1949-02-26 I JL� ReElilar Meeting Feb. 20, 1.949 Present; , H.. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith;Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lamp s on Councilman Raymond udalkup Councilman The board: convened at .7:30 P.T.1. Minutes of meetings held on January 22nd and February 12th jrere read and a`)1 roved' Clayton Huntley and Brier Huntley were � + J 'present and regti?ested th.�.t the .r���.d leading from the Sunnyside Road over the northeast side of I al e S �� >>, .ys 1_de be il�proved and 7x,iidened. The board generally discussed the ,matter i771-th them and no other actLon taken. -j The privilege of the floor ,; was extended to J Sewrd Tho_i� meson who requested the board to grade and blacktop a road leading-• northerly froze Shernen Ave, The matter eras referred to the h7-ghway committee. •E.L H. Meyer d_ scussed �iTith the board the matter of •sellin; 1,eater outside of 'he limits of the rTater di-stricts. He sli ested that each a ���1:ication be treated separate!, y l ' The °r-oljojyi�i°��^� :3�.3� " T � � er ,-F' -pt � .� ua o.�f �_ ed and-moved,-_ r {log i or_ by- 'T'���s tic-e 'Sleight ' seconded 'by ounci loran Lamp`s on. �RESOLYTIOF -datd)d v ,. < A.4R'ESQLTJTI N AV,TJO13rT?ING, Q, A BOND ANTIdIPATIOTTf NOTE FOR SIX "ITONTN.S, IN THE SMUT OF X26`660 DATED MARCH i st, 1948, I ,a AT. 'HE`_' ENS-. 'AL ;NATIONAL BAYK AT D TRUST COT?PAT3Y QI1 THE 2S h 'DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1949, PURSUANT TO A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY 1 -"T' ,TOW ;_.. a.t9g Tx�] :TDW -OF RIETS 3�TR -ON �',HP-;: t UARY, 1948 T A TICI`PATHN OF�AEBOTJD �SSU• FOR TM COASm�UCT%Or,<r, QF'6°&VATER SYSTEM IN THE EXTENSION OF THE T�ORTH GLENS FALLS 73ATER DISTRICT IN SAID T9,3No ,?r � -.�._- ,-' ��r. 1.- �. �t ."0.�1 ��f-�r-� .'1 (,. -,., r �._.r..._a �..: Cu`v_1 JJ : .J'il ._.r ,, t ,_, _ - •,� z $E IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of QueensburV County, New York, as follows : S,e� ipn-. - .'. Ofi tb �t 'p�S 'r fJ� pay xJ , 1 �JO 1C� c`3Z1 �_ OZatib rote "t F' _ n _� the sum of X20,000 given by the Town of Chzeensbury on the 1st dALV 'of March, 1948 Hsu z �< r o3�tti.pn_ 9,t Jan a 'J 31, .1948$ which said note w ill become f due on the 28th day of February, 1949; a bond e.nticipaton note the Sim of, X20,-CNO 8!. ) pe _ ssu .,'bye ,• ot�a� of �ze+e ? bur-­ i a� ;ip t°�e . of the sale- of said bonds of said Town' in the mount of �95,D00 theretofore author by.-a eesolution adopted on the 31st day of January, 1948 enti bled "A resolution authorizing the issuance of a ;p20,000 bond anticipation note of the Town of Queensbury, New York, for the conttructi on of a 7Tater s-stem in the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District of said Toivn" . Section 2. Specific reference is hereby made to a resolution of the Town Board ''of said town entitled: "BOND RESOLUTION DATED JAT�ITARY 31, 194-8 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF X95,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOV111' OF C UEENSBURY, NE7,7 YORK, FOR THE CONSTRUCT!01�1 OF A �. WATER SYSTEIJ IN THE EXTENSION OF. THE NORTH GLENS FALLS y_;ATER DISTRICT OF SAID TOM,1." wl-il.ch resolution authorizes the bonds in anticipation of the sa i_e of which the note hereby authorized is to be issued, Section_ 3. The amount •of bonds to be issued for the aforesaid object or. purpose is ,p'95,000, Such bonds will be serial bonds. Section 4, The amount of the Bond Anticipation Bond Note to be - issued IS at this time is X20,000. Such note shall be dated February 28th, 1949 1949, bear�_ng interest at a rate not, exceed- y g �R 1 YLnu , pay�Able at matu.rity. Such note, .shall be and will mature August <,8 _ n 2-1/2 o per centvm per a' signed b�T the Supervisor of!, said TovTn and sealed �.vitli the .corporate seal ofgsaid Tom,. and attested by the Toz,.n Clerh of said Town; and both grin- cipal of and interest on said note shall be payable in Jarful money of the United States of Amer!c,a at the Glens Falls national Bann and 'gust Compa.n , in Glens Falls , New Yore. Said note shall_ be payable fron the pro- ceeds derived from -the sale of said bonds or otherwise redeemed in the mar_ner provided bIT Section 123.00, Local Finance Law. The faith and credit of said Town is irrevocably rledE-edm for the pa-,Tment of said note and in- terest thereon. Section 5. That the amount of bond anticipation notes which are outstanding is only the bored anticipation note dated Marcli lst, 1948 and maturing February 28, 1949s. in the sum of X20,000 with interest at the rate of 2 1/2�, which note was issued p rsuant to Bond Anticipation P1otO� Resolution passed by said 'down Board Januar�T 31st, 1948. That said bolds have not been sold end bete is not sufficient funds of said Water Dig - trict to pay said note maturing February 28th,. 1949. Section 6. That the said note hereby authorized is a renewal note and is issue for purpose of paying the original bond anticipation note dated March Sst, 1948, maturing Febr??ary 28th, 1949 in. the 'sun of X20,000. Section 7. That the note hereby authorized shall mature on August 28th, 1949. Section 8, That the' n.ote hereby authorized is issued in antic!- - pation of the sale of bonds for an assessable improvement. Section 9, The Supervisor of the To?,an of Queensbury is hereby au - thorized to sell said note!,.at (private sale at not' less than' par and ac - cru.ed interest; and, when 'said note shall. have been duly executed and sold, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price to the Supervisor and the receipt cif th:e .Sup ervisor shall be``a full acquittance to said purchaser who shall. not be obliged ;to see to th'P ap placation of the purchase money. That the said Supervisor shah use the proceeds of said note for the payment of the bond anticipation note dated March lst, 1948 maturing February 28, 1949 in -the sum of $20,000 now held by the Glens Falls National -Bank and Trust Compar_y, and said Super visor is hereby authorized, to pay from funds available the interest on said note. Section .10. This rejsolutior shall take effect immediately. The question of the foregoing resolution "wa,s duly put to a votj°on roll call which resulted as follows : Councilman 'Walkup : voting aye Justice Bentleilr voting aye Counei.lman La !pson voting aye Justice Sleight voting aye Supervisor Harris voting aye This resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. ,Resolution #P? introduced by Councilman Lar?pson, seconded by Council ,n 7 Va lkup: RESOLVED that the salary of the assessors be and herebir is fixed at 41500 each payable in 12 equal monthly installments of X125 each, � Duly_,� adopted i T she following vote: Ayes - 411r. Walla.?p, 1r. Bentley, 1,1r. Lapipson, Mr. Sleight, Mr. Harr3_s. Noes none .Rgs-c)112tin_, .9P.P introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by.Juatice Bentley: WT Richard Cashion is located partly within the Ridge Road Water District and ♦partly i-rithin the City of Glens Falls dnd does not use 1.8'7 water which passes throuZh 'the r etnr. of the Ridge Road Water D__stri at, Therefore be it resolved that the Collector of the Ri_dga. Road Water District be and is hereby authorized and di. °ected to remove the sa'_d ra.t:ne of Richard Cashion from the lists of water const?m.ers' ti i thin r ',Fd�ter District. 'he Ridge Road Further resolved that the said Collector notify the Water Commis _on- ers of the City of Glens Falls of such action.. D.ily adopted by the f_olloWing vote : Ayes PJIr, "Nalkup, Pair. Bentley, LT_r. . Lampsor._, ;Mr. Sleight, Mr. FPa.rri_s. Noes - none R°salution #23 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay the interest in the amount of 4500 on bond anticip4tion note d_aI-,ed March lst, 1948 for the amount of ?20,000 from the revenues received from t'he North Glees Falls Nater. District extension. i t D1_aly adopted by the followin� vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, IvIp. Zai.i son, PtiIr. Sleight, Mr Barris. Noes - none. The Supetrvisor submitted his montkily statement of rloneys received and i s l r l' O• a .✓j i .Fa t �. 1, the 1. 1t'n � � � _ .,burse& dL.._ _.1_� t_n,. ___or_�__ o_ .Ianu�.ry which was read �o the board and placed on file. The board audited claims as follows : ' Amt T?o. NaY to� of Claim-ant Nature of Claim Cl ir�led AI_1o ,ed 22 Chas E,HouLwl _np: Warrant qn Superv. 1.32 1.32 L 23 G.F. Post Co. .3 2 2 Dis .Adv.Yotice 1 � .32 , �? 24 NI.Y',` P.& Light Corp, ' Street Lighting 35.17 35.1.7 ` 25 Haag Tire Service Rental-Collector 35,00 35.00 26 G.F.Post -Co. Pub.Supervisors 'report 65.00 65.00 27 G. '. Pos t Co. Pub.Not.Exam.fiscal affrs 1.56 1.56 j 28 X-Y.State Retire-ent Syst.Chk.prior serv.for Spec. Actuarial Studies - 59.52 59.52 j 29 Louis Corles�i .Shovel hydrants NGF 11.00 11.00 30 Louis Corlew I!'otving-PV Cemetery 36.00 36.00 3, Lauf ' F Corlew Settin-• fire ��vclrant NTGF 10 00 , 0 00 - , corner 'Homer Ave. 32 City' Glens Falls jVfater ,Fd.Mater rent-� CTPi4VD 334,x,2 74. 2 7,3 Ci tax Glens Fe.1�_s,7Dater Fd.`JUa,ter rent-Rid ge Rd,YJD 1.17).00 113.00 34 fill am L. PorTers Services as do-, warden 9.96 9. 96 35 henry" J Sleight EYp,att.Toi;m Assoc. 42.09 ?,09 36 Chas.E,Houghtalirg Justice suy 7 '_es ,H.Sle,ghtC.94 8,94 37 J.E.SavTyer Co-, Supplles NGF Viater Dlst. 5.55 5.5 5 38 Zera Fisher Labor-,shoveling hydrants `dVGnVD 12.00 12.00 39 City Glens Falls dater Fd,Vlater rent-NO W.Dist. 634.60 63" 060 40 John Webster Ins.111-niclp.C3 eri.caI Volun.Fi.r.gn,�n,_P/. ann. f�,43.53 243.53 T 41 John_ Webster Pre rq.Ins.Cer .O p, eration 47.77 47.17 42 Raymond Wall,--up Evp,Assn.Totr�s P .Y.Co 52.63 52.63 U. ,771.83 ;771.83 Or notion meeting a d j orpned. L1.?'?' e Town, Clerk. Special Meeting Ijarch 4, 1949 Present: H. Russell Harris S.ipervisor Henry Sleic-ht Justicip of the Peace Ileredlth Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lai:r!pson Councilman Ray-ond WaITI p Councilman c r..