2001-03-19 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 19TH, 2001 MTG#12 RES#123-124 7:08 P.M. B.H. 10-11 LL#2 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN JAMES MARTIN COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN COUNSEL MARK SCHACHNER TOWN OFFICIALS WATER SUPERINTENDENT, RALPH VAN DUSEN DEPUTY WASTEWATER DIRECTOR, MIKE SHAW PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR, HARRY HANSEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CHRIS ROUND SENIOR PLANNER, MARILYN RYBA ASSESSOR, HELEN OTTE FACILITIES MANAGER, CHUCK RICE SUPERVISORS EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT, ROBERT LAVERY DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, BOB KEENAN PRESS POST STAR 6:00 P.M. RESOLUTION ENTERING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 123,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into Executive Session for the purpose of interviews Planning Board Alternates. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower Noes: None AbsentNone RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 124,2001 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Executive Session and moves back into Regular Session. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin Noes: None AbsentNone 7:08 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 125,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and enters into the Queensbury Board of Health. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower Noes: None AbsentNone PUBLIC HEARING SEWER VARIANCE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM CROWELL OPENED 7:09 P.M. NOTICE SHOWN JAMES HUTCHINS, PROJECT ENGINEER REPRESENTING APPLICANT SUPERVISOR BROWER-The floor is yours sir. MR. HUTCHINS-lam not entirely familiar with your format would you like a little presentation of what we're proposing? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Just a brief explanation, I think it's pretty straightforward. MR. HUTCHINS-The property is located 20 Holly Lane which is on Assembly Point. It's basically you go down off Route 9N to the bottom of the hill take a right then it would be your first left. I represent William Crowell he is the proposed purchaser he has not completed the transaction yet. The property is presently owned by the Colson Estate. What we're asking for is a variance for a wastewater system setback from Lake George of ninety-five feet as opposed to the hundred feet in your Ordinance. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-So you are asking for five feet of relief. MR. HUTCHINS-We're asking for five feet of relief. The present system is located approximately a hundred and twenty feet from Lake George, but within about sixty feet of neighbors well. What we have proposed is, let me back up and say, the existing system I did not determine the exact extent of it by excavating it, but just from the location and the outward appearance it was certainly not in congruent with today's standards. What we have proposed is a new system it would be located to provide a hundred-foot setback from the neighbors well that is the Mullen property. In order to do that with the width of the system it is necessary to locate the system within ninety-five feet of Lake George. We have written confirmation from all other properties within a hundred feet that they either use the lake as a water supply or in the case of vacant land have no water supply. I think in summation we would feel that what we proposed is a definite improvement over what exists. SUPERVISOR BROWER-What system are you proposing to put in? MR. HUTCHINS-It is a relatively new system an Elgin in-drain system. The reason we use that it's basically a space saver with that we were able to minimize the amount of relief we're asking for. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Just for the record how are the soils? MR. HUTCHINS-They are granular soils reasonably good. Percolation rate I believe the design rate was fifteen minutes I believe. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Any other questions for Town Board members at this time? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I see you contacted the neighbors. MR. HUTCHINS-Yes. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Pretty extensively it looks like. MR. HUTCHINS-We filed return receipt request and received an answer from all neighbors within a hundred feet back. Either they use the lake as the water supply or some properties are vacant and had no water supply. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-No opposition or questions or anything like that from the neighbors? MR. HUTCHINS-Heard nothing other than simply filling out the form that we sent. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Okay. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Thank you sir. If you have a seat I'm going to ask if anyone from the public would like to comment on this proposal. At this time we'll accept any comment from the public in this public hearing. Anyone care to address the board at this time? NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR BROWER-Being none I'll ask if there are any letters pertaining to this project. DEPUTY CLERK O'BRIEN-Just the one that you received from Dave Hatin. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Chris do you have anything to add, okay? In that case at this time I'll close the public hearing and ask board members for any comment. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-You have to do the short form right? DEPUTY CLERK O'BRIEN-Dave told me you did not have to do that. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I think it's a pretty simple application five feet of relief. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I think it's pretty straightforward Dennis. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 7:15 P.M. RESOLUTION APPROVING SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM CROWELL RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 10,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, William Crowell filed an application for a variance from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, such application requesting that the Local Board of Health authorize Mr. Crowell to install an absorption field ninety-five:!: (95':!:) from Lake George instead of the required one-hundred feet (100') setback on property located at 20 Holly Lane, Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health conducted a public hearing concerning the variance request on March 19th, 2001, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk advises that property owners within 500 feet of the subject property have been duly notified, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, a) that due to the nature of the variance, it is felt that the variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or to other adjoining properties or otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any plan or policy of the Town of Queensbury; and b) that the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and that the variance granted is the minimum variance which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the applicant; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of William Crowell for a variance from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to allow Mr. Crowell to install an absorption field ninety-five feet:!: (95':!:) from Lake George instead of the required one-hundred feet (100') setback on property located at 20 Holly Lane, Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No.: 6-3-5. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 11,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby adjourns and moves into the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT:None PUBLIC HEARINGS LOCAL LAW - AMEND CHAPTER 179 ZONING AND CHAPTER Al83 SUBDIVISION OF LAND OPENED 7:20 P.M. NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR BROWER-Chris staff comments? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-This is minor revision to our Subdivision Ordinance currently applicants for land subdivisions are required to mail notification to the adjoining property owners within five hundred feet of the proposed project. With that they have to send that certified mail and collect those receipts and make sure that they have those receipts at the time the public hearing is conducted. The proposed revision would require the Town to do the notifications it is not necessary to provide certified mail receipts since we know that we have done the mail. The certifications are so that we know there is proof of service. We've had on occasion where and I think one very recently where notification has been failed to be sent in a timely manner caused delays of public hearing we have to readvertise, renotified we feel this is a more efficient way to do it. We do this for our site plan review process we provide notification. We do it for the variance process so we thought it would be beneficial to 0 it for the subdivision process as well. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Just so I'm clear you did speak about the staff level as well in that I think you indicated the staff actually preferred this to be the case. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The administrative staff brought forth this recommendation actually we said this make sense we will follow through with it. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I know later on we're going to be looking at the idea of addressing the fee schedule has this now been taken into account and our fee schedule for subdivision to help offset this cost? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The fees will offset this additional cost there is not a one to one correspondence. One of the reasons we raised the fees they weren't appropriate they weren't in line with adjacent communities. One of them is it didn't cover the cost incurred by a Town. The fees won't cover all costs, but they do a better job of recovering those costs so it does to some extent. COUNCILMAN BREWER-What happens if we make a mistake Chris? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-We do that from time to time and we'll renotice or rehear it just the same as if an individual had done that. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-That has happened before in site plan and variances too, I think. It gets a little tricky around the lake sometimes. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Any further comments from board members at all? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I think it's a good idea especially with the staff support. SUPERVISOR BROWER-At this time we'll accept comment from the public would anyone care to address the board on this particular public hearing issue? NO PUBLIC COMMENT COUNCILMAN BROWER-Seeing none I will close the public hearing at this time and I'll ask the board if they have any further comments? COUNCILMAN TURNER-No, I'm satisfied. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I think it's a good idea. COUNCILMAN BREWER-No, I'll move it. RESOLUTION ENACTING LOCAL LAW NO.2, OF 2001 TO AMEND QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE CHAPTER 179 "ZONING" AND CHAPTER Al83 "SUBDIVISION OF LAND" RESOLUTION NO. 126,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to consider adoption of Local Law No.: _ of 2001 to amend Queensbury Town Code Chapter 179 entitled "Zoning" and Chapter Al83 entitled "Subdivision of Land," which Local Law would eliminate the requirement that applicants for subdivision review provide certified mail notification to property owners within 500 feet of a project and instead require the Department of Community Development to send the notifications, and WHEREAS, this legislation is authorized in accordance with New York State Municipal Home Rule Law ~1O and Town Law Article 16, and WHEREAS, the Town Board duly held a public hearing on March 19th, 2001 and heard all interested persons, and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed Local Law has been presented at this meeting and is in form approved by Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board of hereby enacts Local Law No.: 2 of2001 to amend Queensbury Town Code Chapter 179 entitled "Zoning," and Chapter Al83 entitled "Subdivision of Land," as presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to file the Local Law with the New York State Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law and acknowledges that the Local Law will take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None LOCAL LAW NO.: 2 OF 2001 A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 179 "ZONING" AND CHAPTER Al83 "SUBDIVISION OF LAND" OF QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 179-103 of Chapter 179 of the Queensbury Town Code entitled "Notice of Public Hearing," is hereby amended by adding language to subsection "A" and deleting subsection "B" as follows: ~ 179-103. Notice of public hearing. A. Each notice of hearing upon an application for site plan review, subdivision, or for the review of a variance application, or upon an appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals from an action of the Zoning Administrator, shall be published once in the official newspaper of the Town at least five days prior to the date of the hearing. In addition, at least five days prior to the date of the hearing, notices shall be mailed to all owners of the property within 500 feet of the exterior boundary of the property for which the application is made, as may be determined by the latest assessment records of the Town. The Town shall be responsible for such notification. SECTION 2. Section A183-9 of Chapter Al83 of the Queensbury Town Code entitled "Plat details and requirements," is hereby amended by deleting subsection "J" as follows: SECTION 3. Section A183-1O of Chapter Al83 of the Queensbury Town Code entitled "Submission and review procedures," is hereby amended by deleting subsection "D(2)" as follows: D. Notice. (1) The subdivider shall display prominently on the subject property, for ten (10) days preceding the date of the public hearing, at least one (1) sign, two (2) feet by three (3) feet in size and carrying a legend prescribed by the Town Planning Board, announcing the public hearing. The sign shall be in full public view from the street pavement and shall be legible from the street. If the property is bounded by more than one (1) street, a sign shall be placed on each street that bounds the property. SECTION 4. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph or provision of this Local Law shall not invalidate any other clause, sentence, paragraph or part thereof. SECTION 5. All Local Laws or ordinances or parts of Local Laws or ordinances in conflict with any part of this Local Law are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office of the New York Secretary of State as provided in New York Municipal Home Rule Law ~27. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED INCREASE IN FEE ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY LAND USE APPLICATIONS OPENED 7:21 P.M. NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR BROWER-Chris when your ready you might want to brief the board and the public on this. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-There are two public hearings regarding fees that our office collects. The first that we're talking about right now is land use applications. What we are talking about there are area variances, PUD, rezoning, site plan, site plan modification, subdivision and use variances. Currently we have a sheet and we've made extra copies available of what our existing fee structure is. I'll quickly, area variances are fifty dollars there is going to be no change to residential variance fees they will still continue to be fifty dollars. Non-residential will be a hundred dollars they are generally more complex applications. We felt that compared to what other municipalities charged that it warranted increase. Rezoning we don't currently charge any fee for rezoning. Rezoning applications are typically complex applications that require a lot of staff time they do require public notification, public advertisement we don't collect any fee for that point. We're proposing a two hundred andfifty dollar fee for those site plan applications we collect a twenty five-dollar. In all of these fees what we do was two things. We evaluated what the town's cost was we did a simple calculation based on what the particular application was and what the staff hours spent and number of application we hear in year other expenses such as advertising expenses. We performed that we also performed a survey of approximately twelve communities in our area or that we felt were representative of our size or activity level. Based on that we adjusted the fees to be consistent or slightly below what other communities' charge so I just want to put that on the record for both of these resolutions. Site plan application we're proposing a sliding scale fee for commercial site plans. The minimum would be a hundred-dollar charge and the maximum would be a one thousand-dollar charge. Zero to ten thousand square foot structure proposed as part of site plan that would be most of the application that we would see would be ahundred-dollar fee. Then we make breakdowns for ten thousand to thirty thousand square feet; thirty thousand to a hundred thousand square feet, and a hundred thousand square feet plus. Most applications are in the ten thousand square foot range by an inspection of our historical records. We do see from time to time contrary to what people might see there is occasionally a big box and that's above sixty thousand square feet so there are fees associated with that. Subdivision currently the preliminary application is fifty dollars and the final is fifty dollars plus five dollars a lot. We're proposing the preliminary fee would stay the same fifty dollars the final application would be a hundred dollars plus fifty dollars a lot. Again that would cover the additional review time departments review time, highway, and water department provides review. They are not going to be reimbursed for that, but at least there is some capture of that cost. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Is that necessary fifty dollars a lot? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Pardon me? COUNCILMAN BREWER-That's a big jump from five to fifty. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-That's a significant increase that just tells you the fees haven't been raised since 1988. It's been over thirteen years and review of all communities such as Wilton, Colonie, Clifton Park, Halfmoon, Plattsburgh, communities in Massachusetts, Saratoga Springs they are charging fees equal to this or greater than this so it's not out of line with what other communities are charging. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-On that score in subdivision the piece that's missing in this and I was going to ask you to look into this especially with the new zoning ordinance revision is we for a long time have been in need of minor subdivision regulations and a minor subdivision process. We had at one time and the reason why it was done away with was it was being abused large subdivisions were being over a course of time being done under a minor clause. I think if properly written we could overcome that and I'm proposing something like four or five lots or less be a minor subdivision and then have a flat fee for that. So you have the incidences where there is property being exchange among family members or something like that. You have a two-lot subdivision.... COUNCILMAN BREWER-We have that now don't we Jim a two-lot subdivision? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-No we do not. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Two-lot we do it's administrative. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I'm talking about with an appropriate fee schedule. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Right. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-So we have major and minor subdivisions. Obviously major subdivision requires more time may involve new road drainage and all that. Whereas, a minor subdivision... COUNCILMAN BREWER-I understand all that I don't have a problem raising the fees, but ten times of what it is now and your not doing that anywhere else in the schedule I guess is my point. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-I don't think that's the right way to look at it to look at it what it was verses what it's going to be. I think to look at it what other communities have been charging it tells you how out of whack out of sink the fees for subdivisions are currently. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I don't necessarily agree with that just because somebody else is doing it doesn't mean we have to do it that's what sets us apart. I'm not saying you shouldn't get paid for your time and whatnot, but it just seems that comes out and strikes me and hits me right in the face that from five dollars to fifty that's a big jump that's just my opinion. I'm not saying it's not justified, but that question is going to be posed to you I'm guessing. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-On a larger subdivision especially when it involves a road you have a water line extension there is a lot of staff time over several departments Highway, Chris's office obviously, Water Department.. . COUNCILMAN BREWER-I agree with all that Jim, but if it's that much of a burden how come it's never been addressed? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Because we've been subsidizing it. Everybody in the Town has been subsidizing the application. I think this is a good increase I think it puts the burden on the applicant who's the benefit of the review and the action. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-The last thing on this particular list is the use variance. Currently its fifty dollars existing we're proposing to go to a hundred dollars. Use variances are very difficult to obtain we've seen a significant number of use variances. In an ideal world our ordinance is relatively old ten and twelve years old in that use variances should exhaust themselves there shouldn't be anymore use variances after a certain amount of time. One of the things the increase fees are going to do is help justify what the expense is to the Town. Another thing is we're hoping that people will take their applications more seriously given that there is an expense and that you will see better quality applications as a secondary and see.... COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I think you'll see less rezoning. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Receive less rezoning I'm being open about that, that is one of the motivations behind the fee increase. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I especially like the idea ofPUD. I know some of our PUD's have literally done years in review literally that's still a bargain at two hundred and fifty dollars. Rezoning I think that's appropriate and I like the sliding scale for site plan. Again you get a big box like what was done with Lowe's all the grading and drainage work that was done there an EIS is required you get into a lot of staff time and board time there. I think it's an appropriate change I like it. SUPERVISOR BROWER-At this time I'd like to ask the public if they have any comment on this proposed plan, no takers, okay. PLINEY TUCKER, DIVISION ROAD, QUEENSBURY-Chris these proposals your making fee increases will they cover the costs? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It's difficult for us to isolate all our costs. To say this particular application costs us this we think it does a pretty good job of doing that. MR. TUCKER-But, you can't say for sure? I know you were talking about raising building permits those are the things I buy and I don't want to subsidize some subdivision. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND- I think this does a good job of recovering the costs associated with these projects. We pass through engineering fees so those costs are recovered those aren't impacted by property owners. This recovers our staff time, paperwork, materials, etc., the best that we can measure it. We don't collect enough information about the amount of hours that we spend on applications to say yes it does or no it doesn't. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-It is difficult it's not like there are staff people down there that's all they do is plan review or application review. A person like Laura Moore's time is split among several different projects one of which is application review. How much of her time I would guess on a given month is dedicated towards applicant review it varies and is difficult to set. MR. TUCKER-Would it be difficult to take a look at how it operates through this coming building season and next fall if these fees aren't.... EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. MARTIN-Taking a simplistic look at in terms oflike the budget of the planning office in the course of the year and then the corresponding revenue that comes in from the fees the building office does the best in terms of offsetting its costs it comes closest to paying for itself but, here its difficult to say. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-It does the building department we can talk a little more directly what the relationship is. I can tell you how much fees are collected we estimated a number of man-hours we know that the fees for building permits are still going to be slightly below what it costs us to do that. I think we did a pretty good job of justifying it. I have the supporting information I can show it to you anytime. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Even on that score you have the Inspectors and Dave are doing double duty time in terms of especially Dave. Dave does a lot of town wide code enforcement and that should be paid for by the populous it shouldn't be covered out of a fee because that's really for the good of the community so it's really difficult to say. MR. TUCKER-And I do know some of the contractors misuse the some of these inspections. Some of these inspections are fifteen, twenty; twenty-five for a normal house come on it can be done in eight or ten at the most. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-The other ones like I know when Super Kmart was being built John O'Brien just stayed there. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Wal-Mart the same. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-When the pours were being done for the footings it just wasn't efficient for him to drive away and come back he just stayed there literally the whole day some days. MR. TUCKER-In cases like that, that should be a cost to the contractor doing that kind of work and he should figure it in. Thank you. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Thank you Mr. Tucker. Would anyone else care to address the board on this particular proposal at this public hearing? Seeing none at this time I'll close the pubic hearing and ask for any further input from board members. Hearing none I'll entertain a motion. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 7:30 P.M. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING INCREASE IN FEES ASSOCIATED WITH CERTAIN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY LAND USE APPLICATIONS RESOLUTION NO. 127,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, in accordance with ~ 179-102 of the Town Zoning Ordinance, the Town Board may establish fees associated with the land use application process, and WHEREAS, the Town Board duly held a public hearing on March 19th, 2001 and heard all interested persons considering its proposal to raise certain fees associated with the land use application process as specifically set forth in the Proposed Fee Schedule dated February 22nd, 2001, and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed Fee Schedule has been presented at this meeting and is in form approved by Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the increase in rates associated with the Town of Queensbury land use application process as set forth in the Fee Schedule dated February 22,2001 presented at this meeting, such fee increases to take effect April 30th, 2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director of Community Development and/or Town Clerk to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the new fee schedule. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer NOES None ABSENT:None PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 30 AND ITS SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS CONCERNING INCREASE IN FEES ASSOCIATED WITH TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS OPENED 7:31 P.M. NOTICE SHOWN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-As I said there are some minor adjustments to the building permit fees there are not a lot of significant ones. For instance one and two family dwellings we currently charge twelve dollars per hundred square foot of floor area for the first floor and ten dollars per hundred square foot of the second floor. What we're proposing is an adjustment to that to charge twelve cents per square foot for all floor areas. It's both a change to the calculation and a slight increase for the second floor area. The calculation method I don't know why it was calculated per hundred square foot I think it was to simplify the math. Now we have calculators under our desk the computer system itself calculates a fee so that was one of the reasons for that change it's a more accurate collection method. I'm looking down my list the building permit fees this fee schedule includes the fees for building permits, boathouses, certificate of occupancies, inspection of commercial structures, industrial stuctures. On that note with the only change to commercial structures, industrial structures is that there was similar fee charge fifteen dollars per hundred square feet with a maximum fee of three thousand square feet we're proposing a fifteen cents per square foot with no maximum fee. Jim alluded to Wal-Mart and Kmart those kinds of stores we only charged three thousand dollars.... COUNCILMAN MARTIN-You burn that up on the planning review. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-We did analysis what would be a typical fee for these kinds of things given the number of inspections. We can say for instance how many inspections were performed at Lowe's the most recent one. You are talking three hundred inspections roughly twenty dollars in inspections we don't recover that cost with a three thousand-dollar cap so we're proposing no cap. What we do propose further down on the list that you have in front of you is for commercial structures that are unheated warehouses, storage areas, etc., is a five cent per square foot with no max. The problem we have historically is currently we charge the same fee fifteen cents per square foot for a warehouse that has very little interior improvements, very little inspections. There are probably three inspections that have to be performed, but we charge a substantial fee and it doesn't equate to the amount of time spent by staff so this is going to provide a reduction in those fees it's important to note. There are soe other minor fee adjustments to how fees are calculated instead of the per hundred square foot we're going to the per square foot calculation method. It's going to change the fees slightly, but not a significant increase. Garages instead of being a permit fee of twenty-five dollars for one car, thirty-five, etc., we're charging a per square foot fee. Residential additions and non-residential additions an alternations again we're changing the fee structure there is a slight increase for that based on the number of inspections we perform we think the fee equates more directly to the amount of time spent and the cost to the town. Just looking down through that's basically it there is not a big increase in fee. Generally any of the single-family multi-family those fees are all staying at the same per square foot charge. The second floor we're making the same as the first floor. The rational is that the first floor included the foundation inspection and some more utility inspections it is going to result i a slight increase in the fees and it's going to be more appropriate it is very similar to what other communities are charging. I would happy to answer any questions you might have on any of the others. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Thank you Chris. Once again I'd like to invite the public to comment on this particular public hearing issue the floor is open at this time. NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR BROWER-Being that no one seems inclined to comment on this public hearing I'll close the public hearing. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MR. ROUND-Can I just note that we did provide notification a legal advertisement we did mail notice to many of our better customers here in the building industry in the Town of Queensbury. We provided probably thirty different contractors with notice and we've had notices around the Town so we have done our best to inform the public. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 7:36 P.M. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I think this is imminently more fair. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Long needed. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-The practical effect of which like for example right now there is a three thousand dollar limit on a commercial building application if we have a hundred thousand square foot big box that's a fifteen thousand dollar building permit fee that's good. RESOLUTION ENACTING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 30 AND ITS SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS CONCERNING FEES ASSOCIATED WITH TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS RESOLUTION NO. 128,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, Town of Queensbury Ordinance No. 30 and its subsequent Amendments provide in Section 5 for fees to be charged in connection with applications for the issuance of building permits, and WHEREAS, the Town Board duly held a public hearing on March 19th, 2001 and heard all interested persons considering its proposal to amend Ordinance No. 30, Section 5 to modify certain fees associated with the building permit process as specifically set forth in the Proposed Fee Schedule dated February 22,2001, and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 30 has been presented at this meeting and is in form approved by Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board of hereby amends Town Ordinance No. 30 and its subsequent Amendments as presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Amendment and fee modifications shall take effect April 30th, 2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish a certified copy of this Amendment in the official newspaper of the Town and publish such notices as may be required by law. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT:None (ORDINANCE ON FILE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE) DISCUSSIONS PRESENTATION - QUEENSBURYLAND CONSERVANCY JOHN GORALSKI, VICE PRESIDENT -SECRETARY REPRESENTING QUEENSBURY LAND CONSERVANCY Spoke to the board regarding the newly formed Queensbury Land Conservancy. Noting land trusts or land conservancies are local or regional non-profit organizations directly involved in protection of land for its natural, recreational, scenic, or historical value. Land trusts have direct involvement in land transactions. The role of land conservancies typically purchase land, accept donations of land and funds, accept conservation easements, manage purchased land or land owned by other, hold land to be acquired later. There are advantages to a land conservancy. One is that they can assist the community in setting and meeting goals for land protection. More flexible than public agencies have the ability to hold and manage land as a corporation. Act more quickly than government agencies. Offer tax advantages because they are non-profit most importantly with this organization it is community based the people that are involved are landowners and residents of the Town. Noted they have eight founding members of the board Leon Steves, President, Lloyd Jones, Treasurer, Sandra Allen, Roger Dziengeleski, Deborah Roberts, Sharron Simmonds, and Jim Underwood. They were originally formed as a nine-member board noting there is a vacant seat on the board at the present time. The need for a land conservancy in Queensbury really came t the forefront in the 1998 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. There were common concerns among the residents about preserving the open space and the character of our community. There really was no vehicle to do that except for the Town of Queensbury government agency acquiring or holding that land. The initial steps that have been taken they have elected a Board of Directors. Goals for the year 2001 are to prepare a strategic plan how they are going to accomplish goals. Begin public outreach noting this is the first step in their public outreach will visit many different organizations in the area. Would like the organization to be an organization that has input from everybody in the community. Will begin fundraising and developing membership. Will use an informational brochure. Have spoken with Chris Round, Harry Hansen about assisting the Town of Queensbury in preparing an open space plan and a passive recreation plan. During the first year will try to establish priorities for land conservation and hope toidentify potential projects within the Town. Feel that they can assist the community in developing their open space plan and recreation plans. Think they can provide education on the preservation of the Town's natural and cultural resources. One of the main goals is funding for the first year noting they have received a grant for $2,500 from the Queensbury Economic Development Corporation. Mr. Goralski read the mission statement as follows. The Queensbury Land Conservancy is a local non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of Queensbury by conserving our valuable natural and cultural resources. Listed the things they will be working on prioritizing. Conserving the critical environmental areas and recreational areas in the Town. Enhancing the Halfway Brook Corridor. Securing the Kamer Blue Butterfly habitat. Maintaining inventorying scenic views. Conserve quality wetland habitats. Promoting responsible development. Maintain the rural character of the community. To encouragedevelopment in harmony with nature also to support and enhance a recreational trail system within the Town. Funding will come from memberships private donations, government donations, and grants and hopefully and ultimately land donations. Asked the Town Board to help with their funding noting they need organizational start-up expenses or funding to offset the expenses of informational brochures, advertising, public meetings. To work with Community Development Office and the Recreation Office to identify parcels for purchase and ultimately to actually go out and purchase land conservation easements to fulfill our goals. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Questioned how much money would be needed? MR. GORALSKI-Noted they wrestled with their first year budget noting the budget is for $25,000. It is basically just to do community outreach get people involved, get people to join the conservancy, get people to give us input and to start networking with other land conservancies and organizations that can help us meet our goals. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned if this is something the board could fund? COMPTROLLER, MR. HESS-Noted could probably contract with them for a specific service. TOWN COUNSEL, SCHACHNER-Like any other proposed municipal expenditure it has to be what is called a lawful public purpose. Land Conservancy typically with the type of mission statement and type of goals that are envisioned by this organization it is something that could be a very legitimate public purpose. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned since the budget has passed could they still get money to do this for this year? COMPTROLLER, MR. HESS-Would have to look through the budget and find another appropriation. You have contingency funds that are really designed for unforeseen expenses. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned if the Town had a piece of property and this group took it would it be a deed transfer or could they sell it to the Town for a dollar? TOWN COUNSEL-All departments transaction are typically governed by consideration the dollar would be a consideration if nobody sees the need for additional money, noting we are municipal government we are infringed by certain aspects. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Noted this is one of the most important things to happen in the Town in a long time. Over the course of time this will prove to be one of the most valuable entities that we have in the community. Noted it has his full support for the remaining time that he is on the board. Asked Mr. Goralski to quantify what their needs are and come back to the board. In terms of land dedication asked Mr. Round to put together a listing of the properties across the Town that are in the Town ownership. Noted this has been long overdue in affected use of the clustering provision it has been the missing link. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Questioned if the Queensbury Land Conservancy will be a conduit for groups that want to do something? MR. GORALSKI-Noted he doesn't know the answer to this. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Encouraged them to speak to the Homebuilders Associations, Warren County Board of Realtors and groups like this. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Would support the Town looking into available funds would ask the board to support looking for money to do this. COUNCILMAN STEC-Noted they have the twenty-five let's figure out where it will come from. Recommended doing a resolution to present it two weeks. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Would like to hear a recommendation from the group would like to know how much needed from the Town. MR. GORALSKI-To provide budget to the board. EXIT 18 CORRIDOR STATUS REPORT - BILL LAMY Discussion held regarding Exit 18 corridor. Supervisor Brower noted a meeting would be held April 4th at the County at seven regarding this matter. Noted they are currently reviewing a Draft Expanded Project Proposal Report that was prepare by Clough Harbour Associates who is under contract with the County to do all of the engineering work associated with the upgrade of the roadway. Since the project has been started there has been an additional project identified that does not fall under the county jurisdiction and that's the improvements to the actual Exit 18 on 1-87. In addition to this the Town of Queensbury is looking at a substantial development of a parcel of property the Target development site. The other project that is being proposed at the same time is to connect Luzerne Road with Corinth Road. Last week the Warren County Economic Development Council and the DPW Committee of the Board of Supervisors held a joint meeting to talk about all of these issues that are essentially taking place in tha corridor and to see what we can do to try to coordinate this to make sure that the whole thing moves ahead in a logical progression. The next step in their process is Clough Harbour is prepared to meet with both the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls and the County to bring everyone up to date on what they've done at this point. The DPW Committee was in agreement that we should move ahead with the draft plan, which the next phase of the process is to go into preliminary design. Over the past two years both the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls have brought a number of issues to our attention that they would like to see some enhancements along the corridor noting they are aware of that and are at the point where it make sense to rehash those issues. Noted he was asked to coordinate a meeting that Supervisor Brower mentioned to take place in two weeks. The Town and the City of Glens Falls representatives from the County will be there also asked DOT and Scott Chop.... From the Trasportation Council to come. An agenda has been put together that hopefully each different participant that's involved with a different piece will be able to give a presentation on what's going on with these various issues and at the same time will be looking for anything that has been missed since we last talked with the Town on any of the improvements along the corridor. In addition some of these improvements have funding that are identified for them and many of them don't we need to talk about how we're going to do all that which is the purpose of the meeting in two weeks. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Questioned the projected timetable? MR. LAMY - Will have Clough Harbour go over this at the meeting in two weeks. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned generally speaking are they talking about the improvement occurring within the existing right a way? MR. LAMY -The project as proposed keep in mind in order to get federal highway funding need to have a cross section that meets their standards. Expect that there will be places in that corridor which will require a taking of approximately two feet, two and a half feet on each side of the road so that we can accommodate that cross section in order to qualify for the federal funding. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Asked if this is going to require an out right purchase and demolition in any instance? MR. LAMY -Doesn't know of any buildings that would be impacted. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Questioned the infrastructure as far as sewer would like to see it as one contract noting it would be efficient and cost effective. Questioned if there is going to be any allowance for telecommunications infrastructure? MR. LAMY-Noted all issues have been thrown on the table. In the discussion that they had at a previous meeting and in talking with Clough Harbour we're at the point in the process where these issues should be addressed. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Noted he is particularly interested in the look and character of the corridor. Does not want to accept the standard DOT issue when it comes to light fixtures, curbing, landscaping would like to see a real nice design to this corridor. MR. LAMY-Prepare to advance whatever is eligible for reimbursement under the prograrn. If there are enhancements that are not funded then it would be appropriate to open it up for discussion to see how these items get funded. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Questioned the interest of Target? MR. LAMY-Noted they will have a representative at the meeting to make sure that all of the issues that are associated with that corridor are addressed. Noted he is managing a project that has a define start and define finish. It's through a contract between Warren County and the New York State DOT. Based on that agreement a dollar value was assigned for engineering and we have a contract that is a sub-agreement from that DOT agreement to get the work done with a define start and a define finish. All of these other issues fall outside the realm of the contracts that he is currently managing. The purpose of the meeting is to identify all this and to see how we go about coordinating it. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Noted his concern is that the project doesn't get delayed or driven by Target. That this project stands on its own merit and we want to do it and if they come along and they want to make improvements or whatever this shouldn't be halted because of that. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-At the same time have to make sure if this is part of the landscape then we have a user that will be dumping a thousand cars an hour into the system. COUNCILMAN BREWER-If that does happen we can't stop the process to let them come forward with their plan. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Doesn't want to have a brand new road completed and then the project come along then you will have levels of service that would be failing again it all has to be coordinated. MR. LAMY-Is not sure what the timing will be that should be part of the dialogue in two weeks. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Questioned if there is any resolution to put utilities out of the roadway where they can get at them instead of digging the roadway up later? MR. LAMY-Part of the cross section of the roadway will include a utility strip that should be outside of that traveled way hopefully between the curb and the sidewalk noting this will be part of the presentation by Clough Harbour they will be covering a lot of these issues. MR. TUCKER-Asked if this is going to open to the public? MR. LAMY-Public is invited to attend. MR. TUCKER-Asked if they will be able to ask questions? MR. LAMY -There will be follow-up meetings specifically geared to the public without having all the elected officials there to take up the majority of the meeting noting it is a necessary part of the process. LAKE GEORGE - PLANNING FOR THE NEXT CENTURY - DAVID DECKER MR. DECKER-Presented board members with an outline for planning for the next century. Noted it was at the request of the elected officials of the various towns that make up the Lake George Watershed. It was in recognition in part of the fact that the lake itself is an important natural and economic resource for the whole Upstate New York area. Each of the towns that make up the watershed have an interest in maintaining the level of natural resources that are there in particular the water quality of the lake itself. Over the past several years each of the towns have undertaken various initiatives to protect and enhance the water quality, but at times throughout that process they found themselves in competition with each other in trying to achieve those same goals. Recognizing that this was the case and recognizing that funding for any project of this nature is limited and at all times you need to put your best foot forward to maximize the opportunity for funding itself. The elected officials saw fit to ptition the State of New York and were successful in obtaining a grant in the amount of $90,000 to take a look at the 1987 plan which was the last plan that was written. To examine what of the plan has been executed what hadn't and at the same time progress the opportunities that exist for funding to continue to enhance the water quality of the lake. Throughout the process which has lasted about a year now there were various committees established that look at all kind of facets of what it would take to maintain and enhance the water quality in and around the watershed. Numerous issues and subject areas were investigated and the ultimate goal was to establish a action plan identify projects that were either on the shelf ready to go in some stage of development or projects that had not been fully developed. To identify funding opportunities such as those projects could be moved ahead smartly. The document itself has been progressed to the point that it is in semi-final form. The various elected officials aound the lake have met repeatedly and spent numerous hours in developing and reviewing and redrafting the plan. Where they are at this point is recognizing that the plan is essentially done, but also the committee itself recognized that in order to insure that the plan execution be undertaken and with the proper amount of oversight they felt it was important to continue on as a committee to provide the oversight to annually examine the priorities that were called out in the plan and make sure they are in fact the priorities that are needed. At the same time to measure the success of the various entities that are involved in the plan execution or callout if there were some deficiencies. If particular state agencies or county entities or private stakeholders were not pulling their weight we're not necessarily rolling in the same direction then that would be examined as well. Part of that process was to reconvene them as what is being referred to now as the Lake George Conference. Also provided the board wth a Draft of Memorandum of Understanding that will essentially do that it will continue the committee on. It's a very loosely written document in that the commitment really is a recognition of the fact the lake is an important resource to all of the communities around the lake the plan is to enhance the water quality. The commitment is to make sure that the communication levels are maintained the cooperation is maintained and yet the diligence to meet regularly and to oversee the plan execution itself is there. There has been a SEQRA process that has been undertaken with the Department of State as Lead Agency the process has been completed. The current schedule calls for the plan itself to be made available within the next two weeks at which time it would be open for a forty five-day public review process during which there will be four public meetings held around the Lake George basin. CORRESPONDENCE NONE OPEN FORUM PLINEY TUCKER, DIVISION ROAD-Spoke to the board regarding Resolution Authorizing Management Agreement between Town of Queensbury and Beaverkill Conservancy Inc. Questioned what the board was doing with this resolution. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Noted they would be talking about it with the Director of Parks & Recreation, Mr. Hansen later on in the meeting. MR. TUCKER-Spoke to the board regarding the Resolution for South Warren Snowmobile Club. Questioned what deal was going to be put together. COUNCILMAN TURNER-The same that was done last time. MR. TUCKER-Noted five thousand dollars would have finished their deal. SUPERVISOR BROWER-This is five thousand dollars for the club for maintaining signage and that type of thing on the trail system. MR. TUCKER-Spoke to the board regarding Resolution Establishing Funds for Sewer District Baybridge Sewer Extension. Questioned what was being done here? COUNCILMAN BREWER-This is for the Baybridge Homeowners. They will be running a line up Bay Road and we will reimburse them for our share. MR. TUCKER-Spoke to the board regarding Resolution Concerning Town of Queensbury Fleet Management Policy. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-We have two options we are considering. COUNCILMAN BREWER-One is to do away with it completely the other is to do away with just the five percent. MR. TUCKER-Noted he agrees with the five percent the other he doesn't because he knows some of the history of why it was put together. Spoke to the board regarding an article in the newspaper concerning Crandall Library. Asked that the Town Board have Comptroller Mr. Hess put a proposal together to offer to the Library Board. He has spoken to Mr. Hess about putting a proposal together for eight million dollars subject to change. Asked if there would be a way to put the project together where the Town of Queensbury, City of Glens Falls, and Town of Moreau on a percentage basis the amount paid in by each own this building and then lease it to Crandall Library for free. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted it is a novel idea anything could happen at this stage. What the library is planning on doing in conducting outreach sessions in each community to try to get public input from people as to where they would like to see the library. RICHARD MERRILL-Noted he is on the Expansion Committee will add this to the list. MR. TUCKER-Noted Comptroller, Hess believes the financing can be done through the Town of Queensbury cheaper than anyone else can noting it would be worth looking into. Asked if Comptroller Hess could look into this? SUPERVISOR BROWER-Absolutely. MR. TUCKER-Questioned if the Town Counsel could give the answer regarding the leasing of the building to Crandall Library? TOWN COUNSEL, SCHACHNER-Noted he doesn't know the answer and it doesn't strike him as a productive use of Counsels time until it becomes a viable proposal. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Agreed. If after all of the discussions that's one of the top ideas that they want to review then it would be worth investigating further. MR. TUCKER-Questioned if the Town has been officially notified about the census? SUPERVISOR BROWER-Received a communication noting it wasn't from the Census Department it was from one of the State Agency. MR. TUCKER-Noted after 25,000 we become a first class town. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Believes suburban. MR. TUCKER-Questioned if this would change the way we do administrative business? SUPERVISOR BROWER-Believes it does have some impact will find out what they are. MR. RICHARD MERRILL-6 SUNSET TRAIL NORTH QUEENSBURY-Noted, as a member of the Expansion Committee will bring Mr. Tucker's discussion to the meeting. Spoke to the board regarding the workshop that was held with Bill Lamy regarding the status of the North Queensbury Sewer Project. Noted the board needs to give some thought to some creative solutions noting it is a complex situation. The starting point would be a careful needs analysis also proposed that an extensive water quality-monitoring program be considered to identify problem areas. Along with that testing and mapping of the existing systems to identify non-compliance and where the problem areas are. Thinks it's about time to start to take a hard line on variances especially from distances from the lake also need to pay attention to the distance and spacing to wells. Hopes the board gets creative in the process doesn't think it will be easy doesn't think it is going to lie with one massive sewer system hopes that the board will considered this at th workshops. Hopes the board will listen to the people to get they're feeling on it. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted the Town has spent $450,000 investigating potential solutions they have put a lot of time and engineering in with the problem and still haven't developed a potential solution that is acceptable. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Something that was not considered given the constraints in this particular grant was the idea of a management district noting it is his understanding those constraints have been removed and is an option now that could be put on the table. The idea was of keeping the existing systems in the state they are in especially those ones that are in compliance and those that aren't then bring those into compliance. If they can't be brought into compliance then you put in holding tanks, but the holding tanks would be pumped by the management district and people as they pay their yearly sewer tax that's what it would be going towards is the maintenance of that district. Thinks this is an alternative that should be investigated believes a management district would go a long ways towards addressing the wastewater issue. COMPTROLLER MR. HESS-I would like to take just a minute or two if you don't mind during this part of the meeting to make a comment regarding the Fleet Management Program. About two years ago when the Town when this plan was being developed within the Town we were called on several times over a six month period that this was in developed to keep the public informed of our goals, the plans to meet those goals, and how we were going to justify the goals that we were trying to achieve by instituting the plan. Because that policy is going to be reconsidered tonight I feel it's a proper thing to make a statement during the public part of the meeting so that attendees can be aware of the action that is being contemplated just as they were two years ago when it was contemplated that this was going to be adopted. I want to restate to the Town Board that the Town Comptroller does not support the resolution to abolish the Central Fleet Policy. Abolishing the policy serves no practical purpose under the conditions i which we're now operating. It only serves to dismantle a sound management policy and mechanism for achieving the efficient management of the fleet that was put into place about two years ago on a five year implementation schedule and we're two years into it. Over the past year we've experienced several management policy setbacks policies that were at one time recognized desirable for the Town to implement procedures commenced with the size hundred and fifty employees two hundred million dollars in cash flow. Policies that were in conforming with modern business and governmental practices and practices that were adopted in the interest of good government responsible first just to its constituents and secondly to its staff. So I'm making this one last statement before this is considered tonight in time for anybody that wants to be aware you might remember the public that wants to be aware of the action. I encourage the Town Board to leave the Fleet Policy and its procedures intact until all procedures arefully implemented the system is fully operable and legitimate and empirical evaluations can be performed. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Thank you Henry. BARBARA BENNETT-Spoke to the board regarding the Walk-a-thon that was held last weekend noting her concern with the congestion of people and traffic questioned if they could be held some place else? Asked the board to read the amounts in the resolutions when it concerns bidding. Spoke to the board regarding Resolution Rescinding Resolution 76,2001 Concerning Purchase of Roller for Town Highway Department noting the form of the resolution isn't correct. The board is not rescinding the resolution you are rescinding the purchase from Albany Ladder, but you are okaying the purchase from a different firrn. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted the vendor could not honor the price so they went to the next lowest vendor. JOHN SALVADOR-Spoke to the board regarding Crandall Library noting in North Queensbury they have the Mountainside Library which is part of the Southern Adirondack Library System. Spoke to the board regarding the comments from Mr. Merrill on the North Queensbury Sewer understands they are suppose to answer Bill Lamy's presentation of last week questioned where do they go from here? Noted it is up to the consultant to determine through an environmental review what is the best solution in North Queensbury. Thinks if can be done with the ten million that's there, but you have to set the program in motion. Asked when the workshop will be held and if it would be open to the public to participate? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Should let the process work make the assessment determine what the scope is prepare the draft have the public comment period. MR. SALVADOR-Asked the board to announce the workshop by where they will determine how they will answer Bill Lamy's questions. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Probably determine it this week. Will be meeting with O'Brien and Gere and Bill Lamy Thursday at ten o'clock to meet to find out where they've been noting Mr. Lamy suggested the meeting. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned the purpose of O'Brien and Gere's participation? SUPERVISOR BROWER-They were one of the key engineers. He wants to bring me up to date as to where they left off what their recommendations were the last time they were working on this project. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned if they will be making any commitments on behalf of the Town before the next workshop? COUNCILMAN MARTIN-No. Recommended starting the pubic comment period. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned if he has the Supervisors commitment that this project will go back in time to a place in the process called a Scoping Session. TOWN COUNSEL, SCHACHNER-Noted his concern that the Town Board does not have the legal authority to make the commitment as the commentator is requesting. Counsel advised the Town Board not to say anything on the record that could arguably be deemed to constitute your effort to make that commitment. MR. SALVADOR-Questioned if the AMG property is still being considered as the Highway Garage? SUPERVISOR BROWER-It is being evaluated by the Town Board as an option. MR. SALVADOR-Recommended the board to use e.T. Male the Town Engineer to evaluate this property before they purchase it. Spoke to the board regarding the resolution for Freedom Park. Questioned if there is a clear understanding of what the responsibilities will be as you enter into the transfer and the Recreation Agreement? Questioned if the Town is taking on responsibilities for the Recreation Department that they can handle? Questioned if they are taking on a cost that was budgeted for or can budget for? SUPERVISOR BROWER-Prepared to handle it. PATRICK SORESBY, 766 RIDGE ROAD, STUDENT UNIVERSITY OF ALBANY, INTERN AT THE NEW YORK ST ATE ASSEMBLY -Spoke to the board noting his concern for the environmental effects and the road danger of salt and sand left on the roads during the winter after a storm. Asked the board if the Highway Department could increase the amount of times of picking up the sand. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Noted the Town doesn't use salt they use Black Magic, which is biodegradable and environmentally friendly instead of salt on the roads, but they do use sand. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Noted that Ridge Road is a State Road noting that the Town has no control over that road. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Recommended contacting the Highway Superintendent regarding this matter. MR. SORESBY -Commended Councilman Martin on his comment about keeping the scenery in Queensbury the way it. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 9:20 P.M. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING BAY RIDGE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, INC. 'S PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE BRUSH TRUCK RESOLUTION NO.: 129,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. (Fire Company) have entered into an Agreement for fire protection services, which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the Fire Company will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Fire Company to acquire a loan or mortgage or use money placed in a "vehicles fund" without prior approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company has advised the Town Board that it wishes to replace its 1982 FMC Brush Truck by purchasing one (1) 2001 Ford F-550 Chassis with Stahl Grand Challenger Body (Brush Truck) for the approximate sum of $60,000, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company reports that it presently has approximately $140,000 in its restricted vehicle fund and plans to purchase the new Brush Truck by using approximately $60,000 of such funds, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning the proposed Brush Truck purchase, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing concerning the proposed purchase of a new Brush Truck by the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. on April 2nd, 2001 at 7:00 p.m., and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least ten (10) days prior to the Public Hearing. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND BEA VERKILL CONSERVANCY, INC. AN AFFILIATE OF THE OPEN SPACE INSTITUTE RESOLUTION NO. 130,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin (MOTION WITHDRAWN) WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer DISCUSSION HELD Director of Parks & Recreation, Mr. Hansen updated the board regarding the status of the project. After further discussion it was the decision of the Town Board to pull the resolution to have further discussions with OSI and Queensbury Land Conservancy regarding adjacent properties concerning this resolution before they approve the agreement. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF PROPERTY AND RECREATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND GLENS FALLS INDEPENDENT LIVING CENTER - FREEDOM PARK RESOLUTION NO.: 130,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Glens Falls Independent Living Center (Living Center) has caused to be built a barrier free play apparatus area called "Freedom Park" on a portion of the Living Center's property located on Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Living Center is in the process of subdividing the Freedom Park parcel and wishes to deed the property to the Town as a public park facility, and WHEREAS, the Town does not own or lease any lands upon which a barrier free play apparatus area is located and the Town wishes to provide its residents with recreational opportunities, including the provision of a barrier free play apparatus area, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to enter into a Recreation Agreement with the Living Center which would provide for the Town to use the Freedom Park parcel for recreation uses, and WHEREAS, a proposed Recreation Agreement between the Town and the Living Center has been presented at this meeting and is in form approved by Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves and accepts the transfer of a portion of a parcel located at the Glens Falls Independent Living Center on Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury (Tax Map No.: 62-1-5) known as the Freedom Park parcel from the Glens Falls Independent Living Center to the Town of Queensbury, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the Recreation Agreement between the Town of Queensbury and the Glens Falls Independent Living Center substantially in the form presented at this meeting and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute any and all documents necessary to complete this transaction, including any further documents in form acceptable to Town Counsel, Deed, Real Property Transfer Report and Capital Gains Affidavit and take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND SOUTH WARREN SNOWMOBILE CLUB FOR MARKING AND GROOMING OF SNOWMOBILE TRAILS RESOLUTION NO. 131,2001 (MOTION WITHDRAWN) INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner DISCUSSION HELD Discussion held regarding agreement with South Warren Snowmobile Club. Councilman Stec presented Counsel with revised agreement asked if they should move ahead or should they wait to approve this agreement. Town Counsel noted his concern for the proposed agreement recommended crafting the agreement in a manner that the board is one hundred percent comfortable with prior to taking action. Town Counsel, Schachner to present this at April 23rd, meeting. RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW CAPITAL PROJECT FUND #127 - BAYBRIDGE SEWER EXTENSION CAPITAL PROJECT RESOLUTION NO.: 131,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 20.2001 the Queensbury Town Board approved Extension NO.7 to the Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer District, such Extension NO.7 to serve the Baybridge Homes Development located along Bay Road, Queensbury and other future new users, and WHEREAS, the Town and Baybridge Homeowners Association, Inc., entered into an Extension Agreement dated January 8,2001 which Agreement provided for a cost sharing formula of the Extension to the Baybridge Homes Development, and WHEREAS, the Project's costs are estimated to be $233,176 with the Town agreeing to pay 82.2% of $225,176 or $193,095 and the Baybridge Homeowner's Association agreeing to pay 17.8% of $225,176 or $40,081 of the costs, and WHEREAS, the Town has agreed to pay $8,000 or 100% of additional material costs for the provision of an additional 1,000 feet of 6" PVC pipe required solely by the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to establish a Capital Project Fund to fund the Town's share of expenses associated with the construction of Extension No.7, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the establishment of a Capital Project Fund to be known as the "Baybridge Sewer Extension Capital Project Fund #127," which Fund will establish funding for expenses associated with the construction of Extension NO.7 to the Central Queensbury Quaker Road Sewer District, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby establishes initial appropriations for the new Capital Project Fund # 127 in the amount of $206,100, the source offunding to be an appropriation of fund balance from the Town's General Fund which will be refunded in full to the General Fund by future District Extensions along Bay Road, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Wastewater Director and/or Deputy Wastewater Director to oversee the construction of the sewer district extension on behalf of the Town, administer the Agreement with the Baybridge Homeowners Association, Inc. and process and approve payment vouchers for the Town's share of this project in accordance with the Agreement, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Wastewater Director and/or Deputy Wastewater Director to execute any change orders pertaining to this Project totaling not more than $5,000 in aggregate, except that no change order shall be approved or executed at any time that the sum of all orders and change orders, expenditures and encumbrances will total more than the total appropriation for this project, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Comptroller's Office to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the terms and provisions of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF M. CAPUTO & ASSOCIATES, INe. FOR TV INSPECTION AND CLEANING OF SANITARY SEWER MAINS RESOLUTION NO.: 132,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the Deputy Director of Wastewater solicited proposals for TV inspection and cleaning of sanitary sewer mains in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Deputy Director reviewed all responses received and has recommended that the Town Board authorize engagement ofM. Caputo & Associates, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $19,000, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs engagement ofM. Caputo & Associates, Inc. for the provision of TV inspection and cleaning of sanitary sewer mains in the Town of Queensbury for an amount not to exceed $19,000 to be paid for from the appropriate account as determined by the Town Comptroller's Office, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Deputy Director of Wastewater and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE ORDER FOR ONE (1) FORD F-350 4X4 TRUCK FOR USE BY TOWN WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 133,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously adopted purchasing procedures which require that the Town Board must approve any purchase in an amount of $5,000 or greater up to New York State bidding limits, and WHEREAS, the Town's Deputy Wastewater Director has advised the Town Board that he solicited proposals for the purchase of one (1) Ford F-350, 4x4 cab and chassis and a plow, lift gate and service body for use by the Town Wastewater Department, and WHEREAS, the Deputy Wastewater Director has requested Town Board approval to purchase these items, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Wastewater Department's purchase of one (1) Ford F-350 4x4 cab and chassis from Genesee Truck Sales in accordance with New York State Contract pricing for an amount not to exceed $20,519 and the plow, lift gate and service body from Arrowhead Equipment for $8,025 (priced below State Contract pricing) for a total package of $28,544, to be paid for from the appropriate Wastewater Department account, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Deputy Wastewater Director, Purchasing Agent and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO.: 76,2001 CONCERNING PURCHASE OF ROLLER FOR TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT FROM ALBANY LADDER AND AUTHORIZING PURCHASE FROM ANDERSON EQUIPMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 134,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 76,2001, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the Town Highway Superintendent's purchase of one (1) Wacker Roller from Albany Ladder for the amount of $9,566.85, and WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent has advised the Town Board that Albany Ladder misquoted and therefore cannot honor its quoted price for the Wacker Roller and therefore the Highway Superintendent has cancelled the purchase order for the Roller, and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has requested that the Town Board rescind Resolution No. 76,2001 and authorize the purchase of one (1) Mauldin Vibratory Roller #1450 from Anderson Equipment for an amount not to exceed $9,800, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby rescinds Resolution No.: 76,2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves of the Highway Superintendent's purchase of one (1) Mauldin Vibratory Roller # 1450 from Anderson Equipment for an amount not to exceed $9,800 to be paid for from the appropriate Highway Department account, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Highway Superintendent, Purchasing Agent and/or Town Supervisor to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR PURCHASE OF 2001 DUMP BODY WITH PLOW, WING AND ALL NECESSARY HYDRAULICS AND ATTACHMENTS FOR TOWN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 135,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin WHEREAS, the Town's Purchasing Agent duly advertised for bids for the purchase of one (1) 2001 Dump Body with Plow, Wing and all necessary hydraulics and attachments for the Town Highway Department, and WHEREAS, Arrowhead Equipment, Inc. submitted the only and lowest responsible bid in the amount of $41,652 and the Highway Superintendent and Purchasing Agent have recommended that the Town Board award the bid to Arrowhead, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby awards the bid for one (1) 2001 Dump Body with Plow, Wing and all necessary hydraulics and attachments to Arrowhead Equipment Inc., for an amount not to exceed $41,652 from the appropriate Highway Department account. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MARCH OF DIMES WALK AMERICA WALK-A-THON RESOLUTION NO. 136,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation has requested permission to conduct its annual walk-a-thon, Walk America, as follows: SPONSOR: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation EVENT: WALK AMERICA WALK-A-THON DATE: Sunday, April 29th, 2001 PLACE: Beginning and ending at Adirondack Community College (Letter and map regarding location of run attached); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby acknowledges receipt of proof of insurance from the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation to conduct its annual walk-a-thon, Walk America, partially within the Town of Queensbury, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves this event subject to approval by the Town Highway Superintendent which approval may be revoked due to concern for road conditions at any time up to the date and time of the event, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this event shall also be subject to the approval of the Warren County Superintendent of Public Works. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF OP-TECH ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC., TO REMOVE AND DISPOSE CARPET AND ASBESTOS-CONTAINING FLOOR TILE FROM TOWN CLERK AND PARKS & RECREATION OFFICES RESOLUTION NO.: 137,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Facilities Manager requested proposals for the removal and disposal of carpet and asbestos-containing floor tile from the Town Clerk and Parks & Recreation Offices at the Town Office Building, and WHEREAS, the Facilities Manager reviewed all responses received and has recommended that the Town Board authorize engagement ofOp-Tech Environmental Services, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $7,700 in accordance with Op- Tech's proposal dated March 6th, 2001, a copy of which has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs engagement of Op- Tech Environmental Services, Inc., to remove and dispose carpet and asbestos-containing floor tile from the Town Clerk and Parks & Recreation Offices and perform all air quality testing after the work is completed for an amount not to exceed $7,700 to be paid for from the appropriate account as determined by the Town Comptroller's Office, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Facilities Manager to sign any documentation and take all action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HIRING OF FRANCIS WILBER AS FULL-TIME, THIRD-SHIFT CLEANER FOR BUILDING & GROUNDS DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO. 138,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Facilities Manager has advised the Town Board that there is a vacant full-time, third-shift Cleaner position in the Building & Grounds Department, and WHEREAS, the Facilities Manager posted availability for the vacant position, reviewed resumes, applications, interviewed interested candidates and has made a hiring recommendation to the Town Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Facilities Manager to hire Francis Wilber as a full-time, third-shift Cleaner beginning March 20th, 2001 and subject to an eight (8) month probationary period, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that Mr. Wilber shall be paid the hourly rate of $11.20 plus a five-percent (5%) shift differential in accordance with the Town's current Agreement with the Civil Service Employees Association, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Facilities Manager and/or Town Comptroller to complete any forms and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION CREATING SMART GROWTH TASK FORCE AND APPOINTING MEMBERS REPRESENTING THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO.: 139,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to establish a Smart Growth Task Force with members to serve from the Town of Queensbury and City of Glens Falls to work together in evaluating options for the rational and logical growth of commercial, residential and industrial development to adequately service the needs of residents of both communities, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to appoint its members to the Smart Growth Task Force for the purpose of investigating the various approaches to establishing smart growth initiatives as previously taken by other states and municipalities across the nation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby creates a Smart Growth Task Force with members appointed by the Town Board to work together with members appointed by the City of Glens Falls Common Council to evaluate options for the rational and logical growth of commercial, residential and industrial development to adequately service the needs of residents of both communities, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the members appointed by the Town Board shall serve on the Smart Growth Task Force until December 31, 2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby appoints the following Town residents to the Task Force: 1. Doug Auer; 2. Doug Irish; 3. Richard Merrill; 4. William Morton; 5. Robert Sears; and 6. Norman VanDiest; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Smart Growth Task Force to meet as necessary to deliberate and investigate the various aforementioned smart growth initiatives and report back to the Town Board its findings and recommendations by August 31st, 2001. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 33,2001 REGARDING SETTLEMENT OF ARTICLE 7 REAL PROPERTY ASSESSMENT CASE COMMENCED BY NORTHWAY SELF-STORAGE, LLC RESOLUTION NO.: 140,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 33,2001 the Queensbury Town Board authorized settlement of a pending Article 7 case against the Town of Queensbury by Northway Self-Storage, LLC, and WHEREAS, the Town Assessor and Town Counsel have advised the Town Board that since the time the Resolution was adopted, the parties have proposed amended settlement terms and such proposed new settlement terms are more beneficial to the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to amend Resolution No. 33.2001 accordingly, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby amends Resolution No. 33.2001 such that the settlement terms of the pending Article 7 case against the Town of Queensbury by Northway Self- Storage, LLC for the 1999/2000 tax year shall be in accordance with the following revised assessment value: Parcel - Tax Map No.: Tax Year: Revised Assessment 32 Northway Lane Queensbury, New York 12804 Tax Map No.: 166-1-1 1999-2000 $195,000 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that refunds paid to Northway Self-Storage, LLC as a result of this settlement shall be without interest, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby affirms and ratifies Resolution No. 33.2001 in all other respects. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. OF 2001 TO AMEND QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE CHAPTER 179 "ZONING" TO ADD A PERMITTED USE TO MR-5 ZONE RESOLUTION NO. 141,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board has received a request from Schermerhorn Properties, Inc., to consider amendment of Town Code Chapter 179 entitled "Zoning" to include day care centers as a permitted use in any Multifamily Residential Zone (MR-5), and WHEREAS, the Town Board is presently considering adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance and the draft Zoning Ordinance provides for this addition to the MR-5 zone, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to consider adoption of Local Law No.: _ of 200 1 to amend Queensbury Town Code Chapter 179 entitled "Zoning," specifically Section 179-18 entitled "Multifamily Residential Zones, MR-5", to add day care centers as a permitted use in any MR-5 zone, and WHEREAS, this legislation is authorized in accordance with New York State Municipal Home Rule Law ~1O and Town Law Article 16, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning adoption of this Local Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall meet and hold a public hearing at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at 7:00 p.rn. on April 2nd, 2001 to hear all interested persons and take any necessary action provided by law concerning proposed Local Law No.: _ of2001, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish and post a Notice of Public Hearing concerning proposed Local Law No. _ of 200 1 in the manner provided by law. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION SEEKING LEAD AGENCY STATUS AND AUTHORIZING TOWN CLERK TO SUBMIT PETITION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY J&J MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INe., TO PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO. 142,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, J & J Management Associates, Inc., has submitted an application to the Queensbury Town Clerk's Office for rezoning of a parcel of property and the application has been reviewed by the Town Planning Staff and deemed complete for purposes of review, and WHEREAS, applications for rezoning and zoning amendments are forwarded to the Town Planning Department and Planning Board for recommendations in accordance with ~ 179-94 of the Town Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, following such recommendations, the Queensbury Town Board will review the rezoning applications and take such other action as it shall deem necessary and proper, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to submit the following application to the Queensbury Planning Board for report and recommendation: APPLICATION OF J & J Management Associates, Inc. TAX MAP NO: 48-1-26 LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3231 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY APPLICATION FOR Rezoning of portion of a parcel currently zoned Rural Residential- Three Acres (RR-3A) to Highway Commercial- One Acre (HC-IA); and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby indicates its wish to be Lead Agency for SEQRA review of this project and directs the Department of Community Development to notify any other involved agencIes. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF GOVERN SOFTWARE, INe. FOR PROVISION OF SOFTWARE SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE FOR YEAR 2001 RESOLUTION NO.: 143,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. James Martin WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 259.99, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the purchase of an integrated Land Management Software Package from Govern Software, Inc. (Govern), and WHEREAS, the Director of Information Technology has requested Town Board authorization to engage the services of Govern for the provision of software support and maintenance to the Town during the year 2001 for an amount not to exceed $7,401, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs engagement of Govern Software, Inc. for the provision of software support and maintenance to the Town during the year 2001 for an amount not to exceed $7,401 to be paid for from the appropriate General and/or Water Fund Accounts as determined by the Town Comptroller, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Director of Information Technology and/or Town Supervisor to execute any documentation and take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT:None DISCUSSION HELD BEFORE VOTE: DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, BOB KEENAN-Noted this a yearly maintenance agreement for support and a licensing agreement to use the software for the year 2001, and to receive telephone support and upgrades for the software during the course of the year. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WAGE INCREASE FOR PART-TIME REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE ASSISTANT RESOLUTION NO. : 144,2001 INTRODUCED BY Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY : Mr. James Martin WHEREAS, by Town Board Resolution No.: 499,2000 the Queensbury Town Board set Year 2001 employee salaries, including the hourly wage for part -time, permanent Real Property Tax Service Assistant Elizabeth Dybas, and WHEREAS, as requested by the Town Board, the Town Assessor met with AMTEK Human Resource Consultants for the purpose of classifying Ms. Dybas' position, and WHEREAS, AMTEK concluded that the Real Property Tax Service Assistant is a Grade 4 position, and WHEREAS, by Town Board Resolution No.: 498,2000 the Queensbury Town Board adopted its Year 2001 Non-Union Salary Structure for all graded positions, and WHEREAS, the Town Assessor has requested that the Town Board consider Ms. Dybas' 20 years of service to the Town and adjust Ms. Dybas' rate of pay accordingly to an hourly rate at the higher end of the salary structure for a Grade 4 position, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has considered Ms. Dybas' longevity and job qualifications as well as the Town Assessor's recommendation, and believes that an increase in Ms. Dybas' wages is appropriate and necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs an increase in wages for Elizabeth Dybas, part-time, permanent Real Property Tax Service Assistant, from $12.77 to $13.95 per hour, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Comptroller, Town Assessor and/or Town Supervisor's Office to complete any forms and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION ABOLISHING TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FLEET MANAGEMENT POLICY RESOLUTION NO.: 145,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 77.99, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the establishment of a Central Fleet Internal Service Fund (Fund) to provide working capital for the creation of a Fleet Management System, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 276,99, the Town Board authorized adoption ofa Fleet Management Policy (Policy) to provide for management of the Town's fleet of motor vehicles, and WHEREAS, the Policy provides that in the case of department -specific vehicles each department is charged an annual use fee which includes depreciation, cost of capital and when appropriate, annualized or specific charges for maintenance and further provides that each department is responsible for routine maintenance according to maintenance schedules developed or approved by the Fleet Manager, and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Policy, management is the responsibility of the Purchasing Manager, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 38,2000 adopted January 13th, 2000, the Town Board abolished the position of Purchasing Manager, and WHEREAS, under the Policy, the Comptroller establishes funding methods for purchases of new vehicles and calculates and administers department charges for vehicle use, and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Town Board that a five-percent (5%) administrative fee may have been added to departments with respect to the purchase or lease of new vehicles pursuant to the Policy, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to discontinue this practice and to affirmatively state that such fees will not be charged to the departments in the future, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to abolish the Policy, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby abolishes the practice of charging departments administrative fees with respect to the purchase or lease of any new vehicles, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Comptroller to immediately discontinue the practice of charging a five-percent (5%) administrative fee or any other administrative fee with respect to the purchase or lease of any new vehicles, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby abolishes the Fleet Management Policy effective immediately, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to distribute copies of this Resolution to all Town Departments. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Turner NOES: Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin ABSENT :None DISCUSSION HELD BEFORE VOTE: DEPUTY TOWN CLERK, O'BRIEN-Read the following titles of resolutions into the record. Resolution Abolishing Town of Queensbury Fleet Management Policy and Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Fleet Management Policy to Prohibit Payment of Administrative Costs by Town Departments. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I have a suggestion as a means to strike a compromise. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I don't think there is any compromise not for me. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-If you're willing to listen. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I'll listen, but I'm not voting for it. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-In terms of version b. As I read this policy I think there is a glaring deficiency here in that we don't name who the Fleet Manager is. COUNCILMAN TURNER-The Fleet Manager was the former Purchasing Agent. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-That's like implied I don't know that it is specially said in here. COUNCILMAN TURNER-When she was here that's what she was. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I'm saying in the policy statement itself. Skipping ahead to the policy statement not looking at the resolution fully understanding this probably would mean pulling this resolution until everybody had a chance to consider this and think it over I worked out some new language here. In terms of the Central Fleet Internal Service Fund on page one. I would make the following suggestions at the end of the first paragraph. Replacement recommendations will be made by consensus of the Fleet Management Committee, consisting of the Highway Superintendent, Director of Water, Wastewater, and the Director of Parks and Recreation. Appointment of these positions to serve in this committee shall be for a period of three years at which time they shall be reconsidered by the Town Board. COUNCILMAN BREWER-You've got a mistake their Jirn. You can't appoint somebody for three years if they only run on a two-year term. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Two years then. My point in saying that is that what I'm trying to get at here is right now we have experienced people in these positions that have been around the purchasing end of things for a long time. I'd like to take advantage of their experience, but recognizing that they may retire or move on at two years time we could reconsider appointment of that committee and maybe have to put in again more experienced department heads. Maybe at that time it would be the Director of Building and Grounds and Community Development or something like that. Right now in my knowledge of the department head level these are experienced people who have a lot of track level with vehicle purchase so I think they would make useful members of that committee. Then moving on to the second page basically wherever there is Fleet Manager I'm replacing it with Fleet Management Committee. In terms of filling in that blank General management of Town vehicles will be the responsibility of the Fleet Management Commttee. On page two the very last paragraph the Fleet Management Committee will establish standard features and accessories for each type blah, blah, blah. Again on page three the blank would be filled by the Fleet Management Committee then I'm adding also under purchasing. The Fleet Management Committee shall meet with individual departments in a timely manner during the development of the annual budget to make timely recommendations to the Supervisor and the Town Board regarding annual vehicle purchases for the respective departments. Again the very last thing on that page would be Fleet Management Committee instead of Manager. Then under Fuel Inventory on the last page of this thing. The Fleet Management Committee will monitor the fuel inventory and distribution system and will make recommendations to the Town Board regarding charges to the individual departments for their fuel use. I can see somewhat the idea of a policy, but I like it better when it's administered by a group of department heads who ave experience in these things. The departments heads work very well together they communicate well together I think something like that could win my support rather than having it be one individual. COUNCILMAN TURNER-It comes right back to the Town Board. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-And without the fee. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I understand that, but what it comes back to is we're still having the department heads look at the vehicle they want giving it a committee of three, or two, or four people and then come to the Town Board. I agree with what you're saying in part that my opinion would be to get rid of the thing start fresh with a new policy with input from department heads such as the fuel the turnover every five years and different elements that are in this policy that we have. I would like to start right over those could be incorporated into the policy that we develop. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-That was my suggestion of compromise. SUPERVISOR BROWER-I just want to make a statement regarding the Fleet Management Program. First I'd like to thank the previous Town Board for their vision and wisdom in establishing the Fleet Management Program with a goal of controlling and reducing vehicle acquisition and maintenance cost while improving the condition of the town vehicles. Most municipalities of our size have proven the economic benefit of a centralized program of vehicle acquisition and management. Secondly, I'd like to say that I take seriously the desires and concerns of our department heads and feel that do a tremendous job in some instances under difficult circumstances. Thirdly in spite of the desires of our valued Town employees including their resistance to change or increase accountability my primary responsibility is not to meet every desire of our town employees and managers, but to insure Queensbury residents and their tax dollars are well spent. Therefore, I strongly urge my follow Town Board members to reconsider their aparent desire to eliminate this program before it has ever been fully implemented and given an opportunity to prove its worth. Over time I feel the Town will benefit from a Fleet Management Program through vehicle acquisition cost savings, modernize fleet through five-year replacement cycles, documentation of vehicle utilization, gasoline usage and mileage, documentation of the best quality vehicle the Town should buy. More thorough vehicle maintenance and inspections, improving performance and reliability while increasing vehicle value at time of sale or trade-in in our case it would be auction. Reduce cost through on- site maintenance and repair where monies spent on vehicle maintenance and repair at the Water Department garage for example are returned to the Town as revenue. Also in our previous workshop it was noted a couple Town Managers were going to Warren Tire for repair. I have nothing against Warren Tire I've used them personally for my own vehicles. As far as for Town vehicles I think we shouldbe going through the Water Department in the case of most vehicles. In the case of highway vehicles they can use the Highway Department maintenance staff. The Water Department maintenance schedule the routine maintenance is not simply an oil change it's almost an inspection. They check for brake pad wear so that we can replace brake pads instead of having to replace calipers. It's a regular thorough procedure and it does cost more because they charge one hour of our employee's time, but again it comes back to the Town and that money can then be spent again by that department. My strongest recommendation is to retain the Fleet Management Program and consider the possibility of what I was thinking was Ralph VanDusen or a Committee assuming the duties of Fleet Manager excluding financial aspects, which would remain the responsibility of the Comptroller. COUNCILMAN MARTIN- I've got that in my changes that would be about the same. SUPERVISOR BROWER-I believe voting to eliminate the Fleet Management Program is a slap in the face of our prior Town Board and in my opinion a disregard for what's best for Queensbury taxpayers. I feel strongly that we should retain a Fleet Management Policy I do believe we should eliminate the five-percent charge that was applied to the vehicles. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I like that idea that's why I amended Version B. I just don't think it's a good idea to get rid of something without having the replacement here. If there is something that people have in mind as replacement then we should have that ready to go with the very next resolution without just abolishing the policy and then not having anything there that's my concern. SUPERVISOR BROWER-I'm in full agreement with you. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-If you want to abolish it I'd like to see a replacement. COUNCILMAN BROWER-I like the committee idea because I think that makes sense. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-I like the committee idea the intent is to take advantage of the most experienced department heads any given time. COUNCILMAN BREWER-How about we do this I'll introduce Version A we appoint three people speaking of Ralph, Rick and Harry or whatever number you guys want we have a policy to be ready to be put in place April 26th. I'm just in favor of getting rid of it and put a simple policy in our handbook that says we'll turn our vehicles over every five years. We'll buy gas and all departments will use it and maybe they will come up with different ideas that could be implemented. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Right now we're not in any sort of crunch because it's not budget time yet. I don't see why we have to abolish it now I don't mind doing that and see what they come up with so we don't have to do any action tonight and see what kind of thing surfaces. I like the idea of taking advantage of our experience in our department heads. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Just because we abolish this doesn't mean we're not going to do that Jirn. I'll introduce this resolution Version A if somebody wants to second it we can vote if not then we'll throw it away. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Second. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Move by Councilman Brewer seconded by Councilman Turner let's vote. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MODIFICATION OF FEES PAID TO PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEMBERS RESOLUTION NO.: 146,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously set fees to be paid to members of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of Community Development has recommended that the Town Board authorize an increase in fees paid to the members and such proposed increases have been included in the Year 2001 Budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby sets fees for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members for the Year 2001 as follows: Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals - Chairman Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals - Secretary Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals - Members $55 per meeting $50 per meeting $45 per meeting and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Comptroller and/or Executive Director of Community Development to take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution as of this date. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None TOWN COUNCILMEN'S CONCERNS SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted the board interviewed alternatives for two positions for the Planning Board this evening. They had four applicants noting that three showed up for the interview that they need to select two hopes to make a decision this week. On Marchl4th, the Town hosted the Snowmobile Meeting called by DEC and AP A It is an outreach program to get snowmobilers input on a potential plan to connect snowmobile trails throughout the Adirondack Region. The Governor has recognized the importance of snowmobling to the North Country economy and has put forth a two-year plan to implement a policy and program that will be beneficial to all the communities in the North Country. COUNCILMAN STEC-Spoke to the board regarding the abandoning of Clifford Avenue noting that it has been mentioned at every meeting since it was originally brought up. Noted the reason he voted to abolish the Fleet Management Plan is the plan that we have right now we want to change. I think that if we waited and said we'll change it and we have this on the books it won't get changed so now we dissolved it. I feel that we need a policy but now we have no policy so there is an impetus there to establish a policy that everyone can live with so that's why I voted to abolish it. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Thanked Supervisor Brower for inviting Bill Lamy to the meeting. Asked Counsel to look into the matter of the SEQRA regarding the North Queensbury Sewer and report back to the board. SUPERVISOR BROWER-Noted he gave applications to the Recreation Commission for people that have applied for the Recreation Committee. Asked Ms. Simmonds to meet with her committee and bring forward a recommendation to the board for a new committee member. COUNCILMAN MARTIN-Recommended adding to the applications one of the applicants that met with the board tonight. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Asked board members if they received a letter from Facilities Manager, Chuck Rice regarding the truck? Asked the board if they wanted to consider his request? SUPERVISOR BROWER-Asked Mr. Rice if he would check with Rodney Mosher and ask him in case of an emergency situation if he would loan one of his trucks to hirn. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Spoke to the board regarding joint meeting to be held on Wednesday with the Parade Committee. Asked Supervisor Brower to arrange for a joint meeting with the City. Questioned the status regarding the light pole for Herald Drive. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Noted that it has to go to planning will contact Niagara Mohawk tomorrow. ATTORNEY MATTERS NONE RESOLUTION TO ADJOURN REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 147,2001 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. James Martin RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Regular Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 19th day of March, 2001, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Brower, Mr. Martin, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer Noes: None AbsentNone On motion, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury