Bovee, William OF UE� B Q ��s UTr PINE VIEW CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM QUAKER ROAD, QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 (518) 745-4476 (518) 745.-4477 Funeral Director-- a m e l„!, � fps C a s e# '_ Dace Of Cremation � q - G7 F � - T :me Cremation Started Time Cremation Completed 10: ov ype of Container IS l- S,P 4 £, Remarks 6"E a (!'L�o / � Vj Lit, CvG� ��n0 t�i1 Town of Queensbury Pine View Cemetery and Grematorium 21 Quakes Road,Queensbury,New York. 128M Cemetery office:(518)745-4476,Crematorium: (518)745-4477 A�to Cremate The undersigned requests and autlwms Pine View CreftUMMIum>in accardwIce with and subject to its Rules and Regulations to cremate the rem of: Wi I w Ma ic, } tik)n 5L C.nr 1 idh (street) (CKY) (st>�ie) (Zip Code) who died on c� of J 20_j(�7 at (Place) ) Name and address of rare living reWw ar reams of person au*ortutg cremation: i)JBz zJ i° Buz � ( ) h( ) Relationship to the deceased Name of Funeral FIome hYea .t Y,f_ tit 1 1�f Q ►` � IMPORTANT: I represent that to the best of my knowledge,the deceased(has)or aker,def y*ator or any other battery operated device in his or her body. (Cfrde One) I certtry that 1 have full power and authoftetion to arrange For the awnetion of the remains and to cu ect the disposition of the cremated remains,heat any penwwW passawlam have either been removed or may be destroyed,and wree to protect defend and save hanmiess Pine View Ctemeitx(urt!rota wW and aB chim and del wKb for loss or demeges which may be made a®*tst them by reasonn afar eon eected wNh the cremation of said rteFnF I as dilredeck whether such dates or derrmnds are or are not whW groundless.false or rraudulant. (witness) (Address) ( e and�esm of Ralativ a or t eG&►it e) r1` Signed on this elate:_ I iM 1510 D I DispwAm of Cremated Remains !hereby direct Pine View Cmamborium to dispose of the cremated remains as"ows: Mail to Other wmneem r-W Please specify: ni if Pulverization of cremated remakes is requested,check here Revision:January 1,2006