1949-03-26 f 1"90 The boar.d aLiditeq claims as follows : No. Na e -of, Ci.a�im&nt Natur. Claimed�.ed A110 e of Claim C Gilt• lo, ��aed 43 N.Y-State Retirement Contribution of State S.rstem retirement system 44-- R.D. Town share X13554.00 ?ls 554.00 �jVood Co,. P-i_pe,var.sizes and Public Ledger Bldg;. , 98 Joints etc.Inv« t Phila,5�Pa. 783 32230017 32214.02 45 Charles Tviillar ;& Son. 10 ights.pipe Co. ,501 P.Iain St. , Utica, N.Y.. 380.81 46 Raymaxld E. Bates Unloading car 'of %be 39.75 380,81_ 47 Robert Hammond Unl_oadin . c� F � �.r of I`i-:e 22.50 29.r0 48 R•D,'Wood Company Gate -valves .& ext.valve Pub.Ledger Bldg. , box caps-Inv.552H Phi-la.5:Pa.. Y1 430 349,75 :348.00 .; 576. 98 � On r!lotlOrl meet r_ adjourned. Frances L. Turner,� Town Clerk Re Lllar Yp.eting 111arch 26, 1949 Present : H. Russell Harris Spery _sor Henry Sleight Justice of the .Peace P�wered3 th BentleJr Justice of the Peace Curtis Lamp son Rai mond Wallk-j Councilman P C oun c i.lman The board cOn.Ve-ned at 7:30 P.L.1.. -- 1�1inute�, of meetings held on Februar�r 26th and 11arch ;4th l;,ere read and approved.. V •R A. delegation consistinv of Sterling Al:ins , F. " Yl_ Harris ,. and Warren .Varney F Monroe; 'Fra_ and Leslie Ijillis of the Nest Glens Falls Va_lt ,steer r. Fire Carnln_�nvr, Inc. , called on the board in reference to en contract with the To �m Board oil behalf of the Fire pr atectii_on D into a on D'_st_�,1_ct x of the Town, and .requested that the board meet them for an i_nfor_maj. '�`' cussi_on. It «ras decided that the board 1;aould meet Frida,r night, Apri_1 lst, 1949 at 7:30 P.M. at the Church in West Glens Falls. . Mr. Mor_the and Lgr. Kre3_ser and Mr. McLane. . Mr. scales , T;Ir. Bi_sho , and T r. Reeves called 'on the board in reference to dra ina ;e in the Broad- Acres section and requested the board to fix the roads in that area',, Deputy Sheriff Bell residing on the road leading along the North- east . si_de of Lane Sunnvside from the Lake Snnnysi.de road, spoke bri_eflir on the condition of the road and outside of mi_or grading requested that nothing be done there. . The state Tent of the Supervisor "of the moneys received and Jf sb1 rsed during the ?month of February was read. and rlac*ed on file. Tile board Zenerally discussed street lights In the matter of the agreement for the expenditures of -moneys , by and between Ernest Lackey and the Torn of Queensbury, it Zlras decided that $19,278 be set aside to be expended for prir:lary 15ork and general repairs upon 119 miles of the Town Il_',P•h�q;..yg, V Permanent il.rprave?ment, Phillips Aare. , a distance of 1/3 of a .mile, there shall not be expended over the sum S m of X1,000 or a store nd'_/ pen- etration road.. tar tar Park Avenue. not over the sum of 9"'1,000 for. stone ranff,.;/.. p enetra- t1 on. Newcomb Street, v"4750, 1/4 of m i_le, . stone and tar penetration. • 191 Third St. , 1/8 .le, "400:, Harris St. , 2/5 of, a mile, $475. for stone and'tarpenetration. Moon Hill road, a distance of 1/3 of a ,mile, `x;