1947-06-28 53 The Board and Mr Field and Fair Miller arranged to meet at the Country Club sadx entrance and go over the road# on the 28th day of May,1947 at 7 :30 P.M. . Usobnttdnggtterlkllyttalkttdwljrh Ur Donahue the matter of the Town taking the Pine view cemetery over. { The following resolution was adopted in the matter. Reolntion No P'! Introduced by Superviso r Harris, Seconded y us ice Sleight. It was resolved that the Town Board would Sahepever the Pine View Cemetery when conveyed to it by the Pine View Cemetery ABsociation. Tgis proposal is subject to legal conditions effecting the transfering of the cemetery property. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayea: Mr Watkup, Mr Bentley, Ur Lampoon, Mr Sleight and � Mr Harris. Noea: None. Mr Bentley brought up the matter of Mrs McCaghey, Town service officer attending the school for such officers offered the following resolution. Aefolutlon 1HU22 Introduced by Justice Bentley, Seconded T councu m n -ai pson. Itwas resolved that the Town Service officer be and is hereby authorized to attend to the State wide school for service officers, at Hobart Colleges Geneva, Now York, June 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th, '1947- It is further resolved that the actual and necessary expenses of such service officer in attending such school shall be a town charge. Duly adopted by thefollowing vote: Ayes; Mr Walkups Mr Bentley, At Lampoon,, MrSleight and Mr Harris Noes•:: None. The Clerk read the monthly statement of the supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed by him during the !, month April to the board and same placed on file. ' The board audited claimis as follows: No Name pf Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed, 35 N.Y.P & L. Corp Street lighting 35.17 $35.17 36 Glens Falls Post Co Pub Sealed bids 5.80 5.80 37 Fred E Ricketts Exepnese 8.28 8.28 38 Smith Bros. Labor 10.00 10.00 39 City of Glens Falls Purchaes of Water N.G.F.W.D. 103.15 103.15 4'0 City of Glens Falls Purchase of Cater 132.98 132.98 W.G.W.D. On motion meeting adjourned Bert D Turner , Town Clerk Regular lkietting June 28th, 1947 Present: H. R4ssell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S.Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampoon 0ouncilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. .r F .. _✓LL_ .,} SFr.. 54 Minutes ,of meeting held on May 24th, 1;47, were read and approved. proved. I Communications were received and read from the Association of Towns and Herrick Osborne, County superintendent of Highways advised the Board that ,a school for the Town Highways Superintendents will be held at Cornell.Universitylthucs,NSw York, on July lst and 2nd3, 1947• A petition was read requesting the Town Board to extend the iidge Road Glens Falls Viater District to include property of signers ; petition unverified. I The monthly statement of the Supervisors for the more y j � and disbursed during the month of May ,was rq#d to the Board and placed on file. A communication from John A. Hoag, Commander Post 2475, of Veterans of Foreign ;oars, in which he expressed the appreciation of the Post for the cooperation of the Town Board in making it possible to sponsor` a carnival `to raise funds for such Post . I A communication from 'Minerva Brayton, President of the• �ti auntain- side Free Library requested the sum of '100 yearly appropriation for such Library. The following recommendations for appointmant/ asa°ilea torn,Jo f :01eolion were received and read to the Board: By Rudloph Crandall Jessie Smith and Ethel Stevens , Republican District 4. By Albert M. Ransom and John Lennox - Irene Howe and Boris Chadwick, Republican District 3. By Bernard C.Allen, Preston J.Carpenter x: innie Bissall .dnd Marion Martindale, Republican District 2. By Bessie U . Branch - Elva NIc Dermott ,� Democrat Di`st.r ct'''2. Mrs. Anna IlcCaghey reported to the Board on her attendance at the ifelfare Officers School at Cornell ; stated that the course was very instructive and 'that she gained a lot from it." r Privilege of the floor was ext,�hded to Mr, budekirk. discussed genaraily with the Board the proposition of the_-v;= . drainage of the Meadow Brook road. ReAQ11itloa, No. 23 introduced by Justice ;leightm seconded. by Just 16e� B6atT 'y It is resolved that the Town S uprintendent of Highways b6' and hereby is authorized to attend the s-chool for County Cupter intendents of Highways' of the New York State Association of County Superintendents to be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, July lst and 2nd, 1947• The actual and necessary ex- , pens®s of such Superintendents