Staff Notes packet ZBA Wed. June 26, 2019 � taff Notes s Z�A Meeting Wed _ , June 26 , 2019 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 Tima: 7:00- 1 l:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center—742 Boy Rood Agenda subject To cM1onge and may be fountl oY www.quaensbury.nei NEW BV$1NES5: A Itcant s AJ Si Si n Varlavc¢ No 5-2019 Owv¢ MicbaelsFiacco SE RAT Unlisted A ¢nt s AJ Si Lot Siz 3.18 Acra s Location 63 QuaKer Road Zovlvg¢ CI Ward No_ Ward Tsx ld No 296.i8-I-5 Section Cha t¢r 140 Cross R¢f SV 16-2013 Warren Count Plavnty ]unc 2019 Pu bite Harty Juvc 26 2019 AdirovdacK ParK A ¢ Na Proicct D¢s btiov Applicant proposes placement of an additional 16 sq. R.panel to Ra¢existing 1 OS aq.R.R¢¢standing sign structure For w tenant in the Marx Plaza. Aelief re es[ed fi-om m A Iicani s Eric Sa ¢ Ar¢a Vartanc¢ No 28-2019 Ow Er c Sa a SE RA [I A arcs Pete Sanke PE Lo[Siz O.19 Acro s Lo<aKon 140 Sunnysid¢North Zonivge WR Ward No. Ward 1 Tax Id No 299_19-2-3 S¢ctiov 1�9-3-040' 179-5-020 Cross ReF Na Warren Coun Plavniv Na Pub11c H¢ariv Sune 26 2019 AdlrovdacK ParK A ¢ Na Proicct D¢scriotiov Applicant proposes to rem is[ing deteriorated 480 sq.R.2 car garage and construct a n¢w SO6 sq.R.2-car Aeiief re uested Rnm m setbacK and x eabili ants. A Itcant s Kath Sand¢rs Area Variance No 26-2019 Owv¢ Kath $enders SE RAT 11 A N/A Lo[Siac 0.46 Ac Location 119 Birdsall Road Zoning WR Ward No. Ward 1 Tax Id No 259.19-1-42 S¢ctby V9-5-060 Cross Rcf Na Warren Couvt Planvin Na Public H¢artn June 26 2019 Adirondack Park A ¢ Na Proicct D¢acrtvttov Applicant proposes to r fisting 6 R.by 25 R.docK and replace with a 8 R.by 30$.docK-. Rdief es[ed Rom m setbacK re u ants£or a docK on Gien LaKe. Page 1 of2 �ueensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: WednesdoY. June 26, 2019 Ttme: J:00- l 1:00 Pm Quaensbury Activities Caniar— 742 Boy Rood A9t3ndo subject to citonge and may be found of www.gtieensbury-net A iicavt s Sames Trudeau Area Varianc¢ No 24-2019 Owv¢ Jams Trud¢au SE RAT II A ¢nf s n/a Lot Sla¢ 0.2"]Acre s Location 4 Chelsea Plac¢ Zovtvg PUD Ward No_ Ward 1 Tax Id No 296.8-1-ZO.I 5¢cttov 3Y9-3-040 Croas R¢f AST 256-2019 Warren Couv Piavnty Na Public H¢ariv June 26 2019 Adirovdach Partc A ¢ Na Pro-¢ct D¢s olio Applic nt propo nstruc[ion of a 120 sq. R.dccM addition[o a fisting 100 sq.R.d¢ck at th¢back o£thc homc i2e]i¢f re ested Rom th¢minimum lin s¢[back v nts for[he Waverl Pla a Subdiv Any further business that th¢Chairman d¢t¢rmin¢s may b¢prop¢rly brought before[h¢Zoning Board of Appals. Page 2 of2 Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Community �evalopment Deportment Staff Notes Sigv Varlanc¢No.: 5-2019 P roj¢ct Applicant AJ Signs Prnj¢¢t Lo¢a[iov: 63 Qnai(¢r Road Parc¢i History: SV 16-2013 SEAR Typ¢: Unlist¢d M¢¢ting Data May 3Q 2019 D¢scri tion of Propoa¢d Proj¢ct: Applicant proposes placement o£an additional 16 sq_ R. panel to the existing 305 sq. R. Reestanding sign structure£or a new tenant in the Marh Plaza. Relic£requested from maximum sign svze. R¢li¢f R¢ red. The applicant requests relie££rom maximum sign size £or afree-standing sign. Cheater 140—Sims The applicant proposes an additional 16 sq R panel to an existing freestanding siga. The current sign has £our panels and this would be the £aRh. The previous siga variance allowed£or the maximum size sign o£ 100 sq R- The maximum size Bee standing sign is 45 square feet. C dt¢ria for conaid¢rin a Sign Varlanc¢a ording to Chapt¢r 26']of Town Lawn In malciag a d¢t¢rmiaation, th¢ board shall consider 1. Wh¢th¢r an und¢sirabl¢ Chang¢will be produced is th¢ character of the neighborhood or a d¢trim¢at to v arby prop¢rties will be c dated by th¢ granting of this sign varranc¢. Minimal impacts to the aighborhood may be anticipated= 2. Wbeth¢r the bea¢£at s ught by th¢ applicant can be achi¢yed by s method, f¢asibl¢ F r the applicant to purse¢. oth¢r than a sign variavc¢. Feasible alternatives may be considered to reduce the number panels in the sign. 3. Wheth¢r the r¢qu¢st¢d sign variant¢ is substantial. The relic£requested may be considered substantial relevant to the code. Aelie£3s requested £or an additional panel sign to be added to the {ee_standing sign. Aelie£requested is ']6 sq R_ 4. WhMh¢r the proposed variance will heed adv¢rs¢ ¢ff¢ct or impact oa the physical or ¢nviroam¢atal c aditioas is the aeigbborbood or distric0. The project as proposed may have mmvmal mpact on the envirorittiental conditions o£the district 5. Wb¢tber tb¢ alleg¢d dif£culty was self-created. "I'lio dit�culty may be considered self-created. Staff comments: The applicant proposes to add a 16 sq R panel toan existing free standing 1 OS sq R free standing sign. The applicant was granted Sign Variance 16-2013 for 100 sq R Bee standing sign at a distance o£2 R from the £rout property line_ The plans show the location of Hve existing free standing sign and the proposed panel on the sign. Zoning Boartl of App¢sis—Record o£Resolution Town of Queensbury 942 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)']61-8238 r,,.-,..,r�m.....,..n�.,�_ Sign Variance Resolution Toc Approve/Disapprove Applicant Name: AS Signs (for Mark Plaza] ��.Al��' File Number: SV 5-2019 �77 Location: 63 Quaker Road—Mark Plaza Tax MaP Number: 296.18-1-5 ZBA M¢¢ting Data June 26, 2019 The Zoning Board o£Appeals o£the Town o£Queensbury has received an application from AJ Sims for a variance from Chapter 140 of the Sign Code o£The Town o£Queensbury. Applicant proposes placement o£an additional 16 sq. R. panel to the existing 1 OS sq. R. freestanding sign structure for a new tenant in the Mark Plaza_ Relief requested from maximum sign size_ Relie£R¢quir¢d- The applicant requests relie£Rom maximum sign size£or a free-standing sign. Chanter 140—Sims The applicant proposes an additional 16 sq R panel to an existing iieestanding sign_ The current sign has £our panels and tkvis would be the SRh. The previous sign variance allowed £or the maximum size sign o£ 100 sq R_ The maxtmum saze {e standing sign is 45 square feet. SEQR Type: Unlisted [Resolution/Action R¢quir¢d for SEAR] Motion regarding Sign Variance No. 5-2019 AJ Signs based upon the information and the analysis of the above supporting documentation provided by the applicant, this Board fads that this wiLL not result in any signiTicant adverse a ntal impact. So w¢give it a Negative Declaration, Introduced by nvwho moved for its adoption,seconded by Duly adopted this 26"' da of Jun¢2019,by the following vote: AYES= NOES: A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday,Jun¢26, 2019: Upon review of theapplication materials, in£ortttation supplied during the public hearing, and upon sideration o£tlae.criteria speci£ted in Section 179-14-080(A) of the Queensbury Towrt Code and Chapter 269 o£NYS Town Law and a8er discussion and deliberation, we £ad as follows: 1. Will an undesirable change be produced in the character of the neighborhood or will a detriment to the nearby properties be created by the granting of the requested sign vananceT INSERT RESPONSE 2. Can the benefit sought by the applicant be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an sign variance? INSERT RESPONSE 3. Is the requested sign variance substantial? INSERT RESPONSE 4. Will the proposed sign variance have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions m the neighborhood or district? INSERT RESPONSE 5. Is the alleged difficulty sel£_created? INSERT RESPONSE 6. In addition tkve Board£ends that the bane{t to the applicant from granting the requested variance would outweish/would be outw¢iched by the resulting detriment to the health, safety and welfare o£ the neighborhood or community; "]. The Board also£nds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; Has¢d on the above Endings I make a MOTSON TO APPROVE/DENY Sign Variance No. 5-2019,AJ Signs, Introduced by , who moved for its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by sta££with the Following: A. Ginsert conditions/comments [ B. The variance approval is valid £or one (1 j year from the date o£approval; you may request an extension of approval before the one<I j year time Frame expires; C. If the property is located within the Adirondack Park, the approved v - subject to r w by the Adirondack Park Agency<faPAj. "I'he applicant is cautioned age nst taking any actioaeuntil the APA's review is completed; D. Final approved plans in compliant¢with an approved variance must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building .�. codes persounel' E. Subsequent issuance of furtkaer permits, including sign permits are dependent on receipt o£th¢se £nil plans; F. Upon approval of the application; review and approval of£veal plans by the Corrtrrtunity Development Department the applicaut can apply £or a sign permit unless the proposed pr ject requires r approval, or pea-rrvit From the Town Planning Board and/or the Adirondack Park Agency, Lake George Park Commission or other State agency or department. Duly adopted this 26�^ day of June 2019, by the {allowing vote: AYES: NOES: Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Community development �eportm ent Staff Notes Area Variance No.: 28-2019 Project Applicants Erl¢Sag¢ P roj¢ct Location: 140 Sunnysid¢North Parcel History: n/a SEAR Typ¢: Type II M¢¢ting Dste: Jun¢26,2a19 Description of Pro osed Project: Applicant proposes to remove ¢ fisting deteriorated 480 sq. R. 2-car gazage and construct a new 576 sq. R. 2-car garage. Relie£r¢quested£ram minimum setback aad permeability requirements. R¢li¢F R¢quired- The applicant requests relic£R-om minimum setback and permeability requirements. Section 179-3-040 Dimensional requirements- The applicant proposes to c nstruct a new garage to be located 4.2 R£ram the side property line where a 20 R setback is required and 15.4 R£ram the£rout property lin where a 30 R setback is required. Relie£is also requested£or permeability where 74.2^/o is proposed and 75% is required. Criteria for considering an Ar¢a Variance cordln to Cha ter 267 of Town Laws In mahiag a determination,the board shall consider l. Wh¢th¢r an uad¢sirable change will be produced in the character o£the neighborhood or a d¢trim¢at to nearby properties will b¢created by the graatiag of this a araaac¢. Thep ject may be sidered to have little to no impact on the neighbo mg properties.v 2. Wh¢th¢r the benefit sought by the applicaat c a b¢ achieved by some method, feasible for the applic nt to pursue. other than an area variant¢. The Feasible alternatives may be limited due to the size o£the par el and location o£the existing home 3. Wh¢th¢r the requested area variance is substantial. The relie£may be considered moderate relevant to the code. The relic£requested£or the side setback is 15.8 R, Front setback is 14.6 R„then permeability is 0.80%. 4. Wh¢th¢r the proposed varian¢¢will have an adverse ¢Y£¢ct or impact on the physical or ¢nvironmentsl conditions in the a¢ighborhood or district The pr ject as proposed may be considered to have minimal to no impact on the enviromxvental conditions o£the site or area. 5. Whether the alleged difFiculty was self created_ The pr ject as proposed may be considered sel£created. Staff¢omm¢ntsc The applicant proposes a 576 sq R garage detached garage to replace the 480 sq R garage. The information submitted shows the garage elevation and an open Roor plan. Zoning Board of Appals—R¢cord of R¢solution Town o£Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 in..,..Kaffir n� Ar¢a Varianc¢ R¢solution Toc Approve/Disapprove Applicant Nam¢: Eric Sage _ Fil¢Numb¢r AV 28-2019 �t Location: 140 Sunnyside North L6'�A PT Tax Map Numb¢r 279.17-2-3 P ZBA Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 The Zoning Board o£Appeals o£the Town o£Queensbury bas received an application£or Eric Sag¢_ Applicant proposes to remove existing deteriorated 480 sq. R_ 2-car garage and construct a new 576 sq_ R_ 2-car garage. Relic£requested from minimum setback and permeability requirements. A¢li¢f R¢qulr¢d- The applicant requests relie££rom minimum setback and permeability requirements. Section 179-3-040 Dimensional re - t - The applicant proposes to construct a new garage to be located 4.2 R from the side property line where a 20 R setback is required and 15.4 R from th¢Ront property line where a 30 R setback is required. Relief is also requested£or permeability where 74.2%is proposed and 75%is required. SEQR Type II—no iiirtlaer review required; A public hearing was advertised and held on June 26, 2019; Upon o£ the application materials, information supplied during the public hearing, and upon onsiderativn of the criteria speci£ted in Section 179-14-080(A� o£the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 o£NYS Town Law and aRer discussion and deliberation, we£d as follows= PER TIC DRAFT PROVIDED BY STAFF 1. There is / is not an undesirable change in the character of tkve neighborhood nor a detriment to nearby properties b¢caus¢ 2. Feasible alternatives a and have been c nsidered by the Board, are reasonable and have be l d d t - - h t OR are not n sible. o 3. The requested variance is/is not substantial b¢caus¢ 4. Ther is / is not an adverse impact on the physical or envirorurvental conditions m the neighborhood or districYl 5. The alleged di££culty is/ is not self-created becau 6_ In addition the Board £nds that tkae bene£t to the applicant 8om granting the requested variance would t h ( 11 / ld b d by (deniall the resulting detriment to the Health, safety and welfare o£the neighborhood or community; �. The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; 8. The Board also proposes the following conditions: aj bj , cj Adherence to the items outlined in tlae follow-up letter sent witH dais resolution. BASED ON 'I'fIE ABOVE FINDINGS I A MO ION TO APPROVE / DENY AREA VARIANCE NO. 28-2019, Eric Sage, Introduced by , who moved £or its adoption,seconded by Duly adopted this 26°h day o£June 2019 by Uta following vote: AYES: NOES: Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Com m�nity Development �eportm ent Staff Notes A r¢a Variance No.e 26-2019 P roj¢ct Applicaate Kathy Ssvd¢ra Project Locatiov: 119 Birdsall Road Pare¢l Hta[orya v/a SEAR Typ¢a Typ¢II M¢¢Hvg Date: Sun¢26,2a19 D¢scriptlov ofPro oa¢d Project Applicant proposes to remove existing 6 R. by 25 R_ dock aad replace with a 8 R_ by 30 R. dock. Relic{ requested from minimum setback requ rem¢nts for a dock on Glen Lake_ R¢li¢f Re r¢d- The applicant requests relic£from minimum setback requirements for a dock on Glen Lake. Section 199-5-060 docks The applicant proposes to install a 8 R by 30 R dock. The new dock is [o be located 141 R Rom the north property line where a 20 R setback is required. Criteria for conaid¢riag as Area Variavc¢ ording to Chapter 260 of Town Law: Ia making a dat¢rmiaatioq the board shall consider: I. Whether as vad¢airable Chang¢will b¢ produced in the character of the neighborhood o a detriment to nearby properties will be created by the graatiag of this area vanaac¢. Minor to no impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipated. 2. Wh¢th¢r the bene£t sought by tb¢ applicaat can b¢ achieved by some method, feasible for the applicaat to pursue, other than an area variaac¢_ Feasible altemativ¢s may be considered limited due to the shoreline width_ 3. Whether the requested a a variaac¢ is substantial_ The elie{requested may be considered minimal relevant to tlt¢ code_ The relic{requested is 5.9 R to the north side o£the property_ 4. Whether the proposed variance will have as adverse ¢£feet mpact the physical atal conditions in the a¢ighborhood or district The project may be considered to have minimal impact on the physical or the enviro::rtaental conditions of the azea. 5. Wh¢tb¢r the alleged dif£aculty was self-created. The difficulty may be considered self-created. Sta1T comments: The applicant proposed tore xisting non conforming dock and to install a w dock that is further Rom tha north property line than the original dock_ The plans show the existing dock and the proposed dock on the site. No other changes to the site are proposed. Zoning Board of Appeala—Record of R¢solutlon Town o£Queensbury 742 Bay Apad Queensbury,NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 Area Variance Resolution To: Approve/Disapprove Applicant Name. Kathy Sanders File Number AV 26-2019 � ��� Location: 119 Birdsall Aoad Tax Map Number. 