1993-08-13 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 13,1993 5:00 P.M. MTG#61 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Michel Brandt Councilman Pliney Tucker Councilman Nick Caimano Councilman Susan Goetz Councilman Betty Monahan TOWN ATTORNEY Paul Dusek TOWN OFFICIALS Jim Martin PRESS Post Star, Moreau Sun DISCUSSION HELD REGARDING RED LOBSTER MAP OF PROPOSED PROJECT PRESENTED TO PUBLIC Supervisor Brandt -Called meeting to order. There were a lot of questions had as we've gone along here, some technical questions and we asked Jim Martin to see if he could bring us answer to those. Jim are you prepared to take it on? Executive Director, Mr. Martin-As, I recall approximately about a week ago when we last spoke of this really the questions revolving around the new road revolved around, I would think two central themes. One of those being the technical aspects and mertis of the road or disadvantegous of a new road and the actual funding of such an undertaking therefore the so to speak guarantee of such a road being built. I will do my best to answer the technical aspects of the road the new information we've gotten since the last meeting. We have Joanna Brunso here from the New York State Department of Transporation and then also the Glens Falls Transportation Council who, I think will be in the best position possible anyhow to answer any questions regarding funding and that type of thing and ther realness of the road and the bridge for that matter so, I'll lead it off. As you all recall we've got a little bit better rendering of the project here in terms of the road. This is Aviation Road, Route 9, with a major intersection down here. This is Old Aviation here, okay and Greenway North currently comes in here like this. Now, as you may recall my last rendering of this we had Greenway North connecting in here and there were some concerns andjustifable ones on the part of the neighborhood on how are we going to get out of there, and isn't that to short of a distance, and that type of thing with the stacking. We looked at the possiblity and again, in keeping in line with one of our goals as, I stated last time and that was protection of this as a single family neighborhood and perservation of that. The buffer is still here, but now we would use the existing right -a-way of Old Aviation bring it in here bringing the intersection essentially into the center of the road between the two traffic lights. Now, the possiblity of this working better than this is certainly evident in that it is in the center of the road and quite frankly DOT is going to want to leave green time open on Route 9, and 254, those are the major arterials. The red time allowed here will be long in a nature and the green will be shorter so there will be an opportunity to enter and exit through this road. Quite honestly the expected level of service at this intersection even from the beginning is a level of Service E, but that does not take into account the impact of these traffic lights. As I said, creating gaps in the traffic to allow people to get in and out. There is a left hand tum lane provided here, and there will be here although not shown here there was discussion of providing a right hand turn lane here, and a left hand tum lane here, and a right hand coming in. So, you have a little bit wider throat here so to speak or mouth to the road here, and wider here to accomodate right hand tums, and you would have that left hand turn land here as well. Now in terms of volumes on the road. At day one if this were to open up today the expected volume on the road would be 693 cars by directionly at peak hour. It would break down essentially with 480 coming this way and 213 proceeding the other way.