1950-10-10 Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting Meeting October 10, 1950 i i Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor { Henry J. Sleight Justice of Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice. of Peace Curtiss Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. The board proceeded to work on the budget and after discussion the fol- lowing resolution was ddopted: Resolution No., -6L- introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED the board does hereby propose and approve as the preliminary budget of the Town for the fiscal year beginning January lst, 1951, the itemized statement of the estimated revenues and expenses hereto attached and made a past of this resolution, and it is further RESOLVED that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office ,of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any inter- ested person at all reasonable hours, and be it further,-rftfn-7. ,, RESOLVED that the board shall meet at 7:30 P.M. E.S.T. on the 9th day of i November, 1950 at the Clerk's office for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk give notice of said public hearing in the manner provided by SectionA 13 of the Town Law and such notice be pub - lished in substantially the following form: Notice of Hearing upon Prelii4inary Budget Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget for the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1951, has been com - pleted and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road, where it is available ,for inspection by any interested person ft0all reasonable hours. J Further .notioe is hereby given that the Town board of the Town of Queens- bury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hear- ing thereon at the Town Clerk's office at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1950, and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor or against the preliminary budget as compiled, for or against any Item or items therein contained. Pursuant to section 113 of the Town Law, the proposed salaries of the following Tow;i officers are hereby specified as follows: Supervisor $2400 Justices of the Peace (2) 1800 each Councilman (2) 750 " Town clerk 2400 -- Collector 2200 Town Superintendent of highways 3200 Assessors (2) 1700 " Assessor Ch (1) 1900 .rn S, rvice officer 200 Health Officer 1400 By order of the Town Board. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Dated October 5, 1950 T � 3 t'll' 312 i I Preliminary Budget i for 1951 Town of Queensbury County- of Warren i General Fund - Appropriations t General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board, room, office, elections ,etc. ) . 0375.00 Repairs , light, heat, and telephone 250.00 Town Dump - maintenance 1000.00 Total $1625.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (inc.rzileage) 1075.00 Compensation custodian voting machine : 110.00 Voting machines , purchase and repair 150.00 Other expenses 50.00 Total 41385.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 500.00 Official bonds and undertakings 200.00 Fire and liability 2300.00 _ Total 433000.00 Assn. of Towns - Membership 37.50 Printing and advertising (all depts) 300.00 Services of attorney and exp. of litigation 100.00 Employees ' R et-11 rement -system (town share) 2500.OQ Total 2900.00 Supervisor Salary 2400.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 2600,00 Justices of the Peace Salaries 3600,00 Office and other expenses 500.00 Total 4100,00 -Councilman Salaries 1500.00 Office and other expenses 150.00_ Total 1650,00 Tows. Clerk Salaries 2400,00 Office and other expenses 102'.50 Total 2502.50 Assessors Salaries 5300.00 Office and other expenses 300.00 Total 5600.00 Receiver of Taxes (tax collector) Salaries 2200100 Office and other. expenses 150.00 Total 2350.00 Total - General Government rp2,8 750.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 600.00 Mileage and other expenses 100.00 Total 700.00 Traffic Signs, Signals and Highway Lighting 1300,00 Dog Warden Compensation 500.00 Other expenses _ 100,00_ Total 600.00' Total protection of persons property X2650.00 EDUCATION Contract Mountainside Llbrary 100.00 Total Education 100.00 Patriotic Observances Flags 50.00 Total 50.00 Public Utilities � Cemeteries 1800.00 Total 1800.00 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST Redemption of Debt (principal) Temporary Loans Town D uhp Budget note, total $1200.00 REDETIPTION OF DEBT Interest on 'debt Interest* on debt - budget note (dump) total 15.00 . . MISCELLANEOUS 1 Contingent Purposes - Sec. 112 of the Town Law 2500.00 1 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS Per Capita assistance from State 14,906.45 Mortgage -taxes 59000.00 Bus franchises 1,000.00 Dog license from Co. Treas. 