1950-05-27 278 Resolution #33 introduced by Justice Sleight, secondeddby Justlee Bentley: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests the Sheriff of Warren County, pursuant to local act #1 re- lating to the operation of junk yards, to take necessary steps to abolish the junk yard being operated on By Road in the Town of Queens- bury by Edward Hillis, -reputed owner. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Koes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk: Regular Meeting May 27, 1950 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman f The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Garthur Palmer, Joseph Regan and Leo Ball were present. The privilege of the 'floor was extended to Mr. Joseph Regan, a ceme- tery commissioner, who discussed the condition of the cemeteries in the Town of Queensbury. He reported that the vault at PineView Cemetery was in bad shape and that the inside needs painting. Leo Ball requested that water be supplied him from the, North Glens Falls Water District . .Eldridge Moore, president of the board of Education, Union Free School District #2 of the Town of Queensbury, discussed with the Board a _proposed road along the school property. Garthur Palmer discussed with the Board the speed zone along the Corinth road In West Glens Falls and also requested to be appointed constable to enforce such zone. RASnlutinn #34 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice 'Bentley: ` 4, RESOLVED that Garthur Palmer be and is hereby appointed con - x3y table for the Town of Queensbury for a term beginning June 1st, 1950 and ending on the 31st day of December. Further resolved that the salary of "said constable _be and is i hereby Piked at $25.00 for said term, payable on the last day of said term, i r Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - �'a tL�!, , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The Supervisor read a copy of a letter from Albert E. Be wick to Mr. ' Edward Hillis• re Junk Yard, calling Mr. Hillis' attention to the local i ` law #1 of they County regulating the operation of junk yards and the ` local ordInance of the town. t ` A' 279 j Resolution #35 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice n��'flay;' It is resolved that Anna McCaghey be and is hereby authorized to attend Service Officers' school and it is further resolved that Dr. Henry E. Clarke be and is hereby authorized to attend 'the Health Officers ' School to be held at Lake Placid June 5th to June 9th. The actual and necessary exPenses of such officers in attending such schools shall be a town expense. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes - Mr. Sleight, Mr. Lampsoji, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Harris Noes - none Dr. Henry E. Clarke, Health Officer, submitted an oral report. j t Resolu ion ##36 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the town purchase from Eugene Johnson 7 acres of land on the east side of Ridge together with a hundred foot right of way to said 7 acres at a cost not to exceed $700. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Sleight, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Bentley and Mr. Harris The Clerk read the following communications to the board: :.. . May 27, 1950 Mrs. Frances L. Turner,Clerk, Town of Queensbury, R*F.D. 1t W Glens Falls , N.Y. i Dear.,Ma.dam At recent meetings of the Republican County Committee of the Town of Queensbury, the question of a building code and zoning ordi- nance -for the Town of ,Queensbury was discussed and given careful con- sideration. The committee feels that the Town Board should be encouraged to take definite action toward -the adoption of a building code and to in- vestigate thoroughly, the need of a zoning ordinance. The committee approved the adoption of a resolution relative to these matters I am therefore enclosing a resolution for the consider- ation of the board. Very sincerely, (signed) Bernard C. Allen, Secretary Queensbury Republican Committee RESOLUTION Whereas: The Town of Queensbury is at the present time without a build- ing code or zoning ordinance, and Whereas : The Republican County Committee of the Town of Queensbury is of the opinion -that a building code would promote the growth