1947-10-27 77 ! " Regular Meeting October 25, 1947 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight, Justice of the Peace" Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson, Councilman Raymond Walkup, Councilman Board convened at 7.30 P.M. at the Clerk's Office. Minutes of the Meetings held on September 27th, October 3rd, October 8th were read and approved . i The Clerk read the statement of the Supervisors/of the moneys re - ceived and disbursed by him for the month of September. Same placed on file. Board audited claims as follows: Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim claimed Allowed 2 84 Chas. E. Houghtaling Supplies-M.BentleyJC 3.12 85 - Glens Falls Post Co. Pub.Not.Assess.Not. 10.03 10.03 86 Ruth Thomas Att.Justice Court 10.70 Not audited 87' Automatic Vote Mch. Supplies-Ordered by C.C. 7.46 7.46 88 Dennis & Co . Justice Docket-M.Bentleyl3.68 13.68 89 N.Y.Power & Light Corp. Street light 35.17 35.17 90 City Glens Falls Labor & supplies-WGFWD 31.58 31.58 Yfater Fund 91 Franklin Scoville Caretaker Pine View 150.00 150.0 92 Mountainside Grange Cleaning cemeteries 137.00 137 .00 93 Clayton Woodbury & Son Cement-Pine View Cemet.11.90 11.90 ` 410.64 399.94 .► On motion the meeting adjourned . Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk Public Hearing October 279 1947 Present: ` H. Russell Harris, Supervisor Henry Sleight , Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace Raymond Walkup, Councilman Absent: Curtis Lamoson, Councilman Board convened at 7.30 P.M. at the Clerk' s Office . Dr. Henry Clarke was present and the privilege of the floor was extended to him, and he spoke in reference to the amount set up in the preliminary budget for the salary of the Health Officer. The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr. Fred Field who re - quested that moneys be made available to straighten and widen the road leading from the Country Club to the East Side of Glen Lake. The Board generally discussed the preliminary budget and the follow- ing resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice Sleight. Whereas this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in notice of the public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon. Now therefore, be it resolved preliminary budget be amended by making 78 the following changes: By changing the salaries of Justices of the Peace from $2400 to $2200. By striking out the provision for the compensation of a deputy Town Clerk. By changing salaries of constables from $1000 to $330. By changing. salary of attendance officer from $250 to $220. By changing the amount for General Repairs (Item 1) from $27,275. to $24,275. By changing the salary of the Town Superintendent of Highways from $3000 to $2640. By changing the amount for special improvement from $5 ,000 to $8,000.- By changing the salary of Welfare :Of ;iaer ; from $500 to $110. By changing the salary of Health: Officer from $1200 to $1000. And be it- further resolved that such preliminary budget as here- inbefore amended is hereby adopted as` the annual budget cif .th s Town f.3r the fiscal vear beginning January 1, 1948, and that such budget so adopted shall be entered in detail in the minutes of pro- ceedings bf this Board. And be it' further resolved that the Town Clerk of this Town pre - pare and `certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Board together with the assessment roll , if any, adopted pursuant to section 202A of subdivision 2 of the Town Law, and one copy thereof be delivered to the Supervisor of this i Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors. Duly adopted bY the following vote: _ Ayes:, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley , Mr. Sleight, and Mr. Harris. I Noes: None. 1948 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY General Fund - Appropriations General Government i Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board room, offices, elections*, etc. ) $ 285.00 II Purchase of furniture and equipment 150.00 Repairs, light, heat and telephone 50.00 Elections Compensation of election officials ( inc.mileage) 1350.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 110.00 Other expenses P 180.00 Voting machines , purchase and repair 25.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 100.00 Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 1500.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) 250.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 Employees ' Retirement System (town share) 3500.00 TOTAL ''" '^ 900.00 Supervisor Salary 1980.00 Office and other expenses 295.00 TOTAL $2275.00 79 Justices of the Peace Salaries $2200.00 Office and other expenses 262.00 _ TOTAL $2462.00 Councilmen Salries $1320.00 nffice and other expenses 100.00 TOTAL $1420.00 Town Clerk Salary $2200.00 Office and other expenses 35.00 TOTAL -y2236.'00 .Assessors Salaries $4050.00 Office and other expenses 128.44 TOTAL $4178.44 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary $1980.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 TOTAL $2080.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $220550.44 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police , Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation $ 330.00 Mileage and other expenses 100.00 TOTAL $ 430.00 Lockup Rent TOTAL $ 100.00 Traffic Signs , signals and highway lighting $1000.00 { .Dog Warden Compensation $ 440.00 Other expenses 150.00 TOTAL $ 590.00 Forest Fires Payment to Conservation Commission Total ffi 125.00 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $2245.00 EDUCATION Attendance Officer Compensation TOTAL $ 220.00 Town Historian Compensation $ 150.00 Other expenses 100.00 ,Town Library TOTAL $ 250.00 Payments to other libraries TOTAL A 100.00 TOTAL EDUCATION $ 570.00 � RECREATION Patriotic Observances TOTAL $ 250.00 PUBLIC UTILITIES ,Cemeteries $ 1400.00 TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $ 1400.00 i CONTINGENT PURPOSES Sec. 112 of the Town Law $ 1400.00 General Fund Estimated Revenues i Mortgage taxes $ 1000.00 so Deg licenses (from county) 800:00 Fees of town clerk 1011:75 Fees of Justices of the Peace 290,00 Fees of assessors 1.56 Fees of tax collector 100.00 All other Licenses and permits 25.00 Shared taxes 19303092 TOTAL $22532023 Unexpended balances (Sec.115 Town Law) $20000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES(GEN.F UND) $42,532.23 GENERAL FUND Summary Appropriations General Government $ 22550.44 Protection of persons and property 2245.00 Education 570.00 Recreation 250.00 Public utilities 1400.00 Contingent purposes 1400.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 28,415.44 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES(Gen.Fund) 42,532.23 AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GEN.FUND - None Anticipated balance $14 ,116.79 WELFARE FUND Town Welfare Officer Salary $ 110.00 Office and other expenses 30.00 TOTAL $x_140.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 140.00 HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fend ( Item 1) ApproD riations General Repairs $ 24275.00 Special improvements 8000.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $32,27500. Estimated Revenues j State aid $ 4275.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 4275.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED B`T TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item 1) $28,000.00 Bridge Fund ( Item 2) - Appropriations Labor and team work 250.00 Materials for repair and maintenance 250.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 500.00 Estimated Revenues AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR H IGH'N Y FUND (Item 2) 500.00 Machinery Fund (Item 3) - Appropriations Purchase of Machinery, tools and implements 6144.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements 6500.00 Redemption of machinery certificates 3275.00 Interest on machinery certificates 81 .00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $16,000.00 Estimated Revenues AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND ( Item 3) $169000.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund ( Item 4) - Appropriations Salary town superintendent $ 2640,00 Expenses town superintenden ' ' ng t 100.00 ;_ob tru ci tQn 4 , by u U Ilt 8000.40 Ming: &Ad T'-ff6i0VW Soxtads Need 9vand brush 2400.00 e i 1l iti gpwots" aec;u iiu brutil: 2500.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS =$250640.00 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues $ 3000.00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3000.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (Item 4) $12,640.00 t - _ 81 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND ( Items 2,3 and 4) $299140.00 TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations . b Board of Health Salary of health officer $ 1000000 Other health expenses 11000 TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH 1110.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation 60.00 Other expenses 15.00 TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS $ 75.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH None North Glens Falls `-Water District Appropriations Cost of improvement Bond principal $ 500.00 Bond interest 160.00 TOTAL $ 660.00 Maintenance Personal services $ 125.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 fairs W 00 w Purchase of water 500.00 Purchase of equipment 25.00 _ TOTAL 800.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 1460.00 Estimated Revenues { Water rents 800.00 Penalties 5.00 Unexpended balance 250.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1055.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT $ 405.E Nest Glens Falls Water District Appropriations Cost .of Improvement Bond principal 1000.00 Bond interest 250.00 TOTAL 1250.00 Maintenance { Personal services ! 100.00 Aff i.ce and other expenses 200.00 Repairs 100.00 Purchase of water 700.00 4 Purchase of equipment 200.00 Purchase and installation of meters and services , 35 00 TOTAL V1335.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 2585.00 Estimated Revenues j Water rents $ 1750.00 "'FensIties 8.00 _. Sahg of water 15.00 Unexpended balance 4000.00 TOTAL REVENUES � 57?3.0n 82 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT - aone I 31A8.00 Ridge Road Water District ADDrooriations Maintenance Repairs 200.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 200:00 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance 300 00 TOTAL REVENUES 300.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT - none Balance 100.00 On motion, meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner, Town Clerk. Special Meeting November 1 , 1947 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Herr,7y Sleight Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman ,Absent: Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace The Board convened at 10.30 A.M. at the Clerk's Office . In the matter of the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District , the Clerk presented the approval of Frank C. Moore, Comptroller for the extension of said district. The members of the Town Board signed an order for the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District as follows , BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, N.Y. IN THE MATTER of ORDER ESTABLISHING THE EXTENSION OF THE NORTH GLENS FALLS DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT, Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, A petition in this matter for the extension of the North Glens Falls 'Water District having been duly presented to the Town Board, together with the necessary maps and plans attached thereto, and an order having been duly adopted by the Town Board on the 4th . day of September, 1947 , for the hearing of all persons interested , in the matter on the 19th da-,, of September, 1947, at 7:30 P.M, at the town clerk's office on Ridge Road in said town, and a hear- ing by the said Board having been duly held at such time and place, and it having been duly resolved and determined following .such hear- ing that the petition herein was signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law and otherwise sufficient, that all the property and property owners within the proposed extension of the North Glens Falls Water District were benefited thereby, that all property and property owners benefited were included within the limits of - the proposed extensions and that it was in public interest to grant . in whole the relief sought , and it having been then and , there fur -ther duly resolved that the establishment of such proposed exten sion as proposed be approved, and application having been there