Application TOWZV OF QZIEENSBLZRY 742 Brsy Aoad, Qua ce rabu ry, NY. 2 2 8 04-5 902 Fobruary 14, 2019 Fred Smith 23 Verevlont Avenue Queansbury,NY 12804 Ra: Second Garage 354 LuzetTle Road Tax Map Parccl: 308.11-I-41 ffi 42 Dear Mr. Smith: I am writing you rogarding my review of the above-re£arenced pr ject and to document the recant discussions that you and/or your agent; VanDusen ffi Staves, have had with Laura Moore of my office. Upon my re , I find that your proposal will require an Area Variance should you wish to nstruct the s ond,1i•eestanding garage as proposed. Speci£cally, an Area Variance is required as the proposed, s ond garage a ceeds the m - allowable n mbar of such structures th t allowed per parcel_ Please note that if the project clearing exceeds 1-acre in a you will ba required to gain c raga 8om the New Yorl< State Depar[mant of Environmental Conservation through their State Polluiar�t Discharge Elimination System; (SPDES� program. Further,the v of this s ond garage is limited to r sidential u only, no business operations or business storage of materials or vehicles may be conducted in the same. I understand that you have c mpilcd o may be c mpiling then ssary application. This latter as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Please note our established submittal deadlines when completing your application papers. Should you leave any questions or comments regarding your application, please do no[hesitate to contact this o££ace. Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh Cc Matt Staves,PLS-Va.ttDusen ffi Staves _ L:\Craig Brown\2019 LCKvrs\Dmial SmitM1 2 l4 19.doc " Home o f N a t az r a 1 S e a u t J ... A Good P Z a c e t o Live Area Variance izan�>oro�=a� sm«maorzi amd Pre-Submission Con£amva¢Forrra/Section 179-9-040 1_ AppltCan[Nam¢• FRHD SMITH 2_ Tas Map ID 308.11-1-41 8c 42 Loeat:ov- 354 LVZERNE ROAD 3. Zovtvg Claaaification T'IDR 4. R¢aaon For R¢v:aw: �L/ �.X-``�17 �L�� ��L�i.� (��_ r s. znn:ng secann tt: 17ti_ S_Oa0 �< <5 e'- JGcc�"�Q d- �`SC 1�oyy�__'��rr ``i 6. Pro-Subm:ss:on M¢¢Hng No[aae Provld¢d Oufatanding5 Pieaeo prov:da by ram`-" G¢neral Information complete _�3F /Pd w¢� �-air-'�u� �'9�S '7 Si[e Development Data Complete �R �L- L c r-�eoLq-G.(.a/CiCQ(J. c�S� - Setback Requirec ants Complete �/ Add:[ional P Je t Information Complete FAR addressed Compbance with Zoning Ordinance •/ ���+off ����:F�•� Ch¢ckiist items addressed o�� Environmental Form completed ��' Signatue¢Peg¢eompl¢[¢d ✓ Ate, �.r � � rvtecc.� d�-.J ��r- (5 �si+�d-ni-mac �..-ry/-e i-, � �-tarn¢.¢- w a c�-u �2 F e� caytJ uJf" c� � r c_ d'+tiac- h.c �e�La/ //-�^'LS -7�te_. [N9ttl/L E'�� �� �iL G S ( 2IX9� ILCc 4 pg\tc��.-1- � �rt�✓.cAx yr .�. �ci/2 _ (� k-4D�s-c P[�evt can ate( d sl�c�ty ncP� iP �z� u�e._Rz /�tJ 1,. L;t ,( ( ai k l Ro �/r�r� i � �s art L nrwoRz L.c. A--co mac. c( rv. Q— � N�lca_1c,w .vc d� �v� c� s � F_s/ �.�t-�,.cn_. `C�ls -<! {e-us" StnEF l2cpresentative: �fw.0 3L J1rs1 �P[VACai 1 Applicant/Agent Datc: Z / l/ I�/ ruBc s u� 1-. Areas Variance Iznn o°o�o�ea: a�na-mheelt trial Pro-3ubmiaslon Cvnfaronce Form/Sactivn 3T9-9-040 1. AppLcav<Namei FRBD 6M[TA 2_ TaY Map lD 7p8.11-1-4] ffi 92 Loca Hovi 354 LLI213RNE ROAD 3_ Zovlvg CIaHB[ffeativn (MDR (( II // 0 11 J ' `� 4. Ii¢vaon Cor R¢v1¢w: PQ7�,1P��io rvi.�_P (Y.CC�I� <7i11�t�r/t Ca l�A� fA/, qT"F GC Gl@vl s. zan:ng seannn a: _l'Ici- S-Oa0 -�«Se'� �ec c.a�2 � �.S�c oile.(�e `.. c`-e Fula_ G. Pro—Bubm(saxvn Maattng Nvt¢ac Prw[dod Outatnvdtngl Pl¢va¢prw:da by G¢nemi In£omiation co lave [//3f� �..�� -t?S mP � /P��r-�t� q�yr"i 7 sim n¢valoPm nt Hera Complete �Ser-- �t-c%e.<r..-,��j �tc.L✓ele<J. c rS� , Setback Requirements Cvm➢late _y/ C Additional Pr Jact lnfbrmaHon Compl¢[¢ PAR atldroesod Compliance witra Zanirag Ortlinanee. ���✓ �o'/+1a- r z-.e-e 9�w/'Q Checkhst items addtwa¢d < �y— Y O?O I3nyirvnmansal Form wmplated � Signature Page completed ✓ at.) 4e '2 l�_� rt�1 f l4lP— �i� [�� ��G S i � � Lc [7 HDv sr_ P(�eyr. xaii a.C(.v�r olc%t sL:�.y..:di .m. . � ncPg to vP ��J oV-2_Ra.�- ol�a.���Tre.il G-.�'.0 �vur- Qfe tltclt lr.PO /JlrJr9 r� ../ ]4-les�ri l r rA.2 Gtu.t 1-ca ��� ru Q� 3 N<lrn.(uo -arR do tFl� a<xcaie rr� u� �y �rm/,Cd - c •� <r-crfr r-�s` ( l � SxvfP Rapresenxative: l�ct-VA Jtr°t p!✓!c'ir Applicant/Age Data: � / �� � r PaQa 6 �_ J l Ste! AI'C6 V8C18RCC [ZaA app mvea_ 3mp•vmbar 2l 016] I-�'I General InFormatiort � I � �. 