1950-11-09 320 continued Ant Amt. No.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 307 J.E.Sawyer & Co. 2-6xll flanges-WGFWD 5.84 5.84 308 Curtis Lampson Postage stamps 8.82 8.82 309 G.F. Post Co. Pub.not.operate bus- Weeks 8.25 (disallowed) 310 Bernard Codner Unloading pipe-NGFWD Extension 8.75 8.75 311 Fordyce arke Unlding pipe-NGF'ND ext 4.00 4.00 12 uckmon Bros. 315 lbs.pipe,5¢ft-PV 15.75 15.75 313 Mullen Welding Shop make up 4" fence clamps f PV 8,00 8100 - 314 Doyle's �Jeripower bar mwr-PV 200,00 200.00 315 Carswell's T & T Co.Inc.Gas & Equipment,PV 14.34 14.34 316 Hoag 's Tire Serv. Oil,Pine View Cem. 9.60 9.60 � 4765.80 $757.55 -- On motion meeting adjourned Antes L. rner Town Clerk Regular meeting November 9, 1950 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Curt i.s lamp s on Councilman, Raymond Walkup Councilman- The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Proof of publication of the notice of public hearing •on the pre- liminary budget was filed. Rea"tion 7 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampson: - ' WHEREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and no one appeared, Now therefore be it resolved that such preliminary budget as orig- inally compiled is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the town for the fiscal .year beginning January lst, 1951 and that such budget so adopted shall be entered in detail in the minutes of proceedings of the board. And be it further resolved that the town clerk of this town pre- pare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted' by this board and one copy thereof be delivered to the ,Supervisor of the town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors. Annual Budget for 1951 _> Town of Queensbury County of Warren A p"pil otuasGeneral Fund Town Board Town ,Hall and Town Offices. Rentals (board room, offices , glections, etc..).. , $3 *00 'e a'3 s` 2pig '' aid t l'e:p i t 2 5b.00 T`oY,�ump Maintenance / 1000 00 "��.`. '., -•Yi f,f ', I f.{: C fi�t `S.�T© \j�i:{`�.t.l� :.).. .iii 1625 00 Elections - , ,101 per Voting machines, purchase and repair 150.00 Other expenses o Total 38 X00 Insurances Compensation insurances 500..00 Official bonds and undertakings 2001.00 Fire and liability 2300,QO Total 3000.00 {{ Assn. of Towns - Membership 37,50 i Printing and advertising (all depts) 300.00 Services of attorney and exp. of litigation 100.00 Employees ' retirement system (town share) 2500.00 t Total 2900.00 Supervisor Salary 2400.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 Justices of the Peace Total 2600.00 •Salaries 3600.00 •Office and other expenses 500.00 Total 4100.00 Councilman Salaries 1500.00 Office and other expenses 150.00 Town Clerk Total 1650.00 Salaries 2400.00 Office and other expenses 102.50 Total 2502.50 Assessors Salaries 5300.00 Office and other expenses 300..00 Total 5600.00 Receivers of .Taxes (tax collector) Salaries 2200..00 Office and other expenses- 150.00 Y- Total 2350.00 Total - General Government $288750.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Poliee, Constables and .Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 600.00 Mileage and other expenses 100.00 Total 700.00 Traffic signs, signals and highway lighting 1300.00 Dog Warden Compensation 500.00 Other expenses 100.00 Total 600.00 . Total protection of persons & property 2650,00 EDUCATION Contract Mountainside Library 100.00 Total education 'r 100.00 Patriotic. Observances Flags 50.00 Total 50..00 s �.:•, Public Utilities Cemeteries 1800.00 Tom 1850.00 • _ MUNICIPAL INDEBTWIZW AND INTEREST Redemption, of debt (principal`) ` Temporary- Loans Town Dump Budget Note., total 1200.00 REDEMPTION OF DEBT Interest' on debt Interest-.on debt - budget note(dump) total 15,00 . MISCELLA►NEOUS Contingent Purposes-Sec. 112 of the Town Law 2500,00 GENERAL FUND e RECEIPTS ( Per-Saplta assistance from State 14,906.45 l_. Mortgage Tastes 5;000100 Bus franises 11000.00 Dog license from Co,Treas. 12000.00 Fees of Tom Clerk 11500.00 Fees of Justices of t* Peace 11000.00 Fees of Assessors 5.00 Fes 'of tax collector 150.00 Un ed bd15nd6 (Sec.1 l5 of Town Law) 13.000.00 •` �° Total-Estimated Revenues (Gen.Fd. )$37,561.45 GENERAL FUND - SUILLS LRY ' Ap ' �opr ations enteral Government 280750.00 Protection of''persons and property 20650.00 Education _ ° 100,00 W 322 Recreation 50.00 Public Utilities 10800.00 Redemption of debt 11200.00 Interest on debt 15,00 Contingent purposes 2.500.00 Total appropriations 37,065.00 Total estimated revenues (Gen.Fund) None WELFARE FUND Town Welfare Officer Salary 200.