2002-05-13 SP SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 13, 2002 MTG. #25 RES. 227 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DENNIS BROWER COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN OFFICIALS GUESTS 1.0 DISCUSSION 1.1 West Glens Falls Fire Company Update Representing West Glens Falls Fire Company Mr. John Wells and Mr. Peter Harrington Discussion held regarding financing on new fire apparatus which will arrive in early June...Mr. Harrington-noted he brought the information regarding various forms of financing to Mr. Hess; options 5 to 20 years with Glens Falls National based on 430,000 projection, over all price of truck 403,000 to 404,000 came in under budget... 5 to 10 year 4 and 1/2 percent interest rate; for 15 year 4.65 and 20 year 4.80 those rates are locked in until July 1st. Noted that a resolution is needed from the Town Board approving the term of financing. Supervisor Brower-Questioned the amount to be borrowed? Mr. Harrington-The truck is 403 to 404 thousand. Councilman Brewer-When you sell the other truck? Mr. Harrington-We pay for the payments this year we will not pick up any debt service until our new contract in 2003. What term should we pursue with the bank? Supervisor Brower-Questioned the anticipated life of the vehicle? Mr. Harrington-Twenty to twenty five years. Discussion held: consensus of the Town Board t go with twenty years at 4.8 %. Will have a resolution on May 20th. Mr. Harrington-The next item was the reinstatement of the forty thousand dollar truck fund. We were under the impression that it would be reinstated this year into our contract as per a workshop meeting on October 22nd. "It was the decision of the Town Board to reinstate the forty thousand dollars in the vehicle replacement fund for West Glens Falls Fire Department for the 2002 budget." I was informed last week it was omitted and never put in the budget, I was told it was an over sight and we had to deal with it. Comptroller Hess-It wasn't an over sight because I have the budget document here and it was put in the budget on capital.. .for four terms and it was just decided not to be put in. I put it in there, I put the line item in and said what do you want to do with it and it was, you had a fourteen point five percent tax increase last year and I think you were holding to see where it came out and when it got down to the end you said we just can't do that, it never got in there even though the line ite is there. Mr. Harrington noted that the next replacement cost we plan to replace the brush truck III and our small rescue 113 would there be enough money in the restricted vehicle fund to do that without having to incur any debt service for those two vehicles by reinstating the forty thousand this year and the projection of it being there for the next three years for the next contract. Councilman Brewer when is the time for the next truck? Mr. Harrington - 2004 Councilman Boor-Questioned the cost of a brush truck. Mr. Wells-One hundred thousand approximately. Discussion held regarding the reinstatement of the restricted truck fund for West Glens Falls... Supervisor Brower, recommended to wait until next years budget to reinstate it. Councilman Brewer-Noted that we said we would set up the fund and we did not do it. Councilman Stec-Noted we are talking about perception, I am not overly concerned about borrowing forty thousand dollars because we did not give you forty thousand dollars today but I do understand where you are coming from. One day in October we had the intent to re-establish this we may have forgotten to place it in the budget that does not make it any more right. I think we should have a vehicle fund, I do not think it is the end of the world if we do not re- establish it this year. Councilman Boor-Noted it is on record when you go for the money. Supervisor Brower-I think that I can assure you that this year we will reinstate the fund. 1.2 Fleet Management Plan Water/Waste Water Superintendent Ralph VanDusen Highway Superintendent Rick Missita Water/Waste Water Supt. VanDusen-Reviewed the background of the Fleet Policy. Noted that through the process they met with the Office of the State Comptroller, Department Managers and included the concerns of the Town Board and financial assistance from Comptroller Hess. A draft of the proposal was submitted to the State Comptroller's Office they gave me the impression that it did address their concerns. Highway Superintendent Missita- The State Comptroller's Office will meet with us after this is passed to make sure there are checks and balances, they will work with us. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Described the Purpose and Scope...basically the policy would enable the creation of a fleet management committee to over see the maintenance and replacement of the town's fleet. This would include all Town Owned passenger vehicles and motorized non-passenger vehicles. It would establish a town wide standard for vehicle utilization and maintenance and replacement minimize maintenance costs and service down time by replacing vehicles at optimum periods in their life cycles. It would stabilize the annual appropriations for vehicle replacement; centralize the record storage for vehicle registrations and titles. Maximize efficient utilization of Town vehicle and minimize investment cost of operation and maintaining the town vehicles. The police enables the Board to appoint a five-person committee that will be responsible for the policy. The Committee would consist of the Town Supervisor, the Highway Superintendent, the Water Superintendent, the Purchasing Agent and the Town Board would appoint one other Department Manager who has vehicles assigned to their department. The Committee would be responsible for the general management of the Town fleet the committee would meet once a year to make recommendations to the Board for any revisions to the policy. Supervisor Brower-The committee should meet more than once a year, semi annual or quarterly would be more appropriate. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Clearly the committee will meet probably more than quarterly this mandates that once a year they look at the policy and make recommendations to revise the policy not that they only meet once a year. Supervisor Brower-I would like to recommend to the Town Board that the Comptroller be one of the five people that would be on this committee. I feel that it is important to have a financial guy involved on the committee. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-You will see later on that the Comptroller is involved in the financial aspect of this the determination of purchase vs lease or payment schedules. Supervisor Brower-Noted he had formulated the previous policy. Highway Supt. Missita-This is not just the two people sitting here's recommendation this is the entire department managers who are in there and sat through the whole process this is their recommendation. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-The local Comptrollers office is willing to assist us in training on how to do a needs analysis, they are not interested in doing the analysis themselves but were willing to give whatever training is necessary so we can do it internally. Councilman Stec- Their intent was not to have a third party come in and provide a needs assessment for us? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It was my impression that they felt that there is no reason that we could not do that ourselves. Councilman Stec-Noted he agreed. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-The Committee will receive the training on how to do it the committee will then meet with each department manager that has vehicles in their department and go over every single vehicle, perform the needs analysis and determine a proposed vehicle replacement schedule for each vehicle. One concern in the comptrollers audit was a lack of a maintenance schedule on vehicles, to ensure our vehicles are being properly maintained, they found that some were and they found that some weren't. As part of the needs analysis each manager will have to submit a proposed maintenance schedule for that vehicle. Before you even think about getting a new vehicle you are going to have to have a maintenance schedule. Councilman Brewer-Suggested that the Town Board adopt a standardized maintenance form. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Each time you purchase a new vehicle the maintenance schedule gets updated, the department managers asked that at the very least be done as the manufacture recommends. The records will be computerized, recommended a Quest type program, any of the vehicle that get fuel from the Town's pumps it will be entered into the maintenance schedule that they provide to him in his software and then each time they get fuel it will be automatically update it and he will issue then a work order to let them know it is time to have the maintenance done. Highway Supt. Missita-When the keys are used to get fuel in order to get the fuel they have to enter their odometer reading so we will know the odometer reading and how many miles between fill ups. Reviewed the process with the Board. Water/Wasterwater Supt. VanDusen-The software program will print out a work order when it is time for maintenance. Supervisor Brower-Questioned who would do the maintenance? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It is recommended by the committee that when ever practical and possible that the Town's workforce be utilized for that. Each department is responsible for the cost of maintaining their vehicles and their responsibility to put that money in their operating budget each year. Motor pool, currently limited, the committee encourages the use of that, the purchasing agent will be the person who coordinates the schedule for that. Regarding purchases, the committee shall develop a written plan for departmental use in the purchase of replacement vehicles. Councilman Boor-Questioned if the board would receive copies of that? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-At budget time you will certainly need to know that. That written plan at a minimum shall include the vehicle needs assessment. Also take a look at lease vs. purchase, and how much would the annual appropriation and transfer be to a vehicle purchase reserve fund and there must be a financial consultation with the Town Comptroller to review this. Councilman Boor-Questioned if any vehicles are leased at the present? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It has been talked about off and on; we currently do not lease vehicles. Supervisor Brower-Why would it be a vehicle purchase reserve fund as opposed to a vehicle payment? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It can be either. There is a reserve fund set aside to stabilize the budget for large purchases, included in the financial consultation with the Town Comptroller would be to take a look at the advantages or disadvantages as the economic situation changes, to use a pre-payment or leasing etc. done on a case by case basis. Councilman Stec-Questioned if the Fleet Management Policy applies to the Highway Equipment such as large plow trucks? Highway Supt. Missita-The maintenance wouldn't the purchase is going to be part of trying to keep putting a set figure in there. It is going to be tough to establish these funds. Spoke on the cost of purchasing trucks for the Highway Dept., costs are going up. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted it would be a gradual phase in, for some departments. Have spoken with Henry regarding the mechanics of how this will work. Regarding size of the fleet would require the approval of the Town Board to make it larger than it currently is. Councilman Brewer-Questioned if a vehicle is sold where does the money go? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It goes back into each of those categories where the vehicle was purchased. Councilman Brewer-It is important to know if highway sells a piece of equipment or Harry does or whatever it goes into their reserve fund for that it does not affect their budget the next year when they replace it. Comptroller Hess-If you buy a new vehicle and put out a vehicle at some point for sale the money does not go into a reserve it goes into revenue, you account for that as revenue. You cannot pre legislate that the funds go into a reserve it has to be done at the point of actual basis, it goes into the revenue account. Councilman Brewer-I want to make sure that the money goes back to that department. Comptroller Hess-Noted accounts like Recreation would go into the general fund, but Highway has a separate fund and his fund does generate revenue and each truck that he sells would go into his revenue the same with Water, Wastewater or Landfill. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Re: Record keeping-all paper work associated with that vehicle would be kept in the Town Clerk's Office, noted a report of titles will be done yearly. Noted there will be standard form for all departments that get fuel. Highway Supt. Missita-Noted all vehicles will have new licenses plates... Supervisor Brower-Two changes of the policy from the previous one the colors of vehicles were not discussed, currently Highway uses Yellow, the rest of the Town uses white except for water and wastewater which uses blue and Cemetery has green, solid waste has green etc. Questioned if colors were discussed? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-1 know colors were discussed and I think we came to the conclusion we would not address that, because there were so many different departmental colors. Supervisor Brower-I view the colors as a Town Board issue, regarding decals, there nothing saying that vehicles have to be identified with Town decals and I think that is important. Comptroller Hess-Important to point out the differences between the original policy that was drafted and what this one represents so at least you know where it is coming from. The original policy was abolished in 200 I was drafted with the goal of increasing town wide over sight by assigning that responsibility to a management level employee. In the policy it was identified as the fleet manager that reports to the Supervisor. The draft policy diminishes the global over sight of the vehicle users and relinquishes the Town Board approval for the fleet and purchases to a fleet management committee. The drafters of the policy and the composition of the committee represents in my point of view the interest of vehicle users rather than the interest of centralization and global over sight. The language of the draft policy establishes a high level of autonomy for the committee made up of primarily users rather than a manager that reported to someone else. The draft policy in my point of view legitimizes the decetralization of fleet management and dismisses the goal of over sight centralization that constitutes the primary goal of the previous fleet policy. The section of purchasing a vehicle does not acknowledge the Town Board's authority to approve each individual vehicle acquisition it does address the extension of the fleet but it doesn't ... Supervisor Brower-Don't we always have that right though? Comptroller Hess-Under the purchasing policy you do. What I am telling you is in the old policy it specifically said each purchase would be approved by the Town Board; this policy just doesn't say that. That does not say you do not have that right through other policies I am just pointing out the differences between the old policy and the new. The purpose and the scope of this policy includes the goal of minimizing the cost of operating and maintaining town vehicles that provides neither standards or global administrative over sight, it provides it to a committee. Although the purpose and scope includes a goal of minimizing investment costs, pre-funding purchase reserves do not accomplish that goal. It smoothes out the budget process it does not necessarily accomplish the goal of minimizing investment costs. The policy provides that the purchasing agent a non management employee will be responsible for a shared pool vehicles and will serve on a fleet management committee it is the only non management rpresentative in this whole process. Supervisor Brower-What are you telling us? Comptroller Hess-The old policy provided for financing of vehicles. The Policy provides that the purchasing agent a non-management employee will be responsible for shared pool vehicles but will serve on the fleet management committee, I just point that out because that is the only non management person that is involved in this process, you need to know that. Other people already mentioned that the draft policy does not address standardization with regard to features, color or equipment and the draft policy does not address identification or labeling and finally although the Town Fiscal Officer is as the policy provides for consulting when financing individual vehicles the Town Fiscal Officer is excluded from participation in the management of the Town's four million dollar investment in the vehicle fleet. The Comptroller is excluded from serving on the committee which is really what manages that four million dollar asset. Supervisor Brower-That is why I feel that the Town should appoint you, allow the Comptroller as the fifth person. It is a major expenditure and financial consideration is always important to the Board. Comptroller Hess-One of the things that this does and although I respect the intent of going out and using the Town Comptrollers Office as a resource to get this done we do not need to do that, we do not do that with any thing else the Comptrollers Office is a Home Rule Body that enforces home rule, the State Comptroller's Office and I think there are a lot more resources in this town to do these kinds of things as was demonstrated by policies that we have adopted prior. Going off and justifying what we are doing by saying well it is ok with the Comptroller's Office I am not sure, we do have a precedent for that, it is fine if you do it but it not the way we should be doing things in my opinion. Highway Supt. Missita-We brought them in to do their investigation because we were accused of doing things wrongly. Comptroller Hess-And that is what they are good at, coming in and doing an audit, they are not good at advising management decisions and they will tell you that, that is not what they like to do. Supervisor Brower-I asked them to come in for two things for the Fleet and to look over the Cemetery and they still have yet to address the Cemetery situation, I hope they will when they get more time. The Board and Management can take some solace in their final report did make the statement in no instance of any vehicle that they investigated would we have saved money by paying mileage to employees as opposed to having the vehicle we had. I felt that was a significant statement on behalf of the Comptroller Office. Councilman Brewer-Recommended having something, the document stating vehicles should be identified as a municipal vehicle. Discussion on the formation of the Committee Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-There was a paramount of discussion within department managers of the concern of people managing this committee that did not have vehicles invested in it. Comptroller Hess-But that is what over sight and control is, it is somebody independent, participating. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Henry is exactly right the single largest difference between the original policy and this one is that before there was one person doing it that may have known a lot about vehicles, nothing about vehicles but she was in control of that situation no question. In this one that attempt has been to have spread it out to get as much expertise about the vehicles. Supervisor Brower-The purchasing agent would not necessarily have to be on the committee she would be involved automatically...keep it to five. Comptroller Hess-I do question where a non management employee should serve on that committee? Councilman Brewer-Why? If she is involved in the purchase anyway then what is the problem with having her being on? Comptroller Hess-Because that is her role... Supervisor Brower-She maybe invited to come to meetings there is no doubt about it. Highway Supt. Missita-She was invited by the committee to serve on it. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-We needed to have someone that could be responsible for vehicle assignment within the motor pool to be a person to go to and say I need it this time or that time or what have you. We were looking for someone to do that we were looking for someone to tie this committee together within the purchasing policy to make sure everything was very clear within that. Supervisor Brower-I do not see a problem with her attending meetings I just do not think that she should have a vote necessarily, because I do not think it should happen. I think it should be guys with vehicles for the most part, I like Rick and Ralph and possibly Harry or Chris one or the other the Comptroller and myself, I feel very comfortable that way you still have a majority of members on the committee having vehicles. JoAnn will still be there to talk about purchasing because that is her role. Highway Supt. Missita-As purchasing agent she investigates and makes sure everything is done properly to the procedure. Supervisor Brower-The vote of the committee is more a management vote when we are deciding, ultimately it is going to be the Town Board but by the same token we ought to be able to kick it around and talk about individual things inside the committee and possibly avoid a lot of get a lot of answer during the committee meetings. Councilman Brewer-I do not have a problem with the way it is laid out. With no disrespect to anybody it is always a certain few so why not spread this out and make everybody involved so that this whole town runs better. I think the expertise with Ralph and Rick and possibly Harry and JoAnn I do not see, I do not have a problem with that. I think if we spread the responsibility out ultimately it is going to come down to us but I think we should ask our other employees for other ideas and other things to do. Councilman Turner-Lets go with what we have and see what happens. Councilman Stec-I am comfortable with the way it is written. Councilman Boor-Questioned Mr. Hess if he is not on the Committee what are your fears? Comptroller Hess-I don't necessarily have any fear, I generally feel from a management perspective the original policy was specifically drafted and intended to provide over sight and control of a fleet, this one takes the opposite step and puts it right back with the people who use the vehicles. Loading it up with people that use the vehicles is not over sight. It is not a fear, it is a fact, I can live with it, we lived it before we had a policy back in 1999, I do not care about it, that is what the Board wants to do. I just want you to understand that, that is what you are doing. Councilman Boor-How long with this policy as it is written in place how long would it take before we could do a reasonable evaluation of it? Councilman Brewer-A year, two years. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-1 think the needs analysis that is going to be done in the first year is going to say a lot. If the needs analysis comes back and does not do diddl then it was a horrible mistake. If the needs analysis appears to be intelligently performed then that is going to set the mode for this whole thing. Highway Supt. Missita-One of the things that we found that Ralph got information on was that we have F450's and F450's classified as passenger cars, they are not. But these are things we need to address as people who know more about vehicles than certain people to sit down and handle these situations and separate these and categorize them a little better than they have been in the past. Councilman Boor-I think I am liking what you are saying with the needs provisions there that it will shake out relatively soon if it is not working. I guess it would be your job Dennis to keep Henry abreast to watch it from afar if nothing else. If modifications or changes need to be made maybe they can be brought up at a meeting. Supervisor Brower-I do not understand why we want to separate Henry from that process? Councilman Boor-I think there has been some discuss as to why I am not saying I necessarily agree with it or disagree with it. Councilman Brewer-If in six months it fails and falls on its face then we get together and start over. Councilman Turner-If we try it and it is insufficient and it needs to be corrected we will know. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-It would be relatively simple to appoint the committee from now to the end of the year. Supervisor Brower-Do I hear any Board Members saying they don't want the Comptroller on the Committee? Councilman Brewer-I think what you are hearing is people saying they want it the way it is written and that is what we are saying. Supervisor Brower-The Town Board must appoint one other Department Manager it says with vehicles assigned to their department I would suggest we eliminate the verbiage with vehicles assigned to their department and we still have the opportunity to vote on it. Councilman Brewer-We can change that why can't we change that language if we need to at some point? Supervisor Brower-Why not change it now. Councilman Brewer-I do not see a need for it. Councilman Stec-We want to follow the recommendation of the department heads. Supervisor Brower-Do I hear three votes on that? (Three Board Members agreed) Ok. We will try it, I think you are making a mistake. Councilman Boor-It is not something that can't be corrected. Supervisor Brower-Well you are dealing with a four million dollar .. Councilman Brewer-Dennis we still have ultimate control over this. Councilman Boor-I would ask Henry that, I do not think he has been eliminated from the process... Supervisor Brower-It is like having the purchasing agent there it is a similar thing, does the Purchasing Agent have to be there not necessarily, does the Comptroller have to be there, not necessarily but they have to be involved in the process. Councilman Boor-I think they can be, you don't think Henry's recommendations won't, I will be paying attention to his recommendations if anybody comes up and asks for money to buy a car or a truck or tractor and how to finance it. I am not just going to go by what, that is his job and I would rely on what he says. Supervisor Brower-That is why I do not understand why you would not want him on the Committee. Councilman Boor-It is not that I do not want him on the Committee... I do not think it is as dire as you... Supervisor Brower-I think it the right thing to do. Question if we want to standardize colors? Councilman Turner-No... Councilman Brewer-Requested that there be something in the document requiring that they be identified as a municipal vehicle. Councilman Boor-Questioned who the fifth person on the committee was going to be... Discussion held by Board, Recreation Director Harry Hansen was recommended for the position. Agreed to by the Board 1.3 Capital Improvement Plan Supervisor Brower-Passed out the proposed plan...noting the only change was the first item; Greenway North Connector now says Route 9 and 254 Traffic Improvement Noted that on this project the State has started engineering that in section... The Main Street Water Line replacement needs to be done in 2003 with the reconstruction of Main Street as does the sewer line to Exit 18 which is listed as number 3. Main Street Service Road was no. 4 Sewer Line to Carey Park was NO.5. Councilman Brewer-Questioned directed to Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen - if we were to do the sewer line at Exit 18 to Carey Park how much would that be? Would the cost be beneficial if we did it all at once? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-If we go gravity line sewer line portion it is very much affordable, if you go all the way it would be border line affordable and probably too expensive, there is so much vacant property in the middle. We have asked the engineers to look at placement of the sewer lines as far as Big Bay Road, which is as far as you can go gravity. As soon as you go anything farther west than that you are into a force main situation, talking significantly more money. Supervisor Brower-Introduced Mr. Mike Mender reporter for the Post Star. Will be covering the Town of Queensbury and City of Glens Falls. Supervisor Brower-Question the type of pipe under the bridge? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-That is being negotiated with the State DOT ... that work would be contracted out. Supervisor Brower-Questioned where project 56 is? Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-By Seelye's Auction House...poly liner will be used so the soil doesn't come in contact with the iron. Supervisor Brower-Expanded facilities at Ridge Jenkinsville Park, questioned what that will be? Recreation Director Hansen-It is the fields to be made into soccer fields, needs to be leveled out... Councilman Brewer-Questioned if they would be LaCross size fields? Director Hansen-Noted placing one at Hudson River Park ... Supervisor Brower-Questioned what was to be expanded at Gurney Lane? Director Hansen-Auxiliary facilities to supplement the pool. Basketball etc. Supervisor Brower-The next step is to set a public hearing. Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted on the list as 61 would be the first water project this summer, replacing the water line on Meadow Drive and Meadow Lane using in house workers, also project 59 on 4th Street and 5th Street with our own crew. Councilman Stec-Questioned the project No. 57 Quaker at Hiland Water/Wastewater Supt. VanDusen-Noted having a problem with corrosive soil down there, we are looking for ways to get water from around that area, installing a connector, doing a boring under Quaker Road it would be nice to connect that with the County's work making it more cost effective. ...need to strengthen the system such as installing a line at Haviland and Hicks Road giving us cross feed there if a line breaks. We have to look at interest rates to see if we should look at a project like that. Comptroller Hess-Noted that none of the projects have a definitive funding budget, these are just cost estimates without regard to what the revenue sources are. Councilman Stec-Would encourage Department Heads to do one relatively high on the list certainly Building and Grounds the top priority is roof replacement...I would in courage Ridge Jenkinsville and Gurney Lane to do both. Councilman Boor-I have been at the Recreation Commission meetings, something that we should consider as a Board is fees for Commercial Businesses obviously they collect their money recreation fees from residential construction, we have never instituted and recreation fees coming from commercial development. I do not know why because I think we are missing a revenue source that could be easily tapped and would not prevent businesses from moving in. I think we should be looking at collecting a one time fee on Commercial Property. Councilman Brewer-The idea of the recreation fee was when a subdivision came in residents were moving in the fee was to provide recreation for the residents. If a business comes in how are you providing anything for them? Councilman Boor-The baseball bats the bicycles everything you buy at these stores could be used. I just do not see it as a reason why Price Copper wouldn't move here because they would have to pay three thousand in rec. fees that is just not going to prevent them and yet it is a great source. I think we could do it so it would not hit the small business. Supervisor Brower-Noted if the list is presented the public at a hearing we have to make it clear that even though this is prioritized list that was developed it may not be the exact order it is done it because of time constraints and timing with other municipalities like the County. Comptroller Hess-We need a public hearing to adopt a list, I think you do not have to be over concerned about explaining what order they are going to be done in. I show that effort went in to say this is justified, that is what the ranking would be, it is not necessary to say what order it is being done in. Is there a score that justified it being done? Supervisor Brower-Next Monday we will have a resolution on a Capital Improvement Plan and go forward from there. Updating the Board: Earth Tech They are scheduled to replace top soil and seed on parcel in town. Noted Sexual Harassment Training for Managers conducted today...scheduling a series of workshops for employees next. Comptroller Hess-Noted later in the week you will see ads in the paper for recruiting for the accountant position because Kate is leaving. Councilman Boor-One other topic I would like to bring up. Even though Dan had a problem with the annexation on the sewer and I would tend to agree that, that was not the way you want to go into a sewer negotiation, but obviously it got far enough along where that is the way it occurred. I am glad we got the sewer deal. I am looking at this water thing now, and I hope that we don't I know these meetings are private but I have been concerned and I talked to Henry a couple of times about it, that what is being read in the paper is watershed generated literature not water and I am thinking if we had a problem with annexation why are we talking water shed instead of water. We talked about this before and we were going to separate the issue. Where I am going with this I think it is not too late and probably the right time for us to maybe perhaps form a committee and give a serious look at impact fees and as a back up for protecting the water shed if our Attorney comes back and says it is a gray area if you canprotect us. This is regardless of what water they buy or anything. I think we need to protect ourselves with regard to school taxes and as such when large parcels can be bought up and we have to put huge additions on our school we should be looking at impact fees whether they be, Indian Ridge is another example. That PUD got approved and the developer didn't have to do a danm thing to Aviation Road and ultimately if it becomes a problem and I think it is a little bit of a problem now, the Town is going to have to pay for that. I think that is something we need to start looking at. We have got Mr. Schmerhorn building a huge number of dwellings I am not sure the impacts are really being looked at as far as the number of kids that are going to have to go to school the traffic and I think we need to start looking at that when it comes to large housing developments. I do not have a problem with a guy building one or two homes, but when we have people coming in and putting thirty, fifty, sixty homes in they arenot paying their fair share. Councilman Brewer-How would the Town collecting impact fees off sets what happens at the school level. Councilman Boor-That is why we would have a committee look into it. We may be able to discourage huge development. Councilman Stec-Noted he was expecting an opinion from Attorney Hafner regarding the protection of the watershed property. Supervisor Brower-Open Space discussion at ACC on Saturday from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. Councilman Boor-I have had three call in regards to a dangerous intersection being Haviland and Ridge and the new Hayes Brothers Project...noted that the roads are not aligned...How did this get past Planning Board review... Councilman Brewer-Pulling out of Big Bay Road turning left there are four poles in the line of vision... RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION NO. 227.2002, INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Session. Duly adopted this 20th day of May, 2002 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Stec, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Brower NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queesbury