2009-513 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CE R.TIFICATE 0.1r COMPLI-A-N- C.1E Permit Number. P20090513 Date Issued: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20090513 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-008-0001-044-000-0000 Location: 242 QUAKER Rd Owner. TAMMY CALABRESE Applicant: TAMMY CALABRESE This structure may be occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the I property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, r`'tJ Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090513 Application Number. A20090513 Tax Map No: 523400-302-008-0001-044-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TAMMY CALABRESE For property located at: 242 QUAKER Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: TAMMY CALABRESE Si 242 QUAKER Rd sign Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builders Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2009-513 45 sq ft wall sign to read "NBT Bank" $90.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,October 27,2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of ee ry,� ay October 27,2009 SIGNED BY f� for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement . ---------------------------OFFICE----------ONLY___--___-____----_vv_ TAX MAP NO. •PERMIT NO. ERMIT FEE i T i APPROVALS: DEPOSIT71\ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: ' c U OF &COD- -A permit must be obtained before Installation of your permanent sign. All applicants' s on is application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: p ' �ISQ INSTALLER/BUILDER: ADDRESS: �71s2c `ie \L -7 DRESS: 7 PHONE NOS. �y �I'S" t�� PHONE NOS. S —'aA10 LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) BUSINESS COMPLEX I PLAZA!MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE: TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: _2�_freestanding awning —projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: CtZ--1`I--1 External _Incandescent Aeon —Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? )SYes _,.No /` -`I:.� t (�\ IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: ►'�S �6C r1 f%1 '1`Q lt'C The application creates a change New in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign from to spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy fromn:c I k' S 0 VJ k3o. to: �3 161- 6,4IsAf. Sign Wording/Copy: Qr QQv_I S Sign size: Lengthy Width jL=Total Sq. ft. s_ Sign Height(freestanding sign): Color and Material to be used: �" A— }� y�J `�`c1 ��C�l- t,.LCun ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the fagade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on fagade) o Height of freestanding sign Cwww.gueensbury.n CALL 761-13256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign a�gueensburv.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISITITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. et ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be compiled with,whether specified or noted,and th such work is authorized by the owner. RAPS ((�� �{ p�� V- O l_Q00M ?N-EV; Y` u l G is APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: •��� 4� I hereby authorize the ap icant tD place�,?ign mX property or building. OWNER SIGNATURE: _DATE: b -L e Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office ■ 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 10'- 10 1/2" 2'- On 4'- 1 3/8" OVERALL HEIGHT 2'-0" INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LOGO/LETTERS FOR BUILDING VV THfS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU APPROVED: N BT BANK RAPP SIGNS, INC. IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE ORIGINAL 242 QUAKER R D. 3979 NEW YORK ROUTE 206 ID PRNOD INFORMATION ONWNEDD HD THE SOLE EREIN SKETCH # 900250 - N - 13 Q U E E N S B U RY, NY (607)5"16 NY AX(607)656.8677 OF RAPP SIGNS, INC. AND 15 NOT TO BE USED,REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED, OR TRANSMITTED SCALE: 1/2' = 1 - 0'i © COPYRIGHT 2009 TO OTHERS FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT AUTHORIZED PLEASE NOTE:PRINTED COLORS ARE REPRESENTATIONS AND MAY NOT BE IN WR"fl BY ,, SIGNS INC. AN EXACT MATCH OF COLORS USED. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED , BUILDING LOGO/LETTERS f&K ",W- 0 777=1 FRONT ELEVATION Vv N BT BANK RAPP SIGNS, INC. THIS DRAWING WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU APPROVED: IN VISUALIZING OUR PROPOSAL THE ORONAL 242 QUAKER RD. 39G NEW YNY 1 ROUTE 6 TARES AND PROPRIETARRY AND THEONTAINED SOLE PROPERTY SKETCH # 900250 - N - 10 GREENS,NY FAX (607)65 OF RAPP SKINS, INC,AND IS NOT TO BE USED, _ �� Q U E E N S B U RY, NY (607)firs 6167 FAX(607)ss6.8677 REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED, OR TRANS�TfED SCALE: 1/8' = 1 -0 ® COPYRIGHT 2009 TO OTHERS FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT AUTHORIZED PLEASE NOTE PRINTED COLORS ARE REPRESENTATIONS AND MAV NOT BE IN WRITING BY RAPP SIGNS INC, AN EXACT MATCH OF COLORS USED. E%153RiC 53ATR E'Aifit RE3EN3U'ti AREA J l, APPROXIMATE NORTH -------------- , NAOING E/OICATES EXISTNG ; //��EXST. S�fry�ED A°ITED SREPE TO ME REMOVED.TYPICAL \ .TV BE REOVE', SS ARU EDGE Or CANOPY— --- -RRIYC-reAi fAlY i------41 \/ L�---Erasr TaErHorL EOUI EHI \\ CONCRETE! % LSTwG UTILITY POLE1 CONCRETE! POST.r \\/ NCW DRNE-OP CANOPY— J-' / ,( AO ELECIPoC LINES CONCREK pDsr•TYPICAL' ; rMC SEEWWEEpASMANNpL[S // // ,\��• •�\� ti 0 tE ELWNNATTCDTMP f 0 ANN.' /�\/ o E f�"a `de'E' G"ALG wc-R[mu[E, ?�. \� X\ \ r\`/ s .TYPICAL ,..._�'r•-�-—A ;/\://\\/\� BE° YOVEC T CAL -�./(/// USING • TNIG OWING ' PLANTER cl !f r ........... .. .. .. - ------------I r ,rl PT t CONC.SIDERK[ CORL SMALK ADM {� _ Ew ROOF OVER ENTRYT f / N'CAP ME w coLuuN PARING TO ME REYOYlV. I\/ CRASS AREA app�tt R'CAP A•-0- --�.•_° \ \\y 1I PAP.lOriG Cuna rrPItAL j \ll ! 91ADPKi IgICATES \/ \/ I f •-°' i0 8E REPO_ TYPICAL 4• GN AT \ , `0- `• Ell ma j TYINGAf lu )USTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES CRASS AREA STINO R_ITY POLE U EXISTING EXIT EXISTING ENTRANCE NBT Branch — Queensbury, Quaker Rd. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN i _ Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use Queensbury Dept. of Community Project for: 5(,a LVO , rA,- per"W"O. 2W9- 6,/3 Applicant Name: l - Tax Map No. 3U�, -(-`-� 7 Lot# House #, .:)- road, street JCT 27 2009 Lot Size: - Mobile Home Park: Business Plaza: Planned Unit Dev. Subdivision: Phase/Section Effective Year Zoning Designation Zoning Ordinance Prior to 1967, July 10 Subject to current setback requirements at time of development. Section 179-20-10,13 Subsequent to Development of lots within subdivisions subsequent to July 10, 1967 July 10, 1967 shall use the setback requirements in place at the time of the a rova!of the subdivision. 1967 1982, June 11 1988,September 19 199 of f rm ,. 9 May 12 I Front 1 Front 2 Side 1 ' Side 2 Rear 1 Rear 2 Shoreline Travel V�' Coo6dor i9ov Zone Buffer 1 Yes No meets depth,width, &square footage requirements preexisting,nonconforming lot with proper setbacks required frontage on public road has required off-street parking permeable area is adequate (Requirement is %) building does not exceed maximum height(Max. ft.) Is lot in a Flood Zone? Floor Area Ratio worksheet required?Zone: WR-1 A Town of Queensbury i s` Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use ' Queensbury Dept. of Community Development 0 4 *Corner Lot information for Subdivisions APeroved Prior to November 23, 1992 Section 179-30.1 which requires front yard setbacks on both roads for a corner lot was not enacted until November 23,1992. Therefore,prior to November 23, 1992 parcels within approved subdivisions have one (1) front yard,two (2) side yards,and one (1) rear yard setback. Review Type File No. Action Resolution Date Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board t Town Board Check List Yes No Recreation Fee Paid Engineering Fee Paid Site Plan Maps on File Subdivision Mylar Signed and Filed with County Application appears to conform to the requirements of Section(s) of the local Town Code: Application requires additional review for the following: Zoning Board of Appeals Planning Board Town Board of Health Town Board for Mobile Home Outside of a Mobile Home Park Other Reviewed by-gaff Date Notes F2 - Town of Queensbury Zd v-J-„zf/s 60/6i/a aoasl Ax•rioien'in o 3m '133i5 Twos 3Lva dMY3'M NIA"IY3 A8 S331AH3S a ONItess JYHa SN'O11VA313 03SOdMd 'p� JG�Dn� `4jngsuaan� — y3uoaO 18N HIS 1HM NOItlB gNLL51%3 3A ONV,?3d�8 L00q 1tlLM00NIMHM3M tnq ean3 HSINia LIAAbO SNMn30 HIM SNAM00 HSINIJ 11A.a Aa1N3 H3A0 300a HSINIJ 11AAH0 sONtlB 3N01-OM1 AdONYO do-3hIa0 H11M V=YJ 11AA0 M3N SINIJ LIAAO HSINid yi— ROM ON 1-3 3A0 3NMn100 M3 ``II AMHSINIJ 11hAHq N01H8 ONIISIX3 3A ' Aa1N3 ltl 300H flN1103fOH AayN Vol 33110N C I„ ANV SgNtlB H11M 3N01-OMl H11M YINY 1IAA0 M3YIO3"AA M3N 3 3N — 30VNDIS M3N H1IMSYIoSVJ lIAAO M3N e 3GIs 1331 lino WC HSINIJ—0 M3 HSINu LIAAafl HLIM SNMn30 NWn300 HSINI3 11AAaq AatN3 H3A0 100 N1IMYYYJ35 d11OA0 M3N HS MiJ I.IAAaa 'A—VO do--80 SINId lIAAq N81NIJ 11AH0 M3 HSIN13 11AH0 M3 M 39 HSINIJ LIAHU M3 4000 11x 1180 30 HOIN� rvlY dn-3A18 a3MYH0'IY30 H11M MOgNiM dn-3AIH0 NI l00 HSINIJ tiAAaO saNve 3N01-OM1 AdONYO dn-3rtIH0 H1IM IOSYJ yl—M3N SINI3 11AA0 LS ••0—•Oz=,I 60/0t/4 tlasl.N oE�°in o°oad3bss 13?46 3lVOS 31tl0 dWVO'M NIA1V0°AN S301Aa3Sla ONIldV80 Ndld hIS 03SOdOdd 'p� aajono `Aangsuaano — youoa8 ION dd0-NtiN 831tlM W801SS S O 0 ONV ON VaO 311S HO N.......A (35V3a0Nl ....... 8 VM011V1302d H1ZM 'tl3NV a00,3 30 AS OOZ aid 30VdS l NO 03SVM '1 333rJ3a Zl 0 03SOdONd S30VdS ONINNVd SX Ot 030l103a 38 Ol 'NIISIX3 S3OVdS ONINiNVd[£ 'NIVW38 01 3OIA83S DIN10313 3V3HN3AO ONI1SIX3 0NI151X3 01NI 311 N011 a3M3SO4 NVIAAlddI)S db311VM (1Nt-OH)3AISN31NI IVION31NY100 AVMHOIH:3NOZ Vt-t-8'ZOt 401 dVW XV1 1308Vd 33NY811133�y5141103 DO 51,IISIX3 V 4 3lOd A111i .NIISIX3 S3NI1 01-313 OV3Ha3A0 ttl01dA1'3Nit Ala3d0a N011tl.l \\ NO's m 3 \ ONINNYd V a � tl3�Orv3a Yn tl.atlaX�y,3 b dVO.H b sNi m - l L.N3 aan.do.u.Ma... 2ti 3inis Xrn SNW.'I00 M3N SI'I 3a 7%ry-- lM_30 --------------- -------- >araOnr0 (asacln.or3ca xaovse ii30s annas n•ax) / 3oi oNla ne Ly earo•exoL 0 3S b4SZ x c3g ON101108 8NI1SIX3 tl`y tlba>inn f 1 YXn AXNX-Haan .4. ao�x oaths / °;�aA Mrs°»slx3 ',r:N.,.nodyn 23XY1 ntlNt-lAItlO ,sI 31]a3«dAQxisOa /\� S3NI1.ia1.313.Y3N113' dA-3nItl0 M3N / lll��� 'Sv3tiv ArM3nlaa �9 xlNiyn3b llY lv a301n0ad 3B � As 1,vxdsr M3N � ,N 31O1 A1i111..Ni15i%3 Yl.:.3.... /9 1N3WId I(103 Xb-_-__-c]nYl OBIt-Iupn-__-___ / �,\\l' - u�—AaoNv3 i0 3oa3 // a 03ACV38 38 01 ' tldaarv3b 3b ni da>?aeAa 03HS'1SX3 H18ON �lV.idAl�3Ni3Nil-Atb3d=tld� 31tl{YIXHAddtl :1�-� 1 Y3tltl Nd1X3l3N Y3lYM 11MOls ONIl5iX3