1950-10-05 I 302 . t ? Qw _ P, ° 7 0:: R •: oril:tr 9' �.t i &a�y Xt! +otp 4s 954 c _ er, 950. Dated: September 23, 1950 Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk It is further resolved that the Town board of such Town shall meet on the 6th day of October, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk's office to open said bids. Duly adopted by the following vote: I Ayes - Mr. Walkup,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor of moneys received and disburs- ed during the month of August was read and placed on file. The board audited claims as follows: Schedule of Audits for the Town of lueensbury, Warren County, N Y for S e t ember 1 95 0 Amt. Amt No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 271 Niagara Mohawk Power Street lighting 64.89 64.89 272 Mathew Bender. & Co. Morri•son's Guide for J.P. (MSB) 2.50 2.50 273 Paul E. Killion,Inc. School tax supplies (BRH) 12.24 12.24 274 Glencraft Printing Envelopes (3¢)250L,50OS(HRH) 34.88 34.88 275 Glens Falls Post Co. Pub.Not.filing assmnt roll 3.08 3.08 276 Chas.E.Houghtaling 1 pad law blanks-M.Bentley .87 .87 277 Howard Wallace Services July,Aug.Sept.& pentg 67.54 67.54 278 George Stiles Labor worked on town dump 160.00 160.00 279 U.S.Casuality Prem.on bond,G.Palmer 3.00 3.00 280 Fred E.Ricketts Mileage traveled chairman's office 8.64 8.64 281 Chas.E.HoughtaliAg Law blanks-H.Sleight-J.P. 6.19 6.19 282 Bernard CQdner Labor-repair main Glenwood AV10.00 10.00 283 Fordyce Clark Labor-repair main to It 8100 8.00 284 Mary R.Newcomb Mdse-WGFWD 8.95 8.95 285 Frasier Paint Corp. Paint,etc.WGFWD 6.90 6.90 286 Adk.Resorts Press Printing-PV' cemetery 23.40 23.40 287 Barbers Garage Motor overhaul etc.PV Cem. '10.40 10.40 288 Barbers Garage to of 11 to " 97.82 97.82 289 Carswell T & T Corp. Gas,oil,etc. PV Cem. 8.78 8.78 Total 538.58 538.58 On motion meeting adjourned to October 5th, 1950. Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 5, 1950 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice of Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman 1 The board convened at 7:30 P.M. E.E. Moore, president of Union Free School District No. 2, discussed with the board a proposed street. Mr. Weeks who was also present spoke in be- half of the ► proposed street. Fred Ricketts , Ernest Hillis and Warren T. Varney,` assessors, were also present. The clerk presented the following estimate: Annual Estimate submitted by Supervisor For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 .-3 0*9 Expenditures - General Fund Town Board Town Hall and Town Offices Rentals (board room, offices, elections, etc. ) 0355.00 Purchase cfIttrniture and equipmert 250.00 i Elections Compensation cf election officials (including mile age) 1075.00 Compensation of custodians of voting machines 110,100 Other expenses - moving machines 50.00 150.00 Voting machines , purchase and repair ~` Insurance Compensation insurance 500..00 Official bonds and Undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability 2500.00 Printing and advertising (all depts) 300.00 1 Serv. of attorney and exp. of litigation 100.00 Employees ' Retirement System Gown share) 3000.00 Total $8690.00 , Supervisor Salary 1980.00 Office and other exp. Postage, mileage, misc. 500.00 Total 2480.00 Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 600.00 Mileage and other expenses 200.00 Total 800.00 , Lockup Rent 100.00 Traffic Signs, Signals and highway lighting 1600.00 Dog Warden 440.00 Compensation Other expenses 100.00 Total 540.00 Town Library Contract Mt.Side 100.00 Total 100.00 Patriotic Observances 100.00 „ Cemeteries 1800.00 Revenues - General Fund Mortgage taxes 3000.00 Dog licenses (from county) 1000.00 Fees tax collector 150.00 Per capita assistance 14906.45 Other revenues Town Clerk fees 1200.00 Justice of Peace 1000.00 Unexpended balances 12500.00 Total Revenues X33,756.45 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of the Peace For Fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A. Salary of Justice 1500.00 --- B. Salaries of other employees 100.00 D. Postage 20.00 G. Office Supplies 125.00 H. Town Association - attending 100.00 Total expenditures .----01845.00 . 304 Revenues B. Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 500.00 E. Civil fees 25.00 Total Revenues $525,00 Dated: September 23, 1950 (Signed) Henry J. Sleight .Annual estimate submitted by Justice of the Peace For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A. Salary of .Justice 1500.00 B. Salaries of other employees (stenographer) 150.00 C. Rent of court rooms 20,00 D. Postage 6.00 E. Bonds 5.00 G. Books and law blanks 1010.00 Total expenditures �1781.00 Revenues A. Fines penalties and forfeitures 200.00 B. Motor vehicle fees (received from State) 5:0.00 C. Criminal fees-indictable cases rcd.from Co. ) 20,00 E. Civil fees 20.00 F. Civil fees - dog (recd. from Co. ) 10,00 Total revenues 300.00 Dated: September 23, 1950 (Signed) Meredith S. Bentley Annual Estimate Submitted by Councilman For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A. Salary of Councilman 660,00 C. Traveling and other expenses 150,00 Mal expenditures 810.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (SI-gned) Curtis Lampson Annual Estimate Submitted by Councilman For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A Salary of Councilman 660.00 C: Traveling and other expenses 150.00 Total expenditures 810.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) Raymond Walkup Councilman Annual estimate submitted by Town Clerk For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A. -Salary of Town Clerk 2500,00 C. Postage and office supplies 50,00 E. Bond 2.50 F. Traveling expenses-mileage 50.00 Total expenditures g2602.50 Revenues Fees of Town Clerk A. Dog tags 195.25 B. delinquent dog list 2.00 C. Marriage licenses 109,50 D. Hunting and fishing licenses 603,25 E. Filing (conditional sales contract and chattel mtgs) 409.00 F. Discharges ,M.C. 10,00 H. Junk license 16,100 I. Carnival license 100,00 J. Deer license 298.50 K. Explosive Total revenues 2.50 1806.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signeg) Frances L. Turner 'own Clerk 305 j Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 Expenditures A. Salary of assessors 1800.00 C. Office, traveling and other expenses 125.00 Total expenditures ; 1925.00 Revenues None Dated: September , 19 (Signed) warren T. Varney Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor `-' . For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 j Expenditures A. Salary of Assessors 2000.00 C. Office,traveling and other exp. 150.00 Total expenditures $2150.00 Revenues A. Dog damage cases (rcd.from Co. ) 6.00 Total revenues 6.00 Dated: September 29, 1950 (Signed) Ernest Hillis Assessor Annual estimate submitted by Assessor For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 i Expenditures A. Salary of Assessors 1800.00 C. Office, traveling and other expenses 125.00 Total expenditures 41925.00 ! Revenues None x a Dated: September 29, 1950 (Signed) Fred Ricketts Assessor Annual Estimate Submitted by Receiver of Taxes For Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures A. Salary 2200.00 D. Postage 150400 Total expenditures. 2350.00 Revenues Total of Dated: September 23, 1950 (Signed) Arthur J. Hillis Receiver of Taxes Annual Estimate Submitted by Board of Health For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 �- Expenditures _ A. Salary 1500.00 F. Postage 10.00 I. Health Officers '. Conference 75.00 z Total expenditures $1585.00 Dated: September 8th, 1950 (Signed) Henry E. Clarke, Health Officer a 300 Annual Estimate Submitted by Registrat of Vital Statistics For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 r Expenditures A Compensation 60,00 D. Postage 15.00 Total expenditures $75.00 Dated: September 20, 1950 (Signed) Frances L. Turner, Registrar of vital. statistics Annual Estimate Submitted by Town Service Officer . For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 -- Expenditures A. Salary 200000 C. Office, traveling and other expenses 50,00 E. Emergencies 50000 F Total expenditures $300.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) Anna McCaghey Town Service Officer Pine View Cemetery 1951 Budget Cost of Improvements Grading and seeding of new areas 325,00 New equipment 425,00 Material for monuments & foundations 100000 $850.00 Maintenance: Personal� Service 6200000 Repairs to existing equipment 400,00 Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas , oil and garage rental 250.00 Compensation insurance 250.