31WoodenLn_BDTesting Ccrnpany: Name: 6*tl ;,I eat-Sr,rt-j-1,n,ci LLC Address: Gt fl,+Y DEN frclp'f L-C,Of Di$nc,"p PCrri- ,!i SrE -'tz \ -L1\c t ' Envelope Leakage Test Technician: Name: TO",{ ". Credentials. Ernail. Lc(4S c tC Building lnformation: Projeci lD: 3'i Wooden Address; 31 S/ooden Ln Queensbury. NY 12804 Geo-Tag Data: Latitude, 43.304668 Longitude: -73"6S3573 Tirnestanrp: 201 g-88-29 12'.54.51 Custon'ler lnformation : Name: lvlichaels Group Homes Address 1 Marion Way Mechnicville. NY 12118 Measured Leakage: 2.13 ACH50 Leakage Target: 3.00 ACH50 Cornpliance with Leakage Target: Fass ?est lS: Purpose of T'ast: Measur*d CFMSS: Euilding Volume; Flow Coefficient (C): Conelatisn Coeffi eient: Test $tandard: Test Characteristiss: Test ilate and Time: 31 wood IECC 12/1S Env. Leakage 1,0S2.1 {+l- 1.6o/ei 30,885.S fii 84.$ {+l- 11 .60/o} 0.sss79 ASTM 8779 {singte r*ode} Pre lndoor Ternp: 70'F Pre Ouldaor TemP: 70 "F Altitude: 411.0 ft ?CIj9"CI9-CI3 t3:04:1Q Effective Leakage Area: 59.6 in'? Enclosure Sudace Area: 3.734.0 fi'z Exponent (n): 0 653 (+/- 0.032) Test Mode: Depressurize Pcst lndoor Temp: 7C "F Post 0rridoorTemp: 70 "F Time ,{verage Period. 10 seconds I O*pressurize - 00* sCIs 8CICI 7nn s00 5$0 408 340 e00 i:, r Ol {6 j (r, E=s 4 5 6 7 8910 Sirilding Pressure {Pai 113 -it 5f sc :c Envelope Leakage Test (Page 2) Test Readings: Target (Ed. Baseline -60.0 -54.0 -48.0 -42.4 -36.0 -30.0 -24 B - 18.0 Baseline Bldg_ES -0.9 -62.0 -54.1 -49.8 -43.1 -35.4 -32.0 -zo.v -20.5 41- t-t Adj-Blds-&) -60.7 -52.8 -48.5 -42.4 -34.1 44.7 -24.7 -19.2 Elsu-GIrr) 1,233.5 1 ,136.0 1,A52.2 972.6 847.2 800.4 700.5 571.9 Ea!-ea) -46.3 -39.1 .JJ.4 -28.5 -244.6 -182.5 -139.4 -92.6 C_onfig Ring A Ring A Ring A Ring A Ring B Ring B Ring B Ring B Test Equipment: Flow Device: Model3 110V Fan Serial#: 3172 Pressure Gauge: DG1000 Serial#: 3172 Calibration Dale: 201 9-02-1 8 Deviations from Standard : o None Comments: Report generated by TEC Auto Test version 1.6.1 (1), O 2019 by The Energy Conservatory, lnc. !'|6rj('r)fl," ti", R41 NY -.ktffi-