308.11-I-4Z Bc 42 Tax Parc¢I iD Number: Zoning District: "'IDR RE G F 1 V D¢rai]¢a D¢s¢ription oYP�¢¢t [irtel.,ae¢nrrertc�pmposea rtsel: I FE3 1 5�2 19 �(-� VACANT C�aaent Use: 'LOW^• ^F OUEENSBURY RESInENTIAL ZONING OFFICE Proposed[Ise- 354 LUZERNE ROAD Location oPP j¢cY Applicant Namac FAED SMITH Mailing Addtcss 23 VERMONTAVE. HOm¢PhOR¢ Cityi CJtat¢j Zip QLJEENSBLIRY NY l2$O4 WorkPhon¢ Cell Phone 538-361-0956 E-Mail: FAX No_ Ag¢vt's Nam¢: VAN DUSEN 8c STEVES Mailing Addr¢ss 16g HAVILAND ROAD Home Phone City, State Zip QUEENSHIIRY�NY 12804 Work Phone 538-992-84'J4 C¢Il Phone F'-mail attQvartd•ascrtartdsteves.com FAX No_ 518-')92-8511 OWY¢r"e N8m¢ FREO SMITH M81hng Add['C88 23 VERMONT AVE_ Home Phone City State Zip QUEENSBURY NY 12804 Work Phone Call Phones 538-361-0956 E-mail FAX No_ Page 1 Area Variance �zan=onro�aa: seaae.,.nm a�zots� Sic¢D¢v¢loom¢nt Data Arm/Typa Esia4pg aq.n Propoa¢d Total-aq_ft Aaa-:;aa a .tt. - A. Builtling Footprint O •1536 1536 B. Detached Garage O 1200 1200 C. Accessory Struc[ure(s) O O O D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 9550 12s0 8500 E. Porches/Decks O 2a0 240 F. Offier O O O G. Total Non-P¢rmeable [Add A-F] vss0 11,776 H. Parcel Arca [43,560 sq.R./acre] a3590 196612 240202 I. Percer�tagc of Imp¢rm¢abl¢Arca of Site [t=G/H] ]03% 0.5% Setback Aeouixemenis Arca Requirod Existing ProposCd Front Yard [1] 30 N/A 600' Front Yard[2] 30 N/A N/A Shnr¢11R¢ ps N/A N/A Side Yard [1] 25 N/A 50 Side Yard [2] 25 N/A 60 R¢ar Yaa'd [1] 30 N/A 100 Aear Yard C2] 30 N/A N/A Travel Corridor �s N/A N/A Height[maximum] q0 N/A 32 P¢rm¢ability 50% 320% 99.5% Number of parking spades 2 N/A 2 i+age 2 ACCa VarianCC [ZOA appmveL' Sry mbcv2t 3016] Additional Pmiect Information 1. Will the proposal r¢quic¢a Septic Variance Trom the Town Board of H¢vIOtT NO 2. ]Ftha paracl has pcavious approvals,list application numb¢r(s): 3. Does this p j¢ct rcquirc aov¢caga uud¢c the N¢w Yodc State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPOBS]P¢nnit ProBramT Yas/x No 4. Estimamd projmt ducaiioa: Start Da[¢: 4/l9 End Da[¢: 1 O/19 5. Es[imat¢d mtal cost of pr j¢at 20g000 6. Total area of land dis[urbanoa for p j¢ct: 12,000 SQ FT Floor Area Ratio WorKsheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR)--The relationship o£building size to lot stze, derived by dividing the total building Roor area by the lot size in square£¢et,yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Ploor Area Aatio [FAA] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate/Commercial CM/CI 03 Iatensive A. The combined area of all square£ootage, as a£rom exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of tfie structures, garages, basements and attics with m ¢ xhan five (5� Feet of ceiling height and c red porches. Building square footage does not include: Open d¢cic, docks antl that portion of covered tlod<s extending water and o storage shed of o e hundred twenty (120j square feet or less. Any additional sh¢tls will be mclud¢d.(See"FLOOR AREA AAT1O'tJ. B. Co al o -ndusttial: the total are square feet as ured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building structure and when applicable,the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or strucnu-¢s on the pr ject site. Parc¢I Area R. Existiv Fio r Ar R. abo a de£anitioa Pro sed AddiHovsl Floor Ar¢a R. Pro sed To[al Floor Arre R. To[al Allowable Floor Area Aida x aboV¢table Page 3 Ar¢8 Variance [26A nppmvea_ scp¢mbarzt amsl Campliaace with Zoaing O finance Requesting relief fmm SECTION: Need relic£from the requirement(sJ listed below which can not be met by the pr jcct as proposed. (ChecX all shot apply) l7 Setback p BuFfcr Zoac ©Lot Width DOthcr The Following questions reflect the criteria for ga��ting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheet iF neeaea. ]_ Wh¢thm an und¢sirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area varianc¢? 2. Whether th¢ben¢Ft sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,Feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an t AT WiD"I'H. 3_ Whether the requested area variance is substantial? 4. Whether the proposed variance will have a adverse effect or impact on the physical or envaronm¢ntal onditions in the neighborhood or district?n 5. Whether the alleged dif£cutty was s¢IF-crated? Page 4 Ai¢8 VariatlC¢ [29A approved: p[embar 212D16] Section i79-14-030-Application materials Application materials and site plan tlrawing is to include sufFci¢n[in Cognation£or[b¢Boartl tore and provide a decision. The applicant is m provide a site plea drawing<s)- rvey sbowing¢ocisting conditions,a proposed conditions map(s¢¢page 00 for SpeciFe criteria)and inciud¢any other attaahmants that address A-D as applicable to the prOpOSed p jec[. A. C3eneral - Shown on Sheet# I Title,Name,Address Of a Iicant 8c sible£or ration o£drawin 5-i 2 D¢¢d APP 3 North arrow,Tax Ma ID date red and scat¢ Ln 1 inch=40£eet 5-i 4 Boundaries o£the lotted to scale,z bounds m s-i 5 Priaci al structures ra structures with exterior dim 5-1 6 Sit¢improvements incL outdoor storage areas,driveways, parking areas,ate.: existing� s_t sed '] Setbacks for all structures and im ens' ¢ is[in $q sed 5-i 8 Elevations and floor lans of all sed and affected structures APP B_ Water ffi'sawei Shown on Sheet# ] Pr jeer sewage tlisposal facilities,design details, constroction details, flow rates,and number of S_i bedrooms sed 2 Water supply [i.ee. well] ffi septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or 5-1 sed on-site water su t and se tic 3 se oration distances£or s¢d sewn ¢dis osal s stern to well and water bodies 5-i 4 Existing public or private water supply [well,lake,etc.]