1990-09-24 SP 163 SPEC'.IAL TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 24 , 1990 4 : 30 p .m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Supervisor Stephen Borgos C;ounci Iman George K!:+.rosa.ka Councilman Marilyn Potenza Councilman Ronald Montesi Councilman Betty Monahan Town Attorney Paul Dusek Supervisor Borgos-Called -the Meeting to order. . .The primary purpose of calling this meeting is that it is budget time and I want to meet with the Board in executive session to discuss matters of personnel related to salaries and work performance . . . also request topics of real property sale or acquisition , in execi_ttive session. . . RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FROM THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION FOR YOUTH RESOLUTION NO. 542 , 1990 , Introduced by Mx . Ronald Montesi who moved. for its adoption, seconded by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza: WHEREAS , the Town of Queensbury is eligible for funds from the New York State Division for Youth, and WHEREAS , Harold R. Hansen, Director of Parks and Recreation, has prepared application for the total amount of monies which the Town of Queensbury is applying for in the year 1991 for recreation funds in the amount of $18 , 500 . 00 for the administration, supervision and operation of year round recreation programs and activities , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury authorizes and directs Stephen Borgos , Supervisor, to sign the funding application for submission to the New York State Division for Youth. Duly adopted this September 24 , 1990 by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza , Mr. Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borgos Noes : None Absent :Mr_ . Kurosaka RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 543 , 1.990 , Introduced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr . Ronald Montesi : RESOLVED, that the following transfer be made : FROM: Surplus TO : A1451620 . 202 AMOUNT: 13 , 000 to . purchase a Bobcat Loader in the amount of $16 , 898 . 99 on County Bid. Duly adopted this 24th day of September, 1990 : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza% Mr .Montesi. , Mrs . Monahan, Mr . Borgos Noes : None 164 Absent : Mr . Kurosaka. Supervisor Boraos- Noted i.hat the Court will soon have an open house , re : the reconstruction of the Highway Bldg . , because the funds are set aside i.rt a Capital Reserve Account there will be a resolution forthcomiztg at next Monday nights meeting regarding the 30 day permissive referendum. . . we are looking at a maximum of $20 , 00() . . . . t.here are a few walls to move , carpeting etc . . . Councilman Montesi recommended $25 , 000 . . . . this was acrreed ,.ipon. by the Town Board . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF A PORTION OF SEAGE ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 544 , 1.990 , Introduced by Mrs . Ma.ri. lyn Potenza who moved for its adoption , seconded by Mr . Ronald Montesi : WHEREAS , the 'Town of VL!pensbury i s des it c:.),ts of se 1 1 i.nct certain real property ± ormer. ly constituting a portion. of Seaue Road, located between. Old Aviation Road and Aviation Road, as shown on the map presented at this meeting, and WHEREAS , the Town Board and Pals I H . Naylor , Hi(Thway Superintendent , have taken appropriate action rectardinct abandonment of said, Rl.)a.d, and WHEREAS , Charles R. Wood has indicated a willingness to pay $2 , 000 . 00 for said property . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the sale of certain real property , formerly constituting a portion of Seage Road, to Charles R. Wood , at a price of $2 , 000 .00 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that , pursuant to the Town Law of the State of New York, Section 64 ( 2 ) , the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute and place the seal of the Town of Queensbury on any and all documents necessary to sell the property to Charles R. Wood , arrange for transfer of ownership and arrange for the filing of the documents with the Town Clerk and the Warren County Clerk ' s Office , as may be necessary , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that , in accordance with Section 64 ( 2 ) of the Town Law of the State of New York, this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum and the Town Clerk shall publish and post a copy of this Resolution in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 7 of the Town Law of the State of New York with a notice that this Resolution was adopted on the date indicated herein, by the councilpersons indicated , and within the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 24th day of September , 1990 , by the following vote : Ayes : Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr . Borgos Noes : None Absent : Mr . Kurosaka (Councilman Kurosaka. enter the meeting ) Discussion: Councilman Montesi , spoke to the Board in regard to the purchase of property on the corner of Cronin Road and Meadowbrook Road approximately 5 . 9 acres abutting Halfway Brook. . . owned by Mrs . McDonald. . . asked if the Board 165, wished to pursue this purchase . . . a(Treed to have f-'ol-Incilman Montesi ilook ti-irthei into the purchase Of this parcel . . . Discussion held in regard to an -amendment-, frlr lightincr at Queensbury School , tennis and basketball coi-i.rts . . . to provide Licrht and auxiliary power for the warming hilt at-. the skatincr link. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER To LIGHTING CONTRACT RESOLTJTI(')J1 NO. , 545 , 1990 . Introduced by Mrs . Mari lyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr , Ronald Montesi : WHEREAS , the Director of Parks and Recrea- tir,n has recommended to the Town Board that a Chance Order be issued to Hour Electric Company, Inc , which Company is currently performing certain work under contract with the Town at the Queensbury Union Free School District , Tennis Court and Basketball Court site , and WHEREAS , a proposal for a Change Order, has been furnished to the Town Board which change order is in the amount of $4 , 980 . 00 and WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Oueensbury finds that it would be appropriate t„ serve the recreational needs of the Town of, Queensbury to allow such change orders at this time and that allowing such change orders at: this time would save ultimately further funds rather than re-lettincr the contract Out and further fincts that s' j.i-11i j " - F C osely relate(f project to what is goinu on at the site , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Tr.)vyn of Queensbury hereby authorizes the Change Order proposed. and hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute any and all documents that maybe necessary to effectuate said change order and be it further RESOLVED, that the Chanqe Order shall be paid for in the first instance from an amount to be drawn from the Recreational Reserve pursuant to separate resolution to follow this resolution on or about October 1st . which resolution is known to be subject to a 30 day referendum and be it further RESOLVED. that in the event that said resolution is not approved then the Town Board will authorize funding for the project from a further appropriation from the unappropriated fund bala-ncA also mown as sijrpliis . Duly adopted this 24th day of September , 1990 by the following vote : Aye-s : Mr . Kurosaka , Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan, Mr. Borqos Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLUTION NO. 546 , 1990 , Introdi-i.ced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr . George Kurosaka : RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and matters related to sale or acquisition of real property. Duly adopted this 24th day of September , 1990 by the following vote : 166 r , Ayes Mr . Kurosaka . Mrs . Potenza, Mr . Montesi , Mrs . Monahan , Mr . Bor-cros Noes : None Absent :Nolie On motion the meeting was adl ou.rned . Respectiul l.y sra.bmitted , - Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk--Queenslau_i. y r