Application TOW1V OF Q7�EENSBLZRY 742 Bny Road, Qneensbury, NY. Z280@-5902 February 13,2019 Northw.ay Outlets, LLC 2"�00 Westchester Avenue Suite 409 Purchase,NY 105']'� REo The Outlets at Lake George West Wall Signs (Space lOOJ Town o£Queensbury Tax Map Parcel: 288._1-53 Dear 8ira: I am writing to you i espouse to your recently submitted application £or signs proposed at your 1415 State Routc 9,Queensbury,New YorK location. I have re - wad your proposal and find that a e fiom o r Town o{ Queensbury Sigz Ordinance will be necessary should you wish to c nstmct the sign as proposed. Speci£acally, o Code allows a tenant in a business c mplex to have only on®wall sign. Your proposal calls £or a number o{wall signs that era in excess o{our maximum allowable number o£signs. Please note o established submittal deadlines and pre-submission meeting requirements when preparing your application materials. Should you have any fitrtlter questions or comments,please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Tows o£Que nsbury e Craig Brown Zoning Administrator csish cc_ Jonathan C.Lapper,Hsq.- HPSR L:\Craig Hrown\2019 Lcttays\Danial Northway Ou[Itts Wcs[3Y 2_33_l9.tloc " Honz e of Na tura L Beauty ... A Good PL a ce to Live ' SigO VarianCG [L6A npprovea 5eptembce 212016] Pre-Submission Conference Form/Section 199-9-04�0,�, / / �� � �` 1_ APPiicarttNam¢: 11X�O�-f-t'/wcti� c�E��e-/-� C_C�C-l�l)ed��-��5 � tLA� 2_ Tas Msp ID 2�!/o`!-J�� Location: ���� ��� 2�� 3. Zortirtg Ctassit9ca[ion L--= ' !'_OM MQ-r-Ga E-�� �^'�-P�S�'�p 4_ Reason for Revi L[(�.�J f R-e . o� �� � .� ��� s - sf r�✓is l.._�e]-e- carlt� 01¢-t s �i,�.. -F 5. Zoning Scct rt#: f�tf9 - �.� �L 6_ Pre-Submission Me¢ttng Notes. Pr�ed Oubtandirtg:Picas¢provide by D¢ea General In{rmation complete Sites Development Data Complete �� SetbacK Requirements Complete Additional Pr jeer Information Complete -� FAR addressed Compliant¢with Zoning Ordinance ✓ Cheddis[items addressed (�- _i_Z Environm¢ntai Form completed �� Signature Page completed QED \- \,� ` --5-� \L\ S Co � � S4, V c�Q 1�'C� Pa C a_� �S c-y� 0�.1-..r•2 � n �f 3��\4 ^ witi� Its n� L (la.�--t�nC yjQ 4 �\ � r A s dr p l �`Q ii r d-s ti 4 P � _ � k �o-� r�rev, �_ i �� �'Ltnr\c 1.,� i �-.� i4 I -� ri- � t-Z �� �_ cc(�Re SS-fir"/� l c tao l � i-t 'EC �Z�c � Staff Representative: ���~ t�`i��r�� �i U �lvtCr t 1 / Appticant/Agent: Data Z/1�t\L( Page 6 - Hign Variance[zaa epp.o.aa sepa®ba at zmsl z-sue a -� �� General Infonaatinn I Cy E1VE4 Tax Parca]ID Number: 2HH-00-]-53 ! /� �� zoning nine-tor. �I FE�B/S 2019 TOWN OF O EENSBURY Detailed Description o£Pr j¢ct [include current�proposed uae]: ZONING OFFICE iL�wt�c /-�3( Current Uac North Elev wall sign 61.1 sq R atuminum letters in framed panel,Rood lit Proposed Use: East elev wall sign,61-1 sq R aluminum Ramed panel,Rood lit Location of P jeer The Outlets at Lake George West 1415 State Route 9 Applicant Nam¢: Northway Outlets,LLC Mailing Address. 2900 Westchester Avenue Suite 40 FIome Phone City, Slate,Zip purchase,NY ]0599 Worn Phon¢ 914-253-6500 Cell Phone E-Mail: FAX No. Ag¢vt's Nam¢_ Jon C.Lapper,Esq. Maiing Address One Washington 8traat Home Phone _ City> State,Zip Glens Falls,NY 12H01 Work Phone 5]8-832-6434 Ce11 Phone E-mail jcl�bpsrlaw_com FAX No. 518-824-1034 Owv¢r's Namc Northway Outlets,LLC Mailing Address 2900 Westchester Avenue Suite 40 Home Phone City, State,Zip parchase,NY 30509 Work Phone 914-253-6500 Cell Phon¢ E-mail FAX No. Pages 1 Sign Valance lzan.ppro.w sop�emne m�?Dial Site Develoument Data Ar¢a/Typ¢ Exis[titgaq.f[. Proposed Total sq.Yt Add-rion s Ft A_ Building footpint 49,615 49,615 B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s� D. Paved,gavel or other hard surfaced area 139,040 139,040 H. Porches/Dacka F. Otltar G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] 1gg,655 188,655 H. Parcel Area [43,560 a4. R./acre] 29g309 290,309 I. Pereeataga o£Impaanneable Area of Hite CI=G/H] q5_5 45.5 S¢[bac1C Rea ements Area Requimed Existing Propoaed From Yard C17 ']5 12% 128 Front Yard[2] Shoreline Bide Yard [3] 2p 62 62 Sid¢Yard C2] 20 159 150 Rear Yard C17 25 82 82 Aear Yard [2] Travel Condor 75 ]28 12% Height[maximum] 40 40 40 P¢axieabitity 30 30.2 30.2 Number of parling spaces 248 265 255 PaSe 2 - Sig.Var:a::ce[za..aw.o��a sep.�na.as:a�cl Compliance witlt Chaot¢r 149 Sim Ordinance 1. A scaled drawing o£ihe entire sign<s) and site plan drawing showing ttt¢location is to be included in Ste submission packet ie on building and on site. Please note a survey is requir¢d uxtless a watvcr is granted. 2. This application is£or a chaaae m tkae(check all that apply): X Number o£Signs: R-om<currerttly): O Cl n¢rmitMd) to(pxvposed): 2 — Setback£or Sign 66.1 Sa R(each)Size o£Sign Height o£Sign Other(specify) 3. Sign Dimettaion(s) Sign Type Existixag Proposed Le^9 t� Width Total Height (Ch¢ck) <Check) <R) (R) (Sq Ft) <R) W� 22.225 2.2" 6L3 11 north¢levation 'r Wall t¢I¢vatiov X 22.225 2'2•• 61.1 16 Freestanding Freestanding Other ie panel Projec;tissg Awrtixag Ilh�mi�A+-ed Type; 4. Property Line Setbacks Front/Rear 158/128 Side 360/200 5. Sign Woffiing: _OLD NAVY OUTLET 6. Additional ivaformation i£applicable Pag¢3 Sign Variance[zoo avvroe=a s�p.�..m«v zm sl Th¢ Pottowtng qu¢alions reflect the criteria For granting this type of variant¢. Pleas¢ compt¢t¢ ih¢m5 us¢ additional sheets iF needed_ l. Whether antic rabic chaos¢will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created bytth¢granting o£this sign variance. No nd sign n this store i istent with tw corner stores in [h¢Eas[plaza and is vmportant For lo¢adug[lt¢store for dr v¢rs 6¢ading nor[6 and south.0 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be acfiieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than a sign variance? Nq[hiss nd sign 'ndicatcs and r¢pr nts a K¢y a ch¢r store and is an improvement to ov¢raB aesth¢ttcs oFthe plaza by balancing the visual presentadon oFth¢east¢t¢vatious 3. Wfie[her tfie requested sign vananw is substantial? No this is the 2nd sign is For a large tenant spat¢of 12,216 sq f[which c uld a atly a odate 3 ¢pa at¢store fronts,and¢ ch ato alto ¢d to have its o stgu Beo ¢the front fa ad¢is 128• from Route 9 a sign sigu¢uathat facade can b¢up to 128 sq Ft which is greater than the combine 122 sqf[ of both requested signs. 4. Whether[he propo ed v cc will have an adverse eRec[or uapac[ov the physical or envrrortmental conditions in[fie neighborhood or diabict?rr No adverse effect_to the contrar �this lien will imnrov¢saf¢Mor destination noe tratT c. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? No.corner lot with two Facades requ Tes identification on both sides. Additional Project Information 1. IF the parcel has previous approvals,list application numberfs)- SO-2014 2. Doffs this pr ject require coverage under[he New YorN S[at�Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPDES)Pertni[ ProgramT _Yes/ No 3. Estimated project duration: Start Date 5/1/2019 End Da[¢ 5/1/2019 4. Estimated total cost of pr ject $]O_000 00 Page 4 - Sign Variance Izan apy,ovaa s�ee.ono—v zot6] Scmion 1 99-1403 0 Application matca-ials and site plan drawing is[o include sufficient information far the Board to review antl provide adecision- i1w applicant is o provide a site plan drawing(aj—a s vey showing v7cisting conditions,a proposal contlitions map(see page 00 for specific criteria)and include any other attachm<n[sr[M1at atldresa A-D as applicable to[he proposed p ject- A. oeacr�. - slaowndit:slseaE#� 1 Tiae Name,Address o£a licant� aible£ aration o£drawin 2 Deed 3 North arrow,Tax Ma ID date ared and scale ma - 1 inch=40£t 4 Boundaries o£the lotted to scale zo bounds 5 Princi al atmcmras ro atmetures with exterior dim 6 Site improvameMs find-outdoor storage areas,driveways,parking areas,etc-: existing� ed ") Setbacks£or all structures and im cots: istin � sed 8 Etevations and floor Tans of all sed and affected structures 0 B Wsfer 8c'Sawer z5bown on<Sha�t# I Pr jeer sewage disposal£ac lilies,design details,construction details,flow rates,and number o£ bedrootn_a sed 2 Water supply[ioe-well] 1$septic o adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or sed on-site water au 1 and ae tic 3 Sro aration distances for osed saws a dis osal s stem to well and water bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply[well,lake,etc-]- Method o£sccuring public or private water location deli and construction of water au 1 mcludin dail water use 5 Percolation test location and results C. Parkin /PearraeableAreas -5boivaSon Sheet# 1 Number of spaces required for pr jeer including calculations and jus[i£catioa: existing 8c ed 2 No o£a fisting parking spa , umber to be mmoved,number to mamtaia and type of aurfac ng maxerialx e1 vase 3 Provision£or edean-inn and bandies and arkin _ istin � sed a Deai aetaita o£i a,lnaaiaa ana emm� - istin sea 5 Location and chamctersof green areas [existing and proposed],modifacatioa m geen area,buff c to remain undisturbed 6 Lin tin ,location and de o£all a sti ad ed outdoor li tin si x a ro os D ;Additional Sifa'.Devdo meat and"141iacellabeous ' Shown on-5haet#" 1 On-site 8c ad-scent watercourses streams n s,lake and wetlands 2 Utili /eaer distributions rem elecli'iq solar tel hone : istin sed 3 Location,design and construction details o£all a fisting and proposed site improvements ncludin drains culverts retainin walls F ces lire 8c emer m and h ante,etc- 4 Square footage of bldg-a a proposed£or of£ace,manufacturing,retail sales or other commercial activiYes: a istin Sc sed 5 Si Location s e deaf and setback: �cisiin J$ sed 6 Waiver Request provide letter with application mques[ing any waivers: please reference citic items 9 Commercial/Indusn-fiat Dcvelopmm[requires submission o£Landacapiag, Storxnwater Maaa einmt Gradin 8e Li tin Plans 8 Identi£acarion of Pederal, Stale or County permits required for the project together with a record o£a lication for ali nccessa mans Page 5 SiEm Variance lznn nnvm-<a sci•w+�+bcr_[wto) This page includes IM1c IJ Awhorieaaion [o Ac[ as Agabt Fortn:2.) EnSineering Fec Disclosure:3.) Authorization for Sitc Visias: i.) O[hcr Pcnni[RcsPonsibilixics;5.)Or4cial Maling Oisalasurc and 6.)Agrccmrnt ao Provide Jocumcnmxion requiree- O4m EA s AGE\T FOAnf: Complem tM1e following iT the O\VNER of the property i- not[rye anme as the applieani: Owner Nonbway Outbts LLC Designates: ]on C Cappcq Esq_.6PSR as Agvnt mgarding the following: Variance= Sim Plan_ Subdivision For Tva Map No.: 288.00-1-53 Dcee RClerencc: HooR 4969 Page 2$2 Datc OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICwNT'x ACEn'T FOIt>b CompletetM1efollowing([[he APPLICANT i noble w an..a,d oho meeting or wishes xo be mpresetned by anotfier party: Own . Designates: x Aganl rcSartlin6 tba followinL': Variance 51[a Plan Subdivision _ For Tax Map No-: Deed Reference: BeoK Page Daxe OWNER SIGNATU[2E' DATE- ArrGvaainna nary be mltrrtd , Tows sulli�',ryY+ nn$incur n,r rvviuw oT x TJc Jva s[om, E F c J by[he 2nniK7a nr Oanvrtmv-nl- Fvca!,r a sinuvrinB+rvv�cx pu me mill be chvr8axi J4ee[IY In[he'nnnlievni. Fvea for enB,ncenn6+'�,icu will nm exe 5 i.000 wi6[hou[nm�Svonvn,n ahc arrli rvn- ATION FOA 5 TSa BY zipnin6 lhi¢Pagc vnJ s ing[hv annlienaon n vrlals n ml>tvl I,aruin.[bv Owner.Arrlicnn,. nd laia.her/[hAi�rZaCem(sl 1 rvbY u[hnriee gm Znn n8 Boa,rd ar PI'vmm�a 6onnl vnd Tnxn Savo'm cn[vr[hu aulyje [ rmrenia.x f r[hv Pmm�s.-a+r .�.•wwins n.n anruen[:n..,nbn..n�a- on,=r r�+..J[a�. r ha regw.na i - - nhern[:nn arr :.y xnbx�nnen[la nm,ra�m br n... zoniDs e o e�r r��,..�s aaw�ittl..n�T,.rr. nm ,r�ar.,nxu,il:[a�m nbmin an>naei ��[ni r m[x. - e.eo mn[me nr Ibc cnm..a..�,..r oc,.clnnmen. Dnnan...�n. to hnz n a�xmna nns�N•� nm �.=Pmc�aJmgs nr n.m e- ,..a..u.�s f m rNinaJnn. nna n.ma..., an.naarinaa ..,.., n.naa,.aroma ronwamla me reml rax:nrJ nr mlrnmaa:ns-•- _ 1.the-undersignval -ahnruugTlY rcnJ anJ unaersmna l 6 a'ubvixsion vntl aSry�m l m xubmisxio�tuluimn u-n[s,1 neknmvlul6�nu s ion ac i..calmll be cumin need p r[n nco oT n v ,J rcnni[- 1 cvnilY thin Jw n,plic:uion. Ions ,a su^�nin9 n umiais ry vnJ�` mrleluts c, -n✓Jcxeriroiran of ahc vx a[Inyau a1J.v,x unJ lhv ck rmrosvd'and aM1a. u .rorl: .vil'c v rcr[Yv v in cmnlvTY v" l ll.vill obm oast n+inmt eToccuP ncJ'als nw.h xluryl sl n w�acrsmvd t knmWcaitiv- aPrior to occupYi^6l fucih[ics rmroxcW.l 'iW v I l,vc m ,ryuhcJ m ra sbuih aurvv-Y F> a.nsvd W,ut zurvvYor n[":JI nvw'IY unnxarvv��d TucihJes Prior[o usum.ai a+l n aa.mh�.n�sal Ia�e,•Ls and� Corey Shnous .Z _ [ � _ [ O-' 5I p li Print Nanm[Applicanq Daae siSnetl _ ]on C LnpPer —5' 1 4 Si6na c[Ascot] Print Namc IAScnq D®tc siSncd Pab'c O Short Estvironmelttal Assessm¢rtt Form Part I -Project Iteformottotr IaetrucHona{r Comni¢tlas Part 1-Proj¢ct InYormatfon. Th<app\lean[or proja¢t sponaov is r<apouaibl<lor tha c mplaHon of Par[1. Rc�spana<s become par[of th<application For approval or fltnding�am subj<ct to public re and may be subj¢ot to thxth<r v<riHcatfon. Compltt<Part 1 bas<d on information c tr<ntly a ailable. IPatldi<ional research<o:invasiigation would b<n«detl to£Ily r<spond to any i[e:m.please answer as thoroughly as passible based on curt<m information. Complete all i n Part 1. You may also provide any additional information wlvch you bell<ve will b<n«d<d by or useful to th<1<ad agcnry:attach additional pag<s as necessary to supplement any i[<m. PaR 1-Proj¢ct and Sponaoc Information Name of Aotion or P j<ct Ola N at Laka Gaorya Wart Proj<e[Locatfonf(describe�and attach a location map): a u lnta at Lak¢Gaolya Was 21415 3<a[a Reuta 9 BriaFD¢scription of Propos¢d Action: Nortry ana East Elavaba wall Blpna Nam<oFApplicant or Sponsor: T<1<phon<: _ waY ODUatn LLO F Mafl: Address: s[GM1ae\ar Avanu¢Sulfa 407 City/PO: Stat<: Zip Code: PumM1asa 1069E 1.Doos th<propos<d action only involy<th<I<gislative adoption oFa plaq local law Nordinanc0. NO YCS adminis[tn[ive mIS o r<gulationT IFYes�attach a narxaNve dascrip[ion of the:int<nt of the proposal action and the environmentat resourc<s that ✓0 may be aff t<d in th<m cipali[y and proee<d to Par[2. IFno. on[inue[o question 2. 2. Do<s th<proposed ac requir<a p<rmi;approval or Fundixtg£tom any other govommmtal AgenryT NO YES IF Yes,list agency(s)nam<and pe:rtnit or approval: 0 0 3.a Total a reag<of tha sit<of the proposaltl action? B ac b.Total a wage to be physically dis[urbedT ros u Total ac <age(p ject site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or p jec[sponsorT B acres 4. CheoK all land us<s tfiat occur on,adjoitung and n ar the proposM action. D Urban �Rnr01(non-agriculturo) Dlndustrial mCommercial OResidential(suburban) I�Forest DAgricultur< DAqua[ic DOther(sp<cify): OParKland Page 1 oP3 5. Is th<proposcd aotioq NO YES N/A a.A p¢r[[aitt<d us<untl¢r the zoning regulations? O O O b.Consist¢vi with[h<adopted comprehensiv¢p1anT �/ 6. Is the proposal action eovais[<vt wi[la the pr¢dominant charac[¢r of the¢xis[ing built or natural NO YES IavdsoaPel O O. Is t}t<site o£the proposed action located iv,or dots it adjoin,a stain list<d Critical Enviro[vnmtal Ar<aT NO YES IFYes,iden[i£y: 0 0 8. a.Will[he proposed action r<ault in a substantial inarcas<in Laffc abov<pr<smt 1<v<IST NO YES 0 b.Aro public vanaportation servme(s)availabl¢a[or nest[he site oF[h¢proposcd ac[ionT o 0 c.Are any petles[rian a ntmodations or bicyolc root<s a ailabl<on o sift of the yropos<d actionT 9.Does[he proposcd action me<t or<xe«d[h<s[aro<n<rgy cod¢r¢quirem¢ntsT NO YES If the proposed action will<zc«d r¢quirements,describe tlesign Features and t¢ehnnmgiea: O O 1 O. Will[he proposed action covn¢ct to an existing publidprivat<wat<r sapplyT NO YE3 If Nq desarib<m<thod F r providing potable wets= O 11.Will th¢proposcd aovon eo[an<c[[e existing was[¢wata utili[iesT NO YES IF No,d<scrib¢m¢thod£or provitl'ng wastewat¢r trea[m¢n O 12. a.Dods th¢sito contain a st ctum that is Iis[¢d on dither the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Flae<sT © o b.Is tlt¢proposed action located in an arah<ologieal aens[nv<ar<aT 13.a.Does any poRiov oFth¢s of[he proposcd a r lands adjoi[aing th<propos<d ac[ioq contain NO YES wetlands or otfi<r waterbodies r<gulated by a Falual,stet¢or local agencyT O b.Would the proposcd aotiou physically al[¢r,or neroach intq any exis[in�we[lantl o waterbodyT O O IFYes,identify th<w<[land or waterbotly and extent o£alterations m s9uara F or aem 14. Id<ntify[h<typical habitat types[ha[o oq or are lih¢ly to b¢Found on th¢pr j¢at situ ChecK atl that applya O Shor¢lin¢ OFor¢a[ rnOAgriculturaLgasalands DEarly mid-s�o�<saional 0 W¢tland mUrban OSuburban 15.Dods th¢sift of the proposcd action contain any sp¢ci¢s oFan mal,or associated habitats,lis[¢d NO YES by the Stat<or Petleml govemmen[as thr¢a[¢n¢d or rndang¢r<dT o 0 16.Is th¢p jtot sift locat<d in[M1e 100 y¢ar Hood plain? NO YES l0.Will the propos¢tlac[ion tree[¢atoa-n[water dischargq either from point or non-point soum<aT NO YES IF ayes, .Will storm water Qischarges How to adjacent prop¢rties? ONO AYES b.Will storm water discharg¢s b<dir<ot<d to establish<d conv<yance sys[<ms otF and atorrt[drains)T IF Yes,briefly duaceibm �NO QYES Page 2 0£3 I S-Does tM1e proposed action include c other activities that result in[M1e impoundment qF NO YES water or ollter liquids(e-g-rvRention pond.waste lagoon damj4 I£Yes�otplain purpose and size- - o 0 19-Has the site of tM1e proposed ac or an adjoining property bttn tM1e location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste.management£atility? IF Yes,describe:- O O 20-Has[he site of the proposeQ action or an adjoitng property been the aubjam of rrsncdiation(ongoing or NO 1rE3 mplttedj for hamm'dous was[e4 0 0 ifY s,tlescribe- I AFFIRM THAT THB INFORMATION PROVIDED AROVB IS TRUE AND ACCURATB TO THE BEST OF MY IQ\OWLSDGB ApplicanUsponsor Dam Z� �—19 Sigrrattar¢ N��e PRINT FORM Page 3 0£3 wgrney oa¢onir hf saaH<amei PmJce antes. Short Envtronmentwl Assessment Form Par!2 -Itatpact Assessment P®r[2 is to ba completed by the L¢ad Ag¢vcy. Avswer all oFHae Following questions m Part 2 usixrg Hte i�rma[ion contained in Part 1 and oHter materials subtrtittcd by th<p jeer sponsor or oth<rwise availabl<to th<r<vicw<r. Whan aro ring th<questions Hie reviewer should be guided by th<concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and content of Hie proposed acnonp^ Nq or Mod¢rst¢ smell to large ivfpa t ivyaact may ¢ may 1. Will Ht<aroaoa<d action c`<at<a nrvt<rial conHact with av adopt<d land us<also or inning o O O r tcgulaHonaT 2. Will the proposed action tevult in a change m the use or in[ausity oFuse of IandT 3. Will th<propos<d action irrq�air the character or quality of th«xis[ing comtnuxtityT O 4. Will Hte proposed action have an ixtipact on Hte environmrntal charec[a-:s[:ca Hta[causetl[he o 0 <stablishmrnt oFa Critical Environmental Aaca(CEAjT 5. Will the propos<d aeHon r<sul<in an adveas�ohang<in t3ae ccisting level oPttafPe or afT<ct<xisting inHastruc[urc for mass trar�si[,bildug or walKwayl 6. Will ih<proposmi action wus<an increas<in th<us<of<nergy and it fails to incotpomtt O O nably a ailablc<nargy coax<rvation or r<n<wabl<.m<rgy opportutdti<sT 9. Will Hac ProPoscd a¢ticn ixtrpact acisting. O O a.public/private water suppli,-sT b.public/privai<wast<wat<r H<atmrnt uHIiH<sT o 0 8. Will Hie proposed action impair the<liamofe or quality oFimportant Ftiatoric.arohacnlogical. � O rohitxtvral o aesthetic zmoureeaT 9. Will th<propos<d action rosult in an adverse change to natural resorts«s(<.g.,w<tlands, O O wat<rbod:<s,groundwater, arr quality,flora and fauna)T 1 O. Will Hie proposed aeries rasult in an inereas<to eh<potential fbr amnion,flooding or drvnage O O probl<msT 11. Wi31 th<propos<d aRion cr<at<a hazard to uavitonrn<Yrffit i<sourt<s or hua:ra:t h<althT O O PRINT FORM Page 1 of2 Ag¢n Us¢ON pFa licablc] ¢)� Short Environmental Assessment Form Part3 Determination of Si�siftcance For<v¢ry question in Part 2 that was an rcd"moderate to large impact may occur",or iF there is ¢¢d to explain why a particular element o£the propos<d action may or will not tesult in a sigtti£aoan[advexa¢enviro ental impaoq plcas< mplet¢Patt 3.Part 3 sfiould,in suTTicien[detail,identify the impacq including any m<asures o d<sign<lexn<n<s [fiat havo b«n inc3ud<d by the p ject sponsor to avoid or r<du«impacts. part 3 sfiould also<zplain how the I¢ad agency d<t<rrrtin<d that the impact may or will not b<sigti5cant Eacfi pot<n[ial impact sfiou3d b¢assessed cortsiderittg iGs s tinp probability of occurrixtg,dumtion�irr< rsibility.g¢ogtaphic scope and magnitude. Also cox�sider the potential£or sfiort- term,long-[arm and cmaulat]ve impacts. OChecK[bis box i£you hav<det<rrrun<d.ba&W on the infortrs[ion and analysis above.and any suppottittg docunentatlon. tbnt th< proposed action may xcsult in r rnor<pot<ntially larg<or significatrt adv¢tse impacts and an ml:mpac smtem<rtx is regnitatr�p Ch<ch tfiis box iFyou have dct<rmin<d,bas<d on tha information and analysis above,and any supporting docuvmtnation. that th<proposed action will not result in any sigtiAoan[adv<as<<rtvitonmental irrtpacts. Nan[¢of Lead Agency Dat¢ Print or lype Name oPR<sponeible OfFc¢r in Lcad Agrncy 'I'itl¢ofRespor�sibl<OfHovr Signarurc oFAwpotasibl¢ORicg in Lead ABmtaY Sigtatur<ofPropamr(if di$<r<nt from Responsible OtLicerj PRINT FORM page 2 0{2 wt� WARREN COUNTY- STATE OF NEW PORK PA MELA J.VOGEL,COUNTY CLERK t340 STATE ROUTE 9, €� �` [�� LAKE GEORG E, NEW YORK t28g6 _wY_"v� COUNTY CLERK'S REOORUING PAGE ""^THIS PAGE IB PART OF THE DOCUMENT-OO NOT OETAGH�� e cor ing: COVer Page $_00 Recording Fee 40_00 Cultural Ed 14_25 Records Management - Coun 1_00 ReCordS Management - Stat 4.75 Additional Names O_50 BOOK/PAGE: 4964 / 282 TP584 $_00 SNSTRUMENT #: 2014-2065 RP5217 Allouther5 - SLaCa 241_00 Receipt#: 2014329960 0 __ clerk: LB sub Total : 3.20_50 _ Rec Oate: 04/10/2014 11: 52:00 AM Ooc Grp] RP TransFer T8X OeSCrlp: CORRECTN OEEO TraO s"Fer TaX - State 0.00 Num Pgs: 5 RCC•d Frm: COMMUN2TY TSTLE Sub Total : O_00 Partyl: 6ECK05 DEAN J Partyl: NORTHWAV OUTLETS LLC Tss oYal : 320#40 TOWO: QUEENSBURY NOT2CE] TH25 25 NOT A 62LL T ranSFer T8X "t•'t T ranSPer Tax #: 1664� T ran s'Fer Tax consideration: O_OO Total : O.00 WARNING••v I hcicby ceni£y dut the within and f 8oing a corded in the Warron County Clerlc•a Off cc. Stato of New YorK. Record and Return To: "['hie sheet nstitutca the Clerlca ondomemam roquirod by Sec[ion 316 of Ore Real Property Law of tho State of New York. BARTLETT PONT2FF sTEWART 6 RHOOES PG 1 WASH2NGTON STREET PO BOX 2168 Pamela J_Vogel GLENS FALLS NY 12801 Warren County Clerlt �0� �--p1175 CORRECT70N � IV WARRANTY DEED WITH LIEN COVENANT Qr�-�� � J� DATE OF DEED: March 21, 2014 GRANTOR: DEAN J.BECKOS 26 Fox Hollow Lane Qu¢ansbury,New York ]2804 BARBARA BECKOS MCDONALD ]93 Robineau Road Syracuse,New York 1320'J GRANTEE: NORTHWAY OiTTLETS.LLC 2')00 Westchester Avenue a� Suite 409 � � � Purchase,New York ]OS'1'1 �'.���� THIS WARRANTY DEED made betwddn Grantor and Grantee on the d¢rd date scared �—=d g above WITNESSES THAT GRANTOR in consideration o£ ����? _____—_—__—________—_—_One Dollar C$LODj____________________ 4g-1 ��E ___— VOK lawful rraoney of[hc United Starts and other good and valuable consideration, paid by Granted, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE UNTO GRANTEE and its assigns £orevdr all rights,title and interest in the property loca[¢d at 143 5 State Rouce 9 State Roue 9 Town o£Que nsbury Town of Queensbury County o£Warren County of Warren State o£New York State of New York TAX MAP#288=1-53 TAX MAP#28H.-1-52 (THE PROPERTY ZS DESCRIBED MORE FULLY IN SCHEDULE "A" ATTACI�D) The purpoa¢of this corrdMiort dd¢d is to eliminatd th¢refdrdvice of that catYaiv deed orddd[n the Warren County Clerk's Of£.ce vv August 8.2013[v Book 4825 of Deeds at Page 23 1� of conveying"her one-quarter"interest in the prop¢r[y. THIS GRANT I3 MADE: TOGETHER with[he appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the Gcantor in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises granted by this Warranty De¢d unto the Grantee and its assigns forever. AND THE GRANTOR COVENANTS as Follows: FIRST: That Grantee shall QUIETLY ENJOY said premises, SECUND: That Granmr will forever WARRANT the titte to said premises; THIRD: That[his conveyance is mad¢subject to the trust Tuad provisions of section thirteen of the lien law_ If there are more than one Grantor or Granted,ih¢words^Grantor" and "Grantee•• used in [his deed includes them. IN WITNESS OF THIS CONVEYANCE,Grantor has executed this WARRANTY DEED on the deed date stated above. IN F12ESENCE OF �� (L.5_) DEAN S_BE'C/KO�S J ^I BARBAI2A BECKOS MCDONALD 1=to.-.-dq STATE OF NL+iV�J�R'O�(R�]C ) co[tNTr DF N t�iJer j aa. On th< �S tlay of M 0.`!�� n the year 20i4.before m0.th<untlersignetl.permnvlly appealed DEAN J.BECKOS•p<rsonally known ao r pmvcd b n lho basis of s¢aizfacaory evidence ao b<be individual whose aubscribed to[hc within insWment anO acRnowietigc[l b mo that ho exttutetl lM1c sama in his capaeiiy.and that by his slgnvbre on thv instmmmq[h<individual,or the pe[son upon behalf of whid[the i[[yivhival ae � ccuted the instrument. PNvldu N<.a JwK dam, a 6=r-•�sc_ _ Q G _ Notary Publie S'l'A"i"G OP NHW YOKK ) [Divv ms�oaaz�av syfp COIINTV OP�(d/ )—s///S/��ii��t' �a.� �gtas��A On thv!/t Nnv of / A.��� - c yar 2019.b<!om mo.the untl<rsigned.personnlly appea[ctl6 BARA BECKOS MCDONALD,personally Rn (���['proved b n[he basis olsatiztacaory evidence[o be Wv g tlinvidual whoa name mbscribctl ao[hc i[hin �um_ "Yr wletlEed t m that sh«a[ cutetl the em<in he capacitey,and That bp'h<r signature on[h<instrumenhzth<inn i thv on upon half olwM1ieM1[he intlividoel aced. cxecu[ dth<ms[rvmcnt Notary ublic ' —�rPvn mays My canm��aa ltnt6lt Y.AtY SCHEDULE^A^ PARCP_L 1 ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Quoensbury,County of Warren and Stet¢of N¢w Yorh,bounded and described as£ollowso BEG[hIlV1NG a[the southeasterly of lands of Halfway Cabins,lne.as it lids along tha.vest¢rly bounds of Route No. 9,antl proceeding thenm South 27^ 31•Wes[a distance of 612.36 Put to an iro rod in the ground£or a corner; thence proc¢¢ding North 83^ 10'W¢si a distance o£332.82 F[[o a rod n the grountl for r,thence proc¢etling at right angles on a a general northerly direction a distance of 186.2 feeq thence proceeding North l">� 9'East a distance of 99.45 F tt along the easterly bountls o£lands of the Stat¢of New York;and thence continuing North 29� 24• East a distance of 352.2 fret to[he southerly lin of lands of Halfway Cabins,Inc.;thence proceeding South 83^48' East a distance of 433.59 fee[20 the place of beginning,containing 5.52 acres oFlantl be[hc same mare or Ices,tog¢th¢r with all structures[h¢reon. PARCEL lI ALL tfiat IOt or parcel of Iand situate in the Town of Queensbury,County o£Warren and Stat¢ of New Yorh.bounded and described as£ollows: B¢ginning at the point on the w¢slerly sick of Rout¢9 which marks the sou[h¢aaterly comer of [he AI£r¢d`s Restaurant property and mooing 2hcncc S.36^ 19'S0^ W.a distance of 210.E f¢;more or lass,io a point in the north¢rly lint of lands formerly ofthe County of Warren which w appropriated by[he Slat¢of New Yorh for[hc consvuc[ion o£the access road tFom Route 9 to the north bound lan¢of [he Northway,ln[¢rsta[e 87;and m ing thence north¢rly along the boundary o£said access road o e having a radius o£322 t¢¢t a d stance of 233.6 fee[.more or 1¢ss,[o the point where the westerly end of the southerly lin¢o£th¢AI£d's Restaurant property m¢e<s the easterly line of said access road; and thence N. S2^ 04.20"E_along the southerly line of Alfred•s Restaurant property a distance o£330+/- feet to the place of beginning. The intention of the grantor is to convey all of the lands of th¢Counry of Warren which lie asrorly o£thc Northway,southerly of ih¢Alfred's Aestauram prop¢r[y and n rtberly of the access road from Route 9 io the Northway southerly of the Alfred's Restaurant properly,being a triangular parc¢I estimated[o contain 0.64 of an acre of Iand. 9[JBdECT to iha conditions and restrictions contain¢d in a tleed £rom the County of Warron to Alfred's Restnoran;lnc.dated October 13, I966 and recoNad in the Warren County CIerK's OfEc¢ Novemb¢r 4, 1966 in Book 475 0£Deeds at Pag¢253,and being[fie same premises described in that deed_ Being mom modernly d¢scdb¢d as follows: All that certain piece or paroet of load situate,lying and being in the Town o£ Queensbury,County of Warren and the State of New Yorh,more particularly bounded and described as{flows: BEGINNING at a point in the westerly bounds of NYS US Rout¢9 at the outheasterly comer of the lands conveyed to Sandri Realty Inc. by deed dated May 23,2000, recorded in boon 1 160 of deeds at page 109;rum[ing from thence southerly along the westerly bounds of said Rout¢9,the following¢lev¢n courses and distanc¢s: (1) South 29 degrees, 53 minutes end 34 seconds Wesi,a disaane¢of 54.13 feet; (2J North 60 degrees,30 minutes and 53 seconds WesS a dstance of 3.31 £eeq (3j South 29 degrees,29 minutes and O'7 seconds Wesi,a distance of 64.95 feet; (4) South 29 degrees, 58 m notes and 3']seconds West,a distance o£308.26 feet; (5) South 28 degrees, 13 m notes and 43 seconds West, a distant¢of']Z74 feet; (6)South 60 degrees,48 minutes and 21 s onds East, a disia:ace of 2.62 feet; (']) South 28 degrees,O']minutes and 36 seconds West, a distance of 1']_91 F et; (8)North 6o degrees,48 m notes and 21 seconds West, a distant¢of 2.62 Feet; (9) South 2'] degrees,57 minutes and O8 seconds West, a distance of tOS_64 feet; (1 O)South 31 degrees, 39 minutes and 25 seconds West,a distant¢of 152.66 feet; (11)South 26 degrees,48 minutes and 54 seconds West,a distance of 65.38 feet to the intersection with the taking for the NYS Adirondack NorHaway envy r mp;thence running along aid envy ramp,South 51 degrees,OS minutes and 30 seconds West,a distant¢of 194.00 feeq thence running northwesterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 322.00 £¢et,a distance of 416.54 f¢eq thence continuing along said catty ramp,North 16 degrees,23 m mutes and 03 seconds East,a distance of']9.36 feet to the easterly bounds o{said Interstate Route 8'] Northway;thence rutmiag along the same,NORh 29 degrees,24 minutes and 00 seconds East, a distance of 352.20 feet to the southwesterly comer of the lands of LffiM:Investments, LLC; thence running along the southerly bounds thereof:South 83 degrees,48 minutes and 00 seconds East,a distance o{268.64 feet;thence running South 83 degrees, 18 minutes and 36 seconds East,along the southerly bounds of said lands of Sandri Realty Inc., a distance of I68.93 feet to the point and plat¢of begitaning,containing 6.21 acres of land to be the same more or less. TOGETHER with and SUB.iECT to all enfomeab[c covenants,easements,restrictions,and conditions of record_ BELVG the same promisce described in a deed dated August 7,2013 from Dean J.Beckos and Barbara BecKos McDonald to Nortbway Outlets,LLC and recorded in the Warren County ClerKs OfTice on August 8,2013 in Book 4825 of Deeds at Page 236. RJR: Jon C_ Lappea Esq_ Bartlett,Pontif2; Stewart and Rhodes, P.C. PO Hox 2168 Gleras Falls NY 12801