in attendance tat such scbbol shall' be a Towh charge. Duly 'adopted by the following votes: } Ayes:- Mr. Walker, Mr. Beht'ley,' lu"r. Laiapson and 1, r. .sleight. Noes; None R '' io No.' 24 introduced by' J`usti'ce Bentley, seconded by ustice Sleight. Whereas , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury by resolution adopted on the 27th day of July, 1946, authorized the Town Superintendent of Highways to purchase certain machinery and eruipment for Yfighway construction and maintenance� at a total cost of .'3110.00, subject to the upprovdl of the County P uper- intendent of Highways , and Whereas a contract for the purchase of said machinery and ' equipment was duly entered into by the Town superinteadent, cf Highways on the day of July, 1946, which contract has been duly approved by the County Superintandent of - Highways. Now, therafore, ba it Resolved 55 1. The specific objector purpose for which obligations are to be issued pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of one Model 158 SP 'I " Type plow with 2-12 foot wings ,double actxing. wi,ng brace, hoist and parallel shock type braces with hinged deflectors on plow. j 2. The maximum cost of such machinery is $3110.00, and the plan of financing such cost is as follows: By paying from the I machinery fund the sum of $1110.00, and the balance of the cost is to be provided by the issuance of 'serial bonds in the amount of $2000.00 pursuant to this resolution. j 3. The following determinations are hereby made: ; (a) The period of probable unsatulness of such machinery and { equipment is .five years . 1b) The subdivision of paragraph a of Section 11:00 of the local finance law which is applicable in the circumstances is subdivision 1128" . ( c) The maturity of the oblications authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of five years. 4. The down payment to be provided for pursuant to Section 107 of -the Local Finanbe JLaw has been provided from current funds. 5 . That the Town of rueensbury issue its serial bonds in the amount of $2000.00 to finance suchrncost in accordance with the financial plan setforth above . Such bonds shall be dated approximately as of July 1st , 1947, and the power to fix and de- termine the exact date of said obligations is hereby delegated ta•.;the°Supervisors . b. Such bands shall be numbered 1 to 2, inclusive, shall be in the denominations of $1000.00 each, and shall mature in annual installments as follows : 1948, 1000.00; 1949, $1000.00. This bond may be called for redemption on any date prior to maturity after giving at' least thirty days'.. notice of the date of redemption by mailing written notices to the registered holder of the address as shown in the book of the Town Clerk of the Town of 0,ueenshury, �---� and Interest shall cease to be paid thereon after such date of redemption; the power to determine the date upon which such in- stallments shall become due and payable is hereby delegated to the Supervisors . The bonds shall be issued in bearer form without coupons , and shall contain a power to convery to registered form. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding two and one- half percent per annum payable annually. Payments of such interest shall be evidence by notation thereof,on�,the bonds at the time of .payment. The bonds shall be .in substantially the following form: No. 1 United States of America X1000.00 State of New York .y County of 'barren Town of Cueensb ury Serial Bond of 1947 The Town of ^ueensbury, in the County of vWarren, a municipality of the State of New York, hereby. acknowledges itself indebted, and for value received, promises to pay to the bearer this bond on the day of , 1948, the suj$ of One Thousand Dollars X00 and to pay interest on , such sum rat the rate of two and one-halt percent per annum on the 1st day of -�, 194 , and annually in each year from the date of the bond until it matures upon presentation of the bond flot6notation of such interest payment thereon. Both principal and interest on the bond will be paid in lawful mossy of the United Stated of America, at the Glans Falls National ,Bank and Trust Company, Glens Falls , N. Y. This bond may be converted into a registered bond . This bond is one of an authorized issue, the aggregate principal amount of which is $2000.00, the bonds of which are of like tenor, except as to number, maturity and denomination, and are issued pursuant to a bond resolution entitled "Serial Bond resolution" duly; adopted by the Town Board of such `Town of Queensbury, New York, on the 28th day of June, 1947. r g t i 56 The faith and credit of such Town of O ueensbury, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the princi- pal and interest on this bond according to its terms . It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of New York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exists , ' have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of bonds of which this is one, together with all other indebtedness of such town of Queensbury, New York, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such State. In Witness Whereof , the Town of Queensbury, ivew York, has caused this bond to signed by its Supervisors and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this bond to be dated as of the day of July, 1947. Town of 0,ueensbury (Town Seal) By is Supervisor Attest: Town Clerk of he Town of Queensbury, New York f. 7. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such bonds and to sell such obligations at not less than par and accrued interest, and at such sale to fix the interest rate to be borne . by such obligations within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The Supervisor shall deliver such obligations to the purchasers thereof only against cash or a certified check. The proceeds of sale of the obligations shall be deposited in a special bank account as re uired by Section, 65 of the Local ! ! Finance Law. The power delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised in conformity with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. S. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Upon the question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution, the following each voted as follows: ayes : Mr. Walkup, Mr.Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris . Noes: None. The above resolution, having received at least a two-thirds vote of the members of the Town Board, was declared by the Supervisor to be duly adopted. R�an l tit inn No 5 , Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Bentley. It was resulted the Town Board hereby recommends to the Board of Election that Ruel E. Hopkins , Republican and Donald Sullivan, Democrat , be appointed custodians of voting machines for the - Town of hueensbury for the year 1947. Further resolved that the salary of each of said custodians be and is hereby fixed at $55.00 each for such services. Duly adopted by the following vote; Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr.Bentley, Mr. Sleight, Mr. Lampson and Mr. Harris. Noes - None . 57 Resolution No. 26. Introduced by Justice Sleight , seconded by Justice Bentley. It was resolved that the following persons be -appointed inspectors of election for a term beginn .ng July 2nd, 1947. Republican Democratic District 1 Clara Taylor ' James Sullivan William Surprenant Anna Kelly District 2 Minnie Bidwell Elva McDermott Marion Martindale Bessie Cronkhite i District 3 Irene Howe Rose Bibby Doris Chadwick ',11ary Sullivan j District 4 Jeusie Smith Julia Gooch { Ethel Stevens Mabel Sawn District 5 Fred Fisher Nellie LaPoint Laura Lord Victoria Hubert t Further resolved that for each primary registration and election day the salary of each inspector be and is hereby fixed at : $11.00 Der day. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. .Walkup, Mr.Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and 11r. 'Harris . Noes -.,None The.-Board audited and allowed claims, as follows: Amount . Amount No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed �Ilowed 41 Glens falls Post Co. Publication $33.60 Disallowed 42 NrY.P. . & Light Corp. Street lighting f 35 .17: 35 .17 43 Dennis & Co. Supplies(Bentley) 15.Q0 15 .00 44 Howard Wallace Services - N.G.F.W.D. 26.60 Disallowed 45 City of Glens Falls K Water Fund Supplies W(;G':.F.W.D. 14.50 14.50 46 Curtis Lampso4 Percentage " .G.F.W.D. 69.22 69.22 47 nna Moaghey Expenses 49.17 49.17 48 Mountainside Free Library Appropriation 100.00 100.00 49 National Welding Co. Services N.G,F.W.D. 9.00 9.00 on ,itvtion- meeting adjourned. B eft' D.Turner Town !Clark ` Regiilsr -Meeting July 26th,1947 Present: H Russell Harris Supervisor - Henry Sleight ' Justice of the Peace Mered1th S Bentley Justice of the peace bnrtis Lampoon Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The B6ard 'convened 'at, 7: 30 P.M. Minutes of meetin4 field June 28th were read and, i}pproved,, The privelege of the floor was extended to Mr Iragood who spoke briefly on a proposed mausoline for the Pine view cemetery. "An af}lication was received from Millard Coon for appointmer as School attendance officer. ` A recomendation was received from the losocratice committeemen of the first dittict recomending that slen Jane Sullivan and