1952-03-05 SP X22 • r Special-_= Meeting March 5, 1952 Present:. H . Russell Harris: Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond.Wa lkup Councilman The board eonvened at 7:30 P.M.. Ernest Lackey was alsotpresent.. j ~ The following people were present from the Cottage Hill section:: Robert Wolff, Richard G#lman, Roy Beckerle'. Sofro Xbgpr&, Harold Scales, Norman Beatty, William McDowell, Walter Batts.. , On their behalf Robert Wolff'--j,-who acted as spokesman,, presentedi • a petition representing, 70 families, requesting that approximately " 7/10 of a� mile- of road: in the Cottage Hill section bee; hard-surfaced. The petition follows The undersigned hereby petition the Boardfor the Town of ` Queensbury for hard surfaced roads at "Cottage dill". This includes ' surfacing° Cottage Hill Road', Prospect Drive and_ Hillcfiest Avenue. Through the purctha:se of -homes we have substantially ,increased the assessed valuation for the Town of Queensbury and believe that no- where else can the 'Town Board serve so many peoplf at such a low ' cost.. , ` The following, people were present from the Glend€�lA Desvq,16pment:: J. Seward Thomson, John C. Herlihy,, Gerald Hammond., Kenr}eth R.Waod,, Barney Gornbe'_ n John C. Herlihy acted as spokesman for the group and requested that ` "the following streets in such section be black-topped or hard- - surfaced Grant .Ave. extension, Seward St. and .1�arbar&_4Vef«,, .having a total mileage of approximately .3/4 mile. > Also present Lee Swett fyom Glen Acres, who came for information only.. w } The following people were present from Thomas StreeV In the Town t of Queensbury and reguested that Thomas . Street be improved from the Corinth Roadt George Taylor, Anthony Tannueei, Stephen Shappy,, Japes Coffey,; Robert Havens,, George Decker.. i W George Taylor acted as spokesman and stated that the street was in a deplorable condition. It was pointed out to Mr. Taylor that Thomas street was wholly.within the city of Glens Falls and that the Board would take the matter up with the City of Glens Falls. I A petition was presented from people on Assembly Point requesting a: relocation of the existing Town road oD the Point. The petition read in part as follows TO THE HONORABLE TOWN BOARD OF THE TUMT OF QUEENSBURY: We, the undersigned,.-being residents of the Town of 'queens.- bury and the owners of parcels of real property on- Assembly Point in said town, do hereby offer at our own expense to .acquire the I _ necessary lands and to construct to rough grade a highway from the foot of the Assembly Point hill northerly and along the rear of our respective properties to a point near the old canal and to convey the same to the Town of Queensbury without cost as a relocation of the existing town road between said points and we hereby request that the existing town road then be abandoned as a public highway from the northerly boundary of the McGavi.sk property to the northerly line of the Astrowski property.. The petition was signed by *ppk6kimat61yvt'w61*i 1people. T w I t. t The following agreement for the expend�tvi<�_-t '' 284 of -the I Highway Law) was signed by .-the members of the the board�_and the W lice,-..1 JIt Lu_i-ner Town -Superintendent-of, Highways« c� u cleri< XGREEMENT, made by and between ERNEST LACKEY,- Town Superintendent of the..Town of Queensbury, Warren County, .-New-Yorks and the undersigned members of the Town Board of such Town.. WITNESSETH That pursuant to the provisions .,of Section 284 of the Highway Law it is> agreed: that the .moneys levied and collected in such Town. for the repair and improvement of highways, and rece ived' from the Sta. e for State aid for the repair and improvement of highways,, shall be expended as follows::t I 1,. GENERA r:.REF' ►?RS• The sum of $23e.712,00 shall be set. aside. to be ex- pended for- primary work and general repairs upon 114' miles ©f town high- ways, including_ sluices, .culverts. and .bridges having a span of twenty feet- or less,,. and{ boardwalks or the renewals thereof. } sums shall be set aside to be 2.. PERMANENT D&�ROVEI!ETTTS. The following expended foa the ",permanent improvement of town highways in accordance with- sc isdule 1, hereto attached:: i