11000.00 Fees of Town Clerk 1,500.00 Fees of Justices of the Peace 1,000.00 Fees of Assessors 5.00 Fees of tax collector 150.00 Unexpender balances JSec. 115 of Town Law) 13.000•.00 3 Total - Estimated Revenues (Gen.Fd. ) 037,561.45 GENERAL FUND - SUMMARY Appropriations General government 289750.00 Protection of persons and property 2,650.00 Education 100.00 Recreation 50.00 Public Utilities 12800.00 Redemption of debt 1,200.00 Interest on debt 15.00 Contingent purposes 2.500.00 Total appropriations 37,065.00 Total estimated revenues (Gen.Fund) None WELFARE FUND Town Welfare Officer Salary 200.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Total 300.00 Estimated -Revenues - to be transferred _ 300.00 Total revenues $300.00 E Amount to be raised by tax for welfare fund - None -HIGHVVAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) Appropriations General Repairs 299000.00 Special improveme-nts 10,500.00 Total appropriations total $399500.00 Estimated Revenue State'aid 4.462,50 Total revenues 41462.50 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 1) total 35,037.50 Bridge Fund (Item 2) - Appropriations Labor and team work 250.00 *314 Materials for repair and maintenance 250400 Total 500.00 Estimated revenues - none Amount, to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 2) 500.00 MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) - Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 7500.00 Repair of n achinery, tools and implements 748.00 Redemption of machinery - Indebtedness 2000000 Interest on of " 20.00 Total appropriations $171000.00 Estimated revenue - none Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund (item 3) $17,000.00 SNOW AND MISC. FUND(ITEM 4) - Appropriations Salary Town Superintendent 3200.00 Expenses Town Superintendent 100,00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 11000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 2800.00 Redemption of debt - principal 3000.00 Total appropriations $209100.00 Estimated Revenues Misc. revenues 3000.00 Total revenues 3000.00 Amt. to be raised by tax for Highway Funds (Item 4) Total $179100.00 TOWN HEALTH FUND BOARD OF HEALTH Salary of Health Officer 1400..00 Other health expenses 85.00 Total Board of Health `1485.00 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation 50.00 Other expenses 15200 Total 75.00 Amt. to be raised by tax for town health 81560.00 PINE VIEW CEMETERY 1951 BUDGET Cost of Improvements: Grading and seeding of new areas 325,00 New equipment 425.00 Material for monuments & foundations 1000 ,00 850.00 Maintenance: Personal Service 6200.00 Repairs to existing equipment 400.00 Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas , oil and garage rental 250.00 Compensation insurance 250.00 Bond for commissioner & Supt. 50.00 Heat 50.00 Miscl. expense 50.00 _, 7350.QQ Total $8200,00 Revenues : I _ Sale of burial lots less Perpetual care $2,200 Fees for opening graves 19000 Fees for setting markers & monuments 3000 Fees for rental of vault 100 Total revenues 3.600 Est.Bal.Dec.31,1950 2.000 _ 5600.00 Amt. to be raised by tax $ 2600.00 'i f i 315 Annual Estimate for N.G.F.Water District Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 500,00 Bond interest 100,00 Maintenance Personal services 200,00 Bills, postage etc. 100,00 Purchase1 of water 1350,QO Repairs 500.00 j Total expenditures $2550.00 Revenues Water rents 2200.00 �- Unexpended balance 500,00 Total revenues 2700.00 Amt. to be raised by tax - none Dated:. SeAt, 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Budget for N.G.F. Water Dist. Ext. for .1951. Cost of Improvement Bond 4000.00 Interest 1592,50 Maintenance Personal services 250.00 Bills,. postage , books 100.00 Purchase of water 2400.00 Repairs 500.00 Equipment _ 100.00 Total j8942.50 Revenues Water rent 4750.00 Balance . 