1952-07-26 468 Regular Meeting July 26,; 1952 Present: H. Russell Harris Supe rvisor Henry 8lei:ght: Justice of the Peace Merdith-Bentley Justice., of.. the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convene d at 7:30 P.M. ` Mrs. Moore,; Mr. B,reeno, Mr.. and Mrs. Gorham, Morris Haag,, w e pre sent and discussed with board g matter of drainage along Glenwood Ave, Mrs. Moore discussed with the board the installation of water mains along Foster Ave. and the adjacent easement for the North Glens Falls wate1 'district.. George Corti,Ph lip A kline, Kenneth Crossman were present and dis- cussed with members of '-the beard,,the drainage of Philips: Ave. Frank Me Ginley was present and discussed wit h the board.the development of certain lands of the Fort Amherst Reality Co.Ine. The Clerk read the following co mmunication from Mr, Me Ginley: Town Board Towne of Queensbury R.Fo.D Glens Falls,; New York y'3[rs.. Bert Turner„ Town Clerk Gentlemen: Fort Amherst Realty` Co. , Inc.. has acquired substantial acreage on Aviation Road of your township, being that portion of the former Brownell property on the north and south sides of Aviation Road, until recently owned by Jennie. M.. Steeves, and also the twenty- three acres on the southerly side of Aviat ion Road until recently owned by Eva L. King. All of this property lies easterly of the new Queensbury school on the north side of the lot of the Cottage Hill development on the south side of the lot.. a It is proposed that the new owner sha 11 join. in, the suburban development of the Town of Queensbury by subdividing this acreage inti lots for Individual, restricted single-family homes.. project will require epreparatidhofap rop osed mapshowngrightsof-way for ' , the streets and utilities, to besubmittld to your board fo r appro VOZ,. That part of the program is presently being worked out. In the interim, it is desired to extend water facilities along that part of Aviatio n Road on which these specific p pr ope roes front. The city of Glens Falls has authorized connection with its six-inch water main which now runs to afire hydrant which exists on the northerly side of Aviation Road between the Queensbury sch`ctl and the home of Mrs. Steeve s. It is proposed to bring this line to apoint within t he bo undsof Aviation Road and cor.t nue along the nort herly side therof to a point at Qr near the south-easterly corner of- the property recently acquired from Mrs. Steeves and on which is now located a home owned and occupied by.one Daniel Sullivan. This letter is to requ- eSt whatever permit or Permission may be required from your board for the i i a 1154 installation of such a pipe line fo r the extension of these water facilities and to add in the future deve lopment of the township in the manner indicated. It is not expected that such installation will in any way interfere with or impede the free flow of traffic along Aviation Road except in such fashion as may be required for supplying indi vidual homes on the southerly side therof. These instances will, of course, by rare and subject to such restrictions as you may care to impose, In requesting this permit, it is understood:, of courser. ,, that Fort Amherst shall retain co mplete ownership and control of the pipe, the lines and the uge there of,, which is installed at its expense and under its direction, being further understood., of courrse,` that upon the formation of a water district covering the area, Fort Amhe rst will agree to turn o ver such ownership and control to the said water district upon being reimbursed for its costs in the installation therof.. For your information,; the six=inch pipe which complies with the town regulations, has bvmn delivered, ` to the premises and we are most anxious to begin the ope ration of laying the line in accordance with existing requirements.. Anything which you may do to expedite t he- processing of this will not only be of great assistance to your applicant but will serve our common purpose in the development of theCTown Of Queensbury and the enlargement of its assessed valuation. I am sure you are aware of th a losses to the township which have resulted: from the delay in getting assurances of an adequate water supply because of tote city's reluctance to grant more than twenty-five taps.. We are try ing desperately to retain for that area ad many of the prospects as we can from transfering their f interests to the Towns of bloreau or Kingsbury. May I hear from you a5 soon -as possible. Yours truly, Frank is W.. Mc' Ginl.ey FWM/mhs The matter was discussed,. i Resolution Nn Sr introduced by Henry Sleight, Just ice of the Peace,.: seconded by Raymond Walkup, Councilman. Resolved t h at permission is hereby granted,subject al.ri^ to a perment from the Superintendent of Highways, to th*.FoQ� Amherst Realty Co. Inc. , to lay and" insballalong the northerly side of Aviation Road in front of property formally owned by Jennie M. Steeves,, a six-inch water main. This permission is granted,, subject to all rules,; regulations,, and ordinance of the town, heretofore adopted,and upon the further condit ion, that if and when a water district,, or other public agency is formed for the purpose of supplying water to the properties being develop e , such pipes and installation, which are layed or installed within limiter of any street,, public thorough-fare, or public ,way,shall,, upon formation of such district or public agency become prope rty of such agency,, district, or town.