Engineering comments 12 13 16 THE Gba �� North Country Office — 375 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 P: (518) 812-0513 F: (518) 812-2205 COMPAN I E5 www.chazencompanies.com Proud to be Employee Owned Engineers Hudson Valley Office (845)454-3980 Land surveyors Capital District Office (518) 273-0055 Planners Environmental Professionals Landscape Architects December 13, 2016 Mr. Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Delivered via email only: CraigB@queensbury.net Re: Dorman—Bonner Drive Extension Subdivision Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York Chazen Project#91600.42 Queensbury Ref#SP207-2016 Dear Mr. Brown: The Chazen Companies (Chazen) has received the latest submission responding to technical comments offered by Chazen on August 5, 2016. Based upon our review, Chazen offers the following comments for the Town's consideration. Stormwater Management& Erosion and Sediment Control: 1. In response to comment 2 of Chazen's August 5, 2016 letter, the Applicant has included the 25- year storm to the HydroCAD model. Information supporting the stormwater design and HydroCAD model are missing (see comments 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11) and therefore a full review of the 25-year storm will occur once the changes to the design/model are made. Section 179-6-080 of the Town Code, states that stormwater drainage plans shall analyze the impacts of a project using at least a 25-year return interval storm with regards to both runoff rate and volume for residential projects. 2. In response to comment 3 of Chazen's August 5, 2016 letter, EAF section E.3.f indicates the site is located in an archeological sensitive area. It does not appear that documentation was provided per Part I.F.8 of the SPDES General Permit concerning construction activities that may affect historic property.The Applicant shall provide the Town with any documentation regarding the above determination and incorporate the same into the SWPPP pursuant to Part I.F.8 of the SPDES General Permit. 3. A response to Chazen's August 5, 2016 comment letter was not provided and therefore it is unclear how the Applicant will address comment 4 of said letter which stated: Section 6.3.1 of the NYS SMDM states, "The bottom of the infiltration facility shall be separated by at least three feet vertically from the seasonally high water table or bedrock layer, as documented by on-site soil testing. (Four feet in soil source aquifers)." It appears that the bottom of the drywells would Chazen Engineering, Land Surveying&Landscape Architecture Co.,D.P.C. Chazen Environmental Services, Inc. The Chazen Companies, Inc. Town of Queensbury Dorman—Bonner Drive Extension December 13,2016 Page 2 be at an elevation of 88'; and test pit #1 was performed to a depth of 87'. As such, additional testing must be performed to confirm adequate separation from seasonally high groundwater. Chazen would not take exception to testing being performed at the start of construction, if the Town will allow it. However, it shall be noted that if any design changes occur because of discovered inconsistency in soil conditions, the project may be subject to additional site plan review. The Applicant shall notify the Town prior to advancing the soil testing; such that the Town can witness the testing, if they so choose. 4. It is noted that the Applicant proposes to convey the proposed roadway extension to the Town following construction. Additionally, it is assumed that the roadway drainage (drywells and associated perforated equalization pipe) will be conveyed with the road. As such, it is recommended that the Town Highway Superintendent review the potential use of the perforated equalization pipe at the site. In certain circumstances, their use can lead to differential settlement of the road, if not properly constructed/suited for the soil conditions. It is our recollection that the Highway Superintendent typically evaluates this during construction. 5. Existing grades along Bonner Drive are not depicted on sheet S-2, therefore it is difficult to determine what portion of the existing Bonner Drive road contributes runoff to the proposed drywells. The Applicant to provide sufficient existing grades along Bonner Drive to show what areas contribute to the proposed drywells. 6. It does not appear that an NOI was submitted with the SWPPP in accordance with GPO-15-002. The Applicant to provide the NOI for review. 7. The HydroCAD model does not provide distinct inflow value depths, (as indicated by the ">" sign) which indicates that the time span of 0-24 hours may not be sufficient. The Applicant to revise the time span such that the full effects of each storm are realized. 8. The HydroCAD model cannot be reviewed at this time because the proposed condition watershed map does not show any subcatchments, eave trench locations, or time of concentration lines. The drainage routing diagram cannot be confirmed / reviewed without this information. The Applicant to revise the proposed condition map accordingly. A full review of stormwater rates, volumes, and WQv/RRv calculations will be performed once the HydroCAD model can be reviewed. 9. The HydroCAD model uses arbitrary elevations for the dry wells and eave trenches. It is requested that the Applicant to revise the HydroCAD model with actual elevations. 10. The contractors and subcontractors certification statement on the second page of the SWPPP does not match the required certification statement in Part III.A.6 of GP-0-15-002. The Applicant to revise the certification statement accordingly. 11. The Eave trenches aren't depicted on the site plans or proposed condition watershed plan. The Applicant shall depict all post-construction stormwater management devices on the site plans. Z:\projects\91600-91699\91600.00-Town of Queensbury\91600.42-PZ207-2016 Michael Dorman\ENG\REVIEW\91600.42-Dorman-BonnerDrExt_SP207-2016_2016-12-13_L2.docx Town of Queensbury Dorman—Bonner Drive Extension December 13,2016 Page 3 In the event the Planning Board or Town staff have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (518) 824-1926. Sincerely, �� III 7p�5- ' Sean M. Doty, P.E., LEED AP, CMS4S Principal Manager, Municipal Engineering Services cc: Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office Administrator(via email) Laura Moore,Town Land Use Planner(via e-mail) File Z:\projects\91600-91699\91600.00-Town of Queensbury\91600.42-PZ207-2016 Michael Dorman\ENG\REVIEW\91600.42-Dorman-BonnerDrExt_SP207-2016_2016-12-13_L2.docx