289.17-1-42 ZBA M¢¢ting Dat¢: June 26, 2019 The Zoning Board o£Appeals o{tkae Town o£Queensbury has received an application Rom Kathy Sanders. Applicant proposes to remove existing 6 R. by 25 R_ dock and replace with a 8 R_ by 30 R_ dock. Relic£ requested£rom minimum setback requirements £or a dock on Glen Lakes. R¢li¢f R¢quir¢d- The applicant requests relief from minimum setback requirements£or a dock on Glen Lake. Section 179-5-060 docks The applic t proposes to install a 8 R by 30 R dock. The new dock is to be located 14.1 R£rom The north property line where a 20 R setback is required. SEQR Type II—no iirrther review required; A public hearing was advertised and held on Wedaesday,June 26, 2019; Upon view o£ the application materials, m£ormation supplied during the public hearing, and upon sideraHon of Sac criteria speci£aed in Section 179-14-080(A� o{the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 o£NYS Town Law and aRer discussion and deliberation, we £and as £allows= PER TFIE DRAFT PROVIDED BY STAFF 1. There is / i not an undesirable change in the character o£xhe neighborhood nor a detriment to nearby properties bec 2. Feasible altemativ¢s are and have been considered by the Board, are reasonable and have been included to minimize the recuest OA are not possible_ 3. The requested variance is / is not substantial because 4. Thar¢ is / is not an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? 5. The alleged di£Rculty is/ is not self-created becau 6. In addition tkve Board £ands that the benefit [o the applicant from granting the requested variance would outweigh Cannrovall / would be outweiehed by (denial) the resulting detrimeat to the h¢altla, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or community; 9. The Board also Fnds that the variance request under consideration is Ha¢minimum necessary; 8. The Board also proposes the following conditions: aJ b) c� Adherence to the items outlined is the follow-up letter sent with ttais resolution. BASED ON TIC ABOVE FIIVDINGS I ]YIAKE M TION TO APPROVE / DENY AREA AASAN E NO. 26-2019,Introduced by ,who moved £or its adoption, seconded by Duly adopted this 26`^ day of Sune 2019 by the£ollowiag vote: AYES: NOES= Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Communiiy develop menT Deportment Stotf Notes Area Varian¢¢No.: 24-2019 P roj¢¢t Applicant: James Trud¢au Project Locations 4 Ch¢Is¢a Piac¢ Par¢¢i History. AST 256-2019.SUB 44-2000 Wav¢ly PIa¢¢—Hiiand Park PUD ®�� P� SEAR Types Typ¢II i'� Meeting Dat¢: Jun¢26.2019 D¢s¢r: tiou of Proposed Proj¢cis Applicant proposes construction o£a 120 sq_ R. deck addition to existing 100 sq_ R. deck at the back of the home. Relief requested from the minimum property line setback requirements£or the Waverly Place Subdivision. R¢ii¢£R vired- The applicant requests relic£from the minimum property line setback requirements{r the Waverly Place Subdivision. S £ 199-4-040 D- 1 t 1'19-12 Pi]D d- - al The applicant proposes a 120 sq R deck addition to be located 1 Z0 R to the rear property line where a 20 R setback is required_ Note the lot is a comer lot with two fronts aad two rears and no sides. Criteria for consid¢rin n Area Variance cording to Chapter 269 of Town Laws In making a det¢rminatioa�the board shall consider: 7_ Wh¢th¢r an undesirable Chang¢will b¢ produced is the character of the neighborhood or a dMrim¢at ton arby properties will be created by the granting of this area varaanc¢_Minor to no ampacts to the eighborhood may be anticipated. 2_ Wh¢th¢r the b¢ae£t sought by the applicant can b¢achieved by some m¢thod� feasible for the applicant to pursu¢�other thaa as area variance. Feasible alternatives may be considered limited due to the a fisting deck location. The existing deck is located 1']_4 R from the rear properly line 3_ Whether the requested area variance is substantial. The relic£requested may be considered minimal rele ant to the code. Relief is requested£or 3 R. 4. Whether the proposed variaac¢wiB 6av¢an adverse eYFect or impact on the physical or ¢ntal conditions in the aeighborbood or district Minor impacts on the physical or envirotunental conditions is the neighborhood may be anticipated_ 5_ Wh¢th¢r the aLL¢g¢d difficulty was self-created_ The difficulty may be considered self-created. Staff comments- The applicant proposes 120 sq R deck addition to the existing deck a the rear of the home. The plans show the existing home with the deck and the proposed deck addition. Zoning Board o£App¢als— Record o£Resolution ," Town o£Qu¢ensbury "�42 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 961-8238 Area Variance Resolution To= Approve/Disapprove Applicant Nam¢: James Trudeau File Number_ AV 24-2019 Locations 4 Chelsea Place Tax Map Number AV 24-2019 ZBA Meeting Dates Wednesday, June 26,2019 The Zoaiag Board o£Appeals o£the Town o{Queensbury has received an application from James Trud¢au_ Applicant proposes constr�rction o£a 120 sq. R. deck addition to existing 100 sq. R. deck at the back of the home_ Reliefrequested{om the minimum property line setback requirements For the Waverly Place Subdivision. R¢li¢£R¢quir¢d- The applicant requests relief from the minimum property line setback requirements £or the Waverly Place Subdivision. S E 1']9 4-040 D' 1 t 1']9-12 PUD dimensional re - t The applicant proposes a 120 sq R deck addition to be located 1'].O R to the r ar property line where a 20 R setback is required. Note the lot is a corner lot with two £rants and two rears and ao sides_ SEAR Typ¢ II—no further review required; A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday, June 26,2019; Upon - o£ the application materials, information supplied during the public hearing, and upon sideration o£the criteria specified in Section 199-14-080(A� o£the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 269 o£NYS Town Law and aRer discussion and deliberation,we farad as{]lows: PER TFIE DRAFT PROVIDED BY STAFF 1. There is / is not an undesirable change m the character o£ the neighborhood nor a detriment to nearby properties b¢c 2. Feasible alternatives at_-e and have been considered by the Board, are reasonable and have been included tom - ether est OA ar not possible. 3. The requested variance is / is not substantial because 4_ There is / i not an adverse impact on the physical or envirorirrrental conditions in the neighborhood or district? 5. The alleged Jiff culty is / is not self-created bccau 6. In addition Sae Board £vuds that the benefit to the applicant from granting tlae requested variance would outweish (annrovall / would be outweiehed by tdeniall the resulting detriment to the health, sa{tY and welfare of the neighborhood or community; y. The Board also Ends that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; 8. The Board also proposes tkae Following conditions: a) b) c� Adherence to the items outlined in the Follow-up letter sent with tkais resolution_ BASED ON TPIE ABOVE FIIVD)1yGS I MAKE A MOTION TO APPROVE / DENY AREA VARIANCE NO. 24-2019,James Trudeau, Introduced by , who moved £or its adoption, seconded by Duly adopted this 26•^day o{June, 2019 by the Following vote: AYES: NOES: MAP REFERENCE: WAVERLY PLACE SUBDIVISION DATED AUGUST 24, 2000 LAST REVISED JANUARY I e, 2001 BY VAN DUSEN f-STEVES LAND SURVEYORS, LLC MAGNETIC AAS PER MAP RE NC REFER I 1. 1 � LOT 10 I I •` LOT 11 �� Proposed IO'x 1 2' Addition LOT 13 �3 0 'L6� 0 �' 6, 0, % t O� LOT 12 Area / r J/ O Light 1 1,842± Sq. Feet ;� i 1v Post 0.27± Acres ` \ c\j o0 a R=z5 . ,'j ; ' ..3 M'R W i i I j Date: November 7 2003 X-1- D UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS SEAL IS A Map of a Survey made for SCa(e V=30' VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209,SUB-DIVISION 2,OF THE .1 NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." "ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYORS �jT /�'�, SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES. - "CERTIFICATIONS CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT S S- 1 �'�/ THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEQ, 1 EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYORS ADOPTED ( G /610} q BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL 1 5119 UPDATE/PROPOSED DECK Laiad -vk--xm r T 7 e 37ors LAND SURVEYORS.SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHAD RUN ONLY7104 CHANGE BUILDING TEXT SHEET 1 OF 1 �/ TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS P EPARED,AND 1 9127 ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY,GOVERNMENTAL (� , AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON,AND Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York 169 HavilZnd Road TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTITUTION." +� , If CERT1FlCATIONS/ADD1Tt4NAL L©CATJON Queensbur9, New York 1280411111103 Trudeau (518) 792-8474 New York Lie. No. 50135 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. 993 12-12 C 3306 296.8-1-20.1 i I