1950-11-25 26 Resolved that there be installed along Glenwood Avenue commencing =at its junction with Route 9 and running northerly along the east side at Glenwood Aven'Ve, an 80 C.I. water main for a distance of approximately 2500 feet, Further resolved that the same be installed by Water District employees. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Ur. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Upon motion meeting adjourned. l 4AR te`s u er Town Clerk Regular Meeting November 25, 1950 Present: H. Russell Farris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:34 P.M. Minutes of reet .ngs held on Oct. 28th, Nov. 9th and._20th 'were read and approved. In the matter of zoning, Mr. Perry, Mr. Martin and Mr. Jaeckel called on the board. The chairman of such committee reported that the committee rec- - commended that the town board establish a planning board and designate its members , and that such planning board should first make a thorough survey of conditions in the town for the --• purpose of assembling data on which a "zoning and building code ma v be later based and ,present a preliminary report based on its findings . Dr. Clarke, Health Officer, suggested that the board appoint a new Health Officer at an increased salary. In relation to dog enumerator, the following applications were received and read to the board by the clerk: Nov. 22, 1950 Town Board of: Queensbury ,E ` Dear Sir: t I would very much appreciate your opinion if you could see fit to appoint .me as Dog Enumerator for this year. ` (signed) Edward Sleight Bay Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. R.D. 1 Oct. 28, 1950 Town Board: — I would like to apply for the position of Dog Enumerator for the town of Queensbury. I will do my bewt to fill this position. ' Truly yours , LeGrand Seaver 327 Sept. 219 1950 R.F.D. #1, . Glens Falls , N.Y. , . Dear Sir: I would like to apply for the Dog Census position. Would appre- ciate your considering me as an applicant. Sincerely, (signed) Mrs. Allan Ellsworth The board took an informal ballot on the applications resulting in one vote for TIrs. Allan Ellsworth, one vote for Mr. Edward Sleight and three votes for LeGrand Seaver, thereupon the following resolu- tion was proposed and adopted: Resolutinn_Nn_ 74 introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by.Mr. Walkup : j It was resolved that LeGrand Seaver be and is hereby appointed I dog enumerator pursuant to provisions of the agriculture.cnd market l laws. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, fir. Sleight and ;4r.Harris. " Noes - none Ii Resolutio n Nn. 75 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. ?Sleight: BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION OF NOVEMBER "I, L(%) , OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500.00 BE IT RESOLVED this 25th day of November, 1950, by the Town Board of the Town o f Qu e ensb u ry, Warren County, N w Yo rk, as foll ows : Section 1 - That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Town of Queensbury, Marren County, New York, for the purpose of providing funds for the Machinery Fund of the Town of Queensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1950, shall issue and sell a budget note in the amount of $2,500.00 to mature on the 1st day of April, 1951. Section 2 - That , except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terms , form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as may be determined by the Supervisor, consistent, however, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and shall be executed in the name of the said Town by the Supervisor and the seal of. the Town shall be attached thereto. Section 3 - That said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a. price not less than par value apd accrued interest, : if= any, andoupon the due execution and sale of said note the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the reveipt of the Super- ,. visor shall, be a full acquittance to such purchaser whoif ahall not be . obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. S n 4 The full faith and credit of the Town of Queens- t i bury, rten County, New York, are pledged to the punctual payment of p`rineipal of and interest on said note. Section 5 - This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregoing. resolution was duly put to a vote by the Town Board which= resolves as follows: H. Russell. Harris, Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Yes Henry Sleight Justice of Peace Yes Raymond Walkup Councilman Yes Curtis Lampson Councilman Yes . Noes - none F d e. The foregoing resolution de6lared adopted. 