1950-12-04 SP i
Amt. Amt 32 9 I
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed j
348 Frances L.Turner Reg.of V.S.Fees 52.00 52.00
349 Catherine E.Dougherty TestijAoxV taken in the
matter`''°'if Frank & Mary
Tyminski re land taken 25.30 25,30
350 Nat.Weld.Co. Welding Straps on pipe, -
material 27.00 27.00
351 Frasier Paint Corp. Paint aluminum & brush,
NGFW fund 10.84 10.84
352 Howard .Wallace Services ,water bills
NGAVD Fd. 97.53 67.53
353 Bullard Press Meter water billsmenvel
NGFWD Fd. 15.50 15.50
354 Bullard Press R.R.W.G.F.W.N.G.F.Wd.fd.27,50 27.50
355 City of Glens Falls Mise.NGFWD Ext. Fd. 7.90 7.90 .
356 City of Glens Falls Misc. RRWD Fund .48 .48
357 City of Glens Falls Rental water WGFWD Fd. 298.00 298.00
358 J.E.Sawyer & Co. 2 rolls farm fence,PV fd.26.50 26.50
380 C.G.Woodbury & Son Cement-Green R.& Barn
Paint PVC fd,. 18.50 18.50
360 Seward Lampson rent gar.polling place 60.00 60,00 1
361 George Stiles 6 hrs . dump 48.00 48.00 a
362 City of Glens Falls Water, rent RRWD Fd. 52.84 52.84
363 City of Glens Falls Water rent NGFWD Fd. 840.41 840.41
364 The D & H RR Corp. Rental 1200 1.00
Totals $2897.12 2845.12
On motion the meeting adjourned. ��_
Fiance rner
Town Clerk
Special Meeting December 4, 1950
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith S. Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M..
ap-r-oluti n Nn-- 7 introduced by Mr. Justice Bentley who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Justice Sleight.:
IN THE AMOUNT OF $19775.00
BE IT SRSOLVED this 4th day of December, 1950, by the Town Board of
the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows :
S.ction 1 - That, pursuant to the Local Finance Law of the State of
Nei= York, the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the purpose
of providing funds for the purchase of a Marmon Harrington Ford Truck and
full hydraulic show plow, shall issue and sell a capital note in the amount
of $1,775.00 to mature on the lst day of April, 1952.
Section 2 - That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said
note shall be of -the date, terms , form, contents and place of payment and
at a rate of interest not exceeding five :per centum per annum as may be
determined by the Supervisor, consistent, however, with the provisions of
the Local Finance Law of the State of New York, and shall be, executed in
the name` of the Town by the Supervisor and the seal of the Town shall be
attached thereto,
Section 3 - That said note 'shall be sold at private sale .by the
Supervisor. at a price not less than par Value and accrued interest, if any,
and upon the due.exeeution and sale pf said note the same shall be de _-
livered to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Oupervisor of the
purchase price in cash; and the receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full
acquittance .to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the ap
plicatiorn of~the purchase money.
UK .
Section ,4 - The fullifaith and credit of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, are pledged to the punctual .payment of principal
of and interest on said note.
Section .5 - This resolution shall take effect .immediately.
The foregoing resolution was duly put tQ a vote by the Town. Board
which resolved as follows :
H. R�,ssell Harris Supervisor Aye
Meredith Bentley Justice of Peace Aye
Henry Sleight . Justice of Peace Aye
Raymond Walkup • . . Councilman Aye
Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye.
The foregoing resolution declared adopted.
BJeso'lution No. 78 introduced by Mr. Justice Bentley who moved its adop-
tion, seconded y Mr. Councilman Walkup:
WHEREAS, the Town Board has authorized the issuance and sale of a
capital Me in the amount of X1,775.00 to provide funds for the purchase
of a Marmon-H rrington Ford Truch arch full_ hydraulic snow plow.
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and di
reeted to invest $1,775.00 of the funds in the capital reserve fund of
the town by purchasin; said capital note.
The fcnegoinr resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as
fol lows :
14r. Harris Ave
Mr. Bentley Ave
Mr. Sleight Ave
11r. Walkup Afe
Mr. Larripscn Aye i
Noes - none
In the matter of caretaker for dump the following resolution was adopted:
RpGr)l»tion No. 79 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by
Councilman Lampson: t
Resolved that Eugene J. Johnson be and is hereby appointed care-
taker for the town dump on Midge Road to serve at' the pleasure of the
Town Board.
It is further resolved that the compensation for such caretaker
be and is hereby fixed at $30.00tper month.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Vialkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The board audited claims as foil ows:
Schedule of audits for the Town of Q1.1eensbury
for the month of December, 1950
Art. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
365 Bernard Codner Labor worked NGFWD Ext. 61.25 61.25
366 Fordyce Clark " " " " 55.00 55.00
367 Warren Northup " " " to 46,00 46.00
368 Carl J. Kreiser Prem.Ins.NGFWD Ext. 14490 14.90
369 R.D.Wood Co. 1-8x24 reducer B&S/LEB'- 20.215 20.15
370 R.D.Wood Co. 3 4"5 1/2 'Fire Hydrants 303;00 301.48
t 371 - Carl Kreiser Prem.Ins.PV Cem. 86,49 86.49
372 Carl Kreiser Prem.Ins.Gen.Empl.Cericall5l.69 151,,69
$738.58 736o,96