1950-08-18 SP 291
The Town board reserves the right to reJect any or all of said pro -
Dated August 4th, 1950 Frances L. Turner,
Town Clerk.
Further resolved that the Town Board shall meet on the 18th day of
August 1950 at 7:30 P.L . E.D.T. to receive said proposals.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, -Mr. Sleight, Mr. Lampson, :Mr. Bentley and Mr. Harris
Noes - none . .
Thei.bb&rd andttaO ala ms,�as.follows:
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Ch�med ;:: ...Allowed
233 Leonard E. Hammond Backhoe digging pipeline
17 hrs.grader backf ill-
ditch 423.75 423.75
234 Bernard Codner Labor-NGFWD Ext. 113.75 113.75
235 Clarence Stevenson Labor-NGFWD Ext, 41.50 41.50
236 Ruthford Woodcock Labor-NGFWD Ext. 72.00 72.00
237 Elliott Granger Labor-NGFWD Exjt, 71.00 71.00
238 LeGrand Seaver Labor-NGFWD Ext. 18.00 18.00
$740.00 ;740.00
On motion meeting adjourhed.
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Special Meeting August 18, 1950
H. Russell Harris, Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith14. Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened- at 7:30 P.M.
Pursuant to advertisement for proposals for the purchase of truck the
following proposals were received.
Reo Motors Inc.
149 Broadway - Menands
Albany, N.Y.
Aug. 15, 1950
Town of Queensbury,
New York. .
We are pleased to quote you on your requirements listed in the Glens
Falls Times dated August 4, 1950 for one four wheel drive truck.
REO, model E22B chassis, 331 cubic inch motor, five inch brakes, and
double reduction front and rear drive. Front drive to be a Coleman con-
version, wherein the front axle and rear axle are the same size as to
double reduction and axle shaft replacement.
The plow is a 36 inch front (nose), eight feet wide with a front mounted
pump and°diversion value. ' Also mounted is a ten foot wing on rear or
The body is a Gar Wood C four yard w ater level with FICS hoist.
The above equipment has a standard five speed transmission and 9,00 x
20 tires and tubes.
The list price on the above unit,cmmplete, is $11,675.75, but due to
the fact that there is no trade-in- involved and our desire to get one
of these super-powered REOs in your locality, we are quoting you a
net figure, without taxes, of 410,500.00.
Very truly yours,
(signed) Bradley S. Fish
Sales Representative
Glens Falls , N.Y.
August 17, 1950 1
Francis L. Turner
Town Clerk ,
Town of Queezisbury
Dear Sir:
As per your recent advertisement we are pleased to submit the
following bid and specifications .on:-
W 7 950 FORD - F7 - 147" W.B. Cab & Chassis
145 H.Pq - 337 Cu. In. Motor
5 Speed ,trans
12" H. I?uty Clutch
Channel ,Reinforced frame
Vac. Power brakes
900 x 20 - 10 ply front & dual rear
R/H windshield wiper ,
Heater & Defrosters
Motor Oil filter
Signal lites, Flares & Reflectors
Fish Plate Frame
H. Duty Rear springs
H. Duty Front springs
4 yd all steel dump body, 3
8' x 616" - x#1721 Hoist !
Coleman Front Drive $6959.00
Full Hydraulic type Snow Plow with
10' wing
Front mounted Pump --- ---- 2016.00
Trans. to & from Clayton, N.Y. 50.00
Delivered Price T9025.00
The above figure is less Federal and State taxes.
Very truly yours,
(signed) Floyd Brown
Box 478
Glens Falls , N.Y.
August 18, 1950
The Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
New York
Please allow us. to submit a bid that will (meet) your
specification in every detail.
One Oskosh Model W-212 4 wheel Drive, fully equipped with
either Frink or Ross models 4471 FP or BB22XL, 4 yard Model A54
and 71WH Hoist, Body to be Two �osition Mounting.
With enclosed specifications.
Price F.O.B. Queensbury Store House,
Respectfully Submitted,
Smith Equipment Company
(Signed) J. Clinton Smith , . f
Carswell Truck & Tractor Co. , Inc. ,
675 Glen St. , . Box 572
Glens Falls, N.Y.
Town Board,
August 16, 1950
Town of Queensbury,
Ridge Road, ,
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Gentlemen: a
Pursuant to your advertisement in the Glens Falls Post Star of
Aug. 4, 1950, we are pleased to quote you as follows:
One 1950 International Model L-182, 142" wheelbase Coleman Con --
version front end in position #1 with #40 transfer case and front aux-
illary springs, regular cab 9.00 x 20 ten ply tires, increased cooling,
extra windshield wiper, fresh air heater and defroster, increased cap-
acity brakes, deluxe oil filter, directional signals, flares, reflectors,
Four yard heavy duty dump body and hoist, special low mount, frame re-
inforcement, heavy duty rear springs, five speed direct in 5th trans-
Truck Price .Delivered : 47099.14
Frink Model 418 SP Full power V type Hy-
draulic Snow Plow with ten foot wing and front ,
mounted pump 2066.00 i
Total $9165.14
Delivery can be made within 30 .days. Price guaranteed.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) by ,Sarl T. Carswell,
?_Ujitio� No. 52 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Scott Hopkins, an enrolled Republican, and Donald
Sullivan, an enrolled Democrat, be and are hereby recommended to the
Warren County Board of Elections for appointment to the position of
Custodian of Voting Machines , Town of Queensbury.
It is further. resolved that the compensation of each of such
custodians be and is hereby fixed. at $55.00,
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - `51r. Walkup, Mr. Sleight, Mr. Laripson,s Mr.. Bentley and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Ernest Lackey, Supt. of Highways , presented °the following recommendation
to the Board:
. August 18, 1950
Town Board
r� Town of Queensbury.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the: Highway Law, I
hereby recommend to the Town Board the purchase of One 1950 International
Model .L-182, 142" wheelbase Coleman Conversion front and in position
#1 with #40 transfer case and front auxiliary springs; regular cab.
9.00 x 20 ten ply tires , fresh air heater and defroster, increased cap-
acity brakes , deluxe oil filter, directional signals,, Flares , reflectors ;
four yard heavy dump body and hoist, special low mount. frame reinforce-
ment; heavy duty rear springs, five speed direct in 5th transmission, at
price of $7099.14 and one Frink Model 418 SP full power V type hydraulic
snow plow tibh ten foot wing and front mounted pump,, $2066. Total price
294 -
for plow and truck $9165.14. . .
Very truly urs
Y y ,
Ernest B. Lackey,
Resolution No. 53 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council-
man Lampson:
It is resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times a
notice in substantially the following form:
Notice is hereby given in compliance with Section 142 of
the Highway Law that Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of High-
ways of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y. , has
,recommended the purchase of one 1950 International Model
L-182 truck with Frink ;model V type snow plow with 10'
blade at a total cost of $9165.14.
The Town Board will meet at the Towh Clerk' s office,
Ridge Road, Town of Queensbury, N.Y. on the 26th dar of
August, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. E.D.T. to consider such purchase
and to hear all persons interested therein.
Dated: Aug. 18, 1950 Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk.
It is further resolved that the Town Board will meet on the 26th day
'of August, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Clerk's Office to consider
such purchase and to hear any and all persons interested therein.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr.
Harris. .
Noes - none
No.- 5_4 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Coun-
cilman ampson:
WHEREAS the Town Board did by resolution No. 62 adopted September 25th,
1948 pursuant to the provisions of Section 209C of the General Muni-
cipal Law organize a fire police squad comprising the Volunteer Fire-
men of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. #1, Inc. , consisting of Joseph
Vaughn, Rae S. Hopkins, James L. Duell, Arthur Clark, Wayne Herald and
Arthur LaCrossi George Gilbert, Fred Fisher and Harold Akins.
Be it resolved that the following volunteer firemen bf the West Glens
Falls Fire Co. No.. 1, Inc. be and are hereby added to"and become a
part of the fire police squad of such company and as members of such
fire police squad at such times as the said fire company is on duty
shall have the powers and render service as peace officers.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Air. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Cdr. Sleight and Mr.
Noes - none.
Reg ,on No. 55 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Council-
man Walkup:
RESOLVED that the following places be and are hereby d6sgnated poll
= ing places for the Town" of Queensbury:
E.D.. 1 Kings Sales, Lower Warren St.
E.D. 2 - Mohican Grange Hall, Oneida
E.D. 3 y Pine View School house, Pine View Road
E.D. 4 -- Town Store House, Aviation Field;. Road
E.D., 5 - Seward Lampson Garage, West Glens Falls.
u �
It is further resolved that rent for said polling places , excepting
Election District #4 is hereby fixed at $40 per year, to include
lights and fuel.. An additional sum;,,.of $20 is allowed to the Mohican
Grange and Seward Lampson for the erection and taking down and
storage of election equipment.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
On motion meeting adjourned. � -L. mac 1
Town Clerk
Regular- meeting August 26,1950
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of. the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 8 P.M.
Mr. Joseph Regan, Cemetery Commissioner, discussed with the
beard the condition of the abandoned cemeterys. He also
stated that they would have to rent a garage for cemetery
E.L.H. Meyer reported. that' approxhnately 892 feet of, water main
has been layed along the Aviation Road.
In the matter of the public hearing upon the reccommendation
of the superintendent of highways to purchase a truck and plow,.
Justice Sleight discussed at some length, an error which was
made in the proposal submitted by E..T. Carswell Truck and
Tractor Co. Inc. . He suggested that in view of such error that
all of the bids should be rejected.. Mr. Carswell stated that
he was willing to :supply the equippment which was set up in
the proposal of the even though it wasx cost more
at his own loss.
R golu ion No-5 6 by Councilman Lampson, seconded by
Councilman Walkup
Whereas the Town superintendent of Highways did on the 18th
day of August, 1950, duly sm recommend the purchase of certain
machinery equipmerrt tools pursuant to the provisions of section
142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommendation has
been duly published as provided in such section.
Now Therefore be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of
the Highway Lary the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby
,- autnorited `topurehase from Carswell Truck and Tractor Co. , Inc.
with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways :.
�HInternational Model L.185-tine 42" wheel base-Coleman Conver- '
n 'front .end 'in position No, 'l with #40 transfer case and front
a'uxilliary' springs, regular cab, # 9,OOx20 ten ply tires, increased
cooling, extra windshield wiper,, fresh air heater and defroster,.
increased .capacity breaks , delux oil filter, directional signals
flares,, ra l:iectors , four yard lieavy duty dump body and hoist,,
special mount, front frame reenforced heavy duty rear springs ,..
f>a 11 speed direct in fifth transmission with Frink Model
418 sp ful power(V) type hydranl.ia, snow plow with ten foot wing
End front -mounted pump for tltal price of nine thousand one hun-
dreA sixty-five and fourteen one hundredths dollars $9165.14
delivered ht Queensbury N. Y. and to be delivered on or about
November lZth, 1950.