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Mr.. 11alkup,, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr.. Sleight, and Mri Harris Noes none Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of Highways,,'was also present, discussed, r°ith boy^ the ccnlition of town machinery. 465 -- introduced' by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption,; seconded by Mr. Sleight. Budget Note resolution of July-26,1952, of the Town,of Queensbury,, Viarren County, New York,. in the amount of $1,,200.00.. B&. IT RESOLVED this 26th day of July,; 1952,. by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,. Warren County,, New York as j follows :, ; Section I.. That, pursuant to the- Local Finance Law of the State of New York,, the Town Of Queensbury, Warren County,. New York for the purpose of providing funds for Pine View Cemetery shall issue and sell a budget note in the amount os $I,200,00 to mature on the Ist day of Apri 1, 1953 Section 2.. That,, except as herein as specifically prescribed,, said note shall: Vw-- of the date, terms,; forW, content and place of payment and at a rate of inte rest not exceeding five per cents& per annum as may be dermined by the Supervisor,. consistent,. ho wever, with the provisions of the Local Finance-. Law of the.: State of New York,, shall be executed in the name of the said Town' by the Supervisor and the se al of thejown shall Pe attache d thereto,. , t Section 3.. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price not less than par value and accrued interest, , if arty,; and upon the due execution'and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him.: to theSupe'rVisorof the purchase price in cash and the receipt of th¢: Supervisor shallbe a full acquittance' to such purchaser who shall not be obliged* to see to the application to the purchase money. Section 4. The full faith and cr edit of the Town of Queensbury. , Warren County, New York,, are plbdged to the punctual payment of principal of and interest on said note. Section 5.. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The forgoing resolution was duly put to a vote by the Town Board which resulted as follows: Ayes- Mr.- Harris,. qtr.. Bentley, Mr. Sleight, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lampson Noes- None. The forn p1hC resolution declared adopted. ResQ. xtion No 58 Inbrodueed by Cdr. Bentley, who moved its adopti$n, secondec�Ty'dr. Lampson Whereas, the Town Board has authorized the issuance and sale of a budget note irl the amount of $1,200.00 to provide funds for the Pine View Cemetery. Resolved that the Supervisor be 8nd hereby is authorized and directed to invest $1,200.00 of the fdmd in the capital reserve fund bf pu the town by purchasing said budget note. The foregoing resolution was fully put .to vote which resulted as follows: Mr. Harris Aye i Mr. Bentley' --Aye Mr. Sleight Aye ` Mr. Walkup Ave Mr. Lampson ` Ave k a 466 Resolution_.No_. SO- Introduced by Just ice Sleight, and seconded by -Councilman Lampson:-. Resolved that the following places be and are hereby designated as polling places for the Town of Que ensbury:: Election District-i- Kings Sales-Lower Warren 2- Mohicap Grange Hall,. Oneida !° 3- Pine Vipw School House;; Pine -View'Road 4-- Queensbury Central Vol: Fire,. Inc.. j Fire House,; Faster Ave.. 5- Seward Lampson's Garage, West Glens Falls —f It is Resolved that the rent for such polling places is here by fixed at $40.00 per year,, to include lights, heat and fuel.. An additional some of $20.00--is allowed to the Mohican Grange Hall and Seward .Lampson`for erketion,,, taken down and storage of the election equipment.. Duly adopted by the following voter: Ayes: Mr.. Walkup, Mr.. Bentley,, Mr.. Lampson,Mr.. Sleight, and Mr.. Harris. Noes: None Resolution ._60 Introduced jilstice Sleight, seconded by council- man Walkup Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,, recommends the appointment of Scott Hopkins, Republican and Donald Sillivan, Democrate' as Custodian of voting machines for the Town of Queensbury. It i It is further resolved that the compensation of each of the above named Custodian be and is hereby fixed $550.00 for services for in connection with voting machines for the year 1952.. t Duly adopted by the following voter Ayes:: Mr.. Walkup, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson,Mr. Sleight,. and Mr.. Harris. Noes: None The Clerk read the following communication: r 57 Kensington Road C Glens Falls,, N,Y, July 19, 1952 Board of Supervisors , Town Of Queensbury, Ridge Road. ,, Glens Falls, N.Y. Dear Sirs:. During a recent windstorm a large tree on the Town of Queensbury property was felled on my house causing considerable damage. There is another large tree on the corner near my lot but on Townshipproperty,, which is endangering my house.. Tree surgeons. have examined it and say it should' be removed immediately before anymore ouch damage is done to my property.. I am asking you to have it removed immediately.. Yours truly, Alfred Whittemore r 467 Lake George,N.Y.. R.F..D.I. July 21,1952 To the Members of the Town Board of Queensbury, N.Y. Dear s irs The trustees of the Mountainside Free Library at Dunham's Bay wish to thank you' for your past courtesies and assistance to this small library. A library which means a great deal. tp both the local