McCarthy, Kevin TC Tv� Qu 9,(5B � - PL-NE � CEMEr Ry AND CREMATORIUM QUtiSCP�t ROAD, QIJEpNS$URY tYLW YORK 128o4 (518) 745.4-476 (518) 745'.4477 Funeral 0irect0r Clar�t�an c('c' +4 C , . Casey 33G :a . e J ( Cremation ,� 2 Z667 • Te Cremation Started l to ^e CY eme t t on Comp 1 e t ed ;e o ! Container C�w�o2Q Sl' � e�ar 'xs i�it:�7N f Z o /,to v— Z u PO P Cbdti �'� Jf�� 33G Town of Queens" Pine View Cemetery and Crematorium 21 Quaker Road,Queensbury, New York, 12804 Cemetery Offte: (518)745-4476, Crematorium: (518)745-4477 Auttrorization to Cremate The undersigned raquests and aumorims Pine View ownworium,in acoorderwe with and subjed to Its Rubs and Regulations to cremate the remetns of Kevin Wayne McCarthy, Sr. M (Name) (Sent) 2.33 Broadway Fort Edward NY 12828- (Smeet) (CRY) (SUM) (Wp Code) %Ao died on 3 0 t h day of July 20 0 7 at Residence Fort Edward NY (yam) (Address) Name and address of neareet Nvbhg nhl00 Or name of person ahlhorlsing aernabon: Alice McCarthy 233 Broadway (Name) (Address) Releboraft to the deceased W i f e Name of Funeral Home Carleton Funeral Home, Inc. IMPORTANT: I represent that to the bed of my larowiedge,the deceased(has)oimeker,deftrilletor,battery,battery pack,Powell' oW,reatecdve krgft t or radioactive devbe in his or her body.(Gkriv One) I our ify that I have fill power and audwrbatlon to ammgs for the o9m@*n of the remains and to direct the dispoeklon of the crenm*W rernairna,that any personnel p-Q a 4 4ions have ONO been removed or maybe destroyed,and agree to prated,defend and gave hwwftaa Ptne View CromaftrWm from any and al ddms all damardr s for bse a carriages whidi maybe made apaine4 d wn by reason of or cunnacmd vdh tin cremation of add remains as dibcfed,whedwr such dab, a dm-a ds are or are not wimly groundless,false or freudtft%. . 44 68 Main Street, Hudson Falls, NY 4 4�(W9tness) IAddresa) a 233 Broadway (Signstue and Address of or Legal Represw tW) Signed on this date: Disposkion of Cremated Remains I hereby direct Pine View Crematorium to dispose of the c ameted remains as bNows:. Mail to other arrsngernem-Please specify: if pulverization of cremated remains is requsated,check here XX R&vlsim.April 18,2007