1951-07-28 F 358 The clerk read the 'statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and disbursed during the month of May. The statement was received and placed on file, Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York i for the month of June, 1951 No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed' 136 Russell & Wait Supplies-T.C.O.. 2.65 2.65 j 137 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 64.89 64.89 138 Doyles ' Supplies-PV Cem.Fd. 7.59 7.59 139 Dennis & Co. Inc. Denko blanks (M,Bentley J•P. ) 3.16 3.16 140 Chas, E. Houghtaling Jury gooks 3.90 3.90 141 Warren T. Varney Miles travld.as assess- 142 J-E. Sawyer & Co.Inc. #566 graor ss scythe, 16.80 l&4,80) 143 J.E.Sawyer & Co.Inc. Supplies-PV PV Cem.fd. 2.45 2..45 Cem.fd. 9.25 9•.25 144 Frank R. Ricketts: 2 pr. M.grass shears PV Cem.fd. 4,20 4,20 145 Glen Supply Co-Inc. Apr.5,,151-PV Cem.fd. 10.15 10.15 146 Carswell T & T Co.. Gas-1 ban M-C; grs. PV cem.fd: 16..33 16.33 147 Howard Wallace postage stamp for ser- vice for -4-5-6-1951 per cts.NGFWD , 127..90 127.90 148 Mrs, Claire H. Wilson Refd,NGF,W. Dist. 11.25 11.25 149 Montray Ht.Res.. Rfd.-GF. ,;NGFWD W.fd. 15.00 15..00 j 150 Harold Eggleston Cash rebate,WGFWD Fd. 8.00 8.00 151 Curtis Lampsoa Collection-WGF 121.59 121.59 I W Fred Ricketts Miles traveled 16.64 16.64: 153 Russell & wait Supplies 5.22 5..22 154 City of Glens Falls Miscl.Ridge Rd. WD fd. .42 .49 - 155 City of Glens Falls " -North GFWD fd, 30.28 30.28 156 City of Glens Falls " -North,GFWD: fd. 2.27 2 79.84 $ 4 9.84 On motion the meeting adjourned. • I --Prances L. Turner Town clerk Regular Meeting July 28, 1951 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry J. Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. Also present Charles Denny, Frank Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. ,Edwin F. Coffin. Dr. Clarke, Health Officer, reported one bathing beach was licensed dur- ing the month. • 359 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Coffin presented the following letter which was read to the board by the clerk: Amott, Baker & Co. , 150 Broadway, New York, 7, N.Y. Dear Mr.- Walkup;- July 90 51. I tried to find you at home on my way back to Sch'dy last night but found that you were away. I was thinking over our problem Saturday. As you know, I feel that I have, been fair in my dealings and complaint about the condition at my property. I feel that I am entitled to damages to my property for land taken without consent, trees damaged, steps taken away, material removed by the town and neither steps or material replaced. Incidently, as I mentioned, a N.Y. party at my place walled off the place while there, as the steps had been taken away and the ' space left vacant. I do not know what will become of that matter, however, I do not feel responsible as Mr. iecky was of course the one who removed the steps. Your suggestion that I attend the next board meeting and we talk this over suggested to me an idea as I understand that one objection of the Town going ahead to protect me at my place is that the fear is that if this is done to prevent my bank from falling more that others may also ask for protection. To offset this objection and to meet the situation,, to take: care of the matter agreeably to all as far as I am concerned I will make the Town this proposition. Dependent upon this being taken care of by August 10,51, I agree first, to give the Town a release from all damages to my property to date if the Town will agree to build for me the retaining wall which they had agreed informally to build, such -wall to be 3J ft. high from the present level of the road. The .Town to furnish all materials and I will pay for the labor, not to exceed the sum of $100. I have heard that figure men - tinned by some of the Town officials as the probable cost of labor to _ build the wall. In this. way any argument as to the Town building the wall can be denied if the labor cost is actually paid for by me. I am addressing you as we had some conversation about the matter on the Oth, and if you will bring this to' the attention of the other members of the Town Board, Mrs. Coffin and I will attend the July regular meeting to see if- we can agreeably get this matter settled to all. Very Y you8`�truly j ,;. 9 (signed) Edwin F. Coffin The Highway Committee comprising Mr. Walkup and Mr. Sleight and Mr. Bentley orally reported favorably on the Coffin proposition. The Board also was in favor. Materials are to be furnished from the Highway Fund. Mr. Cowles reported that Charles Denny was elected chairmen of the Cemetery Commission and Sidney Van Dusen secretary, and that he was named treasurer. Mr. Cowles also reported that the survey had been completed. ' Mr. Cowles suggested that a memorial entrance be made to the Pineview Cem- etery containing names of veterans inscribed in bronze on the entrance. The matter was generally discussed and Judge Bentley was appointed a com- mittee of one to ascertain about State aid for such memorial. In the matter of the designation of cllin gna p , g places the following �s��t on N�was introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman Raymond alkup. RESOLVED that the following places be and are hereby designated j polling places for the Town of Queensbury: Election District - 1 - Kings' Sales, Lower Warren 2 - Mohican Grange Hall, Oneida 3 - Pine View School House, Pine View Road 4 - Town Storehouse, Aviation Road 5 - Seward Lampson's Garage, West Glens Falls I 360 It is further resolved that rent for said polling places excepting Election $ Mtrict No. 4 is hereby fixed at X40 per year, to 'include lights and fuell Irn additional sum of 20.00 is allowed to, the Mohican Grange and Seward Lampson for the erection, taking down and storage of the election equipment. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, M . Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight. and Mr.. Harris Noes - none In the matter of the erection of a traffic control signal at the function' of Foster Ave. with Route 9, Resolution No. 33 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman meson"s it was Resolved, that the Super-'__Ie visor be and is hereby authorized and directed to order for erection at the junction of Fost r Ave. with Route 9, traffic signal equipment at an estimated cost of $3 0. Duly adopted by the ollowing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, M r. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none. Supervisor read a re uest from the Water Power Control Commission request- ing a report upon thi progress of the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District. In the matter of rat s to be charged to water consumers residing outside of water district limit, the following resolution was presented and adopt - ed. Resolution No. 34 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Council- man Lampson, It was Resolved that the consumers who reside outside of the terri - torial limits of the boundaries of the new water 4ist,ricts within the t. Town of Queensbury, hall be charged an addit�.�:909df the water rent charged to the consumers of such water district residing in such district for the use of water , provided however, that said additional .charge shall not be less than $1.00 to the consumers residing outside of any such districts•. Duly adopted by the following vote;,. Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none gol„u,tion No- 35 introduced by Justice Bentley and seconded by Justice Sleight; i Resolved that the Town of Queensbury enter into an agreement with the City of Glens Fa is for the use of the 12" water main purchased from the said City of Gle s Falls for the purposes of mutual aid and the* con- tinuation of safe an potable water supply to the consumers of water to thetCity of Glens Fa is and the consumers of water within theN%rth Glens Falls Water District I It is further resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby author- ized and directed to execute such agreement on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none. Resolution No. 36 Introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Councilman mpson: Resolved that here be installed in the North Glens Falls Water District, a 6" water main with fittings beginning at the Aviation Road and running northerly in the street known as Greenway North for a distance of 600 feet. The Installation of such pipe shall be done by Town Employees. i i 361 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Resolution Q_ '�� introduced by Justice Sleight seconded by Justice Bentley: Resolved that the Town of Queensbury .hereby accepts as a public high- way the premises dedicated in a deed from John J.M. Webb and wife to the Town of Queensbury, dated .July 13, 1951. Further resolved that such highway be and is hereby designated as '- Northup Drive. The addeptance of such highway is subject to the- approval of the County Attorney as to the sufficiencies of the deed of conveyance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Per. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none. The monthly statement of the Supervisor of receipts and disbursements during the month of July was read and placed on file. Amt. Amt. No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed i 157 Frances L. Turner Postage - 3.00 3.00 158 Williamson Law B1. Co. Inv.#1962-Gold badges 9.13 9.13 159 Frances L. Turner Postage 3.00 3.00 160 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street Lighting 64.89 64.89 161 Chas. E. Houghtaling Supplies-Justice Bentley 5.92 5.92 162 Charles E. Houghtaling Supplies-Jst.Ber_tley .87 .87 163 Warren T. Varney Miles traveled assess- ing 24.64 24.64 164 Dennis & Co.Inc. 1951 Clevenger's Civil Practice Act.M•S.Bent- ley-J.P. 20.00 20.00 165 Holmes Auto.Serv.Inc. Serv.53283-parts PV Cemetery 4.99 4.99 156 G.FeNat.Bnk & Trust ,Co. 6 mo.-rental safe-PV Cemetery 2.40 2.40 167 Carswell T & T Co. Gasoline-PV Cemetery 7.20 7.20 168 Donald J. Sullivan 200' sod PV Cemetery 15.00 15.00 169 Franklin Scoville . Misc:Supt.PV Cem. 46.40 46.40 170 National Welding Co. Weld.casting-PV Cem. 11.50 Disallowed 171 National Welding Co. Weld.& straightening 10.00 10.00 172 George Stiles 7 hrs. Town Dump 56.00 56.00 173 Mt.Sida Free Library As per contract (year- ly gift) 100.00 100.00 174 Fred G. Eastland Dretr.Civ.Dfnse 3.89 3.89 175 Fred E. Ricketts Mlge.traveled assess- ing,etc. 16.48 16.48 176 Wayne Hopkins Cash rebate-WGFWD (water fund) 8100 8100 177 Earl Jones Labor worked in WGFWD 32.50 32.50 Total 445,.81 434..31 �.- On motion the meeting adjourned. f �-at ee�eun Town Clerk 1 I