. Metfiod o£securing public or private s_i water location desi and consttuctioa of water su t ncludin dail water use e 5 Percolation test location and results N/A C. Parkin /Permeable Areas - 3hown.on Sheet# ] Number of spaces required{or pr jeer including calculations and justi£cation: existing 8 N/A ed 2 No of a [sting parking spa ,number to be removed,number to mamtaia and type of surFac ng N/A materialx ve] ved¢ 3 Provision£or edestriaa and fiandica and arKin isiin osed N/A 4 Desi details o{in s, loadin c and cuttin istin 8c r sed 5-i 5 Location and cfiamcter of green Drees [ex sting and proposed],tmodiflcanon[o green area,bu££er e[o r untl'stwbed 5-i 6 Lin tin ¢location and desi o£all¢xistin and sed outdoor li tin 5-I D. Additional Site Develo meat and'Miscellaneous Shown on Sheet# I On-site Rc ad"scent watercourses,straama,ri s,lake and wetlands 5-L 2 Utilit /ener distribution stem electric solar tele hone istin scd S-1 3 Locaiiott,design and construction details of all a fisting and proposed site improvements S-1 ncludin : drains culvetYs,retainin walls,£ene¢s, £re 8c¢ and h drams, etc. 4 Square£Dotage of bldg.area proposed for office,manu£act ring,retail sales or other commeroial act vitas- a is['n � sad N/A 5 Si i - Location s e tlesi and setback a iatin 8c s¢d N/A 6 Waiver Request provide letter wish application requesting ony waivers: please reference N/A ci£tc items '] Commercial/Industrial Development requires submission o£Landscaping, Sxormwater N/A Manes a ant,Gradin 8c Li htin Plans 8 Identiflcatio o£Fed¢ al, State or County permits requ red for the project together witfi a recoM N/A ofa lication£or all necess rmits rage 5 Area Variance IzaA eppm..=m Sepa¢maery aolal This page ineludns [he 1J Authorization [o Act as Agent Fornu 2.) Enginanring Fea Disclosum5 3J Autl[grizaiion or Si[e Visits; 4J Other Penr[vit Aesponsibili[ics;3.)Official Maating Disolosure and 6J Agreement to provide documentation required. OwxgHPa Acarv'r Fo[tma Complete[he following i£[M1a OWNER of the propnety is not thn samn as thn applicant Owner Dnsignatas. s Agnn[rngartl"ng th¢follow ng: Variance Site Plan Subdivision Fo+'Taz Map No.c Dnaa Rnf mnac HooK Pag¢ Oat¢ OWNER SIGNATURE: PATE: APPucnN'["s Accxi'Foarvi: Complem th¢tollowing iF[M1e APPLICANT is unable[o attend the me¢[ing or wisM1es[o be raprcsanxa by another parry: owanr� - -sue ��/mot Dnsignaia3:��i9 1��rJ.f -� � !�� 6! s Agan[mgav'ding the following Variance Site Plan_ Subdiv' For Tax Map No- � �L peed R¢£erenca: BooK��agn �'�/Dot � i%�z 7 OWNER SIGNATURE: pATE- � //- � 2.l ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to [M1e Town c salting engineer £or r of septic design, storm drainagq as determined by tM1e Zoning or Planning DapaRmnne Faas £or engineering r ¢s will be charged dimotly to the applicant Pees£or engineering r view will not azneed$ 1,000 without notification[o the applicant�c 3d—AUTHOR12ATlON FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this pages and submining the application m Isla a ached herein, [M1e Owner, Applicanq and his/her/[heir agen[(s)hereby authorize the Zoning BoaW or Planning Board and Toawnr5taff to ent¢r the subject properties£or[he purpose o£reviawing the application submitted. 4d OTHER PERMIT RESPONSiHILITlE3: OtM1er permits may be rnquirna £ore otion o alteretion activity subsequent m approval by tM1e Zoning Board or Planning Boats- I[is the applicant's r¢sponsibility[o obtain any additional permits. S.l OFF[CIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: I[ is [hn prao[iae of the COmmnnity DavalOpm¢nt Department [o M1ave a ansignated s nograph¢r[ape record the proceedings of meetings resulting Tiom application,and mmu[es transcribed£mm[M1osa tapes constitutes the official racora of all prac¢¢dings. 