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Total 300,00 Estimated Revenues - to be transferred 30000 M1 0 _ , ,,, ,,< • Total rwgn�es -._ '� 0,0 v t p30 Amount to be raised by tax for welfare fund None HIGH4'VAY FUND Highway Fund ( Item 1) Appropriations General Repairs 29,000.00 Special Improvements 10,500.00 Total appropriations $39$ 00.00 Estimated Revenue State aid 4.462.50 ` Total revenues 49462.50 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 1) total $35,037,50 Bridge Fund (Item 2) - Appropriations Labor and team work 250.00 Materials for repair and maintenance 250.00 Total 500.00 Estimated revenue - none Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 2) 500.00 MACHINERY FUND (Item 3) - Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 7500.00 Repair of machinery, tools and implements rwhoo Redemption of machinery - Indebtedness •2000,00 Interest on It " 20„00 Total appropriations $17'0 Estimated' Revenue - none Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (item 3) 179000.00 SNOW AND MISC. FUND(Item 4) - Appropriations Salary Town Superintendent 3200.00 Expenses Town Superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 11000.001 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 2800.00 Redemption of debt-principal 3000.00 Total appropriations 00 Estimated Revenues Misc. Revenues 3000.00 Total revenues 3000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Funds (Item 4) Total $17,100,00 TOWN HEALTH FUND BOARD OF HEALTH Salary of Health Officer 1400.00 Other health expenses 8,5.00 Total Board of Health 4p'1485.00 REGISTRAT OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation 60.00 Other expenses 15.00 Total 75.00 : Amt: to be raised by tax for town health $1560.00 PINE VIEW CEMETERY 1951 BUD4ET ` Cost of Improvements : Grading and seeding of new areas 325.00 New Equipment 425.00 Material for monuments & foundations 100.00 ' 'Maintenances X85 0 Personal Service 6200.00 Repairs to existing equipment 400.00 r Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas, oil and garage rental 250.00 Compensation Insurance 250.00 323 j Bond for commissioner & Supt. 50.00 Heat • 50.00 'Misc. expenses 50.00 $7350.00 Total $8200.00 Revenues: Sale of burial lots less Per- petual care 29200 Fees for opening graves 1,000 Fees for setting' markers . & monuments 300 Fees for rental of vaults 100 Total revenues 3.600 Est.bal.Dec.31,1950 2 000 5600200 $ { Amt. to be raised by tax 2600.00 Annual Budget-�,- for N.G.F. Water District Fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures { Cost of Improvement i Bond principal 500.00 I Bond interest 100.00 Maintenance Personal services 200.00 Bills, postage, etc. 100.00 Purchase of water 1350.00 Repairs 300.00 Total expenditures 42550.00 R evenues Water rents 2200.00 Unexpended balance 500.00 Total revenues 2700.00 Amt. to be raised by tax none Annual Budget for N.G.F. Water Dist. Ext. for 1951 S Cost of Improvement Bond 4000,00 Interest 1592.50 Maintenance •° Personal services 250,.00 Bills , postage, books 100.00 Purchase of water 2400..00 Repairs 500.00 Equipment 100..00 Total $8942.50 Revenues dater rent t 4750.00 Balance 2000 00 . Total $6750.00 Ant,. to be.'raised by tax $2192 Arinta l � , '�_ for Wiest Glens Falls Water 'District - Fiscal year beginning iVan. 1, 1951 Expenditures Cost of : Improvement- :" Bond pr�ncipal _ 1000.00 Bond interest 135.00 Maintenance V Personal services 200.00 Printing bills, stamps, books 200.00 Purchase 'of watery 1750.00 Repairs 400.00 PUr,ehase. cif equipment . 25.00 Total 'expenditures $3710.00 Revenues Water rents 4000.00 Sale of water 16.00 Unexpended balance 4000,00 Total revenues 08016.00 Amt. to be raised by tax - none 324 Annual Budg;ettc for Ridge Road Water District Fisczl year beginning Jan. 1, 1951 Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 625.00 Bond interest :16.00 Maintenance Personal services - 50.00 Office and other expenses 50.00 Snow shoveling and misc. 50.00 Purchase of water 650.00 Repairs 150,0Q Total expenditures $1591. 