and summer residents of this community.. We would like to tell you how we use the money you allow us,, and how the library is- : operated These facts are obtained from the 1953 report.. Ixi addition to the amount of money you allow u,s , we have a ��1 r trom the Mate, plus an amount 464MV equal to both grants whs�efi wi Ls ourselves by card-parties, dinners, etc.. We have circulation of 3,783 books, both adult and juvenile, fiction and non-ficti6n;- of 655 magazines, some of which are gift subscriptions,, others for which the library subscribes.. We . ' purchase about $100 worth of new books each year; other expenses include light and heat, insurance and library supplies. This past year we have made minor repairs .on the building and expect Ato make others.. We have regular library hours during the summer months,, operated by unpaid volunteers; and books are available at all times if one of the trustees is contacted. Again thanking you,, we remain, Mrs! Minerva Braytdn, ,pres. Mrs. Cynthia Strempel, vice-pres. Mrs: Virginia-Allen,,- secret ary Mrs;. Isabelle Harris, treasurer Mrs: Beatrice Phelps Mrs:. Helen Vaughn ` Mrs.. L. Cheritree Hubbell, asst`, sec'y ` July 22, 1952 Dear Town Clerk, This office has been: advised by the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation that they will have a factory service man tour New York State during the month of September.. They anticipate that the service requirements will be extremely heavy this year and request that all orders for this service be placed .not later than August 10th. We therefore suggest that you contact the custodians of voting machine s as soon as possible to determine if any service will be required prior to the November election. —' Your order for such services should be addressed to; Mr. M.O. Doolittle, Service Dept: Automatic Voting Machine Corporation,, Jamestown, New York. Very truly yours, WARREN ,COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS J. Edward Collins Clerk 468 a v t c s July 7,1952 The Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury,, Queens bury,N.Y• Dear Sir:- t We offer to furnish electric service for lighting traffic signals and equipment in the Town of Queensbury at the following ,rates, which supersedes all previous agr eements for this service and which will remain in effect for a period of five(5) years after the date of acceptance of this letter, and thereafter- until cancelled by ninety (90) days' written notice. A.. For year 'round service $16.20 Per sigrial.-face per year (payable-$1.35 per month) B.. For shorter peroids than (A*, Per signal-face per month 1.50 A signal-face shall be.*: One standard unit of Red-Amber-,Green traffic signal-( indicating in one direction) equipped with a 60 watt lamp, or Each direction unit of Flasher Sigpais,, _- equipped- with 60 watt lamps,, pr 4 Each 60 watts of lamp rating, pperated In each unit of equipment (to, the near- est whole number, minimum of 1) as in w signs, floodlights, etc.. A signal-face' sj:all include the necessary controller or flasher equipment. Bills will be rendered on or before the fifth (5th) day of each month and will be paid within ten (10) days after receipt. Your acceptance of this letter will be sufficient authority for us to place this rate in effect.. We are enclos- ing two copies of this letter and recue st that you return one (1) copy with signed acceptance. As soon as we rece ice the acceptance, we will begin billing under the t erms of the new rate. Very tru ly yours, Ralph P Wagner New Business Manager Accepted by H Russell Harris, Supr. — Date-7/17/52 . Effective- 6/16/52 469 The monthly statement of the Supervisor'of the mQney received and disbursed during the month of June 1952.. read to the board and placed on file. Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury,, Warren County, New York, the month of- July.1952 Aiit Amt. Sts Name of Claimant Nature of Claim_ C"IMMA Allowed 217 G.F. Post Co.. Legals for Water & Drain- ag District 4.96 4,96 218 Fowler's T 3/12 Gross 'Flags at 22.80 By Mr. Ingraham .'28.50 28.50 219 -Liw.Thompsori CO. Pocket parts McKinney 800 8.50 220 _: McCagghey expense of School 36.77 36.77 . E. Woughtaling 5 Jury list books 3..95 3.95 22 :,<, Frances L. Turner Postage 3 2 3.20 223 Russel & Viait Env. & Staples 5.15 5.15 224 Niagara Mhwk Power kreet lightii� g r, 68.01 68.. Ol 225 Dennis- .& Go.,,. Ing. 1952 NY., Giv,' Practice xct.20.00 20000 226 Doniatilld A J. 190 �q.r't. 8�1 15.00 15.00 tio1G��Ex7[�ra��Y6i��tieag .± i[Bxx7 NGFW 227 Samuel T. Bennett Labor ►eked-Glenwood"Ave 50.60 50.60 228 Queensbury Cent.Fire D.Est. ' co: Rental �ueensbury Central firehouse for voting 40.00 40.00 229 Chas. ' E. Houghtaling Pads jury list Cook 5:20 5.20 230 Nab,,..__iieiding Co. Welding-NGFV=JD 15:50 15 .50 231 hat. �seldi Go. uieldixng,��iGr��D 4,50 4050 2.32 Kathryn E. O 'Brien TyT,.min.`T*n.BD. 3:00 3.00 233 Fred E. Ricketts Lxpenses-Chrmn's Off. '16:80 16.80 234 Glencraft Printing Printing eunvelopes-114H. 36;68 36.68 235 4 Electric Suppl. Material forTraffic light 54:97 Didallowed 236 Ghas.E.Houghtaling Supplies-H.J.51ei -ht Z.45 2.45 237 J E*<swyer & Co. Torches & 'V1cks-NGVV"Jib 13.75 13.75 238 George Kilmer Yiscel.�Jork-NGP;JD Ext. 35.00 35.00 239 Leavi Rouse Labor work-NGF'JD* Lxt. 15.85 15.85 2410`. .-Wil'bur, Dears. Labor worked-NGF 7i_D Ext. 9.60 9.60 On motion, meeting adjourned 794..44 442.47 Town Clerk r z r C l_