Johnson, Robert TC T� . QU:Er-E P,LN 1~ Yt E'PY C E M FTE•R Y ,� J����1� U'�lKF3t ROAD AND CREMATpRtUM QllLF-Nq" URY, NrSW YORK 12804(518) 745.4476 (518) 745•.4477 Funeral Director � ami I �(. r,, r"f j v Cremat1.or) Casein Z� (A • '"a Cremation ( •l�'Y`` Started me Cremation Completed Pe of Container U V� �� 1.QN9 :11 42 .,75-792-1267 P.Acz 02 Town at Guw5hury pijje View Cenjet"and C-mmatodmiln 21 Quaker ROO.QUOMMOY, Now York,12804 cw*tery OR=(518)745-4475,Cismalorlurn:(518)74S-4477 Authodalon to Oremlitt The VrdWSOW,�IMWA*WAM pM VWWCT*W&toW,?%)n p=UjjtbnCe Wqr j And WhjW tO ft RLIOS W'A ReqAthm to awn"tN MT1408 of. (Nam', WWI) Mpcodo who OW on2 day of 8? Nam and&&Jmft of nodroA Imno rMSOA er nsw W pww Nmna of FISM"I f IMPORTANF: n,*w,M&VRIMI bawy,bwAwy PH&.P*ww iosK,�ifflOwl(x VOWONO Oww"L's t*s CO�buoy. I Illy W I hM tj plcww arld&UUVOWWI ego dm ftpooll0r,Of ft ev o fgMW f�X p th cmtnalon®1 IJW roffolro"rid to c:� b p OWL deftww U M owow(WN*O,ttw;vy ,..I poqWW*2u.,Mv*~j~wwved or troy be donvft�d,VM 89NO wet $Ovs hwniest .*q IwO gp*,In$rid uWwwoo fof km gr dw*Vft*+*h my be rftft'00 Ov of SW FSMOUM as alwod wWw 5jch cia*o mr dwmnds gm or are fO whoilY by of WW= I of Reis JWN Or QW r�nw on tKo date: of CrOMAW Aw"Y*- I hwwl drw PlIk"VIO* diW"of ft VW4A"4 Oow WMrQMftwM-PWOO iS MqLr--AW,dlW*,Nr*