of the town, and et the same time would provide some protection for existing property owners , and Whereas,;: We feel that a building code which is lenient but enforceable, one which would not tend to discourage the construction of homes and buildings , but rather to control such construction, would be of definite and of ,long range value to the future welfare and security of all the residents of said town. Therefore, be it resolved that the Republican County Committee of the Town of Queensbury hereby request the Honorable Members of The Board to immediately investigate and eventually adopt a building code for the Town of Queensbury, :and Further, be it resolved that the said board consider and study in detail the desirability of a zoning ordinance for the future development and welfare of the town. 280 R•D• #1, Glens Falls, N.Y. May 17, 1950 Town of Queensbury, s Glens Falls, N.Y.. Gentlemen: The following men have been removed from active membership in the Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co: John Curley John Dunn - Wallace Hall Thomas Hall, Jr. Harold Harris Harold Perris H. Croswell Tuttle. . Yours� truly, (Signed) Harold Gardner, Sec 'y. R.D. �, Glens Falls , N.Y.. May 15, 1950 Mr. H. Russell Harris, Ridge Road, Glens Falls , N.Y.. Dear Mr. Harris : Am I just wishing vainly that something might be done to make the yard behind the Queensbury town store house neater and more pre- sentable, or is it within your power to dispose of the unusable and unsightly accumulation which has been allowed� to gather there? It is not only very untidy to us as next door neighbors (we have a new home directly behind the storehouse) , but it is quite iAnpleesan tly visible to all who go by on the rain road. I realize that some of it is needed by Mr. Lackey and his crew of workers, but there is much which is no more than junk. Can you, as town supervisor, author- ize that what is necessary be somewhat consolidated and the rest dis- posed of? I would greatly appreciate any action you take on this matter, Mr. Harris. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Teresa F. ' Lanfear (Mrs . Alfred Lanfear) kf. Queensbury Central Vol. Fire Co. , Inc. Active members 4-11-50 Alfred Abrams, chief Wallace Hall Karl Anderson William Harvey Andrew Butz Curtis Harrington Seward Ball Harold Harris Raymond Bates Louis Hartman, Sr.Director Clarence Barber Charles Howe Ralph Blanehard Wheeler Howe Earl Carswell Own a Owen Kane - Honorary Chief Bernard Codner Louis Corlew Fred Leuenberger-Treasurer Kirkham Cornwall Lawrence Mackey-Vice Pres. Harr y Curley ewey Miller John Curley Ernest Miller—President George Daley George Moreh ' Venner Davey John Morphis Richard Davis James Mulholland-Director Mark Doyle Warren Northrup Arthur Fisher Harold Perris Kenneth Gage Harold Harris Harold Gardner - Sec 'y Harley Purdy Casper George Clayton Ramsey Arthur Goldman Albert Ransom Carlyle Gooch Frank Reigler Thomas Hall, Jr. LeGrand Seaver 8 Floyd Sleight - Second asst,chief Jesse Smith - First asst. chief Paul Sperry George Stewart " Robert Slott ` Franklin` Scoville Sidney T,.mms ' Edward Trombley " Croswell' Tuttle Norman Whlbridge, Sr. Norman Walbridge, Jr. Howard Wallace Dr. Wilcox Dr* Wiswall - Director korris We' st °Fames Wiison I �oseph .Z�ozanski May 26,...1950 town of Queensbury town Board glens Falls, N.Y. , �entlemei: wish tq recommend to the Town Board purchase of the following equip- 4tent: W one 1950 ,Interr�ation, model _L-182,142" wheelbasi - 02660.00 ,regularc4b - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - 250,00 „ ,900x20 ten ply tires-- - - - - - - - - - 90.00 ,extra wijpdshield wiper n/c increased cooling - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.50 r ,fresli air heater and defroster - - - - - - - - - 50.00 deluxe oil filter - -- - - - - - - 7.50 ,increased cap$city br4kes .- - - - - - - - - - 25.00 Airectignal signals, flares and rreflectors - 40.00 four yard heavy duty dump body and hoist - - - -1278.00 ,special low mount 70,00 five speed direct in fifth transmission (Standard Coleman Conversion in position number one with ##40 transfer case and front auxilliary springs - - -2361,00 ;frame ,reinforcement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00 heavy duty rear springs - - - - - - - - - - - - 17.50 tifietax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32.84 freight and handling - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180,00 Net price of truck 7099.14 Frink model 418 SP full power V type Hydraulic snow plow with ten foot wing and front mounted pur4p - - - 970.00 Delivered price of truck and snow plow 9069.14 Very truly yours, (signed) , , Ernest B. Lackey., Supt, Town Supt. P.S� 1r ten gauge body with 8 gauge floor can be purchased for 4360.00 less. EL The clerk read the monthly statement of the supervisor of the moneys rec&ivied and disbursed by him for the month of April. i The board audited claims as ,follows: Schedule of audits for the Town of Queensbury, Marren County, N, Y. for the month of May, 1950 Wit. Amt. No. ;,Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 143 Niagara Elect.Equip,Co, Supplies-B.Codner 7.22 $ 7,22 144 Frances L. Turner Postage 3100 3.00 145 Niag-)Qhk Power Co. Street lighting 64.89 64.89 146 ` RuoSell & Wait Supplies 3.75 3.75 l41W. ` Wa2,iren T. Varney. Mileage-chairman's home 19.04 19.04 148 Carswell T & T Co. , supplies-M Cem. 9.81 9.81 r _282 Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of claim Claimed Allowed 149 Hoag's Tire Serv. Supplies - PV Cem. 4.80 4.80 150 J.E.Sawyer & Co.. Materials-PV Cem. .95 .95 151 Call Hdw Corp. Power mower-PV Cem. 164.50 164.50 152 John 0. Webster Bal. ins. 5,52 5.52 153 G.F•Bus.Mch. adJ .mch.H.R•Harris 23.50 23.50 154 Fred E. Ricketts Mileage-chai.rmanfs home 20.16 20.16 155 John 0. Webster Ins.gen.acct. 197.75 197.75 156 John 0, Webster Ins.Comp.*bFWD Ext. 67.29 67,29 157 Doty Lumber Co. Refund " "• 9.68 9168 158 J.E.Sawyer Supplies " " 5,70 5,70 159 Bernard Codner Labor " " 31.25 31,25 160I4u1Itht'hfdrdoWdodchck Labor " " 24.00 24.00 161 William Hayes Labor " " 24.00 24.00 162 Leonard E. Hammond Backhoe on pipeline GF WD 303, 75 303.75 163 Elliott Granger Labor #/GFWD Ext. 32,00 32.00 164 National wld-T.Turner-Welding NGFWD Ext. 31.00 31.00 165 Robert May Refund NGFWD 9100 9100 166 Frank 0. Smith Refund" If 10,00 10.00 167 Howard Wallace Serv.as Supt.GFWD 50.00 6.00 168 Clifford Hartman Refund NGFWD 2.85 2.85 169 Louis Corlvw Serv. on NGFWD 16.OQ 16.00 170 Howard Wallace Percentage " 153.05 153.05 171 Lyman Beeman Refund a Ext. 18.00 18.00 172 City of G.F. Rental water NGFWD 704.97 ' 704,97 173 City of G.F. Water rent-WGFWD 253.49 253.49 174 City of G.F. Water rent-Ridge Rd.W.D. 148.93 148.93 175 Leslie W. Coulter Serv.Rend-NGFWD Ext. 64.15 64.15 176 Wm. L Powers Serv: as dog warden 37.90 37.90 177 Jointa Lime Co. Stone dust -NGFWD Ext. 9180 9.80 178 Ernest Varney Rebate-WGFWD 9100 9100 179 Richardson's store Bulbs-light 1,37 1.37 180 Clarence Stevenson 7 hrs.man & trk-NGFWD Ext. 17.50 17.50 181 Carswell T & T Co, Gas,etc.-PV Cem. 8.97 8.97 182 Carswell T & T Co.. gas .& kerosene-PV Cem. 3.28 3.28 183 Howard Wallace Supt. -salary 45.00 45.00,_, 2616.82 X2572.82 �y On motion, meeting adjourned. anees L. Turner, Town Clerk. �[ Special meeting June 1, 1950 f Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley, absent Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened -at 7:30 P.M. • J. Seward Thompson and Robert Bainbridge, a committee of taxpayers in the Broadacres section, called on the board in reference to drain- age of such area. Such committee recommended that a survey be had -in the matter. r utio 37 introduced by Justice Sleight and seconded by Coun- cilman ampson: 1 WHEREAS, the owners of real property in the vicinity of Broad acres and Thomson development in the Town of Queensbury have re - quested the Town •Board -of the Town of -Queensbury to consider the es- tablishment of a drainage district for said area and it is deemed advisable, before considering such request, that a survey of the requirements of such district be made and that a map and plan be made of the proposed improvements in and for such drainage district, RESOLVED, that subject to permissive referendum as provided by Section 90 of the Wown Law, a competent Engineer be employed to make • a survey of the requirements of the proposed drainage district and to prepare a map and plans for the improvements to be constructed in such proposed drainage district as aforesaid, .and that the sum of $400.00