1952-06-10 SP Q 448 i "D.. Commencing at the Corinth Road at the junction of East Ave. and running northerly along East Ave. to Central Ave. running thence Westerly along Central A*e. to Minnesota Ave. and thence running north. erly along Minnesota Ave. to the Luzerne Road for a distance of about 9/10 of a mile, there shall be expended the sum of S1,000 'for grading and graveling. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. ,Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none Unglution Nn_. a3 introduced by 4ustice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways be-, and is hereby authorized to attend the Superintendent of Highways school at Cornell, the Supervisor to attend the Supervisors' annual meeting at Inlet and the Welfare Officer to attend the school for Welfare Officers at -Geneva, all held during the month of June. The actual or necessary expenses of such officers in attending such meetings shall be a town charge. , Duly adopted �by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. 'Harris Noes - none. On motion the meeting adjourned. 4VM"A=r. Town Clerk. Special Meeting June 10, 1952 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace . Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. Beecher S. Clother, Esq. was present and presented a Petition request- ing the exte nsion of the North Glens Falls Water District which was filed on the 10th day of June, 1952. The pe tition was read, received and placed on file. Mr Sleight introduced the following resolution'and order No..== which was seconded by Mr. Lampson: WHEREAS:, a'petition having been presented to thi Town Board- for extension No.. 2 of the North Glens Falls Water Dis ct, including the property described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron A ipe set in 1he ground marking the southwesterly corner of Glen Acres sub- division (formerly land of William Parker) ; running thence N 86 deg. ' 30' W along the northerly side of -- Miller Road or Aviation Road 252'feet more or less toy an iron pipe; thence N 80 deg. 91,' W' still along the northerly side of Aviation Road 418 feet more or _ less to an iron pipe; thence N 5 deg. 39' S' along the westerly line of land formerly of Eva King and, the easterly line of land formerly of Steeves 1247.90 feet to a corner; thence S. 84 deg. 34' F: along the northerly �-A Q of Eva King and Samuel Smith line of lands formerly corner of ` 670 feet-more or less to the northeasterly deg 41' Samuel Smith; thence� S• of Samuel 7.e,nd,s formerly of Sami�e of lands formerly E along the easterly the westerly broom Smith, this line also being line. of the North Glens Falls -Water e�innincgt 126? feet more or less to the place ex ended by the taxpayers of the North Mire is no amount to be p Glens Fills Water District for the establishment or construction thereof. constructing That all of the cost and expen3e of establishing, will be paid by the pet and layer of the water mains taxpayers within the extension. --- their successors or assigns, - ed by the owners of taxable property sit Said petition was sign 2 offing aggregate more in the agg g uatedin the proposed extension No• the last completed assess of of the assessed ft ha ed valuat he taxable property o than osed extension, as shown P of the prop went roll of said town. ate St NQord r or consent is required from teed from opubliclefunds. the reason that there is no money to be xp It is that pursuant to the proVisions of Section 193� of the ORDERED, Town'I,�w, the Town'Boaard will meet at the tow19clerk's 7 offices ices Ridge Road, in said town, on the 23rd day of June, and` all persons (D.S.T.) to consider the said petition and hear any interested in the subJect thereto or concerning the same, and it is t further 4 that `the Clerk shall cause a gopy of this order veri- _ ORDERED, fled by her, to be published one fJun G1952, and sshallscause copies cial newspaper, on the 12th day o of this order to be posted conspicuouten nIn five or more ptban twenty sdays hin the pro osed extensiontedtfor sthe hearing aforesaid. before the day designated Duly adopted this 10th day of June, 1912, by the following votes: r Ayes - Cdr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Der. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none _ Mr. Clother also presented .a petition dAted April 289 1952 and re - quested the establishment of a drainage district. The board generally discussed the proposed establishment of such district'... Mr. Bentley introduced the following resolution and order No. 45 whieh was seconded by Mr. Sleight. board WHEUsAS a petition having been dulyct sen ed toet is property for the establishment of a drainage distr i described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the west line' of the City of Glens Falls at a point south 6 deg. 4" west a dis- tanci of 680 feet from the northwest corner of the city; running thence south 6 deg`. 4" west along the West line of said city 3040 feet to a-point in the south line of the Bvoadacres `Subdivision; thence the following five courses along the south edge of said Broadacres Subdivision south 75 deg. '20" west a dist- ance; of 225a feat; thence, south 5 deg. " 17" west a dis- tanes of 50 feet; thence north 65 deg. 2" west a dis- tance of 779,50 feet; thence north 8 deg. 15" east a distance of 15.90 feet; thence north 85 deg 2" west a distance of 685 feet to the southwest corner of 45® r said- Broadaeres subdivision;- thence north' 30 deg. 29"..* west,. along the west line of said Broadacres- 505 feet- thence north 6 deg. 4" east along the west line of said Broadacres 1423 feet to the northwest corner of said Broadacres Subdivision and a point in the center line of the Dixon- Road; thence north 75 deg. west along the center of said Dixon Road 203 feet 'to the southwest corner of lands of George Crannell; thence north 6 deg. 4" east along the west line of said Crannell's` land' 1085 feet more or less to the north bank of the Halfway Brook; thence northeasterly down said Brook 70 feet more or less to the west line of the Crandall Trust; thence: south 4deg, west along the west line of the Crandall* Trust land 16& feet more or less; thence south 83 deg. 56" east along the south line of lands of said Crandall -- Trust 1355- feet; thencw north 6 deg. 4" east along the line of lands of said Crandall` Trust` 150 feet; thence north 82 deg, east along the south line of lands of said Crandall Trust 800 feast to the place of beginning . The maximum amount proposed to be expended for the establish- ment of-said drainage system for the purposes aforesaid, ' including surveys, land and other expenses, in the sum of $1209000000. Said petition was signed by owners of taxable property situated in the proposed district, owning in the aggregate more than one-half of the assessed valuation of the taxable property of the proposed district, as shown upon the last completed assessment roll of said town, it is ORDERED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 193,of the Town Law, the town board will meet at the town clerk's office, Ridge Road, in said town, on the 23rd day of June, 1952 at 8:00 -P.M.. O.S.T. ) to consider the said petition and hear any and all persons interest- ed- In the subject thereto or concerning the same; and it is further t ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause a copy of this order cert- ified by her, to be published once in the Glens Falls Times, the official newspaper, on the 12th day of June, 1952, and shall cause copies of this order to be posted conspicuously in five public places within the proposed district not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day designated for the hearing aforesaid. Duly adopted this 10th day of June, 1952, by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none John Herlihy, Seward Thompson and Gerald Hammond were ,present and generally discussed with the board the proposed drainage of the Glen- dale Development. Hallam Young and Robert Van Dyke were present in reference to the laying out of a highway in Assembly Point. Resolution No. 4B_ introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilp man Lampson: It was RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury accepts the premises conveyed by Mary M. McGavisk to the Town of Queensbury by dee&, dated April- 28, 1952 as aright of way for the relocation of the Assembly Point' Road and upon the understanding and conditions therein expressed. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr,' Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none y;, 451 g„gn3Ajti nn No a7 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice weight WHUMAB the property owners on Assembly Point have proposed to dedicate lands for highway purposes along the center of Assembly Point Which would be less tban three rods' An width and not less than ten feet in width, to wit: 33 feet in width,, and WHEREAS the said "property owners, have proposed prior to the ded- ication to the Town to rough grade the proposed land to be dedicated for highway purposes, IT IS RESOLVED- that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and request a certificate of the Super- is hereby authorized and directed to re � q -- inter dent of Public Works of the necessity of the laying out of such highway less than three rods,in width and not less than ten feet in - width, to wit: 33 feet along the center of Assembly Point. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes- Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none t Mr. Ernest L.H. Meyer was present and the board generally discussed the matter of the amount of compensation which he would expect if the Town engaged his services as a civil engineer. On motion the meeting adjourned. z . Town Clerk Special, Meeting June 23, 1952 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor i Justice of tho Peace 'llenry Sleight Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lanipson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board 'convened at 7:30 P,14, ,. A hearibg'upon the'pe tition for' the extension of the North Glens Falls Water "District No. 2 'was 'called. The proof of publication of the notie*-?,ras ,read and filed; proof of the posting of the notice was f ills Beecher "Cl:other Esq. was present as attorney for the proponents of the establishment of the district. No one ,eppeared opposing the es- tablishment of such district. Tom Rogers appeared in favor of estab- lishing of the district. The following order establishing the extension of District No. 2 was sibned by members of the board: (Order No. 48) Before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York In the Matter of The Extension of, the North Glens Falls Order Establishing Water District, Town of Queensbury, tension District County of Warren, State of New York, Extension 2