328 Resolution No. 76. introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adopt- ion, seconded by Mr.Lamps©nt WHEREAS, the Town Board has authorized the issuance and sale of a budget note in the amount of $2,500.00 to provide funds for the Machinery Fund of the Town of aueensbury for the balance of the fiscal year of 1950. RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and direct4d to invest $2,500.00 of the funds in the capital reserve fund of the town by purchasing said budget note. The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows : Mr. Harris Yes Mr. Bentley Yes - Mr. Sleight Yes Mr. Walkup Yes Mr. Lampson Yes The resolution was declared duly adopted. Resolution No. 761 introduced by Mr. Sleight, seconded by Mr. Bent- , ley; ' WHEREAS it is the opinion of the Town Board that an action against t Edwin Hillis , pursuant to County act No. 1' should be commenced at once, Therefore be it resolved that the supervisor. be instructed to con- fer with County Attorney respecting this opinion of the town board: Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor for the month of Novekber of moneys received and disbursed by him was read to the board by the � clerk: The board audited claims as follows: Amt Amt No,. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 320 Scott Hopkins Custodian Voting Mch. 65,00 35.00 321 Donald J. Sullivan ' " " " 65,00 55.00 322 Clara F. Taylor Inspector election D.#1 49000 49.00 323 Gladys E. LaFountain " " D.#1 49,00 49.00 324 Magdolene R.Kelly " " D.#1 61.00 59.00 325 Helen J,Sullivan " " D.#1 49,.00 49.00 326 Marion Martindale " �+ D.#2 59,00 591.00 i 327 Minnie E.Bidwell " " D.#2 49,.00 49..00 328 Elva McDermott " If D.#2 49,.00 49.00 329 Bessie C.Branch " " D J2 49 0'0 49..00 330 Irene E.Howe " " D.#3 59,00 59.00 331 Doris Chadwick 11 " D.#3 49600 491.00 332 Mary, V.Sullivan " If D.#3 49,00 49.00 333 Rose E.Bibby " It B.#3 49,00 49,00 334 Ethel Stevens " " .#4 42000 42.00 335 Hazel M.Smith " " D,#4 49,00 49.00 336 Laura Goldman to If D.#4 3700 37.00 337 Mabel N.Sawn it " D.#4 37,00 37.00 338 Fred Fisher It " D.#5 59000 59.00 339 Lura Lord If " D.#5 49000 49.00 340 Evelyn Grant " " D.#5 49000 49.00 341 Victoria Hubert " " D.#5 49000 49.00 342 Voting Mch.Corp. Supplies for Voting Mch. 6,45 6.45 343 Niag.Mohawk Corp. Street lighting 64089 64.89 344 Arthur J.Hillis Setting up booth and tak- ing down same ,Kings & Storehouse 48,00 48.00 3455 Assn.of Towns Ar_n.Twn.Membship dues 39,00 39.00 346 G.F.Post Co. Notice pur.dump truck 7.86 7.86 w 347 Russell & Waite Supplies 3.P2 3.22 Amt. Amt No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 348 Frances L.Turner Reg.of V.S.Fees 52,00 ' 52.00 349 Catherine E,Dougherty Testil4ox* taken in the matter°"'`6f Frank & Mary Tyminski re land taken 25,30 25,30 350 .Nat.Weld.Co. Welding Straps on pipe , material 27,00 27.00 351 Frasier Paint Corp, Paint aluminum & brush, NGFW fund 10.84 10..84 352 Howard .Wallace Services ,water bills NGFVVD Fd, 97.53 67,53 353 Bullard Press Meter water billsmenvel NGFWD Fd. 15.50 15.50 354 Bullard Press R.R.W.G.F.W.N.G.F.Wd.fd.27.50 27,.50 355 City of Glens Falls Misc,NGFWD Ext. Fd. 7.90 7.90 . 356 City of Glens Falls Misc. RRWD Fund ,48 .48 357 City of Glens Falls Rental water WGFWD Fd. 298.00 298.00 358 J.E.Sawyer & Co. 2 rolls farm fence,PV fd.26,50 26.50 380 C.G.Woodbury & Son Cement.-6reen R.& Barn Paint PVC fd.. 18.50 18.50 360 Seward Lampson rent gar.polling place 601.00 60,00 361 George Stiles 6 hrs. dump 48.00 48.00 362 City of Glens Falls Waten rent RRWD Fd. 52.84 52,84 363 City of Glens Falls Water rent NGFWD Fd. X840.41 840.41 364 The D & H RR Corp. Rental 1.00 1.00 Totals $2897,12 2845.12 On motion the meeting adjourned. F+anc e N rner y - Town Clerk Special Meeting December 4, 1950 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. Pr-n-lutin Nn-- 77,introduced by Mr. Justice Bentley who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Justice Sleight: CAPITAL NOTE RESOLUTION OF DECEMBER 4th, 1950 ` OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK IN THE AMQUNT OF $13,775.00 BE IT SRSOLVED this 4th day of December, 1950, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: SAction 1 - That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the purpose of providing funds for the purchase of a Marmon Harrington Ford Truck and full hydraulic show plow, shall Issue and sell a capital note in the amount= of 01,775.00 to mature on the lst day of April, 1952. Section 2 - That , except as herein specifically prescribed, said note shall be of the date, terms, form, contents and place of payment and at a rate of interest not exceeding five per centum per annum as may be determined by thl Supervisor, consistent, however, with the provisions of the Loga3 Financq Law of the State of New York, and shall be executed in the na4le°of the Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be attached thereto section 3 - That said note shall be sold at .private sale .by the Supervisor. at a price not less than Far value and accrued interest, if any, and upon the due ,exeeution and sale of said note the same shall be de .- livere4 to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the `'upervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance .to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the ap - plicatign ,of the purchase money. ,i_ ry