2009-138 Wall Sign Game Stop TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090138 Application Number. A20090138 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC GAME STOP For property located at: 735 UPPER GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIAT C/O NIGRO COMPANIES Sign 20 CORPORATE WOODS Blvd Total value ALBANY,NY 12211-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2009-13 8 32.85 sq ft wall sign to read "GAMESTOP" $65.70 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,April 29, 2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the of Que b day,April 29,2009 SIGNED BY i for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20090138 Date Issued: Thursday, September 23, 2010 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20090138 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Location: 735 GLEN St Owner. UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC Applicant: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC This structure maybe occupiecba'Alft STOP Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the - property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 0 l'H?i MAP NQ_ 5 PERMIT Nt].1,---- PF-RM1T FEF,�,,../ + i APPROVALS: gppSlT_!�, r r--r r. ' .--_ - ��-rrR■rr --wlrrrrr----------yrr----1//rrrr� + ♦r MrR.rr- rr.rr -rrrrrrr---rrrrf SIGN PERAUT"FLICAT10W A penult rnuirt be obtained ba*M Inetatlatlon of your ponnsnont sign. AU applicants'sppCoe on thin aPplic must be complated and must appo r app0ratiaarn Eons. OW NE a 1�+�d r IN rALLERl8UIL0ER. Jf27r. roars: � D o • Al7MESS: I-a 30,4 PHONE NQS t f Z PHONE NOSS!� � �1 LOCATION OF pR+aPC8Eo I SrALLA'Clq :(LE ADDRESS) '72 O [t��� �r��x! T+��� BUSINESS COMPLEX I PLAZA/MA"NAME: l ► s ZA BUSINESS NAME; ,,, CQNTACT PEFtSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCY' 13 � �� pHd��J,��"��L�.����! TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED, —teeamndlnp t _a++n>inG �proJaotl►�C IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PL2ASE INDICATUS, Inlenial E>ttemal _Incandaecetli _Neon ,.Other Do SIGNS cuitREtV'fl-Y ExIST aN'rWE s>ROPE�� i � No �i��, �► -! ��x? r 4�U IF YES,LIST ALl EXISTING SIGNAGE- The application creaW9 a change ryew in the following existing site Change In nuMbW-d one from to conditions(tlfi in ail appiiCablg Change In setback for sign from two condos); Change In elzo of sign from Chenge in height of elfin from ,.�� to Chgngs of wording/copy from: to: ;sign WoOnglCQpy: iA Al er Sign sly®. Lengthf x kith �=Totlal Sq, { _ i`t g Sign Height(freestanding alga): ., (mil Color and Material to be used: r Provide 2 copies of a Scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with he fallowing nfoitttati0n, b Locution of sign(walls alone: drawing of the took ilia clan will be lowtad on.Indicala Bign on tigade) QUE3,naNa T CALL 781�BB OR EMAIL a Height of froeStgnding sigh use a .runt o Depth of projecting Sign o D'Istances frlarn front and side prWdY ilnes. vjW OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Provide 2 drawiriga or photos of sign dealgn• www ueenebu na V Provide Applicant and Owner's slig"ailLire(perMISsion for placement of sign on the property,or WHOM, the statements contained In the application,together with the piar>s and Oh a ! To the beat of I�+y ttnowledge, Miyllsee and that s dlicalionM submitted,are a tnia and comPleft etaterrlent of all pro oaed�Bto 01 work shall�e done an IlD�pg� with,whether all provieiang of the Zoning Q pe,rind all other laws partelning the p p specified or noted,t d the rk Ig authorized the owner, APPLICANT SIGNATURE. T6' I hereby authorize the dopf �to P1000©sign on my property or building. DATE: ayvNER SIGNATURE, Torun of QU errsl?t.try Ctsnttftunily DM10pt0MTt Dice- 742 luny Rodin, QueerLsbury,NY'12804 ZIN ZOO/ZOO-d 286-1 6ZV8-9Eb-819 S31NVd4Y00 0801N-H08a Zt:9l 60OZ-91-0 # DATE DEI NOTES ' Z O STORE #6486 U) 792 UPPER GLEN STREET w QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 ui SIGN TYPE/DESCRIPTION CITY. A. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FACE-LIT TWO(2) ;.. "GAMESTOP"CHANNEL LETTERS Q ON RACEWAY W M o n,.,' . p,NMir Ra YM oWw 1e 'L^ Rd YSe vl , n 7u V ,. � • � ry CL Y,W ".Nri UaE 9 CLIENT&LOCATION DRAWING NO. DATE REVIEWED BY REVISION SHEET NO. TRIANGLESTORE 00079031 4/13/2009 792 UPPER GLEN OU ENSBURY,NV 2804T SALESMAN DRAWN BY SEG.NO. 1 OF 5 SIGN & SERVICE S.ALTSHULER MAF STOREFRONT ELEVATION SCALE:3/16"=V-0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAY (PAGE 4) LEASE DI-MENSION,--,---------,,- 18'-0'SIGN BAND EQ 16-23/4 CHANNEL LETTERS EQ+ --T sl NI, 7 7 CLIENT&LOCATION DRAWING NO. DATE REVIEWED BY REVISION SHEET NO. TRIANGLESTORE#6486 00079031 4/13/2009 AimSIGN& SERVICE 792 UPPER GLEN STREET SALESMAN DRAWN BY SEG. 2 OF 5 & QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 S.ALTSHULER MAF �IAZARCOUR71PO BOX?47866AITIVORE MARYI AND 2 L'27-t4 1Q)247-5300-1 AX�4 10"47-1944-wAwl)angles)90 com-REPRODUCTION IN WlqOLr OR PART PROI 110TED WITHOUT EXPRESS P1 R&I 7PlAN(;LE5&S SIDE ELEVATION SCALE:3/16"=1'-0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAY (PAGE 4) 50'-0"LEASE DIMENSION 27'-0"SIGN BAND E0 16-2 314°CHANNEL LETTERS EO i . ! 1 I S C N • ( I I Ilil � , r 1 1 C V i � . ._!it _--���:•�_�I� __�� .�___./,,1 :': : _ �.� .• (__- __�_,____-___�� I___ _ �,� '�_� . CLIENT&LOCATION DRAWING NO. DATE REVIEWED BY REVISION SHEET NO. TRIANGLE STORE#8486 00079031 4/13/2009 c SIGN& SERVICE ,� 792 UPPER GLEN STREET SALESMAN DRAWN BY SEG.NO. 3 OF cJ OUEENSBURY,NY12804 S.ALTSHULER MAF �nA QTY.: TWO (2) SETS OF INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FACE-LIT CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS SCALE:N.T.S. A.1 5 rrB» »A n »A» »Bn SO. FT. FRONT 27" 14'-71/4" 32.85 SIDE 30" 16-2 3/4" 40.55 CLIENT&LOCATION DRAWING NO. DATE REVIEWED BY REVISION SHEET NO. TRIANGLESTORE#6486 00079031 4/13/2009 SIGN& SERVICE 792 UPPER DUEEN TREET SALESMAN DRAWN BY SEG.NO. 4 OF 5 S.ALTSHULER MAF A.1 FACE-LR"GAMESTOP"CHANNEL LETTERS 1 LED ILLUM.I EXTERIOR INSTALL ISO PANEL I RACEWAY MOUNTED SCALE:N.T.S. O A FACES BACKGROUND PANEL MATERIAL: 'GAMESTOP'3/18'WHITE ACRYLIC#2447 MATERIAL: ,063 ALUMINUM C "STOP"3/16"RED ACRYLIC#2793 COLOR: PRE-COAT BLACK VINYL: N/A FINISH: MATTE B TRIMCAPS I -WIRING A SIZE/FINISH 1'JEWELITE BLACK("GAMED,RED('STOP') IS U/LAPPROVED SLOAN LOW VOLTAGE WIRE 18GA. O C RETURNS I-C CERAMIC BUSHING DEPTH: 5' I-D DISCONNECT SWITCH D MATERIAL: .040ALUMINUM J POWER SUPPLY COLOR: PRE-COAT BLACK TYPE: LED POWER SUPPLY F FINISH: IGLOSS HOUSE IN STANDARD 7'X 7'RACEWAY TOP ACCESS M3 M-2 D BACKS VOLTAGE; MATERIAL: 1.063 ALUMINUM IN: 120V COLOR PRE-COAT WHITE OUT: 12V FINISH: IGLOSS RACEWAY FINISH: TO MATCH BACKGROUND PANEL E INSIDE OF CAN MOUNTING I-0 COLOR I PRE-COAT WHITE M-1: SELF TAPPING SCREWS. F ILLUMINATION M-2: MOUNTING BARS 2'W.x 1/4'THK.ALUM.WITH LED: SLOAN 3/4"DIA.MOUNTING HOLES, J I S COLOR WHITE('GAMED,RED("STOPS M-3: SEE MOUNTING NOTE. NOTE:PLACEMENT OF LED'S FOR OPTIMUM ILLUMINATION WEEP HOLES 1/4'DIA.WITH COVER OF LETTERS TO BE DETERMINED IN PRODUCTION NOTES:SEAL ALL PENETRATIONS WATERTIGHT CONDITIONS MOUNTING NOTE:INSTALLER IS REQUIRED TO ELECTRICAL NOTE:IT IS THE CUSTOMERS RESPONSIBILITY UALL ELECTRICAL VERIFY ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS&PROVIDE TO PROVIDE A 120 VOLT PRIMARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE ` COMPONENTS ARE NECESSARY MOUNTING HARDWARE&METHOD OF WITH DEDICATED CIRCUIT(S).INCLUDING GROUND WIRING ® TO BE UL APPROVED ATTACHMENT TO ENSURE SAFE INSTALLATION. DIRECTLY FROM PANEL BOX WITHIN SIX(6)FEET OF SIGN. INSTALLATION TO MEET N.E.C.,UL&LOCAL CODES INSTALLATION TO MEET N.E.C.,UL&LOCAL CODES CLIENT&LOCATION DRAWING NO. DATE REVIEWED BY REVISION SHEET NO. TRIANGLESTORE#6486 00079031 4/13/2009 - SIGN & SERVICE �'� 792 UPPER QUE NSBURY,EYS12804T SALESMAN DRAWN BY SEG.NO. 5 OF 5 S.ALTSHULER MAF