6.l AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REOUIREp: h the and¢rsign¢d, M1av¢ thoroughly read and unders[ana th¢ ns[ructions for submission ana agr¢e to [he submission requirements, I acKnowladga n nstruc[ion shalt be cad prior to of a valid permit I certify[Fat tM1e applioa[ioq plans and supporting m vials ar and c mpl¢[e mVdescriptionto£the a ing c editions and the worK proposed. and[ha[all worK will be performed i ordanca with the approved plans and i n£orm loth local zo ing regulations- 1 acKnowledge tM1at prior[o o copying the facilities proposed, [o my agents, will obtain a c¢rtiFca[e of occupancy a nary. I also undanstand that ]/wa may ba inquired to provide an as-boil[ survey by.a licens¢d land surveyor o£all n wly conso-uatea facilities prior to issuanc¢of a certi£ca[e of occupancy 1 M1av d agrn o the abov¢. x {/dam✓ �� .r— /1_iv :gnatu. ' p[i`tt] � Print Names Applicant] Datn signna /L 24 HSilal Sic / — //_ A Signatur¢[Agent] Print Name[Agent] Data signed Pa6a'l Short Environm¢nta!Ass¢ssm¢nt Form Part I -Project Iriformalion Inatructiona £or Comoiatine Part 1-Project in(rmation. Tba applicant or project sponsor is reaponaibla for the c mpletion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application For approval or funding err sssbjeot to public rc and may be subject to further veriFcation. Complete Part ] based o nfortx[ ¢ndy a ailablec IF additional r arch o stigation would be needed to FUIIy respond to any 8em,please answer as thorougM1ly as possible based on current in£orrmation_ Complete all i n Par[ 1. You may also provitla any additional information which you believe will be neadctl by or usefial to Ne lead erg Heys attaala additional pages as necessary[o supplement any item. Part l-Project and Sponaor information Nam of Action or P jeer ROPOSEo H RAGE P jeer Location(desoriba.and attacM1 a location map): ROAD BricFDasaription o£Proposad Action: EXI3TIN6 VACANT PARCELS-PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY HOME ANO OETAGREO GARAGE Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: _ _ FREo SMITH E-Mail: Address: City/Po:N State: Zip Code: QUEENssuixv zeoa 1_Does tare proposed action only involve[he legislative adoption oFa plan, local Iaw,Vordinaneq NO YES aam:n:atraeve rwe,n rcgwas:nnz IFYes,attach a narrsti a description oP[he intent oFtM1e proposed action and tM1e environmental resources that © O may ba afx clad in them cipality and proceed to Par[2. IF nq ontinue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed a rvgvirc a permi4 approval or funding from any other governmental Agmcy4 NO YSS IFYes,list agenay(s)vame and pertttit or approval 0 0 3.a.Total a cage oFtM1e site oFt}te proposed a non? b.Total a eager to be physically dlsturbedY a 5.5 acres a.Total a sage(pr ject site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by[M1e applicant or p ject sponsoY.t 55 a rcs 4. ChecK all land u s Lhat ocour oq adjoining and n err the proposed a p Drban 5C0 Rural(non-agriculture) m Industrial m Commercial mResidential(suburban) Forest DAgriculture DAquatic �ONer(spcoifyj: �Parlland Page 1 oF3 3. is tli<pi'OpoSed ac[io¢. NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under th¢coning regu3ations? O O O b.Consist<m with tb¢adoP[ed c mPrehensive Plan? O s/ 6. Is[hm proposmd aonon gousrsmut witfi tfi¢predomivau[cfiaract¢r of[he existing built or natural NO YES 3andsaaP<1 O O. is the site oF[he proposed action Iodated iq or dome it adjoiq a stem list<d Critiaa]Environmental Aroa? NO YES IF Yms,identify: o a 8. a.Will dtm proposmd acuon result i:.a aubatau[ial incr<as¢m tmffc above pr¢sent 1¢vels? NO YES O O b.Are public transportation services)available a[or near[hm sttm of Oam proposmd amtton. �✓ c.Arm any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes a ailable o sit¢of[h¢propos¢a action? 9.Does the propos<d a<[iou meet or exceed the state a ergy code requiremenss? NO YES if the proposed action will exceed rmquircmmnts,desmribe design£mturos and mohnologims: 0 0 1 O. Will the proposed action conned[to an¢xis[ing public private water supply? NO YES [f Nq a¢scribm method£r providing potabl<wai< � O 11.Will the proposmd action aonnmot m<xtsting wasmwat<r utiliti<aT NO YES 1F Nq da crib<m¢tbod for providing was[ewa[mr treatment: © O sysTEnn a 12Epa.lDoes the site montain a structure[ha[is Iis[ea on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Plac¢s'l © O b. Is the proposmd action Ideated in an ar<heologiral scnsrtrvm amaT 13.a.Does any portion of Ote s of th<propos<d action,or lands adjoiciug the pmpos¢d acnou,coxrtain NO YES wetlands or oth<r wa[erbadi¢s regulated by a fcaeral,state Or local ag¢ncy? � O b.Would t}r¢proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wm[lana O wa[mrbody? O O IF V¢s,identify[he wetland or wa mrbody and mxmnt of alt<ratiens m square f a[or acres: r l4. Identify[hm typioal habitat types that occur on,or arc IiKely to be£Duna on the�Q ject site. ChecK all[hat apply: 0 8horeliu< m For¢s[ �AgriCLLltnral/gresslanas l./l Early mid-successional 0 Wetland �Urban 0 Suburban l5.Does the s o£th<proposed action wnmin any species of a coal,or associated habitats,lis[¢d NO YES by th<State or F¢deral government as threatened or mnaangmrmd? 