00 Revenues Water rents 8Q0.00 Unexpended balance 600.OQ Total revenues 1400.00 Amount to be raised by tax $191.00 ANNUAL �' BUDGRT J FOR FIRE PROTECTION Maintenance Contract with 5 Fire Companies 10,000.00 Legal expenses 100.00 Total expenditures $103,100.00 Revenues - none I Amtl to be raised by tax $10,100.00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lamp son, Mr. i§leight and Mr. Harris Noes - none The following communication was read to the board: Nov. 9, 1950 To the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. I wish to recommend the purchase of one all wheel drive F 5 Ford Dump Truck complete with Ross V type snow plow and 9 ft. wing full hydraulic. Price of complete unit $4500.00 (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey,; Superintendent of Highways Town of Queensbury Ugsolution .No. 71 introduced by Mr. Walkup, seconded by Mr. BenMe . RESOLVED that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be published once in the glens Falls Times and once in the Glens Falls Post-Star,. a notice in substantially the following form: NOTICE Notice is hereby given in compliance with section 142 of the Highway Law that Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of the Highways of the Town. of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y. , has recommended the purchase of one all wheel drive Marmon Herrington Ford F 5 dump truck complete with Ross V type snow plow and 9 foot wing, full hydraulic at the maximum estimated cost of '$4500. Further notice is given that the Town Board will meetvat the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, Town of Queensbury, 'N.Y. on the 20th day of November, 1950, at 7:30 P.M. to consider such purchase and to hear all persons interested therein. Dated: November 9th, 1950 Francers L. Turner, Town Clerk It is further resolved that the Town Board gill meet on the 20th day of November, 1950 at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk' s office to con- sider such purchase and to hear all persons intere.sted. therein. i 2 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr: Harris .=Noes-Nome. No�� R.P.Woed JQ Claimed Allowed .'l -.^ n1c' e 436.75 434.57 123.25 122.63 Upon motion, the meeting adjaurnad, 3484.80 .3467.38 Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Pub1 .Hearing November 20, 1950 i I y Present : H. Russell Harris Supervisor `— Henry J. Sleight Justice of Peace Meredith S Bentley Justice Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent Councilman Raymond Walkup The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Proof of publication of notice of hearing upon recommendation of Superintendent of Highways was filed. Resolution No-, 72 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by -Justice Sleight:. WHEREAS the Town Superintendent of Highways did oil the 9th day of November, 1950 duly recommend the purchase of certain equipment pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommendation has been duly published as provided in such section, Now therefore- be it resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby author- ized, to purchase from A . L. Parsons & Son Motor Corp. , with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways , One - all wheel drive Marmon Herrington Ford F 5 dump truck complete with Ross aIft type snow plow and 9 foot wingq, full hy- draulic., for a total ,price of Forty-five hundred dollars ($4500) delivered at the Town Store House, Queensbury, N.Y.. and to be delivered on or about Dec. 1, 19 50. The terms of payment will' be as follows: Check drawn on Machinery Fund # 225.00 Check from proceeds of obliga- tions 4275.00 Total 4500.00 A contract of purchase for the item purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Superintendent of Highways and such vendor: and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly exeeuted and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to com - plete sueh purchase upon delivery of the item purchased in accord- ance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amounts specified to be paid by check or checks. (1) by a check drawn n n the Machinery Fund (item 1) for $225;00 . (2) by a check in the amount of $4275.00 drawn on the • account establighed from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will ate authorized to be issued by this Board by a k separate resolution. Vote of Town Board - (aye) H. Russell Harris - Supervisor , (aye) Meredith Bentley Justice of Pehce (aye) Curtis Lampson - Councilman (aye) Henry J. Sleight - Justice of Peace a Noes - none Resolution No. 73 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Councilman Lampson: