1947-10-03 65 purpose of financing snow plow. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Ir 'r'alkup , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 1,11r. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes: None The Statement of the Supervisor for the month of August showing his receipts and disbursements was read and placed on file : Amount Amount No . Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed iV 71 Fowler's Inc. Flag for Dec.Day 15 00 15.00 72 G'F. Post Co. Pub.Notice N.G.%'/.D 21 .24 21.24 73 N.Y. P & Lgt . Corp. Street Lighting 34.87 34.87 74 Dr. H.E' Clarke ytt .H.O.Conference 43.40 43.40 75 Glencraft Print .Co. Printing & envelopes22.80 22.80 76 Dennis & Co . Supplies 7.12 7 .12 77 Edward:'-Sleight Assessor 38.44 38.44 78 N.Glens F.;V.D . N.G. Hater Fund 19.43 19.43 79 Ernest L.H.Meyer Professional Services 250.00 not audited 80 Frank Clark Cleaning W-G•F. Cemetery 100.00 100.00 91 J.E. Sawyer New K.L. Mower, Pine View Cemetery Fund 7.50 7.50 82 Z . J. Hewitt Gas , Pine View Cemet. Fund 3.48 3.48 83 Franklin Scoville Salary, Pine View Cemet . Fund 206.75 206.75 $770.03 $520.03 On motion meeting adjourned to the 3rd day of October 1947 at 7 .30 P.L . at the Clerk's Off ice . ,tom Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk. Adjourned Meeting October 3rd, 1947 . Present: Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Absent: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Also present: Ernest Lackey Supt. of Highways They.Board:;convene d-at77. 30 F.M,*L-at-.thauC1erk1e -Office . It was moved by Justice Bentley which. was seconded by Justice Sleight, that Councilman Lampson be and is hereby appointed Chairman pro temp for this meeting. The Chairman appointed Justice Sleight a Committee of one to interview the Health Officer in regard to sewage being discharged into a town highway drain 'on Garrison Road. The Clerk presented and read to the Board the estimated expendi - tures submitted by the various Town Officers, as follows: Annual Estimate Submitted by Supervisor For Fiscal Year Beginning Jan.1 ,1948 TOWN BOARD Totin Hall and Town Offices Rentals (board room, offices , elections, etc.) 75.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 150.00 Repairs 50.00 Elections Compensation of election officials ( inc. mileage) 1050.00 66 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 110.00 Voting machines , purchase and repair 25.00 Rent of polling place 160.00 Storage 40000 moving equipment 25.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 100.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 1350.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 150.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 Publicity fund 150:00 I Employees ' Retirement System (town share) 3500.00 SUPERVISOR . TOTAL $7335.00 Salary, of Supervisor . $1980.00 Postage 30.00 Telephone 25.00 1.1ailing, printing, office 100.00 Mileage and expenses 140.00 ?OLICE, CONSTABLES DEPUTY SHERIFFS TOTAL x;2275.00 (where police department has not been established) Compensation $ 5Q0.00 Mileage and other expenses ( itemized) 100.00 Special officers 500.00 LOCKUP o TOTAL x`1100.00 (where police department has not been established) Rent 3 60.00 T'R. 'F I C TOTAL $ 60.00 Signs , signals and highway lighting TOTAL $1000.00 D 0 G RDEIN Compensation 440.00 L'ileot;e 150.00 T - FOREST FIRES TOTAL 590.00 Paid to Conservation Commission 125.00 � ATTEdDANCE OFFICERS -TOTAL 125.00 Compensation 250.00 HISTORIAN TOTAL $ 250.00 Compensation 150.00 Expenses 100.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY TOTAL 250.00 Compensation $ 100.00 PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL $ 100.00 TOTAL $ 250.00 CEWETERIES TOTAL $1400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14735.00 REVENUES.