0✓ 16.Is dtm p jet aim locat¢tl in the 100 year HOoa plain? NO YES 10.Will Ltm proposed amnon create storru water discharg¢�either F m point or non-point sources? NO YES IFY<a, a.Will alder water discharges flow[e adjaa<a[prop¢rti¢s4 Q NO AYES o 0 b.win srorm water a:a¢harges be aire¢tea m eatabliahea eon..erance aramma[xunoFF and ara:na)? [f Yes,briefly describe: QNO QVES Page 2 0{3 18.Do¢s the proposed action includ¢c ns[ruc[ion o oth¢r ac[iv s thaY r¢sult in tit¢impoundm¢nt of NO YES ot}�er liquitls(e.g.r ¢noon pond west¢lagoon dam)1 IF V¢s t¢xplain purpos¢and saz 0 ]9.Hss the s of[h¢pmpoaed action or an adjoining propec[y bcen th¢location of an active or clos¢d NO YES olid waste manag¢m¢nt F ili[y? IfYes�deaerib¢: � O 20.Has[he site of th¢proposal ac or an adjoining property be¢n th¢subject oFr¢metliation(ongoing or NO YE8 PIg W).£or hazardous waste'l n .FYgs�-� be- o d /-zla� R L [AFF[AM THAT THE 1NF0 ATI PROVIDED ABOVE[8 TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY [CNOWLEDGE APPlican4sPonsor name:��� / Oat¢: � I//GJ Signature: PRINT FORM Page 3 oF3 wgrner us¢omr Prappu<amel Projcct- Uat¢: Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 2-Impact Assessment PaR 2 is to ba c mpi<tad by the L<ad Ag<n<y_ Answer ffiI oFtM1¢Followi[tg questions in Part 2 using th<information contained iv Part 1 and oth<r mamrials subma¢d by the p jeot sponsor o oth<rwis¢available to the r When a mg[h¢questions tM1¢reviewer sM1ould b¢guitled by the concept"Have my responses been r¢asonable¢oons d<ring th<seal<¢and tort[<xt orth<proposad action?" Nq or Mod<rat< mat: to large 'mpa<t 'mpac[ ar ...ay 1. Will the ProPos¢d action create a material conflict with an adoPt<d land us<Plam or mnittg o O �r r<gulationsT 2. Will the proposed action result in a chang<in tM1e us¢or mten iry oFuse aFland? o 0 3. Will llte proposed action impair th<character or qua]ity oFth¢existing comrnuniry? O O 4. Will the proposetl action have an impact on th<<nWronm<ntal nharact¢risNca that taus<d th< � O tablisbmmt oFa Critical Environm<n[al Area(CEA)? 5. Will[hc proposed notion r<sult in an adverse cM1ang¢in[M1¢existing level oF[ratTic or O O off tt<xisting in$astruc[ur¢Form s transit biKing or walKway? 6. Will th<proposed action cause an increas n the use oFenergy antl i[Fails[o incorpota[< O O nobly available energy wnservation o wable energy opportunities? Z. Will the ProPosrrl ac'[ion:rr�pact existin8 O O a.Public/Priva[¢water suPPlies? b.public/pri utiliti<s? o 0 8. Will th<proposed aae[:o�ampair the cha�ter or quality oFimpoRant historic,archaeolog:cah O O architecturat o sth<tic resources? 9. Will th<propos<d action r salt in an adverse change ton rural resources(e.g.,wetlands,. waterbodics,goundwat<q a r quality.[lore and Fauna)? o 0 10. Will the propos<d action r<sul[in an ancrwse m[M1e potrntial For erosioq flooding or drainage o 0 probl<ms? 1 t. Will th<proposad action create a M1avartl[o¢ rttental r rhuman health? o 0 PRINT FORM Page 1 0£2 Agars =UseON [IFs liublel o)cc vam Short Environmental Assessment Porm Part 3 Determination of Sigrailscance For every question in Part 2 that was an red"moderate to large impact may o r iF there is ee:d[o explain why a pa[tieular clamant eFthe proposed action mcay o will not result in a signiFoant adverse environmental impacq please mplete Part 3.Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impaaq including any m r design alemavts that have been included by dte pr jest sponsor m avoid o reduce impacts. Par[3 should also¢xpla n how the lead agency determined dtat[he impact may or will not be signiPcant EacF[potential impact should be assessctl considering its s ing probability oFoccarring,duration,i sibiliry,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the pomntial F r shor[- [erm.long-[emt and cumulative impacis.r OChccK Htis box iFyou have deterrttinad,bash en the information and analysis abovq aad aay supporting documenta[ioq that the proposed action may result in r mo a po[mtially large or signiEaant adverse irttpaats and an n[al intpac [is regnirede o OChecK[his box iFyou have d terntined,based oa the information and analysis above,and any supporting docuncn[atioq that the proposed action will no[result in any signiEaant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Datc Print oc"iype Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature oERespovsible O8iccr in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(iF dilT rent From Responsible OFFcerj PRINT FORM page 2 of2 TOW1V OF QLZEENSBLZRY 742 Bny Konti, Qac¢a..anry, NY_ ]2804-5902 February t4,2019 Fred Smith 23 Vermont Avenue Queensbury,NY 12804 Re: Second Garage 354 Lumrne Road Tax Map Parcel: 308./1-I-41 tir 42 Dear Mr_Smith: 1 am writing you rogard ing my review of the above-referenced pr ject¢nd to document the r nt tl iacussions that you and/or your agent; VanDnsen � Steves, have had with Laura Moore o£my of£ce. Upon my r , i Fntl that your proposal will tvquiro an Area Variance should you wish to nsvuct tfi s1e ond,Freestanding garage as proposed. SpaciFacally,an Area Variance is required s the proposed, s ond garage c eetls [hem allowable n mbar of such structures that allowed per parcel. Please note that iF the project clearing a cede i-acro i a you will be requiretl ro gain coverage From the New York Stale Department of Environmanta[ Conservation xfirough [hair States Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; (SPDES) program. Furtheq the use of this s ond garage is Iimitetl to resitlentiat u Daly, no business operations or businoss storage of materials or vehicles may be conducted in aha same. 1 understand chat you have c mpiled o may be c mpiting tfie n scary application. This Iatter s [he required denial letter £or [ha processing of your application package_ Please note Darr establishetl submittal deadlines when completing your application papers. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your applicatiot; please do sot hesimro to contact this office. �r� Craig frown Zoning AdminiaVa[or CB/sh Cc: Mat[ Srovea, PLS-VanOusen 8c Sroves LaCmiQ Hrown220t9 Latavrs\DenialSmith2 t4 a9Aoc ' Homo of Nnf ua n [ Heaee ty ... A Gond PLnec [o Live WARREN COUNTY-STATE OF NEW YORK PAMELA J.VOGEL. COUNTY CLERK � '1390 STATE ROUTE 9• LAKE GEORGE. NEW YORK't2B0.5 COUNTY CLERKS RECORDING PAGE I{I "'""THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT-OO NOT OETACH�'^` 'II � I I�1 �"I I I'I'III III ��I � I�� �II Recp�din9: Cove Page 5_00 Reco rdin9 F¢¢ 30_00 Cultural Ed 14_25 Records Manag elite nt - C011n 1_00 Accords Management - Stat 4_JS BOOK/PAGE: $$82 TP584 5_00 1 NSTRUMENT #: 201J64396 RP521J �¢COUntylal/Agrlcu 1196-00 R¢c¢ipt#: 201J43J060 Sub Total : 185.00 CIerIC: CL Rec Date: 06/29/201J 02:OJ: 55 PM Transfer Tax Uoc Grp: RP TransFer Tax — StatO 3J8.00 O¢sCrl pa OEEO Num Pgs: 3 Sub Total : 3J8_00 Rec'd Frm: MARK C REHM E50 Partyl: CLARK ROBERT R JR TOL8l : 563_OO P arty2 c SMITH FREO "`^"'^ NOTICE: TNIS 15 NOT A BSLL v"a'�"� TOWn: QUEENSBURV 9 '^'°^'°"• Transfer Tax +'� ^*'*TM - _ TransF¢r T8XY#: 259Ja T ra nsF¢r Tax - consideration: 94135_00 TransFer Tax — SCate 3J8_00 TOL ai : 3J8_00 wARNsrcr•n» ' I haroby oati£y xhat thn within ana Foregoing w ortled u[ the Waxren County Clerk's Off u. R¢COrd apd ROtUrn TO: State of New York 1'Ivs shoot nstituTes tlae Clerks ersslorsament [equirad by Sootion 316 of the Rml P[opercy Law of the 9tstn ofNaw York. MARK C REHM ESQ 16 MAPLE STREET Pamda J. Vogal PO BOX 2152 War[e•�•County Clerk GLENS FALLS NY 12801 WARRANTY DEED WITH F'C)LL COVENANTS �'��(/ (IN DIVIDUAI. AND CORPORATION] �O�^^`fi�e/ STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8008 �CACT PION= THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PI2.EPARED HY AN ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PURCHASER BEFORE SIGNING_ �� THZS JNDSNT(JRb',made the 2�"'day of June,two Otosssand and seventeen, batwe¢n Robert R_ Clark,Jr. also rafcaxed to as son)residing at 36 Sanders Road, Queensbury, New York 12804, ,parry � �-(if the first Part,and - � tied Smith,residing at 23 Vermont Avenue, Qaaeansbaary,New York 12804,peaty o£the second part, FIITNE'SSE'TH that tlae party of the-£rst part, in conaideraticn of one dollar, ]awful money of the Uxtitad States, paid by the party o{the s otad part, does hereby grant and rel¢aaa unto the panty of the aecoaad part,ttae heirs or successors and assigns of the party oFthe second part for¢ver, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARC:TiZ OFI 4ND situates in th¢Town of Quaensbury,Warren County,New York brieTly described as follows: BEING premises fomaerly assessed to Donald E. Mtnaphy and Jolm S. LaMora which property is described in a Deed fivm the County o£Wetness to party of the Srst part as off N. L arena Road, building bounded north by 1Zipley, cast by Ralph, south by Supemant, West by Bullis and suppose to contain 4.50 acres. RJ4ING a portion of the settee premises conveyed by Robert Rogan-Clark to Robert R. Clark, father and Robert R. Clark, son by deed dated Novcanber 3, 2009 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's OfFice on November 3q 2009 at Volume 3915 of Real Property at Page 63_ Robert R. Clerk, Sr., a r¢sident of Qae¢nsbury,New York died on]anssary 11, 2019. Z1pGJ4THSR witty all right, title and interest, if any,of the party of tlae fast part in ffid to any streets and roads abuttirag the above described premises to the ceaater lines thereof TOGSTHL'R with ttae appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premis , ZiO HAVR AND TO HOLD the premises hanein granted unto the peaty of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part£aver. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants tlaai�the party of the Rrst part will receive the conaidaratioa for this veyan and will hold the right to r uoh consideration as a tress[fund to ba applied first for the purpose of paying the costs of the improvementaand will apply the earn¢first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part o£the total of the same for any other purpose. AND the party of dae first part covenants as follows: FIRST. That said party of the first part is s¢iz¢d of the said pxemisea in fe¢simple, and has good right to COIIVay tl1¢S8mG� THHiD_That the said premises are£e from encumbranc¢s,except as aforesaid, FOURTH. That the party o£the£vast par[will execute or procure any£urtlaer n¢cessary assurance o{the title to said pramises� FIFTH.That said party o£the£rst part will forever warrant the title to said premises. The word '•party' shall be construed es i{it read "parties' whenever the sense o{this indenture so requar¢s_ - IN iTlTNE'SS WHEREOF, tb¢party o{ttve Frst part Gas duly executed dais deed the day and year£st above writt¢a_ ' ROBERT R. CLARK� l r_ Acknowledgment STATE OF NEW PORK ) )ss_: _ COUNTY OF WARREN ) On the 29`h day o£Sune in the year 201'1 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared AOBF_RT R. Cr nuu personally known m me or proved to me on tb^basis o{satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the wiihiss instrument and aclmowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity.and that by his signature on tYae inshavment, tlae individual, or the person upon behalf o£wldch the individual acted, executed th¢insta�rment. �-L_� _ rL— <signature and otTtce o£individual salting acknowledgment) M.CPK G.aEFIM N WPRRENVOOV MTY N0.03RE8 669<BK GOMMI3910N EXPIRES NOV.ta.20y$� P�J��rr � I�c..�eb.�t (two (jox 2 r SZ C�L�-,s F�. lts r �ve�., c�. m�iL ra8o1 _ WARREN COUNTY - STATE OF NEW YORK PA MELA J.VOGEL, COUNTY CLERK €�� P'/ '1340 STATE ROUTE 9, LAKE GEORG E, NEW YORK '12845 _m..rt`� COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE ���THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT-DO NOT DETACH III I I III II'I I I'I'lll IIII �� III �� DID cultvralgEdee 14_00 Records Management - Coun 1_00 Records Management - Stat 4_75 Additional Names 1_00 BOOK/PAGE= $$82 / 67 TP5.84 5_00 INSTRUMENT #: 2017-4397 RP5217 Residential/Agricu 116_00 RP5217 - county 9_00 Receipt#: 2012437060 clerk: cL sub Total : 196_00 Rec Date. 06/29/2017 02:02- 56 PM Ooc Grp: RP Transfer Tax OCSCrIp] DEED Tran s"Fer TaX - State 44_00 Num Pgs= $ Rec'd Frm: MARK C REHM ESQ sUb Total : 44_00 Partyl: GLARK ROBERT R JR HESR Party2v SM2TH FREO TOLaI ] 240_00 Towns QUEENSBURY �'�^'t NOTICE] THIS Is NOT A BILL '*�"�'^ 1 Transfer T3X '^'ter` Transfer Tax #: 2598� T r8nsFCr THX consideration. 10865_00 Transfer Tax - sYaCe 44_00 Total : 44_00 WARNING^"' Record and Return To] I Iwr¢by c¢12i£y that the within and focegolrrg was orded vt the Wattera County Clerk's O£Eace, Sta[a of New YorR. This sheet rvatitutes the Clerks endo rt MARK C REHM ESQ r¢quired by Section 316 of th¢ Raal Pmperte Law 16 MAPLE STREET oEth¢Staic of New YorR. y PO BOX 2152 GLENS FALLS, NY 12801 Pam¢Ia J. Vogel Warr¢n County C1erK -�+� WARRANTY DEED WITH FULL COVENANTS a (INDIVIDUAL AND CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8008 c��CAUTION: THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTORNEY AND REVIEWED �O\ BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PQRCHASEA BEFORE SIGNING. THLS WDENTURE,made the Z"1"`day of June, two thousand and seventeen, (� b¢tw¢en ��✓/ Robert R. Clark, Jr.residing at 36 Sanders Road, Queensbu Morgan,residing at 39 Sanders Road, Queensb ry'New York 12804, Candy L. Morgan £Rc/a Candy /c.ymr ury,New York 12804, and Bffiy Jo Edward Clark,residing at 904 Spring Cr¢ek Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34']61, parties o£Ure £first part, as the sole heirs o£Robert A. Clark, :l Sr., and �].� Pred Smith, residing at 23 Vermont Avenue,Queansbury,Naw York 12804,party o£Uae second part, VC t WITNESSETH, that tlae party o£tive Srat part, in consideration o£ one dollar, lawful money o£tla¢ Urdted States, paid by the party o£the second part, does hereby grant and release unto Uaa party o£tlta second part,the heirs or successors and assigns o£the party o£the second part forever, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate on the northerly aide o£tha highway leading from Glens Falls to Lvzerne,in the Town o£Queensbury,Warrw County,Naw York_ BEGWNWG at the southwesterly corner o£the land descrbed in Urc mortgage from Harry Buckb¢e to Mildred Tohnsoq recorded in the office o£the Clark o£tha County o{Warren in Liber 143 o£Mortgages at Page 264;runxting thence along the w¢ster3y side of Ura Buckbec property, a said mortgage described, north 5-40- E a distance o£ 51 S.9S £set to a thence North-84-Ol-West asdistance of 82 f¢et to a corner; thence southerly parallel with Use fast mcntioned line South-6-40-West 543.45 feet to the north¢rly side of Use Luza'ne Road; thence North-6'J-18-West along the northerly side o£ ttve Luzerne Road 85J6 £et to the place o£ begixming_ Contaixdng I acre. BEING the same pretraises conveyed by Sandra L. Loveland to Robert R. Clark, Sr_, by deed dated October 5, 2016 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on October 8,2015 at Volume 5243 0£Real Property at Page 65. - SAID PREMLSES vested iv the grantors herein by virtu¢ of the Last Will and Testam�t o£Robert R. Clerk, Sr. who died on Sanuary 11, 2019, a resident of Queensbvry. This will was recorded simultaneously herewith. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest,if any, o£the party o{the 5rst part in and to any streets and roads abutting tlae above described premises to ttae center lines ther¢o$ TOGETHER wiUa the appurtenances and all the ester¢ and rights of Uv¢party o£Ure first part in and to said premises, TO HAT E AND TO HOLD the premiss herein granted unto tlae party o£Oae second par[, the hairs or successors and assigns o£the party o£the second part forever_ AND the party of Use first part, in compliancb with Sccion 13 0£Uve Lien Law, c ants drat tlae party o{ the iirst part will receive Ure consideration for rvs conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration a a trust food to be applied first £Gr tine purpose of paying the costs of the improvement and will apply the same Srs[to the paymeat o£the cost o£ttte improventmt before using any part o£the total o£the same £or any other purpose. AND the patty o£the£trot part covenants as £ollowa= FIRST. That said party o£the first part is seized o£ihe said preaises in£e6 simplq and has good right to convey the same; SECOND.That the party o£the second part shall quietly joy tlac said premises; THIRD. That the said premises are See iiom encumbrances, except as aforesaid; FOURTH. Tbat the party o£the Srst par[will execute or procure any further necessary assurance o£the _ rise to said premises; FIFTH.That said party of the Srst part will{rcvcr warraat the rttie to said pretniaes. The woffi ••patty^ shall be construed as if it read '•parties••wheaevcr tine sense of this indenture so requires. Z]V WITNESS i3 HE'RE'OF, the party o£the Srst pert lass duly wcecuted this deed the day and year Srst above writte/n. ROBERT R. CLARIG,JR. - Aclsaowledgmant STATE OP NEW YORK j ss._ COUNTY OF WARR FN j Oa the 29•^day o£Jtma in the year 201']before me, the undersigned,personally appeared ROBERT R. CT ARTC JR_-personally known to m r proved to me on the basis o£satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose subscribed to the witltin nstrum�t aad acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the indiyidssal, or the person upon behalf o£which ikte indiyid+'=1 acted, executW the instrument (signature and ofFice o£indiyidual taking acknowledgment) - MpRK G RERM NOTPRY PUBLIC.aTATE OF NEW YORK WggREN ppUNIV NO-02RE64983r19 - COMMISSION E%PIRES NOV.13.TA_L� CANDY L. MO AN Acicnowl¢dgnmt STATB OF NEW YORK � j sa.. COUNTY OF WARR LTN � On the gLFday o£May in the year 2017 before m¢, th¢undersigned, personally appealed CANDY L_ MORGAN pars Wally lmown tom r proved to me on the basis o£satis£actory evidence to be ih¢individual whose n subscribed to thewithin instrument and acicxaowledged-to me that she azecuted tlae same in leer capacity, and that by her aigeature on the inatnrtn¢nq th¢ individual, or the parson upon behalf o£which the individual acted, eX:¢cuted the instazantent. �_ �- �— <signature and oS-ica of individual taking aclmowledgzttentl OOARK C.REMM NOITRY POBLIC.STATE OF NEW VORK WARREN COV NTY N0.02RE908BSIB G'pMM19.410N EXPIaEB NOV.19.20y'2_ 3 ; lj SILLY JO EDWARD CLAI2K -�1 ` Aclatowledgtx.ent STAT13 OF 1 l�Y'1�`o� j as_= pSS— 7�-936y' COi TNTY OF W rr�'t_qq��[T j _ On the /S day o�fflKaySn the ycar 201']before mq the undersigned, personally appeared BILLY JO P.DWARD CLARK peraonal3y known to me or proved tom n 8ac basis o£sat3s£actory avid�ce to ba the individual whoac n is subscribed to the within instruxuettt and acknowledgcd to me that he executed the same in his cap v and that by his aignaturc on the instcuxraent, the individual, or the person upon babel{o{which the t ual acted,executed the instrument. (signature and ofI-ace of individual raking aclmowledgmantj o`er�"'�. t:wwwa ALRwenn awLpwwn 3a � E](p qEa NaN'mba 11'pO1H Record 8c Rcturit= `- ' Law Offices of Newell 8c IClingebie] � Attn- Mark Rekam PO Box 2152 Gleam Falls,NY 12801