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt. 50,00 Heatt, 50,00 Misc.Exp. 50 400 7350.00 $8200.00 Revenues : Sale of burial lots less Perpetual care 2200.00 Fees for opening grave 1000.00 Fees for setting markers and monuments 300.00 Fees for rental of vault 100.00 Total revenues 3600.00 Est.bal.Dec. 31, 1950 2000.Q0 5�0 Total budget appropriation 2600.00 Amt. to be raised by tax Annual Estimate for NGFWD - fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950 Expenditures Cost of Improvement: B. Bond principal 500.00 C. Bond interest 100.00 Maintenance A. Personal Services 200.00 C. Bills ,- postage, etc. 100.00 E. Purchase of water 1350.00 G. Repairs 300.00 Total expenditures ; 2550.00 Revenues A. Water rents 2200.00 J. Unexpended balance 50020Q Total Revenues 2700.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris ,Supervisor 307 Annual Budget for NGFWater Dist. Ext. for 1951. j Cost of Improvement JJ Bond $4000.00 I Interest 1592.50 Maintenance Personal services 250.00 Bills, postage books 100.00 Purchase of water 2400.00 Repairs 500.00 Equipment 100.00 Total $8942.50 Revenues: Water rent 4750.00 Balance 2000.00 Total 6750.00 Raise by tax $2192.50 Dated: Sept. 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris , Supervisor Annual Estimate for W.G.F. Water District ,For .fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures Cost of improvement B. Bond principal 1000.00 C. Bond interest 135.00 Maintenance I i A. Personal Services 200.00 C. Printing bills, stamps , books 200.00 D. Purchase of water 1750.00 G. Repairs 400.00 I. Purchase of .equipment 25.00 Total expenditures $3710.00 Revenues A. Water rents 4000.00 D. Sale of water 16.00 J. Unexpended balance 4000„00 Total revenues 8016.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Estimate for Ridge Road Water District For fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1950 Expenditures Cost of improvement B. Bond principal 625.00 C. Bond interest 16.00 Maintenance A. Personal Services 50.00 B. Office and other expenses 50.00 C. Snow shoveling and misc. 50.00 D. Purchase of water 650.00 G. Repairs 150.00 Total Expenditures $1591.00 Revenues A. Water rents 800.00 J. Unexpended balance ;600.00 Total revenues 1400.00 Dated: Sept. 38., 19x50 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Al 308 Annual Estimate for Fire Protection Expenditures Maintenance Contract with 5 fire companies $10000.00 Legal expenses 100.00 _ Total expenditures $10,100.00 Revenues - none Dated: September 30, 1950 aligned) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Highway Estimate and Budget For Fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951 pursuant to Section 141 and 267 of the Highway Law .and Sections 111,112 and 113 of the Town Law. Amts. estimated by Town Superintendent HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Expenditures General Repairs $290000.00 Special Improvements 10,500.00 Total expenditures $39,500.00 Revenues State aid 4,462.50 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY -TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $350937.50 BRIDGE FUND (ITEM 2) Expenditures j Labor and rental of equipment for repair and maintenance of .bridges 250.00 Materials for repair and maintenance of bridges 250.00 —� Total expenditures 500.00 Revenues : none AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR BRIDGE FUND (Item 2) $500.00 MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) Expenditures: Redemption of obligations for machinery and interest 29020.00 Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 59550.00 " Repair of machinery, tools and implements 7. 80.0 Total expenditures $15,050.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) $151050.00 SNOVI AND MISCELLAPdEOUS FUND (ITEM 4) Expenditures: Removing obstructions caused by snow 119000.00 Cutting noxious weeds and brush 21800.00 Salary of Town Superintendent 3,000.00 Expenses of Town Superintendent 100.00 I Other miscellaneous purposes 3,Q00.00 Total expenditures $19,900.00 , Revenues : Zetal Revenues 3,Q00.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR SNOW AND _ LiISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4). $10,900-.00 Dated: (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey Town Supt. of HighwairS