2007-04-09 SP MTG14 359 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 04-09-2007 MTG. #14 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #14 APRIL 9, 2007 RES. 173-175 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN RICHARD SANFORD COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH-ABSENT COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER Town Counsel Mark Noordsy Executive Director of Community Development Blanche Alter Supervisor Stec-Opened the Meeting DISCUSSION: FIRE APPARATUS CONSULTANT Supervisor Stec-Questioned if there was interest amongst the Board Members in bring the consultant in, if so when should we set it up? Name of Company is Emergency Services Inc. – from Orange County, Mike Wilbur Lt. in FDNY - contributing author to Fire House Magazine and aerial apparatus expert. He prefers to do a presentation to the Town Board… Board agreed to have him speak to the board as soon as possible. Supervisor Stec-Will e-mail the board on his availability. DISCUSSION: ETHICS CODE REVISIONS E#3 Board agreed to the changes Supervisor Stec-In (N) we are talking about preferential treatment, add no one should get un-preferential treatment… if a town officers decides that he does not like somebody he shouldn’t be more harsh on somebody for whatever reason because he doesn’t like them. Councilman Sanford-I think it is so vague it opens up a can of worms, it doesn’t say anything specific. Board agreed to remove N & O Supervisor Stec-Noted that the Board is in agreement with the contribution disclosure. J. In an instance where you are required to go with the low bidder then that is difficult to say well we are going to disqualify and then of course related to this how do you define entities that have political influence? I would propose elimination of J. Councilman Boor-We are addressing issues in the future. 360 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 04-09-2007 MTG. #14 Councilman Sanford-I think it is important to have that in there because if there is an issue then this provisions makes it within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Committee to look at it and to form a conclusion. Supervisor Stec-This prohibits it, where is the line drawn? Councilman Sanford-If the Town Board wishes to address and identify inappropriate relationships I honestly think that the intent here is to not nail it down to specifics but if those types of things come up where there is an opinion that they may have crossed the line the Ethics Committee could weigh in and render an opinion. Supervisor Stec-Questioned how do we define political influence and how do we prohibit in the case where we have a low bidder? Town Counsel Noordsy-If someone was actually in fact guilty of collusion they would not be the lowest responsible bidder, I do not see a problem there, you could add at the end, as long as process was still in compliance with this State competitive bidding laws and the towns procurement policy. I would say it would be a little hard for someone to interpret this … Councilman Sanford-The way this is worded is in the absence of us passing a resolution specifically identifying a relationship or an action that we want to prohibit it becomes a situation. As a situation evolved one of us say we are not comfortable with this and then it becomes a very appropriate review point for the Ethics Committee to look at it. Councilman Boor-They will be interpreting it not us, you are giving guidance for what to look for. Supervisor Stec-The word I was hung up on was prohibit, Mark issuggesting the wording, should avoid. Councilman Sanford-the Town should avoid rather than prohibit in the language … Supervisor Stec-The consensus is to change the wording from prohibit to avoid. Requested that the Attorney to make that change plus get rid of N & O and add my language in E-3 Prepare a resolution on Monday to set the Public Hearing on a Local Law. DISCUSSION: MISC. Supervisor Stec-Glens Falls City Band Concert – we put in our budget about five thousand, for another four hundred and fifty bucks we can have another concert, the Mayor of Glens Falls said they would put in four hundred and fifty …will have a resolution prepared for that proposal. Councilman Boor-Questioned if the Town had heard back from Mayor Akins regarding Veterans Field? 361 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 04-09-2007 MTG. #14 Supervisor Stec-He is aware of that. It has not gone out to bid yet… Regarding Meals on Wheels, there is a twenty five hour a week employee that is doing Meals on Wheels at minimum wage the funding of which is going away and so we were copied by the person that was paying to see if the Town and the City would be willing to split this. The Mayor and I have concerns and questions about it. Will copy the Town Board on the information. DISCUSSION: WEST END PARK Councilman Brewer-West End Park was developed in 1984 not a lot of money has been spent on it. Jack LaBomard has suggested cleaning up the entrance of the park, a new sign, removed the basketball court put in a new court and new play area and define the parking and a baseball diamond but not full scale, just for kids. Councilman Sanford-Noted he was in support of this but the big issue is what is it going to cost? Director Steve Lovering-I do not have reason to believe that the number we have now isn’t solid, $202,000. there is a lot of site work. Approximately four acres to be worked on. Removal of basketball court and relocated closer to the roadway and on our property, new ball field with an entrance off East Avenue. Right now there is no parking, need parking for the playground. Councilman Sanford-I support the concept and the CLUP encourages this kind of thing and certainly there is a density of population that could really utilize this. I want to look at it, we just authorized a million dollars. Director Lovering-We will use Recreation Assessment funds. In reserve we have about a hundred and seventeen thousand, the Commission at their next meeting will go through all of the active projects rank them and see if they want to continue with that. There will be no request for additional funds from CIP or any place else other than Rec. Assessment. We are looking at a fall or spring of 2008 project. Supervisor Stec-Requested a breakdown of exactly where the funds will come from. Spoke on reassessing the CIP funding…we have been working with the CIP for four to five years without running out we have spent less than half and we have done a lot already. Director Lovering-We are early on with this project, I think this is just an opportunity to put it on your radar and just keep you up to date. This park needs some work, we do have a plan for it and you folks will help decide when we execute the plan. DISCUSSION: MISC. 362 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 04-09-2007 MTG. #14 Councilman Boor-General Manager of Great Escape Scott Maupin called wanting to cut their sewer rates. Director of Wastewater Mike Shaw has already indicated that we shouldn’t. Requested that the Board notify them they were not going to change the rate. Supervisor Stec-They are saying now that all the meters are in place the problem is fixed for next year but their concern is that the current year they feel that they can show mathematically, they have over paid their sewer bill $70,000 and they are looking for us to give them permission to credit that in future bills. I will call them tomorrow and tell them we are not changing the rate. (Agreed to by the Board) Councilman Brewer-Re: Converse Trailer Park requested to place in doublewides in the park…. Executive Director Alter-There was a concern about doublewides being used because they generate twice the amount of sewage, we are looking for the old plan to see if he had an expansion area in the old plan. If he had an expansion area then he can expand if he doesn’t he may not be able to get all doublewides. Councilman Brewer-He does not necessarily want to put all doublewides he wants to be able to be allowed if a customer comes in and wants to put in a double wide in if it meets all the set backs… Executive Director Alter-He applied for every single one being a double. I spoke to his engineer about getting the septic data for me. We do not know what the flows are if he doubles the number of bedrooms we have to treat it as a new application. We are waiting on the septic data to have it reviewed. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 173, 2007 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an Executive Session to discuss personnel issues. th Duly adopted this 9 day of April, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Strough RESOLUTION ADJOURNING EXECUTIVE SESSION 363 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 04-09-2007 MTG. #14 RESOLUTION NO. 174, 2007 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Executive Session. th Duly adopted this 9 day of April, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Strough No Action Taken during Executive Session RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 175, 2007 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Richard Sanford RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 9 day of April, 2007 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Sanford, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Strough Respectfully, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury