1947-09-04 SP 61 61 . N.Y.P.&Light Corp Street Lights 35.17 S 35.17 62 Hanry J Hubert Supplies , Election 1950 1 .50 63 Russell &' Via.ite Supplies 1.90 1.90 64 Doris Chadwick inspector 11 .00 11 .00 65 Henry Jr Clarke Expenses 45..00Disallowed 66Barlow & rerkins Dames-Honor Roll 3 .00 3.00 67Glens Falls Post Co. Advertising; 33.60 33.60 68 City of G.F.-Iflater Fund-Ricketts Tap 4 .64 4 .64 69 City of G.F.-`V'iater Fund- Water-WGFWD 199,32 199.32 70 City of G.F.-`;dater Fund- ,later- NGFWD 158.35 158.35 On motion "`eeting adjourned , liert D Turner, Town Clerk Special meeting September 4th, 1947 At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held at the clerk's office , in said Town, on the 4th day of September, 1947. Present: Russell Harris , Supervisor enry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup 7 Councilman 1� Mr Harris y �r�, snted a petition for the extdnsion of the North Glens Falls iyater District which was read and placed on file, Bar 'Dentley Introduced the following resolution No.33, which was Seconded by Mr Sleight. WHEREAS , a petition having been duly presented to this board for the extension of the North Clens Falls `i7ater District to included the property described as follows : s g NNfi tit the°sau�m►eazen9.wrr .--- —t--liftee of Ks I el�lt�e�iite. so galled I ner o1 the.existing North Ytlena Falls `` and 175 feet distant therefrom, mess- water District and running thence in uring it right 'angles thereto, a dis- a, southerly direction in the same taiuee et 404 feet to a point Alab C straight line as the westerly line of 1 an terly'direction.2 feet from said existing District to a ppiAt" in tie cefiger line Of the Ztay Road, so In, with the northerly corporation called, ^measuring at right angles boundary line of the City of Glens thereto;:thence running in a norther- Falls, Warren County, Neal York, if ly direction on a Iine parallel,%vlth extended in a westerly direction in center line of the$ay Road,so called, the same straight line'. thence run- souring-X00 feet distant eantetly there- the in an easterly direction anal on from, measuring at right angles W line which' would be the cantina- thereto, to a paint 175 feet distant,in lotion in a westerly direction in the "e-northerly direction from the Center same straight line of the northerly line of Glenwood Ave73ue, so" called, corporation line of the City of C3ieas if continued"in name straight .ss Bay Road in the an easterly direction Fails, and along said northerly car- aero , p,6ration boundary line to a point line; thence' running in a westerly 2011 feat.,�,l center line of the Hay stant,in an easterly' dues- direction on' a line parallel with the t1on:from the center line Of Glenwood Avenue, so Sood, so called; thence running I* a . ,called, and,17'8 feet distant northerly northerly direction on a line' par- therefrom, measuring at right angles ailei with and 200 feet distant easter- thereto, to the pddnt of lntergektion ly Srom the center line 0 the Bay 1St%old last described line, tivlt a ad, so called, measuring at right ltne parallel with and 178 feet distant angl$$ thereto to a point M feet -t isi a northerly direction.from the con ; - dintant in a southerly direction from ter line of Pineview Road, so called, tkie center line of Homer Avenue, so measuring at right ast8les thereto; called, and measuring at right angles thence running in a westerly,4tirdc- theryto; thence running in an east- Lion on 'gdid line parallel wi the eriy direction on a line parallel with center lln6 of Pine,vJow,Road,s the center line of Homer Avenue, so 'ed. an$ 175`feet distant nnrtbs�': celled, 175 feet distant aoittherly therefroM, measuring at tight a? therefrom, measuring at right arch}" thereto, m the point of intere, t thereto,a distance of 404 feet thence 93 $aid last described line wins existent running in a northerly direction an ,asterl2 line of the now existent _ a line parallel to the center line Of' Mfth. Glen$ Falls Water District; the Bay Road, so called, and OW feet, thence running in a southerly diree- distant easterly-therefrom, measuring dots aloA�,the easterly,ate of the Olt right angles thereto, a distance of now eXls�tt North Glen$ ,4ua water 350 feet to a point_distant in a north- DistIIlot [p"the southeasterly r ter line off Homer Avenue,from so eai3Pdl b dire' t �iri ' measuring at right angles thereto, ' of tHdstow,exia E d3drtx€: thence running in ei` 000toriy itireo.- Water lot tit t -qo>t i the ly on a line parallel With the cen- earns! 1 to � The maximun amount proposed to be expended for the construction of the water system for the proposed extension of said North Glens Falls Water District , including surveys , land and other expenses , is the sum of $95,000.00, This amount includes the purchase from Fred Hovey of 2500 feet of six inch water p-ipe',. 6 and 1800 feet of 2 inch water pipe for the sum of $4000.00, whichpipes are now serving certain properties along certain streets in said proposed extension, and the purchase from the City of Glens ,Falls of 4963 feet of 12 inch main for the sum of $11053.00 which.main extends along route 9 s-tate highway and within the proposed extension and is now serving the water supply for the North Glens Falls eater District. Said petition was signed by owners of taxable property situated in the proposed District, owning in the . aggregate more than one-half of the assessed valuation of all the taxable real propertyof the proposed District, as shown upon the last completed assessment roll in said town, it is , - ORDERED, that pursuant to the ;6rovisions of section 193 of the Town Law, the Towm Board will meet at the Town Clerk 's Office, Ridge Road, in said Town, on the 19th day of September, 1947 , at 7:30 o ' clock P.M. , to consider the said petition and hear any and all persons interested in the subject thereof or concerning the same and it is further, ORDERED that the clerk shall cause a copy of the order xs certified by him, to be published once in the Glens Falls. Times , the official newspaper, on the 6th day of September, 1947, and s shall cause copies of this order to be posted conspicuously in five public'places within the proposed extension not less than ter, nor more than twenty days before the day designated for the hearing aforesaid. Duly adopted this 4th day of September,1947 , by the following vote. Ayes : Mr Walkup, Mr Bentley, �'ir Lampson, Mr Sleight and her Harris. Noes: NONE. On 'motion meeting adjourned Bert D Turner, Town Clerk Public Hearing September 19th=3947' At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held at the Town Clerk 's Office, in said Town, on the 19th day of September, 1947 , pursuant to Resolution and order of said Town Board duly voted and made on the 4th day of September,1947. PRESENT:H. RUSSsLL Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson, Councilman Absent; Raymond Walkup. .`appearances: Beecher S Clother, Esq. for the petitioners Eldridge Moore Resident of the forth Glans Falls eater Bert Ransom resident of the proposed extension kdistribp E1H Meyers-Engineer- Proof of publication. of Notice in the Glens galls Times Filed. Rroof of portion notice of public hearing in"five public places within the proposed extension filed. Mr Eldridge Moore spoke in favor of the extension : r Bert Ransom spoke in favor of the poropsed extension. Mr Justice Bentley introduced the follower .C�solution No 34, which was seconded by Mr Justice Sleight . WHEREAS, a petition for the ceeation 'of an extension of the North Glens Falls Water District in the Town of Queensbury , Warren County, New 'York, said petition being dated July 15th, 19479was presented to this board, together with the necessary maps and plans attached thereto, and GVHEREAS an order was duly made by the Town Board on the