ComCheck , • IPA COMcheck Software Version ' A(I Envelope Compliance Certificate CC - eykr2,(4- . 20Lat Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: FILE COPY Location: Glens Falls, New York Climate Zone: 6a Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Heidi Underwood Ernest Gailor Adirondack Enrichment Harlan McGee of North America 413 Bay Road 4000 Silver Beach REVIEWED FOR Queensbury, NY 12804 Malta, NY 12020 518-584-1300 ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE ernie@harlan-mcgee.com Building Area Floor Area 1-Office: Nonresidential 5636 Envelope Assemblies R-Value Proposed Max.Allowed Post-Alteration Assembly Cavity Cont. U-Factor SHGC U-Factor SHGC NORTH. Exterior Wall 1:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg.Use 1 -Office], -- -- -- -- -- — Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. EAST Exterior Wall 3:Wood-Framed, 16"o.c.,[Bldg.Use 1 -Office], -- -- -- -- -- -- Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. SOUTH Exterior Wall 2:Wood-Framed,16"o.c.,[Bldg.Use 1 -Office], -- -- — -- -- -- Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. WEST Exterior Wall 4:Wood-Framed,16"o.c.,[Bldg.Use 1 -Office], -- -- — -- -- -- Exemption:Framing cavity not exposed. Envelope PASSES Envelope Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitt-• .ith this permit application.The proposed envelope systems have been designed to meet the-302-5- e�uirp►n s 07 c -ck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed h s ti CI�6 t. SEP 10 2019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING& CODES Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 1 of 13 . , ._..e•tdiav Name-Title Signa re Date J * 4� f3 , °I'A� .r L'Lf°,''- d * Fo 46. Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 2 of 13 COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Heidi Underwood Ernest Gailor Adirondack Enrichment Harlan McGee of North America 413 Bay Road 4000 Silver Beach Queensbury, NY 12804 Malta, NY 12020 518-584-1300 ernie@harlan-mcgee.com Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts/ft2 (B X C) 1-Room 101 (Common Space Types:Lobby-General) 315 0.90 284 2-Room 103(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 778 1.24 965 3-Room 104(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 745 1.24 924 4-Room 109(Common Space Types:Corridor/Transition<8 ft wide) 143 0.66 94 5-Room 111 (Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 81 1.11 90 6-Room 112(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 253 1.24 314 7-Room 113(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 82 1.24 102 8-Room 114(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 82 1.24 102 9-Room 116(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training) 285 1.24 353 10-Room 117(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 117 1.11 130 11-Room 118(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 117 1.11 130 12-Room 121 (Common Space Types:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq.ft.) 101 0.63 64 13-Room 120(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 117 1.11 130 14-Room 119(Common Space Types:Corridor/Transition<8 ft wide) 163 0.66 108 Total Allowed Watts= 3788 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID: Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Room 101 (Common Space Types:Lobby-General 315 sq,ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 4 40 160 Room 103(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 778 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 6 40 240 Room 104(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 745 sg.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 6 40 240 Room 109(Common Space Types:Corridor/Transition<8 ft wide 143 sq.ft.) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 3 of 13 A B C D E Fixture ID: Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp I Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) - Fixture Fixtures Watt. LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 2 40 80 Room 111 (Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed 81 sq.ft) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 112(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 253 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 4 40 160 Room 113(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 82 sq.ft,) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 114(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 82 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 116(Common Space Types:Classroom/Lecture/Training 285 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 5 40 200 Room 117(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed 117 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 118(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed 117 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 121 (Common Space Types:Storage>=50-<=1000 sq.ft. 101 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 120(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed 117 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 1 40 40 Room 119(Common Space Types:Corridor/Transition<8 ft wide 163 sq.ft.) LED 1:LED Panel 40W: 1 4 40 160 Total Proposed Watts= 1520 Interior Lighting PASSES Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requir nts in COMch Versio and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspect' cklist. �� • n Name-Title Signature Date OF NEW y . CO ct• htu 'ri nc\-\ S No. 050cp, Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 4 of 13 COMcheck Software Version Exterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Information Energy Code: 2015 IECC Project Title: Project Type: Alteration Exterior Lighting Zone 2(Neighborhood business district) Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Heidi Underwood Ernest Gailor Adirondack Enrichment Harlan McGee of North America 413 Bay Road 4000 Silver Beach Queensbury, NY 12804 Malta, NY 12020 518-584-1300 ernie@harlan-mcgee.com Allowed Exterior Lighting Power A B C D E Area/Surface Category Quantity Allowed Tradable Allowed Watts Watts/Unit Wattage (B X C) Total Tradable Watts(a)= 0 Total Allowed Watts= 0 Total Allowed Supplemental Watts(b)= 600 (a)Wattage tradeoffs are only allowed between tradable areas/surfaces. (b)A supplemental allowance equal to 600 watts may be applied toward compliance of both non-tradable and tradable areas/surfaces. Proposed Exterior Lighting Power A B C D E Fixture ID: Description I Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. Driveway(5 ft2): Exempt: Non-tradable Wattage Parking area(4 ft2): Exempt: Non-tradable Wattage Walkway< 10 feet wide(5 ft of walkway length): Exempt: Non-tradable Wattage Main entry(2 ft of door width): Exempt: Non-tradable Wattage Total Tradable Proposed Watts= 0 Exterior Lighting PASSES Exterior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed exterior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed exterior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2015 IECC require is in COMchec ersion .1.0 and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspectio a list. t Cj A/ Name-Title Signature Date Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:'JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 5 of 13 IP"' COMcheck Software Version li Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC ' Requirements: 0.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section # Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C103.2 Plans and/or specifications provide all ❑Complies [PR1]1 information with which compliance EDoes Not can be determined for the building envelope and document where ['Not Observable exceptions to the standard are ONot Applicable claimed. C103.2 Plans, specifications, and/or EComplies [PR4]1 calculations provide all information ❑Does Not with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting ['Not Observable and electrical systems and equipment ;❑Not Applicable and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided should include interior lighting power calculations,wattage of bulbs and ballasts,transformers and control devices. C402.4.1 The vertical fenestration area <= 30 ❑Complies [PR1O]1 percent of the gross above-grade wall ❑Does Not area. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.4.1 The skylight area <= 3 percent of the ❑Complies [PR11]1 gross roof area. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ENot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 6 of 13 Section Footing/Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.2.1 Exterior insulation protected against ❑Complies ,[FO6]1 damage, sunlight, moisture, wind, ❑Does Not landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: • 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 7 of 13 Section - # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C402.5.1 The building envelope contains a ❑Complies [FR16]1 continuous air barrier that is sealed in ❑Does Not an approved manner and either constructed or tested in an approved ❑Not Observable manner.Air barrier penetrations are ❑Not Applicable sealed in an approved manner. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 8 of 13 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C402.5.5, Stair and elevator shaft vents have EComplies C403.2.4. motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not [ME3]3 close. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.5.5, Outdoor air and exhaust systems have'❑Complies C403.2.4. motorized dampers that automatically ❑Does Not 3 shut when not in use and meet Not Observable [ME58]3 maximum leakage rates.Check ❑ gravity dampers where allowed. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 9 of 13 Section # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C405.2.1 Lighting controls installed to uniformly ❑Complies [EL15]1 reduce the lighting load by at least ❑Does Not 50%. d ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1 Occupancy sensors installed in ❑Complies [EL18]1 required spaces. ❑Does Not :Not Observable'. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.1, Independent lighting controls installed ❑Complies C405.2.2. per approved lighting plans and all ❑Does Not 3 manual controls readily accessible and [EL23]2 visible to occupants. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.2. Automatic controls to shut off all ❑Complies 1 building lighting installed in all ❑Does Not [EL22]2 buildings. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3 Daylight zones provided with ❑Complies [EL16]2 individual controls that control the ❑Does Not lights independent of general area [Not Observable lighting. ❑Not Applicable C405.2.3, Primary sidelighted areas are ❑Complies C405.2.3. equipped with required lighting ❑Does Not 1, controls. C405.2.3. ❑Not Observable 2 ❑Not Applicable [EL20]1 C405.2.3, Enclosed spaces with daylight area ❑Complies C405.2.3. under skylights and rooftop monitors ❑Does Not 1, are equipped with required lighting C405.2.3. controls. ['Not Observable' 3 ❑Not Applicable [EL21]1 C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for ❑Complies [EL4]1 specific uses installed per approved ❑Does Not lighting plans. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.2.4 Additional interior lighting power ❑Complies [EL8]1 allowed for special functions per the ❑Does Not approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and ['Not Observable separated from general lighting. ❑Not Applicable C405.3 Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ❑Complies [EL6]1 face. ❑Does Not [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ,Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 10 of 13 Section # Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID -C303.1 Building envelope insulation is labeled :❑Complies (IN10]2 with R-value or insulation certificate ❑Does Not providing R-value and other relevant data. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.2 Above-grade wall insulation installed ❑Complies [IN7]' per manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C303.2.1 Exterior insulation is protected from ❑Complies [IN14]2 damage with a protective material. ❑Does Not Verification for exposed foundation insulation may need to occur during ❑Not Observable Foundation Inspection. Observable,_, Applicable C402.2.3 Above-grade wall insulation R-value. ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [IN6]1 ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable C402.2.6 Radiant panels and associated EComplies [IN18]3 components, designed for heat ❑Does Not transfer from the panel surfaces to the occupants or indoor space are ❑Not Observable insulated with a minimum of R-3.5. ElNot Applicable C402.5.1. All sources of air leakage in the ❑Complies 1 building thermal envelope are sealed, ❑Does Not [IN1)1 caulked, gasketed,weather stripped or wrapped with moisture vapor- :Not Observable permeable wrapping material to ❑Not Applicable minimize air leakage. Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 11 of 13 Section Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.3, Furnished O&M instructions for ❑Complies C408.2.5. systems and equipment to the ❑Does Not 2 building owner or designated [FI17]3 representative. ENot Observable ENot Applicable C402.5.3 Where open combustion air ducts ❑Complies [FI51]3 provide combustion air to open ❑Does Not combustion fuel burning appliances, the appliances and combustion air ['Not Observable opening are located outside the ❑Not Applicable building thermal envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope.Such rooms are sealed and insulated. C402.5.8 Recessed luminaires in thermal ❑Complies [F126]3 envelope to limit infiltration and be IC ❑Does Not rated and labeled.Seal between interior finish and luminaire housing. ENot Observable ❑Not Applicable C405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture EComplies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [F118]1 lighting power is consistent with what ❑Does Not is shown on the approved lighting :Not Observable plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed ENot Applicable watts. C408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for ❑Complies 1 electric power systems within 90 days ❑Does Not [FI16]3 of system acceptance. ENot Observable'. ENot Applicable C408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to ❑Complies [F133]1 ensure proper calibration, adjustment, ❑Does Not programming, and operation. ENot Observable ENot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 12 of 13 Project Title: Report date: 09/06/19 Data filename: Z:\JOBS\2019\HMNA19-011 413 Bay Road\HMNA19-011-413 Bay Road.cck Page 13 of 13