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Table 2 provides similar chamber sizing guidance to Table 1 with respect to the length reduction,but assumes a design flow of 130 gpd/bedroom. TABLE 1:QUICK4 EQUALIZER 36 CHAMBER SIZING CHART FOR 110 GALLONS/DAY/BEDROOM AND 25 PERCENT LENGTH REDUCTION Number of Bedrooms 2 3 4 5 Each Additional Percolation Application 220 GPD 330 GPD 440 GPD 550 GPD 110 GPD Rate Rate (min/in) (gpd/sf) Min.Trench Min.#of Min.Trench Min.#of Min.Trench Min.#of Min.Trench Min.#of Min.Trench Min.#of Length(ft) Chambers Length(ft) Chambers Length(ft) Chambers Length(ft) Chambers Length(ft) Chambers 1-5 1.2 69 18 104 26 138 35 172 43 35 9 6-7 1.0 83 21 124 31 165 42 207 52 42 11 8-10 0.9 92 23 138 35 184 46 230 58 46 12 11-15 0.8 104 26 155 39 207 52 258 65 52 13 16-20 0.7 118 30 177 45 236 59 295 74 59 15 21-30 0.6 138 35 207 52 275 69 344 86 69 18 31-45 0.5 165 42 248 62 330 83 413 104 83 21 46-60 0.45 184 46 275 69 367 92 459 115 92 23 FULL AND REDUCED LENGTH ABSORPTION AREA AND VOLUME COMPARISON Equalizer 24 chamber sized @ 1:1 with a 2-ft-wide gravel trench and 130 GPD/bedroom -Design criteria:current Appendix 75-A trench length sizing ► Open bottom absorption area=0.98 sf/If x 217 If=212.7 sf -Percolation rate:8-10 minutes per inch ► Storage volume=4.5 gal/If x 217 If=976.5 gal -Home size:3 bedrooms -Required system length:217 If of trench(per Appendix 75-A Table 4A) -Equalizer 24 chamber open bottom area:0.98 sf/If -Chamber storage capacity:4.5 gal/If Quick4 Equalizer 36 chamber sized @ 25%length reduction and 110 GPD/bedroom -Design criteria:trench length sizing per November 24,2004 ► Open bottom absorption area=1.61 sf/If x 138 If=222.2 sf(4%greater than NYSDOH memorandum Equalizer 24) -Percolation rate:8-10 minutes per inch ► Storage volume=8.0 gal/If x 138 If=1,104 gal(13%greater than Equalizer 24) -Home size:3 bedrooms ► Trench length difference=217 ft-138 ft=79 ft(36%less than Equalizer 24) -Required system length:138 If Conclusion:Although the absorption system is"reduced"in length compared to the (per November 24,2004 NYSDOH interoffice memo) length of the Equalizer 24,more absorption area and storage volume are provided using -Quick4 Equalizer 36 chamber open bottom area: 1.61 sf/If the Quick4 Equalizer 36 chamber. -Quick4 Equalizer 36 chamber storage capacity:8.0 gal/If TABLE 2:QUICK4 EQUALIZER 36 CHAMBER SIZING CHART FOR 130 GALLONS/DAY/BEDROOM AND 25 PERCENT LENGTH REDUCTION Number of Bedrooms 2 3 4 5 Each Additional Percolation Application 260 GPD 390 GPD 520 GPD 650 GPD 130 GPD Rate Rate (min/in) (gpolsf) Trench Length #of Trench Length #of Trench Length #of Trench Length #of Trench Length #of (ft) Chambers (ft) Chambers (ft) Chambers (ft) Chambers (ft) Chambers 1-5 1.2 82 21 122 31 163 41 204 51 41 11 6-7 1.0 98 25 147 37 195 49 244 61 49 13 8-10 0.9 109 28 163 41 217 55 271 68 55 14 11-15 0.8 122 31 183 46 244 61 305 77 61 16 16-20 0.7 140 35 209 53 279 70 349 88 70 18 21-30 0.6 163 41 244 61 325 82 407 102 82 21 31-45 0.5 195 49 293 74 390 98 488 122 98 25 46-60 0.45 217 55 325 82 434 109 542 136 109 28 Table 1 and 2 Notes: 1.Sizing chart based on NYSDOH Interoffice Memorandum,Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems;Specific Waiver Criteria-Gravelless Systems and Secondary Treatment and Secondary Treatment Units(STUs),dated November 24,2004. Until changes to Appendix 75-A are promulgated,a specific waiver must be obtained for reduced length systems,as described in the memo. 2.Apart from the sizing shown above,all Appendix 75-A design requirements for absorption trench systems are applicable. 3.Trench length data shown above does not include the length of the MultiPort End Caps.The laying lengths of the inlet and outlet end caps are 14.5 and 11.5 inches,respectively. January 2005 www.infiltratorsystems.com For more Quick4 technical and product information,call 1-800-221-4436. CO9A 1FJLTO _R,, SYBTEMS IND Q.ick4T° Equalizer° 36 Chambers in New Y•.rk Infitrator Systems' patent-pending Quick4 Equalizer 36 Chamber can be installed in a 24-inch-wide trench or bed. The chamber offers advanced contouring capability with its Contour Swivel Connection'". The patent-pending MultiPort'"End Cap with its six molded in high and low inlets allows for maximum piping flexibility.The end cap also has a splash plate that can be installed at any of the six inlets. _ & Quick4 Equalizer 36 Chamber ,,,4' 4 1; Nominal Specifications ��z �t _ Size(WxLxH) 22"x53"x12" ` , , { ' } Effective Length 48" 'ss z ru Quick4 Equalizer 36 ik�. Invert Height 6" Chamber MultiPort End Cap Nominal Specifications Size(W x L x H) 22"x 18"x 12" MultiPort i Invert Height g„ End Cap r - , 1 i L Contour Swivel Connection �` Offers 15°contouring capability left or right, on either end of the a; t Quick4 Equalizer 36 chamber. ib ,Inds 11�11► 15°SWIVEL ' \1`4Stlill II ,�tiffkl'Aet 15°SWIVEL iittlia 7/?i1T1Al'- tM'`�,��,,`► TOP VIEW 53" Quick4 Equalizer 36 Chamber 48„ (EFFECTIVE LENGTH) 22" SIDE VIEW SECTION VIEW MultiPort End Cap 12" III �■1 Ill 18"o10,0P,4*„..7.... ...._ r 1 1 i ' 22" SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW January 2005 www.infiltratorsystems.com For more Quick4 technical and product information,call 1-800-221-4436.