2000.00 Total 6750.00 Amt. to be raised. by ,tax $2192.50 Dated: Sept. 30, 1950 , (Signed) H. Russell Harris, Supbrvisor Annual Es.tim4te for West Glens Falls Water District - Fiscal year-'beginning Jan. 1, 1951 ; Expenditures " ' Cost of Improvement Bond principal 1000.00 Bond interest 135,00 Maintenance Personal services 200.00 Printing bills, stamps , books 200.00 Purchase of, water 1750.00 3 Repairs- 400.00 Purchase of equipment 25.00 Total expenditures $3710.00 Revenues Water rents 4000.00 Sale of water 16.00 Unexpended balance 4000.00 Total Revenues 8016.00 Amt. to be raised by tax - none Dated: Sept. 302 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Annual Estimate for Ridge Road Water District Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures Cost of improvement Sond principal 625.00 Bond interest 16.00 - Maintenance Personal services 50.00 Office and other expenses 50,pO 316 Snow shoveling and misc. 50.00 Purel-Ise of water 650.00 150.00 Total expenditures 01591.00 Revenues Water rents 800.00 Unexpended balance 600.00 Total revenues 1400.00 Amt. to be raised by tax - 191.00 Dated: Sept. 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris I ,ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR FIRE PROTECTION Maintenance Contract with 5 Fire Companies 109000.00 Legal expenses 10.0.00 Tatal Expenditures $p103,100.:00 Revenues none Amt. to be raised by tax 010,100.00 Dated: September 30, 1950 (Signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Duly adopted by the foll owing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup., Mr. . Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none $�lutian No. introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sleig . ; RESOLVED that the bids ,of Carswell Truck and Tractor Co. , Inc. dated October 5, 1950 , A.L. Parsons & Son Maxtor Corp. , dated October 4, 1950 and Smith Equipment Co. dated October 6th, 1950, submitted to the Town .Board on the 6th day of October, 1950 be and the same are hereby rejected. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. 61eight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The Clerk read the following letter to the board: Town Board Town of Queensbury i ' Gentlemen: I hereby recommend that the Town purchase from the A.L. Parsons & Son Motor Corp. one 1949 Ford truck with Matmon Herrington all-wheel drive, 3 yd. dump body, 134" wheel base - 8 cyl. motor, fresh air heater and. defroster, signal lights , flares and reflectors at a price not to exceed X2500.00 (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Dated: the 10th day of Oct. , 1950 Queensbury i esolution introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Walkup.* IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and di - rected to cause to be published once in the Glens Falls Times a notice in substantially the following form: NOTICE Notice is hereby given in compliance with section 142 of the Highway Law that Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, 'Natrren County, N.Y. , has recommended the purchase of one 3 j 7 { 1949 Ford truck with Marmon Herrington all wheel drive, 3 yd. dump body, 134" W.B. , 8 cyl, motor, fresh air heater and defroster, signal lights, flares and reflectors , at the maximum estimated cost of 52500.00 Further notice is given that 'the Town Board will meet at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, Town of Queensbury, N.Y, on the 23rd day of October, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. to consider such purchase and to hear all persons interested therein. riA a c : Turner Town Clerk i Dated: Oct. 10, 1950 It is further resolved that the Town Board will meet on the said 23rd day of October, 1950 to consider such purchase and to hear any and all persons interested in such purchase. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aires - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. J ' rances Turner, Town Clerk. k, t Special Meeting October 16,.1950 Pr es ent:. Henry J.. Sleight Justice cif the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman Absent :H.Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith S.Bentley Justice of Peace The board convened at 7:30 P.M. On motion by Mr Sleight, seconded by Mr Walkup, it was moved that Curtis Lampson be appointed chairman pro tem. Ayes r' Mr "Walkup, 'lr' mig�ita rid mr, Lampson Noes : None. t Minutes read to the board from July, 23rd,19A§ to January 28th,1950. and after correction of Stenographic errors were approved., both days inclusive. I Moved that meeting be adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Special 'Meeting Oc tober 20th, 1950 Presen t: H. Russell Harris Supervmsor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The Board Convened at 7:30 P.M. Mr Krieser, Mr Pa bridge ;and, Mr. the citizens committee on ,w d