plot plans TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT with comments sd hall not be construedas full indicating the pimp and spe cations are in compliance with the 8uildinp.Codes of New York State, t (44G al.,, 7%.. 27 fie/ Sere r Toot., „ ,,c4;retis, Ron 1?"113'}' _c/int43.. „./143, r \Cita to, 1., J E Sty 43 6> Mi --. Atte 'tion Horne Owner Please as re you are familiar with the TOWN OF QUEENSBURIC ,; Pool Endo ure requirements specific to ,. Your pool. r We will be happy to explain BUILDING & CODES DEPT® what R-•uirements you will have to Reviewed B : L5FI � New York State Residential Code. Date: _______ / r © EOVE5 MAY 302019 TOWN OF 0UEENS.EURY t°4 _SUP DING CODES ._._. ... v° FILE COPY