1948-12-18 SP 17 Special Meeting December 18th,1948 I . Present: ` H.Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith S Bentley, Justice of the peace Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Curtis Lamps-on Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman jAlso Present E L H Meyers Minutes of meetings held on November 27 h, and December 11th were read and approved Mr E.L.H.Meyers read the following letter r December 18th,1948 To the Town Board of Queensbury r„ Gentlemen: i Agre%ble with your request, I am handing you herewith the statement from the Water Departmeat of the City of Glens Falls for mater'ials' Turn ished by them on your- at count for the installation of the 6" cast iron water main on Ft. Amherst Rd. The final measurements indicate that the ,contractor installed` 905 lin, ft. of main and laterals. At the computed contract price of $2,.00 per linear foot the total amount of the '+contract would be 0181 0,00 There is the question as to whether or not the board desires to make allowance for overbreakage in the excavating ditch. Measuremen to taken show that over a distance of 355 feet an overbreakage, through no fault of the contractor, equal to 170.60 took plat e due entirely to made ground.. This overbreakage amounted to 414.8 cu, yds.which, at the prices named by the contractor in braaking' down his 82.00 per lin. ft: , bid,, (0,90¢, for excavation and 0.58/ for.. back filling and surface restoration) would amount to 8896.38.. The ,entire instal lation has .been completed in accordanpf with the 5pecificati�ons and with the exception of the acceptance by your board of the street surfac. e.' . Respectfully submitted'.. Arnest L H Meyer Engineer in charge,. . R _snI nt i nn Nn R7, Introduced by Justice Bentley* Seconded; by a .,. Justice Sleight, 4 Resolved. that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to order from R.D.Wood & Company for use in the North Glens Fal is Water district extension the following class 150 belland spigot cast iron ,".isan.dspun" pkptrifugal pie tar coated 161 feet nominal lenghths; 5000 feet of 6" # $1. .70 per foot and 1600 'feet ' of 8" ® $2,42 per foot fob cars Glens Falls, N.Y. Duly adopted by the following vote: * Ayes ; MR Walkup,; Mr Serlt IW , Mr Lampson, Mr E+leight and Mr, Harris . Noes : None. The Board audited' Claims as follows: Amount ,",mount No Name of Cla:iman.t:, Nature of Claim Cla'ijed Allowed, 288° F.Karl Surprenan:t 1 Victor Elec-Add.Xa.ch--$272._50 X272.50 289 Edward,. Thompson McKiiiney's Pocket Parts 3a6,.00 36..00 2,90 Holmes Auto Ser.. 9/9 11/3/48-45106-47302 17.06 , 17.06 291 Henry, JSSeight Postage & envelopes 6..89 6.69 292` Fred' E,: Ricketts- Mileage as assessor 4.20 4.20 ,� 178 8 29:3 George R;.DeMarsh 1 Table 41x 10 'by 30 High 47.x50 w47.50 294 Harri'sena Comm.Chur -Clean'ng Cemeteries 125 .00 125,00 295 1,7ohican Grange Rental & Storing V Ling Yahs 90.00 90.00 29G Union Free Schl#2 Rena as polling place 40,00 40,00 297 'C'ty,..Glen s Falls.N.Y.Postage Stamps RRWD Fund: 1.11 1.11 298 Gty. lens Falls." " " " NGFWD Fund: 2,04 20.04 299 G Y.Glens -Falls." " M>:scellanous 7IGnM Fund: 5,.49 5'49 300 GTY.; " " Materials=& labor W.Fund 1031..27 1031,27 301 G " " Misc,.NGFWD EXT. Fund' 508,04 50cl,04° 302, City. " " Balance= due 156.80 I56..80 o meeting ad 'ourned an!e�S ~ .,urner On motion g Town 'Gle~k Regular meeting December 28, 1949 Present : H. Russell .Harris 3uperviaor Henry Sleight Justice .of the Peace Curtis Lampson Pouncilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Absent: Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley • The board' convened at 9 A.M.. The dockets of the Justice of Peace, vouchers, cancelled c`hecks ,` claims and minute book were submitted to the Board for examination and audit, Dr. Clarke was given the privilege of th6 Floor and he discussed briefly on contagious disease within the• Town.` He also declared that the complai- nt about the_ outhouee on the brook leading from the Brickyard, had been droppeel: The Board" proceeded to audit and examine the books , dockets and other 2 noon, recessed to l P.M. and reconvened at papers submitted and at 1 n , N 1 P.M. wit� 'the same members being. present, and continued examination and audit: After the completion of such examination and audit, the Board adopted the following resolutions : Resolution #88, introduced by Mr. Sleight, seconded by Mr. Walkup: WHEREAS there exists surplus moneys in the amount of Eleven Thousand four hundred thirty-eight and 89/100 Dollars for the year 1948.,, RESOLVED• that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to transfer from seld` surplus° the sum of Five Thousand- Dollars to the capital re- served fund. Duly adopted- by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. La.mpson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - .none. RPM . introduced by Councilman C. Lampson, seconded- by Just- ice Sleigh SERIAL BOND RESOLUTION 1948 • RIDGE ROAD WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Ridge Read Water 'District of the Town of Queensbury was duly 'established in May, 1945, and a contract was duly made with the city of Glens Falls ,for the furnishing of water to said district. *; AND WHEREAS it was necessary for the improvement of said water district to construct a meter vault and connect with the City of Glens Falls for- the metering of the water furnished to said district. AND WHEREAS, the town board of the Town of Queensbury acting as water commissioners of said district, did -enter into a contract with Di-um & Stevens for the construction of a cement block meter vault for