yr.YO K, ..I3\r THE VQUI�TT OF $30.000.00 BE IT RESOLVED this 3rd day of December, 1954, by the Town Board of the_ Town of Queensbury, Warreny ,County, New York, as follows : Section 1. That- pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Town of Qu.eensbury, Warren County, New York, for the purpose of providing funds for the highway department of the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1954, shall issue and sell a budget note in the amount of $3,.000.00 to mature on the lst day of April, 1955. Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date , terms , form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as may be determined by the Supervisor, consistent, however; with the provis- i ons- of the Local Finance Law of the State, of New York, and shall be executed in the name of said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and. upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered: to the purchaser upon the payment to the Supervisor of the � purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to -the application of the purchase iAoney. Section 4. The full. faith and credit of the Ta,,,,Tn of Queensbury, Warren County, Neel. York, are pledged to the ��unctlia.7_ pay anent of principal- of j and interest on said notel t Section 5. This resolution {sha.11_ take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote by the To�%rn .Board which resulted as follows 1 2?S H. Russell_ Harris , Supervisor Aye I,ieredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace Aye Harold D. 4Lkins , Justice of the Peace Aye Cu,rtit'-Lampson, Councilman goes - none Resolution No. 113 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption., seconded by, Mr. Akins. ti',T_�IE'RE.�S, the Town Board of the Totm of Queensbury has authorized the issuance and sale of a budget note in the ,amount of $3,.OQ0.00 to provide funds for the highway department of the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1954. RESOLVEID that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to invest $5,.000.00 of the funds in the Capital Reserve F1znd of the Town of Queensbury by purchasing said budget note The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows : ' H. Russell Harris :Supervisor .Aye Meredith Bentley Justice - o£ the Peace Aye Harold D. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye - Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye Noes. none "►introduced by DIr. Lampson, who moved its adoption, seconded by R�ir. Bentley. BUDGET NOTE RE:SOSUTION OF DECEMBER 5, -1954, OF THEII T`0,rX OF. QUEEITSBURYY, j WARRIE C OUJ TTY, NE-N Y ORS,..Tiv THE AMOUIV'T OF 300.00. BE IT RESOLVED this 3rd day of December, 1954,, by the Town Board of the Town of,. Quegnsbury, 19arren County, New York, as ftollows: . Section 1. That pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State ! of New-York, the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the purpose of providing fund, for the Cemetery Oommi.9sion pf the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the _fiscal year of 1954, shall issue and i sell a budget note in the amount of X300.00 to mature on the 1st day of kpril, 1955. Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date , terms , form, contents and place of payment per annum as may be determined by the :Supervisor, consistent, however,. with the provisions of the Local. Finance Law of the State of. New York, and shall be executed in the name _of 'said-TottiTn by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto. Section 3. That said note shall be sold at ,private sale by the Supervisor at a price of not less than par value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 4. The full faith and credit of the Town. of Queensbury, I,Ta.rren ,County, New,York, are pledged to the punctual payment of prin- cipal of and interest on said note. 4 k r Section 5. � This resolution shall take effect imtneciate7_y. The foregoing resolution j�ras duly "'" °&BL"" which resulted as follows :. y put to a vote by .e 'down Board H. Russell Harris Supervisor Aye Meredith Bentley Justicq of the Peace Aye Harold D.. Aikens Justice of the ]Peace ;ye Curtis Larnpson Councilman Aye .:. _ oluti on- No. 115 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its ad opti ova, seconeed,by._77r La-npsen. the Tovn Board of theTown of Queensbury has authorized the issuance-and sale of_ a budget note in the amount of oo.00 to provide Rands for the Cemetery Commission of the Town of .�,u.eensbury for the balance of the _fiscal year of 1954. RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to invest X300.00 of the funds in the Capital Reserve Fund of the TOWPI of Queensbury by purchasing said budget note. • The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows :: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Aye _ Meredith. Bentley 'Justice of the Peace lye Harold D., Aikens Justice of the Peace Aye. Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye John R.. Miller of the R.E ., Chapman. Company was present and discussed in detail the claim which the R.B`Cha.pman Co. had against the Town of Queensbury for drilling test wells . The Clerk was instructed to write to the R.E.Chap.man Co. and advise j them informally that the claim would be 15, 1954. Paid shortly after December Resolution No. 116 introduced b Mr.ampson: Y Akins , seconded by Councilman RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts as Town High- ways all of the lands described in a deed from Tom Rogers and. Cleo. u. , Rogers to the Town of Queensbury dated April 51 . 1954 to be known and designated as Greenway North,; Carleton Drive and Greenway Drive as therein described. . r This acceptance is conditioned upon the approval of the County Attorney as to the form and sufficiency of the Deed of Conveyance. Duly adopted by the folloidrg vote Ayes Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes -- none _ solution No. 11? introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Ben ley RESOLVED that the 611 water main on Iffindcrest Drive be extended from its present terminus--.to the easterly-boundary line of the North Glens Falls Water District, and be it further - RESOLVED that a fire hydrant be installed at the end of the exten- 1" lion of the said 611 main at the easterly boundary line of the North Glens Falls Water-District. Duly adopted by the following vote : .2Oo ,Ves .. Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, MIr. Akins and Mr. rHarris Noes - none Resolution No.. 118 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman Tw.ps on ,IHERJA.S the Niagara�JI-ohawk Poorer Corporatipn has submitted to this Board .a. proposed contrast,. a copy of which is hereto annexed ,, for furnishing of street lighting service in the Fort Amherst-Garrison Road Street Lighting District for a period of _.five_.ye,-�.rs , consisting initially of- 28 2500 _lumen lamps to cost approximately v2,O56.00 per annum, and I^THERFAS s&id proposed contract is satisfactory to this Board, now,. therefore ., RESOLVED that said `contrast be entered into and further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and. directed_to 'execute for and on behalf of the Town. of ^ueensbury said contract for such street lighting service , and the Town Clerk is hereby directed. to attach t he Town. Seal thereto and, attest the same. Duly adopted by the folluviing vote Ayes - Air. Bentley, IRr. La�,?y)son , ,"r. end Mir. Harris Noss - none . On motior_ the meetin,- adjourned. Frances L Turner. .To-vm Clerk. w Regular Meeting December 232 1954 Present-. H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace ` Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.iv,. Edward Blynn,; president of the Glen Lake Association was present and discussed with the Board the matter of Railroad 11arning signs on the crossing over the Glen Lake Road. Resolution No. 119 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man Lampson RESOLVED that the County attorney be and is hereby authorized and directe�` to request the Public Service Commission to cause the Delaware and Hudson Railroad- Company to install Railroad blinker lights on the crossin.S of its railroad tracks over the Glen Lake Road. Duly adopted by the following vote :. Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Avir. Akins .nd Mr. Harris Noes - none B. K. Clifford discussed street lights in the Ft. Amherst-Garrison- Road Street lighting district and requested that temporary lights be .installed pending the construction of permanent installation. --