2009-443 y TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 uER TIFICATE 0.1F 0CCUP-A-N(-'XX Permit Number. P20090443 Date Issued: Friday, October 16, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20090443 has been completed. Location: 200 LUZERNE Rd Tax Map Number. 523400-309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Owner: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Applicant: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P This structure maybe ocAW4 ANP DONALD RUSSELL Mobile Home In Park By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090443 Application Number: A20090443 Tax Map No: 523400-309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P APRIL AND DONALD RUSSELL For property located at: 200 LUZERNE Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Mobile Home In Park $3,800.00 4294 ROUTE 5 Total value CALEDONIA,NY 14423 $ssoo.00 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications BP 2009-443 Lot 87, Alpine Ave. Homestead MH Park 9224 sq. ft. mobile home - April and Donald Russell $30.44 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, September 16, 2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Q7 bury; Wednesdayq September 16, 2009 SIGNED BY ` for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code AE nforcement HOMEtTL -LAGE: 157 IN. 5 34 33 3. 31' 30 29 2$ )-7 itQO `151 131 �0 3� �9 ' 153 13 �,29 89 -81- - 31p 2,5 . .. w..._ 1b.9 79 38 iL a tom. ?g9 ' � _ 125 $8 r17 �40 �. -8c b8_.. 14`7 138fit .Zz3 ,90 - �s 42 �f 17 122_ 91 r. d C 43 1tD -12-1utl 171 %�44,.° 191 �p `WNU 1A a 72 .E3' " 14Z -139 � RN\ l L-L LAKE h .1.73. � - 179 `# _117. 96 19 j 17Lo _ ;ems, 98, Ip'7 9 � � O ` D2 `7 �J AS OF QUEENSBURYCuf� EPA I�- �� 10� r cvz 55 sed on our limited xam - cbmpliance with our corjimen z 109- 1bq IPA, rtbt be construed as i6dicat' g - plans and specification$ are in i �Og .105 y}_ L.-p 5�'7 Z 4ompliance with the Builling de ck 1D7 �pl� .58 { 1 New York State. � As-m-LA NO PLI v F. Q a r ;in-n of ohserved,of betim!saw evidence ot, Applicant: l �c't.{� :v,ts such as houses,wells,trees,fences, etc., Location: <_ onthis document I also represent that( have Homestead Mobile Home Parkyea ed the istances set forth on the diagram," i SIGNATURE DATE 09/16/2009 WED 15:36 FAX 5187454437 Community Development U001 ********************* *** FAX TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK JOB NO. 3520 DESTINATION ADDRESS 915852266059 PSWD/SUBADDRESS DESTINATION ID ST. TIME 09/16 15:35 USAGE T 00' 27 PGS. 1 RESULT OK TOWN OF QUEENSFURY 742 Bay Road,Quomsbary,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 I ' BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090443 Application Number: A20090443 Tour Map No: 523400-309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to; HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P APRIL AND DONALD RUSSELL For property located ar 200 LUZERNE Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot Flans and other information hereto fled and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. w of Constnicdon Value Owner Address: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Mobile Home In Park $3,800.00 4294 ROUTE 5 Total valve $3,800.00 CALEDONlA,NY 14423 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Plecuical Inspection Agency I i Plans&Specifications BP 2009-443 Lot 87,Alpine Ave. Homestead MH Park 9224 sq. f.mobile home-April and Donald Russell r r I • W- - ----0-41 OAll ----------- - ----- FFICE USE ONLY TAX MA O. PERMIT NO. DATE ISSUED: r M° ' ; PERMIT E—' APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK___ 0 i ' -------------4'1-1---------------------------------- r =S MOBILE HOME -APPLICATION FOR PERMIT: A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections „„will pbe made +until a valid building permit has been issued. !OV Applicant Information Property Owner Informatio Name: OLO(- I A Nf)od6 VLSS& Name: kr'I r S t czc�L Address: va�oq L'2"" Address: -Dn iau* 1c----A _ N`P Y�-,Uo n , 1\A 1'-ALA 4 Phone No. v► f Property Location:���_0 r Road,Street,Avenue f Lpi h e- && (if applicable) Tax Map Number: ...................................._._........................................................................................................................................................................ . Zoning Information Zor Size Exi ft. Seivo Singlewide: Doublewiide: - Number of Rooms:(exclude baths) Ac Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bathrooms: ❑Gas Fireplace❑Woodstove E]Wood Fireplace Foundation Support: fj Type Size & Depth f Piers Water Supply: Well uniapa Runners Slab Is Septic Permit Required? -]Yes ❑No .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Continued on page 2 -x6 Town of Queensbury Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Qzteensoury, iv r 1LlSU4 Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer:L (110� Address 1 P $, '' Ahorie: CixtedzyLicy N� ��4,3 Complete information below found on a"Plate"or"Sticker"which is affixed to the mobile hone: ✓ Insignia serial number: �4 BB 1p-1 0 14 36 k&A' ✓ Name of manufacturer: yci r rrm C6v1 € ✓ Plan Approval Number: - ✓ Model or Component Designation: 1 (New home only) ✓ Date of Manufacture: AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work 5 shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature: ' Owner, Owner's Agent,Architect,Contractor 54 r, r; r-----..-.:r..:....:r:r---- --s:r:.:..:r.s:r:r..:..s-..---....-,w:s---r....:r.r--- r:...:r.r----r:...:r.s:s.', SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT By: Code Enforcement Officer ; :; Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 FINAL INSPECTION REPORT MOeILE / MOOULAR Town of QuewsWq Building &Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 F f ARRIVE:< <_b DEPART: -- 5 INSP " DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED t NAME: LOCATION: c� �1 I), DATE: PERMIT B MOBUX HOmy MODULAR HOW RWINGS FOUNDATION BACKFE L FRAMING NIA YES / NO 1. foundation support, Pier wing / per manuf. ........................ 2. anchoring per manuf. ............... — 3. water lire shut off .. ........... ... 4. sewer line support 4 feet S. heating crossover o1 off grd 6. dryer vented outside .:................... 7. skirting ventilated .... ol 8. hot water relief valy 9. deck, Porches, 10. firrnacelhot water operating ----.... 11. garage fire proofing .................. 12. door closers ......................... . 13. plumbing fixture ......��t%S 14. foundation insulation (if appl-)...... — �/ — 15. smoke detectors / 16. final electrical ........................ —/ 17. variance required ..................... - 18. data plate okay ....................... 19. mobile HUD seal okay .............. —_ Model/# Manufacturer �7Z_Nk,—�i Date of Manufacturer t OKAY TO ISSUE CIO YES NO Comments:—LF J�L J�7 L-Aa:,�o�E: sA 6,iLE FINAL. INSPECTION RE L. MOBILE / MOOUAR Town of QuewMx" Building &Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queenslwty, NY 12904 76 ARRIVE: DEPART: - I DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEI :; NAME: d LOCATION: A 0I K,Z7 DATE: _ PERMIT it MOSIM HOME MODC LAB HOUR FOOTINGS- FOUNDATION - RACKRIL_ FRAMING_ N/A YES NO 1. foundation support, pier spacing t per manuf. ........................ — — 2. anchoring per manuf. ............... 3. water line shut off ................... ~_ — 4. sewer lime support a 4 feet ....... S. heating crossover (dblewide) off grd 6. dryer vented outside ..:................... _ 7. skirting ventilated .................... — _- 8. hot water relief valve piping outside — 9. dock. porches.o 10. fiuna water operating ........ 11. garage fire proofing .................. —1 13. plum�fixt"e .................... oundation insulation (if appl.)......IS. smoke detectors ....................... — 16. final electrical ........................ 17. variance required ..................... — 18. data plate okay ....................... _ 19. mobile HUD seal okay .............. — Model# Serial# Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer OKAY TO ISSUE C/O YES VINO Comments: SPT"t� � �F � F-/O (r Id FINAL INSPECTION REIFORT MOBILE / MOOULAR Town of Quewsbury Building &Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 ARRIVE�j�DEPART: INS � DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVW-` NAME: LOCATION: '41Q)YIV— DATE: 'O PERMIT MOBILE HOME MODULAR HOW FOOT114W FOUNDATION BACKFHI. FRAMING N/A _ YES NO 1. foundation support, pier spacing / per manuf .. _ `// — 2. anchoring per manuf. ............... 3. water line shut off ................... —✓✓// 4. sewer line support 0 4 feet .. _ l ✓S. heating crossover(dblewide) off grd. 6. dryer vented outside .x................... — 7. skirting ventilated .................... — ✓ 8. hot water relief valve piping outside 9. deck, porches, steps, railing ........ _ _✓/_ 10. fumace/hot water operating ........ 11. garage fire proofing .................. —_ 12. door closers ........................... — � — 13. plumbing fixture ...................... 14. foundation insulation (if appl.)...... —IS. smoke detectors ....................... — —_ 16. final electrical ........................ 17. variance required ..................... — — 18. data plate okay ....................... 19. mobile HUD seal okay .............. Model# Serial# Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer OKAY TO ISSUE C/O YES NO Comments: Page 1 of 1 Dave Hatin From: Dave Hatin Sent: Wednesday, September 16,2009 2:22 PM To: 'Denise Smith' Subject: RE: RUSSELL to Homestead-Snow Load Denise, Based on what you have submitted we will allow the home to be moved, if a site inspection when the home is placed here show's different information the home will have to be removed. Dave Hatin From: Denise Smith [mailto:dsmith@aglhomes.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 16,-=9 11:42 AM To: Dave Hatin Cc: Denise Smith Subject: Fw: RUSSELL to Homestead - Snow Load Re: Homestead lot 87(Russefl)-snorer loads as-requested. Thank you, Denise Swath AGL Homes --Original Message From: Lou Giorgione To: dsryfith@acjlhomes.com Sent: Wednesday, September 16,2009 11:04 AM Subject: RUSSELL to Homestead Snow Load Denise, Here is the photo of the data sheet for the RusseA home going to Homestead. You can see the roof load map at the bottom left of the photo. I cut out that part and magnified in the second picture so it is a little easier to read. Lou No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG-www_avg.com Version: 8.5.409/Virus Database:-270.13.1=2375 -Release DNie:-09/16/09-05:51:00 9/16/2009