- GENERAL FUND Mortgage taxes $1000.00 1?og _l icenses (from county) 800.00 Licenses .and _permits 25.00 Shared taxes $19303.92 Fees collector 100.00 Fees Justice 300.00 Fees Town Clerk 900.00 Fees As 10.00 ,Unexpended balances (See.115 Town Law) 20000.00 Dated: September 30, 1947 TOTAL REVENUES x;42528.92 H. Russell Harris, Supervisor 67 Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of the Peace For Fiscal Year Beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 y EXPENDITURES Salary of Justice $1200.00 Postage 6.00 Bonds 5.00 Law books and ?pockets 50.00 Stationery, supplies, forms , etc. 20.00 .Expense , Justice , School & Assn.Town Meetings 75.00 TOTr;L EXPENDITURES $1356 .00 REVENUES Fines penalties and forfeitures $ 100.00 Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 100.00 Criminal fees( Indictable cases received from County) 15 .00 Civil fees 20.00 Civil fees - dog (received from county) 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES 245.00 Dated: September 29 , 1947 (Signed) Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of the Peace For Fiscal Year Beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURE Salary of Justice $1200.00 Postage 6.00 Expense attending Assn. meeting 100.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1306.00 REVENUES Fines penalties and forfeitures 5 .00 Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 30.00 Civil fees 10.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 45.00 Dated: September 29 , 1947 (Signed) Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Annual Estimate Bubmitted by Councilman For Fiscal Year beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salaries $ 660.00 Attending association of Town Meeting 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES f-710.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 29 , 1948 (Signed) Curtis Lampson Councilman Annual Estimate Submitted by Councilmen For Fiscal Year beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salaries $ 660.00 attending Meetings 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 710.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 31 , 1948 (Signed)g ) Raymond `Ia lkup Councilman 68 Annual Estimate Submitted by Town Clerk For Fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salary of Town Clerk $2200.00 Salaries of Deputy Clerk 500.00 Postage 35.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2735.00 REVENUES Fees of Town Clerk, Deer licenses 100.00 Dog ,tags 145.75 Delinquent dog list 2 00 Marriage licenses 8,9:00 Hunting and fishing licenses 400.00 Filing (conditional sales contract and chattel mortgages) 150.00 Carylival licenses 100.00 Lost cert. 2.50 Junk dealer license 5.00 explosive 3.50 September 26 , 1947 Dated: TOTAL REVENUES — ;1011 .75 (Signed) Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Annual Estimate Submitted by Superintendent of Highways For Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1 , 1947 EXPENDITURES HIGHWAY FUND( ITEM 1) General repairy $27 ,275.00 Special improvements 5,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $320275.00 REVENUES 6tate aid 4,275.00 AIMOUNT TO BE R ISED BY 'TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND ( item 1) $28,000 BRIDGE FUI41D (Item 2) EXPENDITURES Labor and team work $ 250.00 materials for repair and maintenance 250.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 500.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR BRIDGE FUND ( Item 2) $500.00 1,,1ACHINERY FUND (Item 3) EXPENDITURES Purchase of machinery, tools and implements $ 6144 .00 Repair of machinery, tools and imolements $ 6500.00 ( including mechanic ' s wages) Redemption of machinery certificates 3275 .00 Interest on machinery certificates $ 81 .00 TOTAL EX?Ef�DITURZS $16 ,000.00 AMOU1-,T,T TO BE RAISED BY TAX 'OR 11*11CHIll,"ERY FUND ( Item 3) . $16 ,000.00 AND 1,;,-ISCELLAIIJEOUS FUND ( Item 4) EXPE.'.""DITURES Salary of town superintendent $3000.00 'Expenses of town superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 8000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 2400.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 2500.00 TOT,-1 EXPENDITURES $16,000.00 AMOU11"T TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR SKO'Ili -'-ND MISCELLAIZOUS FUND( Item 4) $16 ,000.00 (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey Superintendent of Highways 69 Annual Estimate Submitted by Receiver of Taxes (Tax Collector) ', or Fiscal Year beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salary $1980.00 Postage 50.00 Office supplies and advertising 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2080.00 R]'VENUES Penalties on taxes 100.00 TOTAL REVENUES $100.00 Dated: September 30, 1948 .(Signed) Arthur J. Hillis , Receiver of taxes Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor For fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors $1350.00 Office , traveling and other expenses 40.00 TOTAL EXPEND iTURES 13390.00 REVENUES Dog damage cases (.received from county) .60 TOTAL REVENUES .60 Dated : September 26 , 1947 (Signed) Ernest Hillis, Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor For fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1948 EXPENDITURES Salary of Assessors $1350.00 Office, traveling and other expenses 35.94 Postage 2.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1388.44 REVENUES None Dated : September 22, 1947 (Signed) Edward Sleight , Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1 , 1948 EXPENIDITUBES Salary of Assessors $1350.00 Off ice , traveling and other expenses 50.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1400.00 REVENUES Dog damage cases (received from county) .96 C) TOTAL REVENUES $ .96 Dated: September 30, 1947 (Signed) Fred Ricketts Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted by Registrar of Vital Statistics For fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1948 70 EXPENDITURES Compensation 60.00 Other expenses _ 15.00 TOTAL EXPEI:%�;DITUREZS 75.00 REVENUES None Dated: September 25 , 1947 (Signed) Bert D. Turner, Recistrat of Vital Statistics Annual Estimate Submitted b ,", Town Welfare Officer For fiscal ybar beginning' January 1 , 1948 'EXPENDITURES Salary 500.00 Office , traveling and other expenses 25.00 Postage 5 .00 TOTAL EXPENDITURE13 $ 530.00 REVENUES None Dated : September 25 , 1947 (Signed) Anna McCaghey Town Welfare Officer Annual Estimate Submitted by Board of Health For fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1948 EXP E1114D I TURES Salary $1200.00 Office , traveling and other expenses attendinC,, conventions etc. 100.00 Postage 10.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1310.00 Da-ted: September 15 , 1947 (3ijned) Henry E. 019rke, Health Officer Annual Estimate for No . Glens Falls 7vater District EXPENDITURES: Cost of Improvement Bond principal $ 500.00 Bond interest 160.00 Maintenance TOTAL $ 660.00 Personal services 125.00 Office and other expenses ( itemize) 100.00 Repairs 50.00 Purchase of water 500.00 Purchase of equipment 25.00 TOTAL $ 800.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . $1460.00 REVENUES 1j'Jater rents $ 800.00 Penalties 5.00 Unexpended balance 250.00 TOTAL REVENUES $1055.00 Dated : September 30, 1947 (Si.-ned) H. Russell Harris Supervisor, or Board of Commissioners 71 Annual Estimate for ',?est Glens Falls 'dater District E X P E ND I T U R ES Cost of Improvement Bond principal 11000.00 Bond interest 2504' 00 TOTAL $1250.00 14a intericance : Personal services $ 100.00 Office and other expenses ( itemize) Bills , etc. 150.00 Book 50.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 700.00 Purchase of equipment. 200.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services 35.00 TOTAL S1335 .00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2585.00 REVE14UES Water rents $1750.00 Penalties 8.00 Sale of water 15.00 Unexpended balance 4000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $5773.00 Dated: September 30, 1947 "Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor or Board of Commissioners Annual Estimate for Ridge Road ',,",Tater District EXPENDITURES Maintenance Repairs 200.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 200.00 REVENUES Unexpended balance $ 300.00 TOTAL REVETIUES 300.00 Dated : September 30, 1947 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor. or Board of Commissioners On motion meeting adjourned to the 8th day of October, 1947 at 7.30 P.M._ at the Clerk ' s Office. (Signed) Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk Adjourned meeting October 8th, 1947 Present : H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley. Justice of the Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond 71alkup Councilman !Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways , also present. The Board convened at 7 .30 P.M. at the Clerk ' s office. LIr. Fred Field was present and the courtesy of the Floor was ex- tended to him and he discussed the matter of widening of the 1- it7*1- way leading from the Country Club to the East Side of Glen Lake. TI-e Board examined the estimates submitted by the various Tol,'Vn Officers and after discussion, the followinE resolution aas adopt- ed: