Staff Notes PBR SUB (P) 1-2019 Entwistle & Leonard_3 19 19 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes March 19, 2019 Subdivision Prel. Stage 1-2019 JEREMY ENTWISTLE & CASSIE LEONARD 1434 Bay Road / RR3A – Rural Residential 3 Acres / Ward 1 SEQR Type II Material Review: application, subdivision site drawings, house elevations Parcel History: SUB14-2006 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief sought for lot width. Resolutions 1. Recommendation Project Description Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 54.8 acre parcel into a 3 acre parcel for a new single family home and a 51.8 acre parcel with an existing home to remain. Applicant proposes several waivers at preliminary stage including clearing plan, grading and erosion control and stormwater. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for lot width. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments Sketch Plan –requesting waiver from sketch Preliminary Review – Layout plans –the plans show the existing house location on lot 1 and the proposed house location on lot 2. The house on Lot 1 has been constructed under site plan 67-2013 (major stormwater) as a condition of Sub14-2006 nd and AV 62-2013(2 garage). Lot 2 is subject to a major stormwater permit as the lot is within the Lake George basin. The plans show the setbacks and a clearing area for the new home, well, septic and driveway area. Construction details – The plans show the locations of the new home and driveway area. Landscape plans –the number of lots does not require landscaping. Clearing plan –The applicant has indicated the 51.8 acre parcel has an existing home and the site is to remain the same. The proposed lot of 3 ac is to be used for the construction of a single family home. The applicant has shown a home and septic system can be placed on the property –showing a cleared area for the placement. Grading and erosion plans –The plans do not show site grading and the applicant is requesting a waiver from stormwater management due to the lot configuration being level The Environmental report – the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review for 2 lots. Stormwater management –the applicant has not provided a stormwater management report and has requested a waiver. The applicant is aware a stormwater management is required due to the lot location. Fees –per application. Waivers –the applicant has requested waiver from stormwater and grading, Open Space –there is no proposal for open space . Streets –the plans show no street but a new curb cut will need to be obtained. Nature of Area Variance The applicant proposes a two lot subdivision with lot 2 to have road frontage of 418 ft where 800 ft is required as Bay Rd is considered an arterial road. Summary The Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA in regards to the request for relief. Board Discussion items The applicant has requested a waiver from the Sketch Plan Stage review –and staff finds that acceptable for a two lot subdivision. The applicant has requested a preliminary waiver for clearing plan, grading and erosion control and stormwater pending the zoning relief requested for the double the lot width. The Board may proceed with the review for the Planning Board recommendation but would need table the project at preliminary review pending submission of the stormwater and associated information as the project occurs in the basin. st Meeting History: 1 Meeting - 2 -