2008-556 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY f742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 I '). BUILDING PERMIT i Permit Number: P20080556 Application Number: A20080556 Tax Map No: 523400-309-017-0001-017-001-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: ADVANCE TOWING & RECOVERY For property located at: 415 BIG BAY Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: R& P QUAKER I REALTY LLC 728 QUAKER Rd Certificate of Occupancy(COM) QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2008-556 ADVANCE TOWING & RECOVERY - no inspections no CO ever issued -permit CLOSED as of 3/26/2014 J $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, December 04, 2009 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Thursday, December 04,2008 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement be, /y`- s &,_.' /c; i__ (r.„...-ra_ .4r-67--.Ads> el. Ativ_ Community Development Office Town of Queensbun • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, New York •12804 : at,. •David Hatin, Director of Building&Codes6'02 `Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator•Michael J. Palmer, Fire Marshal ,� ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW BUSINESS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT APPLICATION TAX MAP # N L ----/7.l BLDG. PERMIT FILE# (7—.57-3-----r ,. If applicable Name of Business: LUZ,\e.e e\ Sr e o r Address ,�l/� 3,,,:..? j ,f _..ofBusiness: ✓ 7L GL--- QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL codesCa?queensburv.net �,�j `P3�,�SI VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE vin 1" Person in Charge or Manager: a r-t- VOA� INFORMATION P/3 / / (-? www.queensburv.net Business Phone Number: l 7 q-l/P - -rci-- 7 Type of Business: S- 17 G`'C << --01 i,'\ ‘R{ C cue i'L- h,)o ?-ertil'e. 'i,-- / i\O---74 `-('- _.,; L---- _________I S of v' -f- d e 0/117(. c.)0 r---- �q�- 3s—� Owner of Property: �� I�1 k Phone Number(s): Home Cell Owners IA A c 1 Address. I J ( CCJ ,( ),,, �Oa l to € Evl5 k'tA/' Please provide an accurate layout of your store showing all walls, its, stockrooms, rest rooms, / counters and fixture layout on a s, rate sheet of paper. ' Si �'Signature: /•- ( Date: lv 7;VO;). . Of person submitting this form - Notes / Comments: V / , / *Note: This application is for occupancy only, with no work requiring a building permit. No fee required for this permit E ER EN Y ONTACT UP ' AT TO: WARREN COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. FAX: 743-2502 PLEASE PRINT DATE: ,ci / 0 BUSINESS NAME: AVG N Ce C) ) , .00 BUSINESS ADDRESS: L/ ' Q (5 PC9— �; / i BUSINESS PHONE:�.:5 7 7 y� � `�G l HOME CONTACT 1: ALL - 4 UO2.,• CC- PHONE(±? • ) 7 ) ADDRESS: ` �� 4-'�'c (.S �i�J� Cc vt 5e )oc''�1 / I HOME p. CONTACT 2: v\ rcvdrPHONE(e7/5) ADDRESS: Ce,A This form is used to assist Emergency Service personnel who may be called to your business after hours. Please be sure that the persons listed on this form will be willing and available to respond during off-hours to assist Police and/or Fire personnel in gaining entry to your building. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT FAILURE TO RESPOND TO ASSIST EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO YOUR BUILDING TO FACILITATE ENTRY BY POLICE AND/OR FIRE PERSONNEL. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE P h o n e: 518-761-8206 • F a x: 518-745-4437 firentarshal@queensbury.net • zvww.queensbury.net E. 3 , , 7 Off-57-5-6C(1 \\ (frc, „4----•,. .j.------) „.", ,,1..- y. ��yy r `" „,) rvi, ,,, , -, ( 9.) ,( r*-1,1---Z (i. Ft, 1 , LA ) 1 1 . -- I._ - _,-- (.... co, \N \,\\ (, ,- cx-`. * < J \,_-s' 1 1