JANt7ARY I , 19917
12:00 NOON
1 S+.tpervi sorr Stephen Borgos
C,oun(-,i.lman Marilyn potenza
Councilman Ronald 'Montesi
Cminci.lma.n Betty Monahan%
Councilman George Kurosaka
Supervisor ervisor Stephen Borgos-Ope?RPd the Meeting Welcomed the public and wished everyone a Nappy New Year
Introduced Judge John Austin , Family Court. Judge for Warren
Collmty. . .lie. Is one of the rela.ti.vPly few people that served.
one term as Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury . . .
71Adge John Austin-This is IP90 a flew decade , some r,f. the
most a* tond .n' events have ocr.ured in just the last few
we+wl' G of this decade and
I think that is very si�gni.fi.ca,
other important things have happened , Jane paisley went of, t
the Today :Sh'nw. 3 tholtgltt 'tt wrould be interesting and I
rlllickly looked back at the Town Board Annual Meeting, they
held annual meetings actually not daily meetings as the
personnel have Pitt up with here and the Councilmen , annual 1790 at Ole Annua 1
meetings back In the 1789, 1for, gthen Town of Queensbury
Meetit,g which was held ups the meeting house the Quaker
probably where Doyl.es Store is ,
Meeting house . Abraham Wing who' s name is known to most all
of. you was elected moderator,
Benjamin Wing his brother was
the Town Clerk and Augu stine Odell was Supervisor.
Augitstinp Odell ,
his great, great, great , great
granddaughter is now the supervisor over here at. the
Senior Citizens Center, Eleanor is a decendent -And also
j Betty Zverblis . . is , rela.ted to Augustine . They elected
thrAe assessors, John Eddy was the constable that is a
relation to Bob Eddy who has done town service . Abraham
Wing Jr. the head of the family, he was pathma.ster along
with a guy name Fairchild from over on Luzerne Mountain.
V. Peter Fairchild was another. path master, Peter Peck and
Eliza Fnlger` was overseers' of. the poor. Peter Peck was a
4 f.el.low who is remembered as having been treed by a panther
over on Quaker and then latter having slept in his coffin in
i his 1iouQA at the corner of Ridge Road and Sunnyside
before he died. Jonathan Pi.t:clser and . :Sweet . .
appraiser of damage , very different of fices than what exits
. They voted some items , Ox should be free< commoners
i weari.nq a yoke the depth of the neck above the neck and
half the depth of the neck below the neck and across each
twice +:.he length of the neck. There will be a bounty o-
forty sttil�ings for killing each wolf in the Town of
Qaeensbuy to be paid. by the town treasurer that was Abraham
Wing, it be ` collected before the setting of the assessors
o l7herw i.se to be na.med In the tax. They elected a collector
for .7essup' s Fatent. a sort of_ Deputy Receiver of Assessments
anal. that meant that Luzerne was a part, of Queensbury go they
had to go all the way to Luzerne, people had to come over �
here and so they named somebody to handle that matter over
there . The interesting thing in 1789, 200 y ears ago
Q,.ieensbury was a lot bigger than It is today, Queen.sbury was
y, and Warren County ended up being
In Washington Count
created and it consi sted of all residents of Warren County.
There were people In Johnsburg , there were people t -is
e at t.ha.{. e
today Johnsburg , Hague, one fans 1. l y in "a.gu "m ,
} 2 _
ten families in Bolton, quite a number in Lake George, a
fair amount in Warrensburg riot much in Stony Creek or
Thurman and a fairly good settlement over in Luzerne . These
were all residences in the Town of Queensbury so Queensbury
has had many, many changes in a few hundred years . You look
around, just the changes in the last two or three years here
this Town Hall complex the needs of the Town, everytime you
go down the Town highway you see new Town roads sproting
left and right and new houses , there are substantial houses,
• great many changes for those of us who have lived here for
• fair amount of time and those of us who have been here K
four or five or six years as Some of you have there are
endless changes in the Town of
Queensbury. So let me do a
couple of things here before we install our officials and
one would be to introduce a Gentlemen here that is not a
resident of Queensbury he is riot a Citizens of the United
States he is a guest of ours here from Switzerland he
Performed with the Up with People Group here in Queensbury
and please say Hello to Marcel (Holper) . . .also there are lot
of things we could recognize many people here for but I see,
being a Lawyer here, I am very proud to see that he was
Queensbury ' s latest addition to the Eagle Scout Ranks , Dan
Muller, congratulations . . .
Swearing in Ceremony-Elected Officials
1 . Mike Muller - Took the Oath of Office for Queensbury
Town Justice
2 . Paul Naylor- Took the Oath of Office for Queensbury
Highway Suipt_ . I
3 . Darleen M. Dougher Took the Oath of Office for
Queensbury Town Clerk
4. Betty Monahan - Took the Oath of Office for Queensbury
Town Councilman
5 . Ronald Montesi -. Took the Oath. of . Office for
Queensbury Town Councilman
6 ' Marilyn Potenza - Took the tatty of Office for Queensbury
Town Co"ncilman
7 . Stephen Borgos — Took the Oath of Office for Queensbury
Town Supervisor.
11,0cre Ausr.in- . .wished all the bast in 1990 and many years
Supervisor Borgos-It has been a wonderful and busy past few
year's It is hard. to imagine that time has gone by this
q'tickly, we have had so many chaalenges so many
opportunities , I was thi.nki.nq 1-lip ot.hPr day perhaps +hat is
behind its and it will slow dowry a little bit , not a r..hance , j
. . . noted that soon there will he some announcements on some
positive rowth type ype of things . . .Wished everyone a Happy. New
Meeting closed 12: 20 P.M.
Pespectf_ully submitted,
Miss Darleen M. Dougher
Town .0 l er.k---Queensbury