1947-03-05 SP 48 Hudson Falls , New York, or the Town of Queensbury to any point in Glens Falls or intermediate points , and this regiXlation shall likewise apply to freight and perspnal property. 2. That he shall at all time.­ comply with the Jawf rules and regulations of the New York State Public Service Commission. 3. This franchise and consent shall be limited to ten years from date hereof. i Duly a doped by the following vote ; Ayes; Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bently, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight, and Mr. Harris. Noes; None Monthly statement of supervisor of money received and disbursed was read to the board. Notices received that the following became members of the employees of the Employees: Millard F. Coons, Ernest Hillis, and Curtis Lampson. l The bid audited the claims ,as follow As:ount ` No Name of Claimant Nature of Cla m Claigi.'-&owed 11 New York Power & Light Corp. Street Lights-Jan.$35,.17 $35.17 12 New York Power & Light Corp. Street Lights- Feb.35.17 35.17 13 Williams Law Books Co. Field Book 8.2E 8.22 14 Hoags Tire Shop Rent-'fax Collectdr 35.00 35.00 15 H Russell Harris Expenses 25t.26 25.26 16 Raymond Walkup Expenses 36.20 26.20 17 Curtis Lampson Expenses 26.19 X26.19 18 Henry Sleight Expenses 2,3,40 23.40 19 Beecher Howe Expenses 1290,.74 1290.74 20 Gerald Stockman Labor-W.G.F .W.D. 91.00 9.00 21.. City- of Glens Falls Purchase of water 114.29 114.29 Water Fund 22 City of Glens- Falls Purchase of eater 78.11 78.11 Water Fund Mr. 'Nall ace,Superintendent of the North Glens Falls Water District A, disussed with the board a claim presented by him at the January meeting. On Motion Meeting Adjourned Bert D. Turner j Town Clerk Special Meeting _ Mar.5 , 1947 ` PRESENT H. Russell Harris, Superklsor:'. Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Meredith S Bently Justice Of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman i Raymond Walkup Councilman Ernest Lackey Superentend of Highway and Walter Washburn also present. Mr. Bently broughta pitition signed by at least 45 residents residing in the vicinity of the boulevard section, es- I pressing that such signers have no objections to the vetrans of foreign wars, post No. 2475 of Glens Fa ls, s��p?�c� nsoring a e�vsl to be held the last week in ay, bri 'the grounds, adjacent to the Hudson Transportation Co garage on the boulevard. i 49 Resolution No. 161 Introduced by Mr. Sleight , second,*ed by Mr. Wa p, WERE.AS , The Adirondack Post 2475 Veterans of Foreign War . , have made oral applications by John Hoag, of said Adirondack Post for license or permit to hold a carnival for one week to be held both days exclusive on the lots of land owned by the Hudson Transportation Co. , east of the garage of said Hudson Transportation Co. on the south aide of the boulevard in the Town of aueensbury and WHEREAS , The said Adironda'bk Post 2475 have entered to contract for the holding of said carnival with J.P.M. Amusement Co. Concord-3Ai.H. Theredore be it resolved that said =,oard hereby "grants to the said Adirondack Post 2475 , Veterans of Foreign ,'Jars and J.P.M. amusement Co., a license or permit to hold a carnival on east of Hudson Transportation Corp. garage on the south side oft,be boulvard in the Town of queensbury from May 26 , to: -May 31 , both dated exclusive. F'uther Resolution, That the .fee for operating of such carnival as f oresaid be and the 3�trne iris la•eby f axed 0 One P'ti?ndred c.ol.l -rs , the 7o:vn Clerk be and is here hereby authorized and directed to issue a license or permit to the said Adirondack Post 2475 and J.P.M. Amusement Co. to hold a carnival as f oresaid. y It is fut,her resolved In, bons ideration of this permit that all music will termiate @ 10:30 p.m. It is futher resolved that carnivdl co . or Veterans OfForeign `"tars Post compansate the officers for Police Protection on the Carnival grounds. Duly ' adoped by the following vote: Ayes : Mr, 3alkup, Mr. Bently, Mr, Lampsbn, Mr. Sleight , and Mr. Harris Noe s None On Motion Meeting Adjourned , Bert: D Turner Town Ulerk Regular Meeting March 22nd ,1947 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman y The Board Conevened at 7 : 30 P.M. Minutes of meetings held on February 22nd and March 5th, were read and approved. Mr D. J Rainville and Walter Baker presented a petition requesting the Town Board to grant consideration in the matter of drainage along certain part of the boulevard . The board generally discussed the matter with Mr Rainville and Mr Baker. Petition placed on file. Mrs Vernoy called on the board in reference to dumping along town highways and requested that some action be taken to abate the nuisance. Mr Alva Breen and William Perry Called on the board in reference to the glen lake road and requesting that black top be placed along the reamining part of the road. The monthly statement of the supervisor of moneys received and disbursed d1yri�ig:1the month of February was read and