1946-11-07 I Aves : Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, Mr LamDson, Mr Sleight and Mr Farris, Noes : None. i The Town Board audited claims as follows: Amount" !Amount No.:...�ATam�..�.�timant Nature of Claim Clai,med`A1-lowed 98. N.Y.P`W& Light Coro Street lighting 384016 $36-016 99 Theresa Dimick Insp ' of Elections 10.00 10.00 100 Mabel N Sawn Insu. •of elections 20.00- 20.00 101 Chas. Hoii2litaling Jl?st4ce supplies 3.42 3.42 102 N.Y Stae Retirement ` System Acturial Studies 70.46 70.46 w 103Auto. Voting Mach Co Supplies 6.92 6.92 104 Chas Houghtalin g Supplies 2.32 2.32 105 Glen craft Printing Envelopes 24 .69 24.69 106 Mountainside Grange Cl. cemetery 5J .00 31.25 107 Glens Falls Post Co Publishing Notice 3.20 3.20 108 Glens Falls . Post Co Publishing Notice 5.88 5.. 109 'Harry Hats Supplies W.G.F.W.D -4400 4600 110. Lillian Sheppard Services rN G.F.N.D. 10.00 10.00 — 249.05 - 230030 On motion meeting adjourned, Bert D Turner, Town Clerk Regular meeting Novem 7th,1946 Present : H. Russell Harris, Supervisro, Henry Sleight and Meredith S Bentley; Justices of the Peace, and Curtis Lampson and Raymond Walkup, Councilmen: The Board convened at (1 :30 P.M. at the Clerk' s office. Ernest Lackeyy Superintendent of highways also present.' -� Proof of publication of notice of hearing upon the purchase of Highway equipment read and filed. t Noone �-,ppeared aposinge t proof of Upon the hearing upon -the preliminary budget, the/notice of publication of notice of such hearing and proof of,.posting notices of such hearing were read and filed. *. No -one appeared ,opposing such budget. Resol-ton No 62 Introducedby Sleight, seconded by Justice entley, Whereas this town board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon. Now therefore be it resolved that the preliminary budget"° be amended by making the following changes. , that the sum of $3500.00 be placed in'-the general go*011ment appropiations for the purpose o1payment to the emplc e i retirement system. `nd be it further resolved that such preliminary 4 i�t-as hereinbefore amended, be andig::,eds- d as l the` nl�t "budge of this town for the fiscal year beginning January lst;194' and that such budget so adopted be entered in detail in the mixutes ,of the proceedings of this board and be it, Further resolved that the town clerk of this town shall prepare a.nd certify, in duplicate copieo,,.of said annual budget as adopted by this board, , tQgether with the assessment roils for benefit inprovemenis, if any adopted pursuant to section 202 A Subd. 2 of the Town law "-'d w . . n l 33 one copy thereof to the su'srvisor of this to,,ryvtn to be presented by him to t113 board of slipervisnrs of this county. s'14-NUl-:L BUDGET F-r t1le T- nf tiueencbury General Fund anproniations TOWN BOARD Town hall and of ices Rentals(Board r(3om,nf '?.ces , elect ons ,ete) $2P5.00 urcase of furniture and e<-,uipment 50.00 Elections Compensation hf election officials 1050.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 110.00 otrPr expenses ' 230.nn Vn+ ing machines , purchase and repair 25.00 Insurance Comnensation insurance 100.00 official bonds and undertakings 300.00 fire and liability 1300.00 printing and adve:rtising(all departments) i5n.nn Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 Employees Retirement System 3500.00 - Total $7200.00 SUPERVISOR Salary $1980.00 Office and other expe uses 100.001 Total $20Sn.00 JUSTICES OF THE PEA CE Salaries - $2200.00 office and other expenses 350.00 Total $2550.00 CQUNCILMAN Salaries $1320.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Total-$1.420.00 � TO.71; CLERK Salary $2200.00 Office and other expenses 35.00 . Total $22:5.00 ASSESSORS Salaries $405n.no Office and other expenses 43.30 -Total $4093.30 Receiver of taxes or tax collector Salary $1980.00 Office and other expenses 110.00 Total $209 .00 Total General Government $21_A68.30 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY POLICE , CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS Compensation $ 440.00 Mileage and ogler expenses 100.00 _ Total __540.00 Lockwo Rent of lockup X0.00 `-" TRAFFIC . Suns , signals and highway lighting $500.00 DOG WARDEN . Compe4isation $ 440.00 other 3xpenses 150.00 Total $590.00 FOREST y-,IRES payment duo conservation department $100.0n 'DOTAL PROTECTIOr,T OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $1790.00 ! 34 EDUCATION ATTENDANCE OFFICER C-mpensation $220,00 TOi 11N HISTORIAN Compensation $150.GC� Other expenses 100.00 : payment to other libraries 100,00 Total $350..00 TOTAL EDUCATION $570.00 RECREATION atriot;c observance $225000 TOTAL RECREAT_'ON RECREATION $225.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES CEMETERIES $ ?00..00 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES8®p.()p CONTINGENT PURPOSES See.112 ,of the Torn Law $900,00 GERERAL FUND Estimated revenues Pd lortgagp taxes '$250.00 Licenses (from County ) 750.00 Fees of town clerk 679.00 Fees of Justices of the peace 395.00 Fees of Assessors 55.70 Shared taxes 21966.57_ Total $24099.27 ,Unexuended balance (sec 115 To.°.n Law) 5000.00 TOTAL ESTITaTED REVENUES $29099.27 GENERAL FUND SUliIdIARY APPROPIATIONS General_ government $21668.30 Proteption of persons and property 1790.00 Education 570,00 R_--creation 225,00 Public utilities 800100 Contirngent purposes 900.00 TOTAL APPROPIATIONS $25953.30 TOTAL' ESTIT1kTED REVENUES 29099,27 Estimated balance 3145497 VAIELFARE FUND Town welfare officer Sa lary 5-,0.00 Office and other expenses 30.00 � Estimated revenues None Total 530,00 mo��nt to be raised by tax for welfare fund-None. HIGHaYAY FUND HIGMiAY FUND ( Item 1)-APPROPIAT IONS General repairs y$229-75,00 Special improvements 8000.00 TOTAL APPROPIATIONS $30275.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES State aid $ 4275.00 TOTAL REVENUES $42. 65.00 V AMOUNT TO BE RA ISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND ( It eml) P.6 ,000.00 BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) APPROPIATIONS Labor and te.,m work 250,00 11aterials for repair and maintenance 250.00 TOTAL APPROPIATIONS 4$500.00 Estimated revenues- None AMOUNT TO BE -R=-':ISED BY TAX FOR HIGH'S"JAY FUND ( It•em 2) 5500.00 F �CHIr,IERY FUND ( Item $0 -AnproWiations Fn rchase of machinery tools and implements $7573075 Repair of mac'Lineryj, tools and implementt 5000.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 242 .25 TOTAL APPROPIATIONS $15,000.00 Estimated revenues Unexpended balance $2500.00 Total revenues $ 21,500.00 AMOUNT TO BE R 1SED BY TAX FOR HIGITPIAY FUND ( Item 3)$129500.00 SNOW AND TJISCELLANEOUS FUND ( Item 4)-Anpropiations Salary Town Superintendent $2640.00 Expenses to,:in superintendent 100:00 Removing; obstructions caused by snow6000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brusk 2000.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 2500.00 TOTALAPI'ROPIATIONS $13j240,00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Miscellaneous revenues $2n00.00 Total revenues $2000.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGH'vV.-:Y FUND (Item 4) 211,240.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND ( Items 2,3 and 4) $249240.00 TOWN HEALTH FUND PPROPIATIONS Board of health Salary of health officer $F?R1.79 other health expenses - 214.00 Total board of health $1095.79 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation $ 60.00 Other expenses 15.00 TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS $75.00 Amount to be raised by tax for town health-None. ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE ,VEST GLENS FALLS 111ATER DISTRICT TO'JIN OF CUEENSBURY, Year 1947 EXPENDITURES, Cost of improvement Bond principal $1000.00 Bond Interest 250.00 Total $1250.00 Maintenance Personal services $ 100 .0 ` Office and other expenses 150.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of Water 650•.00 Purchase of Equipment 100.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 35.00 Total $1135.00 Total expenditures $2385.00 REVENUES 36 "Dater rents $1700.00 Penalties 8050 sale of water 15.00 Unexpended balance 4000.00 Total revenues$5723.50 Anticipated balance x;3338.50 ,NNUAL BUDGET FOR THE NORTH GLENS FALLS `;'DATER DISTRICT Tonan of ^ueensbury- Year 1947 EXPENDITURES. Cost oftimprovement Bond principal $ 500.00 Bond interest 170.00 Total $670.00 Maintenance Personal service _.80.00 Office and other expenses ; 80100 repairs 50.00 Purchase of .rater 500.00 .-urchase of enuipment 25.00 Total ° 735000 Total expenditures $1405.00 REVENUES `Dater rents $ 750.00 Penalties 5.00 Unexpended balance 100.00 Total revenues $855.00 Amount to be raised by tax $550.00 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE RIDGE ROAD 1;11ATER DISTRICT Town of Queenpbury Ye,� r 1947 r Maintenance Repairs $200.00 Miscellaneous purposes 50.00 Total expenditures $250.00 Revenues- None Amount to be raised by tax $250.00 Duly adopted by the following vote Aves ; Mr Walkup, Per Bentley, Mr Lampson, lair Sleight and Mr Harris : Noes: None. The following communication was read to the board. Town Board Town of Queensbury Gentlemen: I swish to recommend to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury the -purchase of a a- Ton truck with dump body -' and two speed axle. Nov 7th,1946 Ernest B Lackey RESOLUT Introduced by Justice Sleight, Seconded by Justice Bentley . It was resolvedthe.t the clerk be and is hereby authorized and =x.irepted to cause to be nubl i she-� once in the Glens Fallo noti c e : Notice 3? Notice is hereby :riven i.) compliance with section 142 of the highwav law as amended by chapter 731 of the laws of 1945, that Ernest Lackey, superintendent of Highways of the Tov,sn of �»eensbury, 'larren County, New York, , has recommended the purchase of equipment .-t acost to exceed five hundred dollars . T,-e ',,wn Board of the Town of '"ueensbury will meet at the Town Clerk' s off ice , Ridge Road, Town of �.ueensbury, New York, on the 16th day of November,194F at 7 :30 P.M. to consider such purchase. Dated November 7th, 1946 . Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote Aves.: Mr 13alkup, Mr Bentley, Mr Lams)son, Mr Sleight andMr Harris Noes: None. t Resolution Na h4 Raymond Walkup, Councilman offered the following resolution which was seconded by Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace. RESOLVED: That the Tovn Board of the Town, of� �ueensbury and State of New York approve of the inclusion of the officers and employees of the The town of )ueensbury in the New York State Employees ' Retirement System, which system is provided for by Uhapter 741 of the Laws of 1920, as amended, being article 4 of the civil service law and which inclusion,. together with conditions of same, is provided for by Chapter 591 of the laws of 1922 as amended by Chapter 708 of the Laws of 1923 , being article 5 of the civil service law, vAth full time, service allowance as provided 11p Chapter 140 of the laws of 1930 and any subse:]uent amendment to the laws governing said system. T-h4- -giber voting on the resolution was as follows 'ves : lir ',Walkup, Mr Bentley, &Ir Lamps on, P.'r Sleight and Mr Harris. Noes : None. On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Snecaa --m�ae.ting November 15th, 1946 Present : H. Russell Harris Suoervisor, Henry Sleight and Meredith S Bentley, Justices of the Peace, and Curtis La=son and iiatmond Walkup, Councilmen: The board convened at 7 :30 P.M. At the Clerk' s office. w Resolution Nos 65 Air, Justice Bentley offered the following resolution, seconded by Councilman Walkup , ,. hereas , the town clerk of the town of Queensbury, by order of the town Board, gave ,public notice that the said Town Board would receive sealed bids for the purchase of 1200 feet of 12 inch vitrified tile, delivered F.OB. at Glens Falls, N.Y. , on October 5th, 1946 at 7 :30 P.1,11. at the' Town clerks office , on �-- the Ridge Road in said town, and whereas , said bids riere received and opened and Janes H. Uasy -.'s bid . of $1.145 per` foot .vas low; and on the 14th day of October, 1946 , said Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accepted said bid of James H Moynihan to furnish the Town of Queensbury 1200 feet of 12 inch vitrified tile to be delivered at a price of 11.145, and the Town superintendent wa.s cauthorized to purchase said tile at said price which the was to be used for an emergency created and caused by the elements of the weather and high water for the re-construction and repairing of the drainage for town roads in said town ,. 38 which were damaged by the elements of the weather and hiChwater in the spring and summer of 1946 , and itis necessary that said rods and drainage be reconstructed and repair before th winter of 1946-1947 . e .';ND 7MEREAS, the Town Superintendenthas caused said pipe to be laid and said roads repaired and re-constructed, and there is N` not "sufficient monev in the highway fund to defray the cost of said the and to pay the labor for installing; the* same and it is necessary to borrow on the faith and credit of said Town of �,ueensbury the sum of $3000.00 for the purpose of - paying for said the and the cost of repairing said to,vn roads, And Iffbereas , the Town Budget of said Town of Queensbury duly adopted by the Town Bnard on the 7th day of Nover.:ber,1946 contained 'an item of $3000.00 for the 'urpose of paying for said tile, and improvement of said town. roads , �jhich funds will be available on February lst ,1947, - = Resolved, that the supervisor and Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby is authorized and directed to borrow Moon the faith End credit of said Town of Queensbury the sum of $3000.00; and to issue a capital note of said town in the sum of $3000.00, with interest st 3f payable February lst ,1947. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, `r Lampson, Mr. Sleight and 2�Zr Harris . Noes : None. Ubon the question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution each member of the board voted yes in favor of said resolution The resolution, having received at least a two-thirds vote of the members of .the.'. Town Board, was declared by the supervisor to be duly adopted. On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Special meeting November 16th, 1946 'resent : H Russell Harris, Supervisor, Henry Sleight and Meredith S Bentley, Justices of the Peace, nd Curtis Lampson Councilman, Absent Mr Walkup, The Board Convened at 7 :30 P.I.I. at the Clerk' s Office:, . t - iroof of pub ication of notice of a public hearing to, consider the purchase of highway equipment read and filed. No one appeared opposing such purchase. Resolution No 66 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded by CoAui-c-1 man Lampson It .vas resolved that Anna McCaghey be and is hereby appointed service officer for the Town of Queensbury to serve at, the 9 pleasure of the Board. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ay&s ; Mr Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr RA Noes None. On motion meeting adjourned B:_� rt D Turner Town Clerk.