applications PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE APP . A� • If- ( ce Use Only eived q 14 2015 Date: ' o'� °/)-/-&1Map ID � . � '�-�/ SFT' j 0 2015 ''- mit No. �a t5-42.-5 Tax Map ID II' mit Fee 4 I rl 9 / 07 ' Zone TOWN OF QUEENSS(JRY • c Fee O UILDING& CODES to Plan# Historic Site Yes No Subdivision Name Lot# bdivision# a4t64014 TOWN BD. RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 RECREATION FEE FOR NEW DWELLING UNITS - SINGLE FAMILY, DUPLEXES/TWO-FAMILY, MULTIPLE FAMILY, APARTMENTS, CONDOMINIMUMS, TOWNHOUSES,AND/OR MANUFACTURED&MODULAR HOMES,BUT NOT MOBILE HOMES. THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE. Applicant I.R (/►4. Owner 5 ► ( [Ai 4(e.s Address ativilityl?it Address /4 j)a1hz(dLth (12d LLe eo , e, ez/M Phone/E-mail 3,097 Phone/E-mail Dig -13Z- 1 Contact Person for Building&Codes Compliance: Phone TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ✓Check all that apply New Addition Alteration 1St floor sf 2'floor sf Total sf Height Single Family7r di m '.SIO)(Gig.) lQ Two-Family cr-;QA 2 Multi-Family (#of units ) Townhouse Business Office Retail -Mercantile Factory- Industrial Attached Garage (1,(t3, 4+) ✓ Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 r � • If commercial or industrial please indicate of business Proposed use of building or addition l)yyy{ f ri(1 Source of Heat(circle one) c&ta.ja asi Propane Solar� `� Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys Are there structures not shown on plot plan? Are there easements on the property? jJa Site Information a. Dimensions or acreage of lot b. Is this a corner lot? c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction Yes No d. Public water or Private well prtita : e. Sewer or Private Septic System i S ' Value of all work to be performed (labor or materials) $ 91 0 g DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department . 3. I certifyepthat theapprovalapplication,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agre: to the above: PRINT NAME: `l 1 ! DATE: "t 2Db ir iit SIGNATURE: 1E1r , d1 DATE: 16 For office use only Operating Permit Issued: Yes No Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 SEPTIC DISPOSAL APPLICAF;K C rE 0 V Effie Lase Only 1 Recei ell DATE: 9 Zi , 117 SEP 21, 21115 Tax ap ID � I P ' Mo. TAX MAP ID: � _ ; ` ( TOWN OF QUEENSB it F ee ZONE: BUILDING& CODES APPLICANT W 1 1 l 1 A 04 c Ie5 PHONE/E-MAIL 793 ! ADDRESS A W j1C j OC 11 I INSTALLER/ / PHONE/E-MAIL BUILDER �Jl�_�1/� • Vii( OWNER j / J i'�i I ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE/E-MAIL RESIDENCE INFORMATION 1 Year Built #of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom =total Daily flow 1980 or older I Garbage grinder installed _Yes XNo 1 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub installed _Yes XNo 1992-Present I PARCEL INFORMATION Topography X Flat rolling Steep slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand )( Loam Clay K Other ,Groundwater At what depth: 7 , Fr Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth: Domestic Water Supply Municipal X Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch(test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 Tank size I Ivo gallons(min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons to size for each garbage cylinder or spa or hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone 1 Total length 1ZC) ft.;Each Trench 4 Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: ;Size Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? Tank size #of tanks Notes: 1)Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2)W no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received&approved. The installed system must ma septic system layout on file–no exceptions. Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void.I have read the regulations a abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: A ! i!,. DATE: i izi I l`j' SIGNATURE: R��j�;,, r, 411111�-1 DATE: Town of Queensbury :uilding&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 1 Compan ,.,. g ' ! `"; l V i 1 5 tic '_, f) ,e-(Y J Z.!.S. Sep tic c' Drain Service Znc 4,-r DBA CONDON'S SEPTIC SERVICE �A -t.. -- 2 Lower Warren Street • Queensbury, NY 12804 t_ r ,; ;. Phone: 518-798-8194 • Phone:518-798-8542 • Fax:518-798-3213 We take pride in e erything we do! NAMES I ,, 4 t f - (� DATE CA 7/ IfJ y; 1"-- DATE C *Vix '_' 1 STRE�T/1' ACKS)UP / I OYES ONO TOWN JOB END TIME GAL. TANK UNCOVERED OYES ONO PFNZ/OMS/a 'j WORK CELL START TIME•SIZE TANK DEPTH TANK SIZE CONTACT PERSON END TIME•SIZE QUOTED PRICE 'DTIC DIRECTIONS f,l. f 0 GREASE 07 4/ 1 t- 1 IP' ,.6 ._19-" 4 - , , li"," X if'(/ '- 6 ' 'Lt I 4. 6 'r- SEPTIC EVALUATION TANK: OK YES 0 NO 0 OUTLET BAFFLE: OK YES O NO 0 TANK SIZE FIELD: OK YES 0 NO O INLET LINE: OK YES O NO O LIQUID LEVEL: 4, TANK CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL: NORMAL O HIGH O CONCRETE O PLASTIC O METAL O VENTS: OK ESTAGE OF SYSTEM: EST VISIBLE AMOUNT OF LEACH LINES TESTING OF INLET LINE: FLUSHED TOILET YES O NO O f 8 / SEPTIC SYSTEM NOTES: `� 0 j {- ,`0 d f , _ AI nil-0 C lf.� r ��L,} e - ( roti h !,! ."11 - a t'` , .. rj /- / ie A� ..yzy tah1/ � ������-env � - /�� rgrAve � y 0// v P DESCRIPTION=`.i ` "'- :+ . •,i� "Yzt AMOUNT PUMPING OF SEPTIC TANK: GALS.@ GREASE TRAP: GALS. @ / '',02,. , C�}i C( 11 f 5Q CLEANING LINES WITH SNAKE ! 1 i5 dee 2 2 5-- 1 9 r Te ctl l0 ? P of; a/ ca iv,/,,A WE WILL SEND YOU A REPUMP REMINDER IN YEARS. SUB TOTAL C 3 8 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE �` PROCESSING FEE TERMS: A Late payment charge of 2%per mo. shall be payable upon all unpaid balances over 30 days. Collection Costs,including reasonable TAX% "�� / . e(1-7-- Attorney Fees,will be charged to the Customer. There will be a$50.00 charge for all returned checks. TOTAL Plii Method of P.yment: O CASH O CREDIT CARD O CHECK '' ' ' ¢ Please charge to my: O MasterCard O Visa Card No. Exp.Date fi i Signature: I MP IBS-1 Rev.06/11 W-Office Y-Customer