A,, On the town Roads- known and designated as Cottage hill, Prospect Development for a tot l st Avenue, in the Cottage a Drive and Hillcre Hain p distane at'.7/10" of a mile there shell be expended the sum of $9500 for ai tar and stone penetration. B.. On the T­own Roads in the Glendale development known and designated as Ripley place, Grand' Avenue Extension, Seward Street and Barber Avenue for a distance of 5/10 of a mile there shall be expended the sum of 01750 for a tar a?ad stone penetration, C,. On Warren Street commencing at River Street and leading to the Canal Bridge, a distance of 4/10 of a mile, there shall be expended the sum of, $10(' DQ` for a tar 'and stone penetration. D. On -Main Avenue from the Corinth Road to Central Avenue, on Central Avenue from Main Avenue to Minnesota Avenue and on Minnesota Avenue from Central Avenue to the Luzern Road, a distance. of 7/10 of a mile, there shall be expended the.. sum of $1QOQ O0 for .grading anal graveling. �stxon Road` near the City line, there shall be expended the SUM of $500.00 for grading and straightening of the curve at the Stewart property. F,. On the road commencing at the Sunnyside`County Road and leading to y Road along 'the North side of Lake SunnysIde, there shall be expended Al the sum Iof' $230.00' for rough grading& ` I No moneys9et aside for . such permanent improvements shall be expendedt } ' nor shall any work be undertaken on such improvements, until the County Superintendent approves the plans,, speGifieations and estimates for such constructions.t 3,. CONTINGENT FUND. The sum of:_` $10,288.00 shall be set aside, temporar- ily,, to be expended either for General Repairs or Special Improvements,: as- may be agreed upon hereafter and as specified in a written supple- mentary agreement to be signed by the Town Superintendent and- a majority of the members `bf the Town Board, and approved by the County Superintendent which s ,pp lementary 'agreement or agreements shall be executed . in dupli- aat* "aid, 'filed "I the office of the Town Clerk of such Town and in the office of the County Super ntendent;% all, as required by. Section 284 of the Highway Law. This agreement ;shall take effect when ,it is approved by the County Sup- erintendent of Highways. y of March,, 1952,. Executed in duplicate this 5th da F (Signed) Supervisor H. Russell Harris. Justice of the Peace. Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith C-. Bentley. Town Councilman_ B a Ym4 nd Walkup ' Town Gouncilmant Curtis Lampson Town Superintendent Ernest B" .Lackey Computation Sheet The total proposed expenditures should agree with total receipts= as - follows:: t RECEIPTS Town highway tax levied $41,787.50; State ,aid to be received 4,,462..50 State Aid-Irwin Plan .1.,750 00 Total • 48 x,000.o6 EXPENDITURES (as agreed upon) t General repairs . ' $23'7121PG Permanent improvements 7000.00 Irwin Project 7s000,A(S Contingent fund '10,,288 0 Total $48,000,00, i Regular Meeting - Marche 22, 1952 Present:: H. Russell Harris _ Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peay¢e _ Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis ''Lampson Councilman Raymond:-Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P,M,: Mr. Alonzo Clark requested the town board to -recommend' -him for appoint- ment..as a special deputy sheriff: It was suggested that Mr. Clark take the matter up with the sheriff, Mr. Miller, president of the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company- was present and presented the _following letter which.was read to the s board by the clerk: ; QUEENSBURY CENTRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT INC. Foster--Avenue _ Glens Falls, New York March 20, 1952 Town Board Town of Queensbury t • Gentlemen: ` We would like to make application for a permit to have .a Carnival dur- 4 ing the week May 5th to 10th inclusive to be held at the A.E,. Brough- ton lot Upper Glen St. and Foster Ave. The Carnival to be„ the same as we had last year, i.e. , the -King Reed Shows* Yours very truly, M Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co.Ine., (Signed) J. Ernest Miller, President Resolution No,. 23 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleight::